Foley Is Pod


‘The Hardcore Legend’ Mick Foley and ‘The Podfather’ Conrad Thompson are teaming up for a brand new podcast, “Foley Is Pod,” available on Podcast Heat or wherever you download your podcasts. Foley, whose physical and extreme style of professional wrestling made him a can’t-miss attraction in Japan, a cult legend in WCW and ECW, and one of the cornerstones of the WWE’s popularity boom in the late 90’s, will take listeners on a weekly career ride-along, guided by Thompson.

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  • Steve4:20
    History from the HARDCORE LEGEND
    Mick Foloy’s stories from the highlands of his career who has done it all from World Class to WCW to the WWE. Mick IS the KING OF HARDCORE, but he’s also one of greatest guys to know personally. He’s a great family man
  • Billiam 20 4
    Nothing mick doesn’t do well! One greatest entertainers of all times! Podcast will be missed. Bang bang!
  • nixfinity
    The Stench of Conrad was too Much
    Best luck on your future endeavors. The stench of Conrad was too much for Mick
  • Boof Crew
    Mick is the best
    Might be the best wrestling podcast of all time.
  • boobs mcnuts
    Had a good run
    The first thirty or so shows were really great. Mick is one of the greatest storytellers and had some genuinely interesting insight into his own career and the business. Then it seemed like he started to kind of phone it in. Then they went to one episode a month to try and get it back on track but he still phoned it in. So, I’m not surprised it’s ending but I am a little sad it didn’t stay good longer because it could have.
  • dude7842689
    Mick gave up, so should you
    This podcast wasn’t that great to begin with. Mick laughs after everything he says. It’s wildly annoying For the last six months, at least there has been nothing but reruns. There is no reason to listen to the podcast.
  • Mitch_Heartless
    Ad overload
    I used to love this podcast and then I had to take a break because there were just too many ads and it was all replay episodes for a while. tried to go back and listen to the most recent episode. The first 14 minutes were all ads then three minutes of content and then another ad. I understand you have to sell ads to pay for a podcast but this is way over the top.
  • Kallofkthulhu
    Just cancel it
    I was a huge fan when the pod first started. But between Mick constantly eating/belching into the microphone and the fact that there hasn’t been a “new” episode in months, it seems like they aren’t even trying.
  • Jraddd8
    Mick loves the smell of his own farts anymore
    This podcast was fun and a great listen when it first started, now it’s Mick talking politics , eating and smelling his own farts. Sadly this made me like Mick less.
  • Mikey n Fred
    Love this show
    Fun fact, I started watching wrestling in 1990. One of the first characters that popped off the screen for me that I really had a personal connection to was Cactus Jack. He was the one guy that I felt was REAL. Thus inspired me to reach out to get into the business in 1999. I feel that wasn’t possible without Mick and I so thoroughly enjoy the Time Machine we go through weekly on this program. History is great, the Cameos are greater, and Foley is pod is the GREATEST. I hope my review helps to have some people to listen.
  • Rye2j
    Foley is Good!
    Mick Foley makes me proud to be a wrestling fan! He is the kindest and sweetest man. He is the greatest representation of what wrestling and wrestlers should be. I am a teacher and listening to him interact and support his son on the latest episode filled me with pride and joy. I have met Mick Foley once and wasn’t able to say anything because I was star struck. I wanted to thank him for so many great memories and allowing me to still be proud to follow, watch, and root for wrestling as a 40 year old. Thanks for everything Mick Foley! You are the greatest.
  • 111#fann
    Chip off the block
    I wish Mickey was on the show more often, and wats wrong with the king of hardcore having the first podcast show band, keep on rippin that guitar 🎸 💯# FUTURE ⭐️
  • themarkknight
    No More Eating Please
    Huge fan of the pod. The eating makes it unlistenable however. Will legitimately have to stop listening if it doesn’t stop.
  • Rocksteady911
    It was good while it lasted
    Are we going the way of the stone cold podcast repeats for life brother
  • Schumonger
    Please stop eating and burping during podcasts
    Hey gentlemen, just want to say that I am a big fan of all Conrad Thompson’s podcasts and a huge fan of Mick Foley. Nothing I say here will change that. But you lost me with your most recent podcast released Friday 9/29. Sorry, I really tried, but you completely lost me half-way through. I couldn’t listen to the main attraction eating and chewing into the microphone anymore. I got far enough to hear the main attraction apologize several times, seemingly knowing it was obnoxious, but continue to chew/swallow/burp into the microphone. It’s the second time I gave up on one my ongoing podcasts after Ric Flair did the same thing years ago. You decided to change your podcast to once-monthly from once-weekly. I don’t have a problem with that (although unless you sold a whole years worth of ad-time, I think we can do without the clip shows). But my point is… I know you are busy, you are a celebrity and a busy person. But I’m busy too. And I would never ever imagine a situation where I would shove food in my mouth, chew loudly, swallow louder, and then belch while I was working with coworkers or on a call or a meeting. I’d ask for 3 minutes to scarf a turkey sandwich if I was that pressed for time and food. If that’s for you, there you go. I was looking for some nostalgia, not literal digestion.
  • Mike Parker35
    Mick, I thought you were committed to losing weight? I wish you well on your journey, but maybe start by putting down the fudge at least while you’re recording?
  • Rlacey11
    So many best of
    Stop being so lazy
  • somtegura
    Used to be good, now kinda flat.
    What started out as an amazing podcast has really dipped in quality within the last several months. For starters since June 16, 11 of the 14 released episodes have been “best of” clip shows. That has to be approaching some record. If Foley or Thompson aren’t available anymore, either put the show on hiatus or just cancel it. My other issue is that Foley will not stop giving the same rant over Dave Meltzer’s star ratings, seemingly sore over Meltzer trashing a match on Raw that Foley had with Owen Hart, a match Foley doesn’t even remember. He doesn’t like being told his poo stinks. It doesn’t help that Thompson’s podcast format that he uses for all of his shows is mostly reading off Dave Meltzer quotes. Foley dismissing the wrong doings of people like Hulk Hogan and Abdullah every so often doesn’t sit right with me either.
  • BA sportz Nick
    Had to unsubscribe
    I had to unsubscribe because there is too many Best of episodes. I have listened to them all and hate the repeat episodes. I would rather not have them flooding my downloads. Micks pod is one of Conrad’s team best. But if he doesn’t have the time to do weekly pods ,and I have to listen to repeats ,it’s not worth having to listen to the repetition advertisements. I am considering doing it for other ones but this one , is seem to happen a lot
  • Novice Bruce fan
    Great show
    Great show
  • Wargasmrob
    Foley is soft
    Was a huge fan of Mick in the 90s. But he’s politics, creeping on female wrestlers, and being triggered by match ratings is disappointing. Not to mention every week seems to be yet another clip show. What’s the point?
  • B649bs
    Good when new
    Too many best of episodes
  • DHB1498
    A wonderful podcast
    Absolutely one of my favorite parts of the week is listening to Mick and Conrad. Foley is on my Mt. Rushmore if all time favorite performers in wrestling. I love all that guys do. Everyone should listen.
  • this show used to be good
    Foleys a complete fake and a fraud. The truth will come out sooner than later.
  • ARWnOlney
    This podcast makes me feel closer to my hero, Mick Foley- thanks for the insight. And for enabling my dream come true: to actually meet Mick at my first “Comic-Con” type of experience- in Austin, TX this fall (almost seems too good to be true)! None of this would be possible for me without “Foley is Pod”… Thank you, thank you!
  • KELLY-Strength
    Love the chemistry between Conrad and mick. You can tell they enjoy what they’re doing and it shows. I enjoy the side stories and can’t count the number of times I’ve laughed out loud listening to the back and forth between them.
  • Senorskid
    Foley stinks
    This is a horrible listen. Mick is nothing like any of his characters
  • wrestleingfan420
    Mick is great always!
  • Lankie0034
    Needs to stop eating on air
    Great stories but somebody please feed him before the podcast. All you hear is him eating and opening snacks
  • JAWcuts
    The Best Wrestling Podcast going!
    I can’t get enough of Mick Foley! Might have to bump this podcast up to three times a week! One episode for each face of Foley!!
  • SandyMandyTX
    Attitude Era
    I was a huge fan during the 90s. So much has changed and I didn’t like the route WWF at the time was going. Glad to hear Mick. Great guy!
  • Atlantis70
    Go Woke go broke
    I can’t stand Foleys politics.. just another wimpy crying liberal. Pathetic. Seriously.
  • Bucky749
    Foley awesome 😎
    A great show with fun stories favorite so far the UWF episode is my favorite. Great work all involved. I Honestly thought at one point we know you have a choice when comes to podcasts and we can’t believe you chose us .
  • Daren James
    Save the eating for after the conversation
    There are some great stories here; when you get though all the ad reads, aside conversations, shilling of merch and Mick scarfing down his Whataburger. Really surprised they haven’t dedicated an entire episode to Paul Heyman / ECW yet.
  • J.Rayez
    Foley is Number 1
    If you don’t know Mick Foley let me enlighten you! He is the King of the Death Match, the hippest cat in the land who absolutely loves telling others to have a Nice Day. If you love story telling than this is the podcast for you. You can find out all about Mick’s amazing journey in professional wrestling from his WCW days to wrestling in a bingo hall to becoming a Hall of Famer with the biggest wrestling company of all time WWE! I may be biased because Mick Foley is and will always be my favorite professional wrestler but honestly he has a way of pulling you in as he tells these amazing stories. Out of all the wrestling podcasts that are available Foley Is Pod is without a doubt the best. A plus for me being a Christian man is getting to enjoy a wrestling podcast without hearing all of the vulgar language and just being able to sit back and enjoy the content that this show brings. Definitely a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Podcast!
  • hot30wheels
    Quiet Icon
    Mick Foley was one of the guys who brought the death match to the US. I like it because they talk about his career and his matches. I learned about his time in Japan because we don’t know a lot about it, we know more about his WWE career. I like his matches with Triple H.
  • happy.chaos
    Just the kind of pod I didn’t know I needed
    My all time favorite wrestler telling someone of my all time favorite stories?! Yes, please! Mick has a great sense of humor and his stories are always interesting. You may look at the episodes and think, “Two hours? I can’t listen that long!” But let me tell you, he is so interesting that you don’t realize two hours went by. If you have any remote interest in wrestling anywhere from the 80’s to today, give this pod a listen. Mick knows everyone in the biz. He’s either worked with them, passed them on the road, or been body slammed by them. Thanks, Mick! This is just the kind of pod I didn’t know I needed.
  • Acs318
    This is a great show! Love the stories!
  • Funkyle1991
    Mick Foley is golden.
    Mick Foley has some great stories. From the ring to the road. From almost every wrestling promotion. Mick has seen it all and heard it all. Every Friday I look forward to Foley Is Pod. I watch it on YouTube. I suggest watching it on YouTube because of Visuals. Foley Is Mr. In Your House.
  • bigjohnisner
    How could you not love this?
    Foley is a great storyteller and an even better person. He isn’t afraid to share what he’s thinking or his feelings about the past. This is a much listen for all wrestling fans.
  • Clintsmanj
    Reason I love early and add free
    Mrs Foley’s baby boy has absolutely the best podcast going. Forget Mr January forget Mr King of the ring. He is Mr Podcast!!!
  • mister bungle's popcorn
    Mick has never let me down - and still hasn’t!
    Mick Foley as a wrestler was always one of my favorite talents to watch in the ring. His ability to physically tell a story was, in my humble opinion, unmatched and exceeds those who Mick idolizes, like Terry Funk. Mick successfully transferred that storytelling ability into his books & now here, right here in *your city*, the hardcore legend puts his ridiculously accurate memory, insightful sense of humor and ability to be brutally honest without hurting anyone’s feelings on display, skillfully guided by Conrad Thompson for all to enjoy. Mick is very respectful and was voted by his father as “the nicest wrestler” so don’t expect any naughty words to be spoken by him. Mick Foley is truly a man for all seasons especially when he celebrates Christmas all year long. This podcast is suitable for all wrestling fans, new & old, & almost all ages. If you are a parent & listen, the only thing you may need to fast forward is an advertisement for certain enhancement products.
  • JM Wags
    Listen to this podcast and you will ... “Have A Nice Day” 👍
    Growing up watching wrestling all through the attitude era Mankind (Mick Foley) was my favorite wrestler. He wasn’t your typical wrestler and when I heard about a podcast he was doing with Conrad I knew he wasn’t going to be your typical wrestling podcaster. From his road stories, What-a-burger orders, musical numbers that you will be singing all day. Foley is Pod will entertain wrestling and non-wrestling fans alike. After listening to each episode Foley and Conrad will leave you in a better mood than when you started.
  • coach rosey jr
    The Pod For Storytelling
    Mr Foley is one of the best story tellers in wrestling. Every week, Mick and Conrad take you through a journey through one of the faces of Foley. These are stories that can only be heard on the pod. Conrad and Mick have a great repore. I love this show.
  • jeremy525
    Good stuff
    I cannot recommend this podcast highly enough. Mick is so genuine and interesting to listen to that even when the shows go longer than a Blue Chew wiener the time flies by! The dynamic between he and Conrad is fantastic and it feels like I’m listening to my buddies chat.
  • BMW111102
    Good Wholesome Content
    This is such a nice show. Very heart warming, it really makes you think about your own thoughts and actions. Lots of open and honest reflection from Mick makes for a really good show. I mean, how can you get more genuine than Mick Foley and Conrad Thompson? 5*
  • BigHoss8124
    Just lots of funny stories
    At first I was a little concerned about how long the episodes were. But they are all fantastic! Mick has lots of fun stories that take you behind the scenes of wrestling. Even my family members who can’t stand wrestling love hearing me tell “ another goofy story Mick had on the podcast.” By the way good luck getting the Mr In your House song out of your head. It’s a catchy tune!
  • Jo Jo ji
    Absolute Gold!
    This is more than “just another wrestling podcast”. Mick Foley is dealing out life lessons on a regular basis! You can tell both Conrad Thompson and Mick Foley put a lot into every show, the authenticity is undeniable.
  • MichaelAMurray
    Love listening to Mick Foley’s inside view on wrestling. One of the best wrestlers ever. Loved watching him keep up the hard work
  • Elmo3907
    Mick is great
    Mick is great. Others have already written at length about this kind, intelligent, funny man's show, so my husband and I will just chime in with how great Mick is. Also, the Dude, Cactus, and Man in a Mankind Mask are also great. Listen to this show.
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