21 Days of Abundance - Meditation Series


Fulfill your deepest desires and effortlessly attract anything you wish.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hawzien
    Thank you, Deepak
  • Nola's GD
    Love these
    I’ve been listening to these meditations for years now and they work! I’ve manifested my dream life and I feel so connected to Source. Hands down one of the my favorite meditation series. I highly recommend.
  • kimkdee
    I listen to this every morning and night and wow
    I’m not even joking….. right after every 22 days of doing this I got two huge checks out of no where and i was in between jobs at the time so it was a miracle!! I do this meditation and right after while I’m Still in the zone i will turn on my meditation music with Tibetan flutes and singing bowls (on YouTube) and I will then start the meditation from dr joe dispenza called “healing the energy centers.” These have changed my life!!!
  • Harlem NY
    Very Inspiring
    I listen to this daily, if I feel it is needed I listen twice a day. Soothing, encouraging. All is well.
  • nickname54672
    So uplifting
    I am most certainly going to take longer than 21 days to get through this, but I’m loving it so far. It just makes my day better and brighter. Much love and gratitude ♥️
  • Weeza76
    Life changing
    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful gifts with me and the rest of the world. My life experience has evolved to a peaceful awareness because of you. Namaste
  • Apple Games
    I’ve listened to this meditation 3 times and each time i walk away with something new. Absolutely beautiful.
  • skillmannabelle
    Abundance of Tranquility
    Each day builds on the previous day’s meditation. I started with the wish to find an abundance of time, which I honestly did not think possible, but miracles do happen! My perception of time as a limited resource created a sense of urgency throughout the day. Shifting my perspective, relinquishing the need to control and remember everything has lifted the tension of urgency that previously had locked me in its grip. Namaste.
  • captcha2
    Truly Grateful
    Perfect to start on this new moon planting seeds of intention. Namaste
  • VVBelova
    I’m speechless 🙏🏽
    This is exactly what I was looking for. This is truly incredible. Highly recommend
  • Gnbkool
    This meditation has changed my life
    I have a serious health issue. I was panicked and scared and frustrated and angry. This led me to pray which led me to this podcast. I do this meditation every morning. It has completely turned everything around for me, and the gratefulness I feel now is beyond words.
  • OTMA 2.O
    Grateful for this Blessing!
    Mabuhay and Salamat Deepak! You have given a lot of us a wonderful and incredible Gift. These meditation sessions are such a Big part of my morning routines. I can’t thank you enough for all the amazing things that you and your team does. I wish you and your Family more success and continued blessings. Namaste!
  • yyshanbei001
    Chopra can call me down.
    I enjoyed and truly felt calm. There is some power in Chopra’s voice that can just make me feel magic
  • pondellart
    I cannot tell you How grateful I am to have found this Podcast. It has changed my life, all while listening to this I feel abundance just fell into my lap. We sold our house and are moving to a larger house and received a raise from my job. I’m going to keep listening even though I’m done with the 22 days.
  • eli201521
    So glad to have these meditations to listen to, the time goes by so quickly when I’m doing the meditations but I feel so great afterwards!!
  • Shantitown18
    Pure Gratitude
    I can’t tell you how much it means to me that you have made the 21-day abundance meditations available for free, uninterrupted and ad-free. I am so thankful; these are amazing and I hope many millions of people take this opportunity to sit quietly with themselves, listen to these meditations, and feel transformed, as I have. Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏
  • dbestarchitect
    I’ve benefitted so much from this series
    I just wish there were 30-minute versions of these meditations!
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