Interior Design Therapy Sessions with Britney Johnson


Your home is a big part of your life, it reflects where you have been, what your priorities are, how you approach life and it sets the tone for your day to day, which ultimately shapes your future. What you surround yourself with is a big deal and it’s worth talking about, extensively. We are not just discussing paint colors and floor plans, it’s how you want to move about your day, the types of activities you make space/time for and the life you want to live. I am Britney Johnson, as an interior designer I have worked on projects in every sector, with budgets in the millions, celebrity clients and big name corporations but I am most proud of the people I have helped, predominately woman, find their voices in the construction process and own their style. I have mastered the building process and learned the secrets of creating a truly authentic home. I am sharing it with the world because I understand how important a home it and it’s more than just a roof over your head. It’s a place where you feel safe to be your authentic self. Whatever that may be.

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