Out of Character with Ryan Satin

Wrestling #32

Out of Character will allow fans a more candid look from the people behind the characters we see on TV each week. Join Ryan Satin on Monday for RAW Roundup, Wednesday for in-depth conversations with your favorite superstars and Friday for Smackdown Roundup!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mrodfasho
    Has great guests but him as a host is boring and he’s not very good
    Exactly what the title says. Overall bad product, surprised people listen to him. His wife has OF and its not good to support that type of degeneracy
  • Taiwan Porter
    Great podcast and appreciate your great interviews skills. You changed a lot of lives. You will be missed in this podcast space. Thank you Ryan
  • bornjanuary3
    Love it
    I’m late trying to catch up..the interview with Sami Zayn i ABSOLUTELY LOVED..the interview was just a conversation between two friends just talking & not just an interview just asking questions…I love it…one of my favorite ones! ❤️🙏🏾
  • Tayworld02
    Roundups Are Back 🤩
    When you close the door on other podcast shows, you open another door and see that Ryan Satin is back for the roundup shows. LFG
  • Lea awesomeness
    Ryan Satin
    My wrestler name is Wonder Woman and I really like listening to your Podcast and if I was a Wrestler I would be a high flyer my favorite wrestler is The Judgment Day and I like all of them and I really want to join them and I been in person a lot of times
  • Eddiethepimp_1
    I love the podcast
    My favorite episode is the one with liv Morgan I’m a really big fan of her we need more episodes of liv Morgan as soon as possible
  • Andyy5
    Love it!
    Truly a great podcast for getting to know the people behind the characters & superstars we love in WWE. Ryan clearly knows his stuff too. Love listening each week!
  • salsternyi
    Behind the Wrestling Characters
    Great podcast getting to know the superstars background, motivations and real life aspirations as well as their inside the ring personas. Keep up the great work. We need some referees on the podcast.
  • Head of my own table
    The best wrestling podcast today
    Very informative and great interviews and recaps a week without a new episode is like missing your favorite professor teach class.
  • tttttttttttttttttttzsdjkbyuhg
    Has no content and overall extremely boring. I get some great naps when I hear this podcast😴💤
  • Corey c w
    Bad audio
    Please fix audio issues could not hear heyman interview
  • texan2020$$$$&&
    Five stars
    Great podcast I’ve been listening to your podcast since you started. It’s a great podcast for anyone who is a wwe fan. 👍🏽
  • TheColorMike
    Highest Quality Wrestling Podcast
    This is one of my favorite podcasts! Not only does Ryan interview guests “out of character” every week, but he also does talks/reviews the day after smackdowns and Raws. He also doe great preview shows for PLEs. Keep up the great work Ryan, you certainly give me things to look forward to on my drives to work. -Michael from Michigan
  • ZoeJeremy
    Stop trying to make the podcast about YOU
    Been of a fan of some of your content for years but Jesus dude. I swear ever podcast you’re always interrupting about something that’s about YOU, YOU, YOU. This show is supposed to be about learning about who the person behind the wrestlers are and you constantly try to make it about yourself.
  • JasonSylvain24
    love this
    I always look forward to this i love the round ups and the wrestling interviews because there are always interesting love you ryan
    To Rayan
    Rayan’s episode with Alexa Bliss is one of my favorites and Liv Morgan. All three with Liv areHilarious and I love this podcast in general all listen to it and you should listen to if you want a funny podcast. Thank You Ryan for the show!
  • Billiam S
    Always such Good Shhhhhh….
    I found this podcast while looking for some good pro wrestling podcasts. I enjoy after the bell with Corey graves because of how open he is with the business. Listening to Ryan and how open he is about WWE and the product is so refreshing, and to be able to think about the biz in a different way, is so enjoyable. The podcast might be out of character, but Ryan is right in line with what a great wrestling podcast should be! Here’s to many many more episodes!
  • Rawky11
    Enjoy the show
    I first started listening to this show about 6 months ago, and it is like hearing a friend tell you what happens on the weekly shows. A friend that also happens to interview your favorite wrestlers. Good questions during interviews. Highly enjoyable show
  • JJ9984
    Banger after Banger
    Love this podcast! With so much WWE on tv it’s hard to always watch so this podcast gives me the rundown I need and helps me focus on segments and matches to watch. Also the Wednesday out of character interview is great and gives a great insight to the superstar as an individual!
  • JoeyOD
    Ryan is the GOAT
    So this podcast gives me everything I want, from recaps to the real lives of our favorite characters. In this new era, I care just as much about the person behind the character as what they are doing on screen and Ryan touches all of that on his show! Thanks for never ‘fabing us and for the great content!
  • 8909123
    Ryan is……….
    Such an amazing interviewer. The questions are amazing. I love getting to know the wrestlers behind the characters. Their likes their dislikes what they do in their off time who they are friends with etc etc! Ryan as a wrestling fan giving his objective opinion is what gets me excited every single week to watch. SO STOKED THIS PODCAST EXIST THANK U RYAN
  • Harrikson
    Awesome show! Incredibly interesting
    I love this show I think Ryan has such a good podcast voice and takes to back it up. His interviews are so great I feel like I get to really know the wrestlers he has on. But even the recap episodes are awesome with him just talking through what happened. He has such an interesting view as someone who is somewhat in the business but also can talk about the reality of booking and business behind the show. A must listen for any wrestling fan
  • Izrael R
    Thank you
    Just finished up the episode with Butch! Awesome exclusive content. Don’t feel old I also use the 👍and 👌 emojis . Nice to see I’m not alone out there 😂
  • EricL1986
    There’s no better word to describe this podcast than “ucey”! It’s perfect for my morning walk and drive to work, and you can tell that Ryan is a huge wrestling fan… the man re-enacted the HHH/Stephanie drive-thru wedding from 1999! (Huge congratulations on your marriage, by the way). The show reviews are delivered as if you and Ryan went to a bar the day after a show and you turned to Ryan and said “Hey yo, I missed the show last night, what happened?!?” And Ryan fills you in on every detail, so that you’re all caught up. Very ucey, Ryan… very ucey.
  • chasing glory
    Out of character
    Ryan you are doing a fantastic job I love that you get to interview wwe superstars for a living my favorites have been edge, Charlotte flair, Natalie Eve Marie liv Morgan and Mandy rose , keep up the great work Ryan
    i acknowledge you!!
    This is such a refreshing listen for casual and die hard WWE fans. Wrestling fans are some of the best in the world BUT the negativity can be soo loud sometimes. It’s great to have a podcast like this that lets us get to know the people behind the characters & critiques the shows in a positive way.. I mean.. last I checked we watch it cause we love it right?! P.S. the deep dives into the white rabbit have been incredible..I would have missed SO MUCH fun teasers without your detective work! I ACKNOWLEDGE YOU MY PODCAST CHIEF ☝🏼
  • Vas_526
    Definitely a big fan of Ryan!
    I was a big fan of Ryan’s work on The Wrestling Sheet podcast & I love his work with this new “Out of Character” show even more. Great format & Ryan does a wonderful job on every single episode. Very happy to see him being successful in the wrestling industry, he deserves it.
  • Angie Greer
    My Go To Wrestling Podcast
    Love Ryan’s personality and hits the nail on the head every time. Haven’t had time to watch the shows lately and Ryan makes me feel like I haven’t missed a thing.
  • Natesmythe
    An awesome podcast for the busy WWE fan
    As an adult who works until 8, and sometimes later, I don’t always get to catch Raw or Smackdown. Ryan’s 30 minute recaps are perfect on my ride to work. His interviews are great too, giving us inside info behind the characters on our tv every week. We met Ryan at Wrestlemania in Dallas and he couldn’t have been a nicer guy, taking the time to talk to us for 10 minutes and taking pictures etc. Def. Recommend anything Ryan does!
    Great listen for the WWE fan.
    I am enjoying the raw and smackdown recaps and the one interview-a-week rollout. My 11-year-old and I were able to meet and chat with Ryan in Dallas between his interviews at Axes and he was just like he is on the show/podcast. LL Cool D
  • Setht32
    One of my favorite Podcasts
    One of my favorite podcasts to listen to on the way to work. I recommend it to all my friends who are wrestling fans. Great interviews and recaps of Raw and Smackdown. Can’t wait till the White Rabbit is revealed! All the online videos of the jefferson airplane song playing in the arena during the commercial break gives me chills. One of the coolest things WWE has ever done in my opinion. I look forward to hearing your thoughts, keep up the great work Ryan!
  • OhhhhTrippy
    The Go To WWE Podcast
    Ryan is so fun and easy to listen too. I love his interviews with the Superstars every week. I’ve been listening since day 1. Ryan needs to watch more Anime tho. I was happy to hear that he started. Great show keep up the great work!
  • ZackGorm
    This podcast has been putting out Bangers after Bangers after Bangers after Bangers etc… Getting to know the people behind the characters and storytelling has been awesome and keeps me coming back. Thank you Ryan and WWE
  • Shem242
    Out of Touch not Out of Character
    With Plenty of wrestling recap podcasts out there, this one is nothing special. A basic run-down of the show with out of touch thoughts. For example, 9.19 RAW opens with Lashley vs Rollins to which Satin does not realize is due to Monday Night Football rating’s competition. Ryan continues to be too much of a Mark and not realizing WWE is a mega-million org in an industry that helps supports Ryan’s career.
  • UncleAlx2 (Alex from Miami)
    Cinco Estrellas!
    I feel Out or Character is one of the best shows out there leading to the growing success of WWE. Allowing these men and women share their stories allows us fans to connect and root for their success. Ryan’s interviews and analysis of Raw and Smackdown makes us want to root for his own success. Keep it going. Keep it growing.
  • TimDaniel518
    Fun Podcast
    This pod is a joy to listen to during my work days. I don’t always get to catch Smackdown so Ryan does a great job of catching you up on the times you miss episodes. I also love his interviews he does with superstars, especially the recent ones he’s done with Gunther, Johnny Gargano, and Seth Rollins/Becky Lynch. It’s a must listen for WWE fans!
  • kilabeans83185
    Best Podcast
    Favorite podcast out there. Love the recaps and the weekly out of character episodes. Keep up the great work.
  • HippoDude24
    For anyone out there looking for a WWE podcast this one is one of the best. Ryan does great interviews; he lets the guest talk without interrupting them while keeping the show smooth and entertaining. Satins weekly roundups are really helpful for people like me who are sometimes busy on Friday’s or don't have USA to watch Monday night raw, he gives you a solid recap and really helps you visualize what happened, he also shares good and reasonable theories along with things you might’ve missed even if you did watch. He also does great predictions, theories and thoughts on his pre-PPV episodes and also recaps very well on his PPV recaps. Ryan you really choose great guests and have solid questions and interview them very well. Thank for a great podcast Ryan, I just got into WWE a couple months back but this show makes me feel like I’ve been watching forever. P.S. I would really like another Undertaker Interview, a Bray Wyatt Interview, A Braun Strowman Interview, a Kane interview and A Goldberg interview. Once again thanks for the great show Ryan. #WeTheOnes☝️ (Undertaker is my all time favorite⚱️) -Wyatt Age 14
  • JoJoTheGiant
    5 stars
    Ryan is the dude. Living the dream! Great interviews and love the roundup shows. If I was listening in the Tokyo dome I’d review this 7 stars. But we’re in America and it only lets me do 5!
  • Natty Free
    Good work
    Show is cool and entertaining but you seem to be more awkward on the solo episodes. The interview episodes are great. Keep killing.
  • DawgsBravesHawks
    Great BUT…
    Really terrific podcast, but maybe don’t leave a headline that spoils the show? I DVR Raw and watch the next day because of my early work schedule. Then at 4 AM, I often see the podcast downloaded onto my phone and … the headline tells me so and so returned. A generic episode title or a headline that mentions that there’s a return but doesn’t mention the name would be appreciated. Just something to think about. I love the podcast overall, especially the interviews. Thanks.
  • iTunesfan316
    Awesome podcast
    great input on WWE and great interviews by WWE stars even during the Vince era and now the post-Vince era (The HHH era) and the RAW & SmackDown roundups are good!
  • Scolded dog
    I really like this podcast
    I have been watching wrestling for about 40 years. I have great memories of Gordon Solie doing championship wrestling from Florida. what is so great about these podcasts is that you really get a chance to get to know what is people like outside the ring. obviously this would’ve never been even remotely possible in the kayfabe days.
  • carlito650
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast because it brings different perspectives that you would only get here, i love the questions asked to the wrestlers, and the raw and smackdown round ups. Keep up the good work Ryan your the man and congratz on the engagement.
  • big timon 2022
    What happen??
    Why is the raw and smack down re caps longer then the sit down interviews??? What’s the point of doing interviews last few weeks have drop off
  • shanester1974
    Great show!!
    I really enjoy this show. There are so many wrestling related podcasts out there and this one is at the top of my list. It’s short, succinct, well produced, and great content. Thanks for giving this to us each and every week, Ryan!
  • JamesRyan87
    Great show!
    This podcast is a must listen for me as a huge WWE fan. I feel like Ryan is just like me where we both want to talk about the things we loved about Raw and Smackdown with our friends. Thank you for being so positive and making it an enjoyable listen every time. The roundups are informative and opinionated. The interviews with the wrestlers are great and it helps to get to know them as a person a bit. Thank you Ryan, and keep up the good work!
  • mike_breaux
    Internal Debate
    Ryan’s debates are awesome. Might sound crazy, but I go back in forth in my head with Ryan to just have some debate going down on how we think about these things. Great show.
  • sbuzloven
    I used to be a hater
    I use to hate Ryan cuz a thought he was just another dirt sheet writing then I started listening to this Podcast and now he one of my favorite podcasts to listen too while at work. I love the Raw and Smackdown round up episodes cuz I don’t have cable so it’s nice to have this to fall back on to keep up with what’s going on with the weekly shows as I only get to watch the premium live events. Keep up the great work Ryan.
  • cool cook29
    Great podcast, I really enjoy the show breakdowns; he is a great interviewer, and it’s awesome to hear the wrestlers outside the ring talk about what they love doing in such a fun way.
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