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mike raphone hogFrancesca & Rodger’sI’m beginning to see why Francesca still won’t let go of the Rodger’s to NY non story. Mike has a lot in common with him. Both are too old, too slow, and have lost their fastball. The main thing they have in common is that they should both face this one overriding fact, it is time to retire, once and for all. Brett Favre is waiting for you
80'sVillagerPresident MuskYou haven’t spoke up about the Musk Trump nightmare we’re going through from Trump signaling loyalty to Russia denouncing Ukraine and Europe to Musk’s embarrassing charade with his toddler in the Oval Office in defense of his 23 yr old henchmen firing federal employees Willy Nilly.
Jimmy Ok 83The Truth…Mike Francesa is the GOAT of the Sports Talk Radio industry!!! Show some respect and listen!
Mixoplyx2025Great!Mike is great, ok? We know this. Is he great? Yes. Is the show the best? Yes. We know this. Everyone knows this. Ok??
Estone2112My man has to raise the mic volumeAs others have pointed out: the sound level is way too low. I need I raise the volume to max to hear what he saying. Sometimes I bail halfway into an episode because I can’t take it.
USAF F4BarkleyMike Really appreciate your comments on Sequan. In another time as a life long Giant fan I would love to keep him. But as we know you must let the man find their reward. With the sole exception of the hated Eagles I will pull for Sequan all the way. Keep up the great work. Manny New Hampshire I may be duplicating this not sure hope you heal quickly from the lock on the noggin. Things happen to us as we get older ha ha. Could not agree with you more about New Orleans it is a fantastic city been there any number of times or trade shows business etc. very accessible and yes no car needed as with any big city you gotta be a little where are your surroundings having said that though the food speaks for itself if you’ve never been to the commanders palace in the garden district we really need to do so all the best Manny New Hampshire
Trock1272Ants takeI’ve been listening to Mike since the late 80’s on WFAN with him and Chris. I still listen to both of them to this day, roughly 35 years later and enjoy them both. It is an entertaining listen from a guy who’s knows sports. Do I agree with everything? No, however, I always appreciate his perspective and I know it’s a genuine take. That’s all you can ask for. I hope he continues going on for many more years because it’s appointment listen for me. A passionate sports fan who once had a 2 hour weekly radio show in England called “Sports Talk America” - and I loved it. Mike was an inspiration for it. God bless.
still atitAaron Rodgers myopiaMike always mentions the dropped TD’s Rodgers has thrown but NEVER mentions the dropped interceptions. Bias plain and simple.
Kraig420Always wanting moreLove the podcast w mike, mike has always been a great listen and the only draw back is that it leaves u wanting more than the half hr or so but i ll take what i canget as ive always enjoyed hearing his take on past and current topics
dirk from southDa BestWhen it comes to talking sports nobody and I mean Nobody does it better then Big Mike Francesa
BBR2343Turn your mic upI’ve listened to Mike all the way back to his early Dog days- the halcyon days. And then throughout the rest of of storied his career. He knows NY sports like few others. If there’s anything to critique about his latest venture it’s that volume is too low. Cannot listen to this outside or at the gym. Can barely hear him.
chazzernyA Real New YorkerIf you you wanna know what a NYer sounds like Mike is the quintessential NY guy who knows sports
IronhombreGreat podcast!I’m a diehard Jet fan and understand the continued rhetoric of AR as all world. Bottom line. Let’s forget about skills. What I’ve seen about AR over the past year is he’s NOT a leader. Not what the Jets need and he needs to go!! Sorry to contradict you but that’s at least how I see it.
VICA77Sports Analysis UnpluggedMike Francesa is the preeminent sports commentator, personality and historian. Ever since Mike left WFAN, there has been a void that cannot be filled. I grew up listening to him and Mad Dog and had the best memories of him breaking down a Knicks or Yankees playoff run. I’m so glad he has his own podcast, where he can talk about anything that interests him. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Besny72SayingsIf Mike refrained from saying “let’s be honest” and “we know that”, his podcast would be 1/2 the time.
CaryMGVRIt's Big Mike, Ugh-Kay ...?Mike Francesa is a longtime WFAN sportstalk radio stalwart. His knowledge is deep, he's communicative with many sports industry insiders and his being from the New York City area gives his presentation that "extra something" .... lol Been a fan since the 80s and I think you will be, too! So give this pod a listen, why don'tcha!! 🖖🏻❤️ #LetsGoJetsgo 💚🏈🤍
Peter GuillamLard Butt……Completely useless. With or without his ex-WFAN lackey Rabid Mutt.
Tmalone817Can’t hear it!Volume is ridiculous low. Other than that, Mike is spot on with everything. Even when he gave Trump zero chance of winning in 16.
Jim in St AugustineWhy no NFL?Guess the Mets and Yankees are so captivating that Mike has forgotten that there are two NFL teams in town?
scotthselthas been!great to see how the mighty have fallen!
shockersfanDisappointed in your parenting and ethicsMike, I have followed your work from the 80s and have always thought you had higher standards. However, when you include yourself with frauds like Andy Pettitte, Clemens, and A-Rod who are disgraced, it shows how low of standards you have. Listening to you describe you child’s behavior recently during Super bowl shows lack of moral and dignity in your parenting. They will become punks like Pettitte, Clemens and A-Rod who will go to any lengths to cheat because they have no morals. Another important point to offer you is you keep repeating yourself meaning half of your podcast time is not worth listening to. Clean up your act. Prolonging each episode just to say you satisfied your requirements to Bet River is basically cheating the audience due to a lackluster effort from you . If you can’t clean it up then give it up. Update: I gave Mike another shot after unsubscribing earlier, you have gotten even worse with repeating same thing over and over again. I couldn’t have said any better than what Mr. Cash posted in the review on May 19, 2024. You need to give it up, your legacy is already down the toilet. What a disgrace you have become for chasing the last few paychecks from Bet Rivers.
Ev32Mike RulesLong time listener to Mike’s radio shows and podcasts. He is very knowledgeable and entertaining when it comes to the 4 major sports.
Frankie RockMike is the bestMike, Long time fan and I’m happy to see the success of the podcast. I look forward to every new episode. I have to give you credit with your takes on Rizzo, Judge and Grisham early on in the season. They were spot on. My dad and I always talk about your podcast and it’s something that brings us back the days of him driving me around listening to you and Dog. All the best, Frank
bbr319The BestI stopped listening to WFAN during the week once Mike and Joe Benigno left. It’s great to have Mike back. Would love to see some guests like Mr. Met, Mink, Eddie C and Dog at some point.
xlcr springsLet’s be honestIf you like someone who authoritatively restates the obvious (and then repeats it six times) and thinks of himself as a genius (and doesn’t mind telling you), this is the podcast for you.
Tony J CashTime to call it a careerI love Mike. I grew up with Mike. Sitting in the back of my father’s red Toyota on a snowy day listening to him and dog breakdown Knicks play calling. Summer afternoons hearing screaming matches about turning double plays. Crisp fall Sundays going over NFL matchups. He’s a legend. I was sad to hear him retire from radio, then come back, then leave again. So I was elated he started a podcast. Sadly, I think this horse needs to be put out to pasture. Like watching your favorite fighter take those last three fights after they lost the belt to get some extra zeros in the bank account. The legacy is really starting to get damaged here. Constantly repeating his same point over and over. Pauses that last what feels like days to only come back to a rambling thought. Podcasts release times that are extremely sporadic. You’ll get a playoff game preview an hour before the game. He’ll then go missing for two weeks at the biggest moment in sports. The constant hissing and clicking in the background… not to mention a dog barking here and there. Phone calls where you can’t even hear the person on the line that’s his scheduled guest. High pitch points that crackle your speaker. Now, a year into this, we’re seeing episodes posted under one title of what the content will be, only to have it be the same audio file from four days ago. (Knicks 2024 game six postgame review was just the NFL schedule release podcast reposted. Then didn’t even post a game 7 preview.) I love the guy. I hope he’s got enough in the bank for generations of his family to never work again. That said, unless he desperately needs this Bet Rivers and Casa Migos check. It’s time to turn the microphone off. Love ya Mike. Just can’t see ya fade to black this way. I gotta unsubscribe.
Astrodoc71Need to drink some water or somethingMike it's a great podcast but whatever is going on with your voice, frog in yoir throat or whatever that is is too distracting too often. Drink some water or something. Take a few second break. It's ok we can wait :) The content is great. No issue there
_mb17Missed the pope!Mike’s on he’s ready to go!
SippydogGreat commentaryMike always brings great commentary on all NY sports! Great analysis and great stories of his famed sports career! Love to hear the old stories of Mike and Dog and their adventures!
Ausable ForksGreat as UsualMike is still bringing it and reminds me of the FAN days. Nice to hear someone knowledgeable without the theatrics and drama elsewhere.
dominican central 1Life long fanI miss the days when you and Chris compared players of yesterday to today’s peds cut that rope bridge how sad it was great folklore for grandparents and kids love the podcast 👍
dkell7Clinking soundThere’s a clinking sound in background like glasses banging together in the distance. Once u hear it can’t unhear it. Shows great. Always a huge fan.
MrShadow20Spot onAlways a great show,Mike usually on the money on how the NFL playoffs will play out. No different this year , spot on. Could get to like the guy, Shame he is such a Woke Follower and not a leader. Outspoken guy like him u would think he be man enough to reject such drivel, Charles was certainly right and not kidding on that observation.
WMass Yankee fanLong time first time!Been listening from the beginning. Your show actually made my commute enjoyable! Whether it’s the Yankees, college hoops or the NFL, I like your take.
New Haven fanDecades of enjoymentMike, I’ve enjoyed your intelligent and entertaining perspective on so many topics, from sports to politics to current events…whatever is dominating the headlines. I am thrilled to be able to tune into your podcasts on demand as you continue to provide the best insight.
Anthony New York, NYMike is the GoatPeople who truly understand sports know that Mike is the best sports talk show broadcaster in history. His knowledge is second to none and for the most part was spot on throughout his historic run. WFan will never be the same. Thanks for the memories Mike
E rection!Wfan. Stinks nowWfan has no one besides boomer who has opinion I respect
Chickenandwaffles09It’s good to hear mike’s takes.I don’t listen to every show. Just the ones where I see he’s going to be talking about what interests me.
Theo RizzoNot the sameI wish mike comeback to the fan is not the same anymore without him
InfuriatedUserStill the bestMy only wish is that the podcast was an hour and five days a week.
716HopMeisterGood content, but not timelyIt is a good listen, most of the information is accurate and entertaining. But in terms of getting an advertised ‘instant reaction’ to the game a day later I would not considered timely, and have heard all the takes by the time this is aired.
weatherbesixThere Will Never Be Another MikeI grew up listening to Mike in the 90s and 2000s and feel so lucky that I had that experience. No radio show will ever compare to the magic that was Mike and The Mad Dog during that era. It was Sports Radio the way it should be.
jamhead929Sports popeMike invented the art of sports talk radio with christopher russo. He is as traditional as the Yankees Knicks Giants and Rangers in N.Y. I always look forward to listening to him and getting his opinions. The GOAT
😜🤩😍The GOATMiss him dearly on WFAN.
monfrairThe GOATThe best sports talk hosts of all time.
jpalma1111RespectEvery time I delete this podcast in anger, I last about a week… then I need to know what Mike thinks —- I’m brainwashed since 1987. Love ya Mike
J_waanThe bestMan listening to mike brings me back to the 2000s when I first started listening to him and dog. He gives great perspective and is still an enjoyable listen.
C-Roll8BettingListen just to see who Mike picks and BET THE OPPOSITE! Guaranteed to win! #Tankmush
tbowmotownBrings back riding homeMiss Mike driving home. He’s honest and like his knowledge of sports.
adameiseyLet’s be honest.Let’s be honest. Let’s be honest. Let’s be honest.
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