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Survive 2 ThriveEvan Rachel WoodMost insightful, helpful podcast I’ve listened to in a very long time. Thank you
Ajm37MTEnlighteningDr. Ramani has taught, inspired and enlightened me to so much narcissistic abuse in my life! I’m so grateful for her giving this education and podcast to the public to equip us/me with the tools to identify and deal with this painful reality for me and so many others. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I hope she makes more episodes!
GATORGURL12INCREDIBLE!! ♥️I was completely inn tears !! She has such a soothing voice and makes everything make sense!!🙏🏼🥰😍
Sq310Dangers of divorcing a narcissist with Demetria GravesWow!!! What an incredible eye opener episode from an attorney’s perspective. I unfortunately was not lucky enough to have an attorney who was more focused on the bait from the opposing counsel than be conscientious of her actions that costed me thousands of dollars for a non divorce case and it was truly a nightmare for me to have to deal with not only deal with my ex narcissist but to deal with my own attorney’s issues of being able to provide me the adequate representation that I needed and instead she was more concerned about the other attorneys narcissistic behavior to be the focal point that she was having a very difficult time to handle and it not only costed me money but it also made me feel very distrustful of the legal system anymore! And that’s the worst part of it that as a lawyer she would literally bill me to talk about the opposing counsel and there was no strategy no counsel given to me just a complain fest for her to talk about the other side opposing counsel! I have thought that I was crazy and that maybe I’m wrong but after this helpful podcast I truly believe that I was right and wasn’t being crazy! Thank you so much Demetria Graves for the valuable information insight and advice
mouradswiffyPatiently Waiting for Next Season!!Dr Ramani Thank you personally for this knowledge that you’ve shared here. For Validating So many Survivors Like myself and for helping me heal the deep scars. Thursdays were a really amazing anticipated day for me . I’m looking forward to next season keep sharing your gift . And giving so many women and men around the world hope like myself.
laleebeeS1 E20 is a huge disappointmentDr Ramini, let me start by saying I love your content and I watch so much of what you put out there. But this episode (especially your take always at the end of the episode had me screaming at my phone). What a disappointment. I’m actually shocked by your analysis of this story. This episode was not about a unsuspecting women getting involved with a dangerous narcissist. This episode was about two narcissists (one more malignant than the other getting together and it not working out). The whole episode Kiersten was using blameshifting to explain how she ended up in this situation. It was her childhood sexual abuse. She was in a fog. She was overwhelmed by his charm. She was in a bad place economically. Etc. Classic blameshifting. She got into that relationship because she chose to get into that relationship. Period. And then at the end you try to make a distinction between narcissistic infidelity and “drift away” infidelity. There is no distinction. Healthy adults don’t betray their spouses and put their sexual health at risk. If they want out of a marriage to start a new relationship, then they end the marriage and move on. Kiersten clearly felt entitled to this new shiny relationship giving no thought on how it would hurt her spouse. For you to call it “non-toxic” cheating and that not all cheating is bad cheating is just abhorrent. Ask someone who got HPV from their cheating spouse if she/he thought their partner’s cheating was non toxic. I think you were trying to make Kiersten’s story make sense for your platform, but it just doesn’t. You way missed the mark on this one. Terrible.
liroshieTHANK YOUthis podcast is saving me in the aftermath of ending my relationship with my abuser, i can’t thank you and your guests enough.
Anna-Ly 88Love the podcastHate the advertising!
Erin HeartsPrecise validation and education about narcissism!I’m so grateful for your candid, honest, and serious take on this deeply disturbing issue. This is the most informative and validating information I’ve found on narcissistic abuse and I’ve been studying it and reading books about it for nine years to try and understand what happened to me. Thank you! 🙏🏼
baha savageThank youI’m listening to all the episodes and YouTube channel and it’s been my light to leaving the narcissist and healing
L467378More space for the guestsI’m enjoying the show but am always feeling like I don’t have the full story from the guests. There are so many interruptions from the host, would really like to hear the foundational story first and then the reflection on the narcissistic behaviors.
advocateforintegrityToo many adsI love the show but cannot stand the amount of interruptions from ads. It truly is intrusive and takes me out of the show. I would be willing to pay any amount of money to not have to listen to them.
Krick515It is too late for me….Great insite, unfortunately my life has bee laid waste by a narcissist, all i have held dear now gone. Slowly and painfully I rebuild my life from scratch.
August Rivers HumanitiesFearlessShe’s doing exceptional healing work. I’m inspired by her process, her own vulnerability and growth, her authenticity, her courage. She’s using her voice, her education, her platform in such a progressive and powerful way. So accessible and right on. YOU GO on with your bad self Dr. Ramani. I can t find season 1?? I need to hear it all!
mom to military boysThank you so much for your podcast!I found this show a few weeks ago and I can’t quit listening. My husband and I are in counciling due to our younger son who thinks we are horrible parents and wants very little to do with his dad and then me. He is using their first child as a tool against us. We are not allowed to come and visit until he is “ ready”. We had no idea until recently that he has a lot of narcissistic tendencies, but like you said, we are blind by all those years. He is in his early 20’s and is married and lives out of state. I guess there is something called grandparent abandonment. Could you talk about that on one of your shows? Thank you so much for helping me understand what’s going on.
Ally021305My favorite podcastDr Ramini opened my eyes and showed me the light! I left a toxic relationship and am now in a great place. Thank you for doing what you do!!
Lin646842Interesting MaterialGood material. Interesting to hear all these perspectives and I wish narcissism was a more coming topic for the general population to be aware of. I’ll note I find it odd that Jada Pinkett Smith is a producer…..
NunchesWow, wonderful podcast!Don’t know where to start. Dr. Ramani is extremely knowledgeable and amazingly articulate. I love her style that is easy to listen to, understand, and is relatable. Additionally, she is compassionate and dedicated to helping people who are suffering in these toxic relationships. I have learned a lot and it has helped me have a stronger sense of self. Thank you so much!
maynorsgiHeart Dr. RamaniIf I understood what I was dealing with I would have left after 3 months but the relationship lasted 3.5 years. Knowledge is power and Ramani’s the best at explaining all things narcissistic abuse. Your content is always compelling and healing. I’m blown away by how much I relate to this material. Oh God, my toxic relationship was so traumatic. Never thought it would happen to me. The psychological abuse and manipulation, I had no idea what was wrong, why we couldn’t live together in peace. But it was make up and break up every week the cycles it was nuts. And I was so generous with money and bared my soul to her. She said we had a magical connection and I was the perfect man then she being hostile and envious and jealous and passive aggressive an hour later. Anyway that’s Ramani, the GOAT
merzico102Jada Pinkett Smith?!?!How can you claim to be about healing from narcissistic abuse when you are produced by Jada Pinkett Smith?!! What a fraud
nothanks15363Exactly What I NeededCompulsively trying to fill all the time I spent chasing my love addiction with my toxic ex led me to Dr. Romani and she’s probably the reason I’m still alive and helping others now, including my mom, navigate narcissism. Beautiful soul, trustworthy information and advice, never ending content that I can binge for hours every day. My therapist has gaslit me all through this process but I know I have a safe place with this podcast and the YouTube channel. If the pod fits binge the eff out of it, you’ll be glad you did.
Crazy JenLife Changing PodcastI can’t recommend this enough. Not only does Dr. Ramani hold space and validation for our stories, she gets it. This is a space that validates and debunks the shame and guilt we all feel. Dr. Ramani understands and discusses the mental health component to personality disorders and abuse. It validates the reason we get caught up in this cycle of abuse and why it’s so difficult to leave or escape. This podcast allows us to realize we aren’t alone. It has motivated me into advocacy and my pursuit to change the system. It’s so broken. I hope this is a starting point for change in our world.
LDKJACKSONWorld changing podcastI don’t know how I’d navigate throughout my entire life without this podcast! When I express that Dr. Ramani has the superior expertise and wisdom into mental health, I cannot be more certain. There were about three specific episodes where she hit on a particular issue and it flipped my world around. Don’t ever go away Dr. Ramani! You’re helping the planet.
no nick name 2Narcissists are a head f***I’d like to see more discussion about narcissism in friendships. I had a “friend” for 25 years, had a gut feeling that something was amiss for about 20 of those years, it was a terrible relief when I finally saw the truth, but ooh boy, did it ever play a number on my head for YEARS afterwards. I still don’t trust female friendships. I like to think I forgive her, but the truth is, if I could punch her off her delusional pedestal, I would. Please talk more about SPIRITUAL NARCISSISTS!!
AADamselflyNarcissists are threatened by this exposure!Thank You Dr. Ramani! Without your expertise in this area, and my therapist, I’d continue to swim in a pool of sharks. I prefer to swim with empaths! Narcissists love to make you feel less than. It’s wound they keep pouring salt in to remain dominant. It’s frightening to lift the veil and realize how many are around you. I see the red flags and just avoid them now. It’s a mistake to assume all people are kind and loving. Without this knowledge evil can slither way too close to a person!
The gaslighterWowEmpower the lies and that abusive to chest! This stuff cracks me up! Always a victim don’t forget the tantrums and the solid narcissistic gaslighting! It’s flat abuse! Makes as much sense as Biden nomics! Bottom up too down play on words!
reemu99Love Dr. RamaniDr. Ramani is empathetic, intelligent, passionate and facilitates wonderfully deep, fascinating conversations with survivors. She is so needed❤️
ToredaleparkerBest podcast about narcissismI found Dr Ramani about 2 years ago on YouTube and have been obsessed with her content ever since. I’ve officially started my healing journey with her and every single episode I can relate too. I kind of wish I was on this podcast as a guest so she can tell me how crazy my life is too haha. Really though, she’s so informative and I wait every Thursday to drive to work and get retraumatized before taking on my day. Thank you for helping me heal and understanding my family and the narcissist in my life.
silkysusan♥️♥️Two hotties who have survived and are doing God’s work
ginagalianoSimply put, Dr Ramani saved my life.Everything has been said already about how Dr Ramani has impacted their lives. I am just another person. She is truly my therapy. There’s many wonderful therapists that specialize in mental disorders but Dr Ramani is in a league of her own. Her delivery and compassion is unique only to her. She is an angel from above, doing what she was put on this earth to do, devoting her life to helping all of us. I am forever grateful to her.❤️
SonoAnna8So helpfulI didn’t know what a narcissist was, nor did I know that I was married to a narcissist for four years, and when the marriage ended, I was completely broken, confused and longing to be with him again this podcast helped me navigate the worst time of my life, I became stronger, saw things very very clearly for the first time, and understood what the relationship really was. I even saw things that existed that I didn’t see before all of this has made me realize that I was not crazy that I was being manipulated and married to a narcissist..
KalfisherSubstance!Im one of those people who has a natural sort of ..not skepticism, but I’m not generally comfortable with generalizations (see what j did there) in the mental health context, though it’s more out of a fear of minimizing a complex thing rather than out of fear that these generalizations aren’t apt. The thing that dr Ramani is able to do in speaking about the types of harm that arise out of a (general) narcissistic culture and/or personal relationship is in how she quickly cuts past the more philosophical/contextual reasons that the narcissistic behavior or personality, like what about their condition makes the narcissist behave a certain way and gets instead right to what the harm ultimately means, the effect of that abuse, and what that looks like. That’s not to say that she simply reassures the person or situation where abuse has occurred if it’s being a not deserved or proportional behavior, she does do that, but she shines in how she breaks down the ways in which the person navigating narcissistic abuse can frame and understand themselves and the behavior as following along a general, predictable path, and by understanding and recognizing this path, she helps it become a thing that can be better spotted, prepared for, navigated through. She gives listeners tools, really thoughtful and helpful tools. She states some thresholds like “they may never change” and “you won’t get what you need from this person” and that kind of certainty can be - in most of the available content in this area tends to be — rigid and therefore suspect, but she is able to back up why she makes these statement and it’s very ….it’s just really helpful. Informative. She does explain the behaviors basis, but she’s also aware that it’s a somewhat unknowable thing, and her focus instead on validating the effect narcissistic abuse has on its victims (or whatever word you want to use, victim is a loaded one I know) - she uses the situation to build and teach from, to draw from in a logical and affirming way. She’s rare in the sense that she’s able to talk about these things and in a way that is accessible to many listeners from many varieties of experience; I think it’s because she listens keenly and can definitively call the ball or strike and then get into what that means. It’s the what that means part that is so helpful. I could not recommend her enough, and as a person who, again, eye rolls at most TED talks or books about how the world is yours if you just manifest it - like this is not anything like that. This is informed, relatable and informative content. I dunno if I’ve ever written such a long review ooof. 🥳. It’s one of those topics that can go so so quickly bad - had to note that!
AndJusticeForAnimalsGreat show but torn.As someone who was married to a malignant, narcissist celebrity, and is also the daughter of one, the show is super powerful. But I find it incredibly ironic that it’s executive produced by someone well known for being a narcissist in Hollywood. Crazy. Hard to maneuver that one. Oh well.
Finding_dollCan’t thank her enoughSo happy to see Dr. Armani’s career grow. Finding her YouTube channel saved my life. I was able to recover and understand my relationship with my narcissistic abusive ex. Because of her empathy and knowledge she is able to break down reasons people get into these relationships and also how the narcissist works. She helped me realize it wasn’t me who was wrong or not good enough. Thank you for everything!
3girlmamaThey all have and live by the same playbookEpisode 17. July 6, 2023. This is the life I lived for over three decades. I also didn’t know I was being abused. The post-separation abuse has been the most painful. Legal abuse for over 2 1/2 years. Alienating my adult children against me. The estrangement from my children is the worst form of cruelty.
I know loys of stuff now !Captivating contentThe respect & tenderness given to victims by Dr Ramani is validating. She informs us of harmful systems & individuals with healing resources & conversation. Listen and become sensitive to others while becoming less likely to be trapped in a narcissistic environment because of the freedom this podcast is promoting! Well done
MoreBrandiThank you so muchI’m actually going through a divorce and this has been very helpful in the process. Thank you for sharing your experiences and knowledge with people that may need it
Miranda0813GratefulThank you.
lunalgtPodcast Dr Ramani is greatDr. Ramani is an incredible listener, and I think the standout element of these podcasts is to learn from how she listens. She is so tuned into what the other person is saying, it is a manifestation of selflessness that in itself is a counterbalance to narcissistic tendencies, if we as listeners ourselves wanted to know how to be more collective and less self-centred. (If it is possible to edit the guest speaker’s interruptions of Dr Ramani, it could be worth it: the latest episode with Cheryl Burke is almost unlistenable because of how frequently Dr Ramani is interrupted and spoken over.) I found Dr Ramani on youtube, but it’s great having her to learn from in my headphones when out walking: thank you for the podcast. I agree with some other reviewers that it’s more interesting to hear a higher proportion of “regular-people” stories over “prominent” people/celeb stories, especially when the people’s stories intersect with high-profile organizations, like Hillsong etc. Please also continue to be choosy about which ads you play during these episodes: hearing conspiracy theories, weight-loss scams, and other nonsense is so jarring and contradictory of the content and meaning that Dr Ramani is offering us.
jmo2jmo4Thank YouKeep up the amazing work! I am peeling the layers of the onion for years; however, thanks to your modeling and advice I know how to whether the storm…I am m the storm!!!
monkeyfish68Follow on YouTubeSo excited to find this podcast! Recovering from narcissistic relationship with my mother. It helps to hear stories and feel validated when I’m feeling vulnerable. Thank you!!
garrinevanI have listened to your Youtube channelAnd your channel has helped me immensely. I can’t thank you enough. I am so happy to hear about your new podcast and look forward to listening.
JulcolelloThank you!This podcast is done very well, easy to listen to and informative. Thank you for all you do for your guests and listeners. 🤍
T1244321Dr. Ramani is so helpfulThank you Dr. Ramani for all of your helpful advice
Happy98403Lili BernardThis two-part Lili Bernard interview was in my opinion the most excellent in a series of excellent conversations hosted by Dr Ramani. I feel great appreciation to both participants for the examples of kindness, compassion, courage, and honesty presented. This podcast is a treasure.
nelli825Red flags in social media and relationshipsTHIS! This episode really hit home and really, really spoke to me. Many of them did. But THIS is classic narc in the social media world. Almost all of them love, love social media… and I’m wondering if social media will exact the issue in the future.. I mean what if social media stops existing? Probably will never happen. My ex I am pregnant by did many of these exact things.. I’m no contact. And I believe I’m getting to indifferent stage pretty quickly. These podcasts and you tube videos are the staple of my healing journey. Thank you Dr. Ramani. I sincerely love the work you do!
bmbutler2Are you kidding me?Dr. Ramani helped me so much in finding out what narcissism is and keep my sanity with a prior employer. Listening to the most recent podcast. So now the mental health is racist and only geared to white people?! Are you freaking kidding me?! Here’s a news flash: not everything is racist. That is CRT and I can’t believe you agree with that. I had a great early therapist after a breakup. The reason I had to stop my sessions had nothing g go do with my skin color. I was a student and could afford it even on a sliding scale. I went to two several years later. They both offered nothing except “well, how do you feel about that?” Had nothing to do with skin color.
catemcaranGreat workWonderful dialogue, content, and pace.
PB1334We Need This PodcastI began listening to this podcast out of interest in human behavior and psychology. I continued listening because it is so well done. Dr. Ramani is well-educated, perceptive, and empathetic. Her show does not sensationalize or take advantage of victims. Our society suffers from narcissism in many complicated ways, because we don’t understand it. Navigating Narcissism provides empathy and insight that can benefit people in every kind of relationship: romantic, child-parent, employee-boss or company, student-teacher, etc. etc. This is podcast listening time very well spent.
asc0502If you are interested in narcissism…you’ve come to the right place! Love Dr. R! wisdom, expertise, easily understandable.. if you don’t have anyone who understands the feelings of being tethered to a narcissist you need to listen to her. The Aha experiences will blow your mind.
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