

Suspect is an investigative series about mislaid justice and the kinds of weighty decisions that detectives, lawyers, and jurors make every day - decisions that, once made, are almost impossible to reverse.

Season 3: Five Shots in the Dark follows Leon Benson, who spent 24 years in an Indiana state prison for the 1998 murder of a young man named Kasey Schoen. His conviction hinged on the testimony of two eyewitnesses – but what if their memories turned out to be wrong? And what if the people who knew what really happened had never been allowed to speak? Suspect Season 3: Five Shots in the Dark is the story of two victims: one murdered, one sentenced to life. Follow host Matt Shaer and attorney Lara Bazelon as they investigate how the justice system failed both Leon and Kasey, and who the real killer might be. Join this unprecedented look inside the attempt to overturn a wrongful conviction and find out if justice will finally be served.

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  • miamomma3019
    Too political
    By episode 4 of season 1 I was so sick of the racial aspect being presented that I unfollowed the show and gave up on it. I prefer a podcast that sticks to facts and the law.
  • Hahafather
    Another white liberal podcast using capitalism to capitalize off the suffrage of a black man. Only thing the podcast hosts were hoping is that it was a white woman killed and not a minority Indian woman.
  • Jyllchaz
    All the feels
    Finally! A true crime podcast with a happy ending! Great storytelling and the two main “characters” were so genuine and I loved Leon’s personality and his positive attitude even in the hardest of situations. Great listen . J-
  • bostonballer
    To political
    By episode 5 of season one I gave up on the show. All they do is continue to push their racial views on the listeners and i got fed up. Not worth my time
  • Joeymac83
    Politically correct
    Absolutely love season 3🤣 they make sure to address how they support the black struggle… all while being made fun of continuously by the people they interview
  • sparkyme
    Vanished in the snow! Best so far
    It’s been hard to find a true crime podcast that keeps me interested. The topic is never the problem, the way the story unfolds is. Ashley can tell a story like no other. True crime should never be taken lightly, but it deserves to be told in a way that keeps us interested & makes the victim memorable. That’s what this podcast does.
  • Bittah
    Done with Wondrey
    No more listing to this production companies shows if they continue to try and force people to pay $6 a month for Wondrey .
  • Montgomery J
    Seems to have strong bias
    Political/racial views are pretty strong. Glosses over past criminal history (rape of minor) as it pertains to a rape/murder case when law enforcement is attempting to create a fact pattern. Sloppy police work, yes. Racially motivated investigation… possibly; however the host attempts to focus on a singular aspect instead of providing an objective journalistic rendering encompassing the case in its entirety.
  • Joce3375
    Loved season 1 and I loved season 2 even more. Really well done. Update for Season 3- so well done. On both sides of this crime. Thank you for being sensitive to both families.
  • L1i9n5d9a
    Season 1
    Was enjoying this podcast until it went completely WOKE. I’m so sick and tired of dishonest journalism!
  • Cdltrucker
    I love it
    My title says enough lol
  • NKC90
    Excusing crime based on race
    Currently on season 1 episode 6 and my husband and I feel flabbergasted that the host is excusing Immanuel’s CRIME of RAPING a minor and makes him some victim of race. He committed that crime and it’s utterly insulting to that young woman who was raped by him (seems also probably black) is nearly being dismissed by making him out to be a victim of the legal system because he is black. His DNA was on her neck and tape.. that isn’t racial discrimination, it’s facts. This would be a lot better if it was sent so annoyingly trying to be politically correct.
    Thank you
    Thank you for seeking the truth in this case I went to school with Kasey. I hope the suspect in Florida is arrested. Not seeing the Police report I was wondering was Kasey robbed that night before he was shot?
  • misnight soaker
    Perpetuates Rape Culture
    The male journalist conveniently glosses over the fact that Emanuel is a convicted rapist of an underage girl. Fails to mention his warrant is for failing to register as a sex offender. Fails to mention the horrific details surrounding the rape conviction. He blames the conviction on race and provides details about racial inequality regarding policing. He states that a rape conviction should not be grounds for suspicion in another crime against women while failing to share the fact that most sex offenders reoffend. This is biased journalism that perpetuates rape culture by minimizing it.
  • Skcrooks
    It started out so good, then became so woke. So disappointing. Where is honest journalism anymore?
  • Reeeeebeecka
    The host is very bias
    The host is very bias and completely disregards that Emanuel is a felon. He’s so woke that he paints this picture that Emanuel is a saint and that because he’s black, they targeted him. Emanuel has a large rap sheet of crimes and one of them happens to be bc he’s a SEX OFFENDER and raped a child. He’s also not shy about hitting women either.. oh and don’t forget that he had a WARRANT because he violated his probation for not registering his address bc he’s a SEX OFFENDER!! Terrible journalism don’t bother with this B.S podcast
  • long ducka donger
    Minimizes rape of a child
    Listen to how they down play and down right ignore the significance of his child rape conviction and sexual offender status . In order to fit woke narrative, they convince you it’s all about race and has nothing to do with a rapist sex offender being a suspect in a case where there are signs of sexual perversions and his dna at the scene. The piss poor police work is what this should be about. Nothing about this podcast leaves you thinking he is innocent. All you know is a incompetent police investigation made solving this impossible. I wonder if the founders of this podcast would let this suspect baby sit their teenage daughters ?
  • Laur McG
    I’m shocked to see you supporting redhanded who thinks the death and dying of indigenous women is funny. They openly ask their fans to cheat in order to receive podcasting awards and they don’t even know the names of their victims - and not just on one occasion. They are podcasting for money and take advantage of victims and exploit their families by any means necessary.
  • Amymaleigh
    I finished Season 3 in 2 days and I legitimately cried when I heard Leon got out!! I feel so happy for him and y’all with all your hard work!!
  • Kingtytackett23
    Season 1 was a fantastic story, i am beyond amazed on how cameron just got off the hook with three dna samples that contained his in one. He needs checked again and pressured like emanuel was, but again great story telling can’t wait for season 2!😎
  • pete wheeler
    You seem untrustworthy
    I don’t care if you have a biased, just don’t say your unbiased right off the rip. Makes you untrustworthy.
  • Laresche
    Great podcast! Doesn’t do a lot of recapping which I really love
  • 123yikesonbikes
    So good
  • USA Mknitter
    Thanks for your completeness in this podcast
    Thanks so much for being so thorough in your investigation, especially in your final episode with Leon and Casey’s sister reconciliation! Also, it was great to hear that you included your daughter so she could witness forgiveness at work!
  • Goldensnitch320
    Great job Mabel
    Wonderful work on this latest season. Touching as always. Great job Mabel on the credits in the bonus episode. You did a terrific job!
  • Hambungler404
    Great case but ruined by annoying narrator
    The authors do a great job on the content and make a really compelling case for the innocence of Leon. Such a travesty and I’m glad they brought this case to light. The only reason I gave it a lower rating is due to the annoying, grating inflection used by Matthew. I’m not sure why he chose this breathy, slow and condescending tone but it made it hard to get through the entire pod.
  • krismarieeee
    Incredible work
    Incredible! Words don’t justify. It’s a must listen, especially all the way up to the very end. 🩷 What a champ through those hard names.
  • victoriaschair
    So well done, solid work and empathy
    This podcast has become my daily listening. I moved away from sensationalized true crime content. This production is truly surrounded around the victims, all of them, and treats everyone with fairness. The investigative journalism work is top tier and the empathy of the whole team is palpable. Calling out inherent bias in the legal system and letting everyone tell their story really sets this show apart. I SOBBED at the end of season one, but like HAPPY SOBBED. This show convinced me to get the wondery+ subscription.
  • Paleo Jo
    So good!
    Thank you for the special episode this week! Love that they were able to meet and connect. Unrelated, but having your daughter read the closing credits was the cutest thing i’ve ever heard!
  • Rushisnumberone
    Story or statement?
    Story and production value are good, but then it became a diatribe about race. I’m lifelong democrat/progressive and even I found it to be exhausting. Too bad, it had the makings of a captivating story.
    Started out great but… it ended up turning into a race issue. Kinda felt woke and the podcasters were trying to throw the police under the bus.. 🙄
  • flfl124
    Highly Recommended!
    I love this podcast. I cried so hard throughout the last episode of season 3!! The reporting is respectful, interesting, and those lawyers + PI in S3 were amazing. I love how they let us see their humanity and passion and I was so proud of them for how they stuck to the case. Despite S3 being my favorite season so far, I really recommend all the seasons, they are emotional to listen to like all TC stories but I think this team does a great job.
  • Rivn33
    Great Podcast
    So happy for Leon. While I understand this affects the victims families too. I got the sense from Coleen that she doesn’t care that Leon had 25 years taken from him and only wishes “somebody” be in prison for the murder, but not the “right” person. Leon’s case wasn’t dismissed because of just the detective, or they would have retried the case with all of the information available. He was exonerated because there was no longer a reasonable case against him. Kasey’s family’s unwillingness to understand this makes me sad and is the kind of behavior that leads to more wrongful convictions.
  • msT_73
    Ashely is Bada**
    All of you do amazing work and keep us so into each episode. Thank you for what you do!
  • danielmi
    Very well done
    Season 3 was very well done. We forget that for every person that gets exonerated for a murder they didn’t commit, there’s a family and loved ones of the person who was killed that has to comes to terms with it.
  • Willyzook
    Great show!
    Great work on helping this man!
  • Kml646
    Great journalism
    Thank you for your thoughtful telling of these stories.
  • Rosey in SD
    You can’t listen to conclusion unless you pay. Is that made clear upfront?
  • jennjohns83
    Get a grip.
    Only racist person in this story is the narrator! It’s laughable how you continually talk about it as if you’re blank and going thru this. And you completely nauseate me how you glorify the rape of that 15 year old. So bc he is black they shouldn’t have looked into him? Weirdo.
  • Latiffany
    The first two seasons are great, but season three is terrible. The guest host is unhinged.
  • Miss Tammy VL
    My first time Bonaparte
    Just binged Suspect the way I did Bonaparte. From the state of Iowa I feel Blessed to have found the host agian.Keep Keeping on.Lots of Love,Tammy
  • SoFloAC
    This podcast is certainly a product of the times. Rather than letting the facts speak for themselves, the podcast characterizes the facts positively or negatively, charitably or uncharitably, often based on the immutable characteristics of the parties involved, likely to imbue the podcast with a clumsy social commentary.
  • meg wm
    Being black doesn’t make you guilty but being a child rapist does
    It had potential. But I reaaaaally had a hard time continuing this podcast after he completely glossed over the armed rape of a 15 year old girl . This child testified and stood by her word and never backed down. He continues to point fingers saying that police and prosecutors targeted the suspect because he was black . NO! Stop the race crap. He was a suspect because his DNA is at the crime scene and I’m the body and he is a convicted child rapist and drug dealer !!! Truly disgusting
  • BNoonan
    Just flat out love this
  • DannyG1230
    Great but…
    I don’t really even know how I can across this podcast, I think I accidentally tapped on it to follow in the Podcast page. One day, I decided to open it up and give it a listen, w/out knowing anything about it. Got hooked pretty quick, and after a short bit, realized it was about a truly sad story, of a horrific murder. I enjoyed listening to most of it, however, there were times when, without any evidence displayed, the narrator went ahead and inserted the race card into the story. I kept going, thinking I would just try to finish it, but then it got to he too much, when an older juror was being interviewed and the narrator equated to Mr Faire being black for the reason anyone would think of him as a sex craved individual(not the exact words used). Tell a good story, but leave your opinionated race baiting out of it.
  • Jefisbored
    Great Story - Obnoxious Amount of Commercials
    I get it, Wondery hates listeners who don’t subscribe to their Plus program. I still think it is bad form to punish people who want to listen to your content. Keep your thumb on the skip button. You’re going to need it. More ads every few minutes. It makes the story tough to track. I’m not against ads. I understand that free content must be financed somehow, but this show is ridiculous.
  • kmad6
    Until Laura, this was pretty good
    The Moment Laura started with her narration, her condescension was nauseating.
  • DoriMerDen
    Such good content!
    This show is top notch. All seasons have had me rapt with attention and I feel as though I’m watching a documentary not listening to a podcast. Really great work!
  • Jared T9
    Anti-police, pro criminal bias
    Interesting story by a good storyteller, minus the obvious bias against police. Quick to point out racial disparities in arrests and sentencing but slow to point out some of the legitimate reasons for disparity. The fake empathy for the victim combined with the cheerleading for Emmanuel was too much for me. Nevermind that Fair is a known and convicted of rapist, this podcast dismisses this dude’s questionable history based only on race. Stunning. Lost interest during episode 4.
  • Bud0121
    Biased system and podcast
    Yes, the legal system is extremely biased. But, just as biased as it is so is this podcast. This podcast made a bigger deal about judging someone that wrestled with females and not judging someone that raped one. The DNA aspect was very cool and interesting. There was a lot of sketchy behavior that Emanuel did that the host made excuses for. A lot of sketchy behavior from Cameron that the host made me excuse for. There is a good enough story here to tell that the host didn’t need to be so one sided.
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