Exploring the Chakras - Road map to Wellness


Join me on a journey through exploring the Chakra system and how you can use it as a roadmap or blue print to whole wellness. I have been working with the Chakras for over 8 Years, with Chakra coaching, workshops, reiki healings, sound therapy, integrated yoga therapy, crystals, aromatherapy, nature, nutrition, you name it, its all connected. I have two life coaching certifications and working towards my masters. My mission is to leave the world with what I believe is useful to live a fulfilled, balanced, grounded, powerful life. I have struggled through many things myself like heartbreaks, many many heart breaks.... finding myself, losing myself, finding myself again, losing myself... that cycle goes on for awhile. I've finally as an adult been diagnosed with ADHD and have learned and continue to learn to make it work for me rather than against me, as well as to be gentler with myself and stop judging my automatic responses .... I have battled my own addictions and realized we all have our own types of addictions... I have lost people very close to me, family, friends & my own brother. My wisdom does not just come from what I have studied but what I have been through myself, gotten passed, and continue to push through. If your ready to join me on a journey of the soul and discover more about yourself, Subscribe here and stay tuned in!! There will be lot's of gold nuggets to share!

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