High Fibre


Ready to feel less anxious? Cut back on coffee, bought a yoga mat and gone on 3 fantastic walks but you still feel like crap? This just might be your lucky day, because I’m about to help you on your path to less anxiety.Welcome to the High Fibre podcast, I'm your host Kelly Mason. I’m a mum, wife, and animal lover with panic disorder from rural Australia. I’ll be sharing about all kinds of incredible creatures, from silk moths to rabbits, as well as share fascinating conversations about mental wellness and caring for yourself through your creativity. I'll be bringing you monologues, interviews and step-by-step episodes that get you excited and passionate about spinning yarn in a slow and holistic way. I’ve been living a full and joyful life alongside panic disorder and anxiety for 10 years now, and I am SO ready to share my secrets with you, and I’ll give you a hint, they revolve around my spinning wheel!If you love to feel creative and are looking to ease yourself into a slower life, then spinning yarn may just be the thing you’ve been looking for. I promise it’s not just for old ladies or cat ladies, spinning yarn is a wonderfully soothing practice that can form a huge part of your self-care routine. If you have an anxious mind, love our planet, and want to find a way to live more mindfully and slowly, then sit back and enjoy your weekly dose of “High Fibre”. It might just be time to build yourself a creative practice that is sustainable and gets you feeling better, and High Fibre is here to help you do just that. Welcome to High Fibre!

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