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KST12!Fellowship with God’s GuidanceLove your passion, allowing other believers to speak & share their Jesus eyewitness experience.
Baron 26Supportive stories from 💜Thank you for this incredible show and all the Christian parenting gems reflecting vulnerability, multiple perspectives, meeting families where our needs and pain points are. I will love sharing with Christian families and giving research that meaningfully leads us. Please keep sharing these incredible stories!
Lisa J in South CarolinaGod at work, behind the scenesLoved the Andy Erwin movie review series! That introduced me to The Storytellers podcast, which introduced me to additional stories of faith behind the scenes in the entertainment industry. Your faith is well known in the industry and so excited to learn of more. Thank you!
JaneBritt08Love Candace’s VoiceAlways been a full house fan. I love Candace and her morales and her Faith she has in Jesus! I admire her and love the sound of her voice. So encouraging& positive! I love listening to her podcast when I run. Love the ones with Priscilla too!
Liv_reinLove Natasha’s Takes!I love this podcast. As a 27 year old listener I would love to have Natasha on for a full season!!!! Her insight into life would be amazing
EastexasdaisyThank youI love this podcast !! Just heard her in Dallas and started listening- I loved the George Bailey episode!! Such wonderful reminders of seeking the Lord for our validation and worth - not someone else!!
chyennemYou are capableThis podcast is just amazing and inspirational and I loved every speaker that I heard this far. Candace, I just want you to know your voice is so beautiful and to never listen to the people who put you down. You are just so inspirational to me as a mom, as a wife, as a believer I hope to meet you one day. This particular podcast that was from last year really hit my heart because I struggle with disorder eating to this day. But I know with God I can conquer this, and it will just be part of my story that I can get freedom and I can share others how they can getq freedom in this area. Thank you so much for all of your words and sharing the kindness because it really shows.
tlc374So encouragingI love the realness and vulnerability shared by Candace and her guests, which always points us back to Jesus.
ostatepoke1EncouragedThis is one of the best podcasts. It’s real and very authentic! I love that you are so encouraging. Thank you for being real.
EmmieG13Blessing every morning!This podcast has been such a blessing for me. I listen on my way back home after preschool drop off of my kids. I’ve grown so much spiritually in each episode and have been able to bless friends when sending them episodes that I know will speak to them. Thank you for taking the time to do these and praying through each episode to speak to us through the Holy Spirit! I am forever grateful!
Trooper579Season 8 💪🏼I’m so thankful for this new season! Very encouraging already. Great topics and energy
melissa@texaskennelsEnjoyedJust found your podcast, started at day one!! Very inspirational!!! I’ve really enjoyed the subjects and they have strengthened my knowledge and views!! Really like the episodes on health!!
Jenn GoehrySo encouragingI never have written a review and I love me some good podcasts. I have heard some amazing podcasts from raising boys and girls, Bible recap, chandler, Ruth, the list goes on. I am so grateful for each of them but felt called to leave a review that just says thank you. The feelings season has been free therapy I didn’t know I needed. Love the honesty and the practical steps to turn to God. Thank you from this mom of 4…episodes like this are helping generations to come.
Sarah145394Love this podcast!So thankful for the encouragement!
SMarie628Come Back to Apple PodcastsI love your podcast, but please come back to Apple Podcasts. It’s so much more convenient to have all my podcasts in one place and not miss an episode.
Mary living for GodLove this!Please continue your podcast. I really enjoy hearing women speak about God and everyday life etc. I especially loved the first season with taralee. May God bless you and keep you. Being grateful all day, every day. 💜
RabncbUplifting and easy to listen too!Love this podcast! I have enjoyed most of the guest speakers and love how they are on for a full season verses a new person every week! This format lets you dig deeper and understand so much more about each topic. Thanks for doing this Candace!
Andrew & AnnaSo Fun!Love listening to this podcast! I’m 13, so listening to this has given me so much wisdom already! It’s like having a podcast mom! 😜 Ive gotten into acting lately and have fallen in love with it! I would love some advice from your years of acting! I was wondering, where do you draw the line for saying yes to an acting role? Just, what is your limit for what your director may have you do, and when do you say no? Thank you so much! Love your podcast and keep doing God’s work! 😘❤️😁
DDRCIIAwful.Just a grating voice going on and on about nothing.
Sheila in WILOVING this podcast!I’m so thankful I found this podcast! I’m new to these, but went back and listened to all with Tara Leigh with The Bible Recap ( which I have been doing this year as well) It was wonderful getting to know her more too. I am now working on 2023 with Bianca Juarez Olthoff….oh my. I have laughed, I have cried, I have gained so much insight and encouragement and look forward to more. And, you are right….God IS using YOUR voice to bless so many of us. THANK YOU. ❤️🥰🙌
Andrea ReedLife changing podcastI listened to your series of feeling all emotions with Jennie, wow so life changing. God sent me the podcast in a major season of suffering and I was so thankful for you both. Thank you for speaking Gods word and for sharing your testimony of depression. It really helped me.
A. MaguireUsed to be about JesusBring Tara back since then it’s been recorded therapy
NinaWalkerInspiring and Thank you for introduction to TBR!Thank you, Candace, for this podcast. It’s been such a joy listening to you and your guests. I’ve learned so much. Most of all, thank you for the TLC series early on as it’s what introduced me to The Bible Recap which I’ve been doing since last July. Yes, I started mid-year but what a gift. I’ll pick up where you all are in July and continue on. May God continue to bless you and yours. Grateful and thankful.
1-24-12 girl 13I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS ❤️So good and HELPFUL 💪🏻😁😍🥰😝
speare789Season 6: Not GreatAlthough some listeners have expressed disappointment with the choice of Jenni Allen for theological and doctrinal reasons, I didn’t even make it that far. I stopped listening to this season after the second episode because I couldn’t stand her constantly interrupting and talking over Candace. One, it was rude. Two, it made the conversations incredibly difficult to listen to. Three, I listen to the podcast to hear Candace’s thoughts and perspectives on the ideas her guests bring. If guests aren’t going to give her the space to do that and they’re going to dominate all of the conversations by talking over her, I’m not going to listen.
cardfan90The best!I can’t get enough of this! Love CCB and every host so far to Jennie Allen has been amazing
mrsmcc45Love thisLove this season with Jennie Allen as the guest host. Married 19 years and three kiddos.
NewMorningMerciesLove This Podcast!!!I’ve known you for years, enjoyed your work, and now I am in love with your podcast. I have been connected to many books that have inspired me (Especially UYE). Thank you for taking the time in your busy life to bring this ray of sunshine to our lives.
ang2314LOVE listening to this podcast!!!Thank you for this podcast. It is so refreshing and inspirational. I love the season co-hosts and the topics you discuss. Please keep doing what you are doing!! P.S. I grew up watching and loving TGIF, especially Full House! ❤️
SRuhlen5MarriedMarried my high school sweetheart. Have 3 kids and been married 25 years.
LamkwmEpisode April 23 rdMarried at 23 years old been merried for 19 + years
jessbee913The Most Feel-Good Pod Out ThereNow believe me, you will cry, you will listen to Candace & her Co-hosts talk about hard things, but you will walk away with SO MUCH MORE perspective. I’ve been a listener since season one — I’m on my second trip through the Bible Recap with TLC — and Bianca taught me to see myself as a mother fulfilling my purpose already even though I haven’t given birth to my own baby. Now Jennie is making emotional growth seem so possible and I cannot wait to start her book! The conversations you two have been having about family and relationships and marriage have helped me have difficult conversations with my mother about our relationship. Now she’s a regular listener too and it’s helping her wade through a difficult season in her marriage too!
Tiffy SuTornOriginally I started out loving this podcast, but lately your guests have been questionable. For example, Jennie Allen. I am very confused why you brought Jennie on to discuss emotions yet she willingly and proudly promoted a Pastor on her own podcast that said and I quote “it’s difficult for me to not just torch all white people. In particular white evangelicals and Christians” -Season4. Some solid suggestions for you moving forward would be Alisa Childers an Apologist, Natasha Crane, or the ladies from Mama Bear Apologetics next time🩷
JNF1227So good!I am such a huge fan of Candace and believe God has given her a platform to share all about Jesus and encourage us in our walk! I love all the topics discussed on her podcast because it’s always relatable/applicable even if in the smallest way! Thank you so much for being bold, honest, and fun!
Chellexoxo9I am so happy I found this podcast!!I absolutely ADORE this woman!! I’m so happy she has given us this opportunity to “be her friend” because that’s exactly how I feel when I listen to her! Thank you!!!🤍🤍
FishanyoneAppreciate so muchI am appreciating the truth and honesty. Loving Jennie Allen co-hosting with her new book. Emotions can be hard but I feel I’m learning and growing with this study.
TulipMae⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️I love listening each week!! I always take something away to help me grow my faith or relationship with Jesus. I love that you have a different co-host and love that they stay for a whole season. Thank you for putting this out there!
Monica19770Love this!I wish you were a life coach Candace!!!
Jess750209SadI’m so proud of you for verbalizing your sad, Candace! That has to have been hard, but you listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting and you helped others, me included! You are strong, loved and not alone! Keep it up girl!
Jubjub11116Raw and transperentI have listened to you for a while but the last 6 months or so have been such a blessing. I am thankful for you and your ministry. Your raw transparency has really is helping me consider digging in deeper to my own healing. Thank you Candace for brining us such amazing topics that we can apply to our own walks.
jannrandallTrafficked?Let’s be honest and speak about the fact that you were a child victim of pedophelia Along with the Olsen twins on the show. It’s obvious you were born into a cult and it’s time to come clean. You are another victim and I’ll pray you tell the truth and find Jesus Christ and begin to heal from your abuse finally. You won’t be saved until you do you will be left behind. I’ll pray for you.
NatalieNat1234❤️❤️❤️I loved every single one! I love the Aurora Teagarden movies and I love listining to this podcast. And any movie Cadence plays in.
Kept for JesusEpisode: It’s OK to be SadI don’t usually submit reviews but Candace and Jennie, this episode touched my heart so deeply for you both (and for myself :)). Our brokenness requires each other and your hearts, being open to sharing, actually do chip away at the feelings of isolation, shame and confusion surrounding depression. As a Christian, I often think I’m missing something of Jesus if I can’t see my way out of sadness or depression. But, through this episode you have just given an voice of acceptability to the reality of depression and that shame need not be applied to ourselves in the midst of it. Even….Jesus wept. Thank you ladies and may our precious Lord encourage and comfort you both ❤️ Kris B.
ArgrdallasThank you for your vulnerabilityWow. The enemy wants us to feel shame and yet God is wanting to use our vulnerability for others good and our freedom. Thank you Candace for “going there” and sharing about your true feelings and how you have dealt with depression. So glad you shared. Thanks to Jennie for inviting you into to it too. Hugs and kisses to you Sister.
MillyLillyKateTHANK YOU FOR THIS PODCASTI have been so encouraged by every “random” episode I’ve listened to. I am so grateful and thankful that you have began this podcast. Your words, the words of your friends and family members in Christ have been remarkably positive and supportive and helpful. You help to deepen the feeling and ambience of Jesus in my every day life!!! You have out of the blue become such an important influence in my life.
HannahMagnuson“It’s ok to feel sad” episodeCandace!!! I just listened to the most recent episode and I cried with you and clapped for you for being so vulnerable! I love your podcast and usually watch on AccessMore but couldn’t find the reviews option there so I hopped over to Apple Podcasts. Keep sharing your heart! Like Jennie said, you’re setting people free! ❤️
LKG1992So happy I started listeningSo happy I started listening. Always glad I took the time to play an episode!
Okley MeriBEST PODCAST EVER!!Candace I’ve watched you on Fuller house I was so excited when I saw you had a podcast and it was Christen!!
LakeMcQgirlLove, love, love!I am so grateful for this podcast! Candace has introduced me to so many people who have now become mainstays in my podcast and music life. I love your vulnerability and honesty, Candace! I always thought you were beautiful on the outiside…and you are sooooo incredibly beautiful on the inside! Thank you for bringing awesome perspectives and messages to so many listeners! God Bless You!
Nerva71Makes me Smile!!!I love listening to this podcast makes me smile, laugh, think, and even cry at times. I like the different views on things and how Candace is really into her guests and she is truly listening to them and not over talking are making them feel uncomfortable. Keep up the hard work Candace and your team keep pushing you all are amazing too!!! Melanie #grewupwatchingDJ
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