Unshaken Faith


It takes conviction and courage to stand unshaken in a culture where the battle rages between the authority of God and the millions who obey the authority of the self. Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain will help you be equipped, emboldened, and encouraged to speak truth without fear, to love the way God loves, and to stand firm no matter the cost.

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  • Sarah R (Bebes)
    Insightful and helpful!
    I just listened to Episode 40 and want to thank you both! Your insights and your boldness in speaking truth are very helpful and much appreciated. I agree that we need to talk about politics and everything else. We need to help others understand the importance of protecting the innocent and helping others and how politics is part of that. We can also let them know that Christ is Lord of all and loves them only by speaking up.
  • Buddysnewmom101
    Thank you ladies for a great podcast! A lot of times I only have a few minutes so having a shorter podcast I can listen to is perfect. Your content is excellent and you are both so encouraging to listen to. This is probably my favorite that gets listened to first when a new episode hits.
  • ForWhatItsWorthImAnnoyed
    Side B. Maybe This is Food for Thought
    A&N, thanks so much for taking a recurrent, unflinching look at Side B and related issues. If I may, here’s a thought I haven’t heard expressed anywhere else. You and others have rightly pointed out that Side B adherents seem to treat sexual sins as unique; these temptations, distinct from all others, can’t be mortified by the Holy Spirit. A’s illustration of “a bulimic Christian” is spot on. But what of “an alcoholic Christian?” Groups like AA teach that alcoholism is an immutable characteristic. Once you admit you’re an alcoholic, it’s something that affects everything in your life. You can’t even take communion using wine, because there’s a risk that the first drop of alcohol will take you, not just to the place you were, but to the place you would be today if you’d never stopped drinking. Like homosexuality, temptation in the area of alcohol is a sin the Holy Spirit apparently can’t cover. In both cases, AA and Side B, the best they can offer is “sin management,” which is a long way from repentance and faith. Or maybe, in the case of AA, it’s repentance without faith: I acknowledge my sin, but I’ll never get away from it. But I’m going to try really hard not to DO the thing anymore. AA isn’t presently the threat that Side B is, but I think it’s worth considering that people have been adding qualifying words to “Christian” without correction for a long time, often being congratulated for it. Perhaps we should begin to take care that the noun “Christian” is an absolute, and shouldn’t be modified by adjectives at all!
  • Heidi from Alaska
    “Know what time it is”
    This is so great! Thank you for bringing clarity!
  • Mom patriot
    Girl for What Is Right
    Thank you Alisa Childers & Natasha Crain for this wonderful podcast. Its full of information of what’s going on in our culture and world. Your Biblical views on these issues are appreciated. I am so much more informed from listening to your content on this platform.
  • akelaMom
    Critical Thinking at its best!
    Always love their discerning discussion and critical thinking. Great voices for todays culture.
  • Schnitzengruben2013
    Fantastic short discussions from two great authors
    Alisa Childers and Natasha Crain have both written great books on topics important to Christian parents. I’m thankful they have joined forces for this great podcast.
  • c#1313
    Good show
    Fantastic podcast- short and to the point spreading the truth
  • Kelly Bramblett
    Love this podcast!
    I love their apologetics tips and their Biblical worldview. Thank you!
  • Rachie84uk
    Great nuggets for a busy mom!
    This podcast has taught me a lot and helped me think through why I believe what I believe….and it does so in a short amount of time that is very attainable for a mom of three young children. Thank you so much!
  • Veggifan
    Love This Podcast!
    Alisa and Natasha tackle difficult topics with well thought out Biblical perspective, and I always feel like their thoughts are relevant and helpful to me as a believer, a mom, and a ministry worker. I highly recommend unshaken Faith to anyone who wants to live out a Biblical worldview!
    Thank you
    Love the biblical truths, you share with a heart of compassion and love. During this time of so much progressive ideas and beliefs, it’s wonderful to hear God‘s truth straight from the word. Thank you for what you do every day.
  • Gwizzie
    CS Lewis
    So I hear people whisper this feeling about Lewis; he’s overrated. However, I think there are a few reasons why: 1. He is VERY quotable. So maybe the whole book is a lot but there are often very well thought out succinct lines that just work. 2. As children we often love his Narnia series (or often just the main book) and therefore we like him as an author and don’t really read much of his other works but like his quotes (see #1) so we think we like him more than we do. 3. I agrée some of his theology books could be easier to digest. However I think at the time he was doing what you guys are doing. Talking theology with regular people. Breaking it down; helping everyday Christians who maybe didn’t think they could pick up a theology book think about their theology.
  • 64SquishyOranges
    Fun and insightful thinking
    Both Natasha and Alisa bring clarity on important cultural topics and questions the Church needs to be able to answer with clarity and conviction.
  • Snowychickadee
    Voices you can trust
    Alisa and Natasha can be counted on to present a Biblical response to current issues that is also kind and compassionate. I am so glad they have teamed up for this new podcast and are back from hiatus.
  • 1111827491
    Great podcast!
    Love that these 2 came together to form their own podcast. I absolutely love the culturally relevant insight from a Christian view point. Keep up the hard work!
  • Nutt2014
    Love the compact episodes!
    Great for small bite sized moments in my day! Topics are relevant and insightful!
  • Niremij
    So helpful!
    Love this shorter take on thinking through important issues!
  • Kelley EW
    Biblical truth for todays culture!
    I so greatly appreciate the choice of content and the biblical wisdom provided through this podcast.
  • Prov3.56
    Such wisdom!!
    Amazing Biblical wisdom and truth on current cultural topics! So thankful for this podcast and these women of faith!
  • iampaulette
    Berean Christian
    listen to the podcast with discerning ears and the mind of God, because the Holy Spirit can show you, -and has said he would - any errors these women are speaking. just ask H im
  • Trombonium2
    Love these two powerhouse women who are rocking the Apologetics game!
  • Illuminati leader
    Love it!
    I am really enjoying this podcast. Love the short form episodes!!!
  • MelRaeGirl
    Fantastic podcast
    Unshaken Faith has become my favorite, must-listen podcast. Informative, practical, easy-to-listen, biblical, genuine, relatable…love it!
  • thimsciv
    Thank you
    For this podcast, content is rich and powerful
  • Angebugg
    I am excited to listen in on these podcasts. They are informative and encouraging to this mama who is trying to center mine and my family’s lives around Christ.
  • Hamiwas
    As soon as I hear the intro music to this podcast, I know I am about to receive a message of power to fight back the culture. Unshaken Faith has been that for me and for my kids. I have used Alisa and Natasha’s tips to discuss culture through God’s great lens. The message is clear: we must equip ourselves and future generations from what the world is teaching. Thank you ladies for giving your listeners tools and resources to fight the good fight.
  • Maple Valley
    Alisa is compassionate, clear and accurate. I am a pediatrician and Alisa has excellent insight into today’s culture and her guests are always informative and right on the money.
  • BeckyZent
    Short but powerful
    I love this podcast! I am learning so much and Alisa and Natasha pack a lot of important information into these podcasts. I highly recommend this for every person to listen to. We as Christians should not bury our head in the sand. We need to be informed!
  • Karenlou541
    Clear, Concise, Christian counter-culture
    I’ve been listening to Alisa for well over a year, so I knew I was probably going to like this podcast. And let me tell you, she and Natasha do not disappoint! Alisa has a track record of being committed to Biblical clarity, and, while we may or may not agree on some secondary issues, she’s solid. I love that the episodes are short but packed with valuable application and wisdom. I’ve listened to a few so far, including how to choose a church reviewing their website. It’s excellent. It actually made me review our own home church website (that we’ve been cautiously but seriously considering leaving due to some significantly different applications of beliefs and the overall direction we are concerned the church is going). Let’s just say I was disappointed but not surprised by the lack of biblical clarity and boldness in the website as it is also reflected in the off-line church as well… Anyways - Excited to have a new Biblically faithful and practical Christian podcast!
  • Tactical Dove
    Biblical, Relevant
    With all of the crazy things going on in our culture in and out of the church, it’s so helpful to hear from these evangelical moms! A breath of fresh air with practical tips! God bless this ministry!
  • Roselorie
    Very grateful for this podcast!
    God bless!
  • Wichitalistener
    Valuable insight given
    These ladies give such great advice on how to talk with young children about current cultural issues from a Biblical Worldview. So much helpful content presented clearly and through the gospel lense.
  • myhusbandmademeJLO
    Fantastic podcast
    Concise, practical, so helpful!
  • peid
    A Biblical Perspective on Current Issues
    This is so helpful in understanding and evaluating cultural issues through the truth of God’s Word. The short discussions and weekly updates makes it so doable to stay abreast of what is going on around us, and I always benefit from their “tips of the week” as well!
  • Friend&image-bearer
    Keeping up with the social and cultural conversations
    I do appreciate being informed of the challenges people are facing today in our culture. I am thankful for these women having the courage to have a truthful conversation about issues in the world today but in love and with a biblical worldview. Sometimes I feel that the worldly culture is screaming it’s message and then there are times it seems that they are trying to sneak the message in wherever they can. Their distorted message about gender and sexuality is inserted into the lives of young people even in places were parents May least expect it - like with the Smart American Girl book. Many mommas wouldn’t think twice about giving this book to their daughter but Mamma’s Beware. We need to be so vigilant- Thank you ladies for keeping us informed in a truthful way and while showing us an example of how to respond.
  • AllieChat84
    Helpful and encouraging
    I appreciate Alisa and Natasha tackling tough cultural contradictions and contrasts to biblical Christian faith. They return to God’s Word again and again as the source and guide to navigating truth. It’s sharpening and encouraging as I seek to engage with the world around me with discernment and grace.
  • Jessy Smit.
    Listening while welding👍
    So concise and encouraging, Christians today need to be equipped and trained to think critically and biblically about the culture and the world around us, thank you for your bravery and wisdom. Soli Deo Gloria.
  • mom of the ordinary
    Much needed!
    Thank you ladies for this podcast. We, as parents, need biblical truth to equip ourselves and our kids now more than ever. You both do an amazing job at walking us through current cultural issues. Thanks for all you do!
  • SingySuzie
    Excellent Podcast!
    Natasha and Alisa, I’m getting so much out of your podcast and appreciate your sharing your wisdom and biblical knowledge. I truly enjoy both of your podcasts and I’m so glad you joined forces to create this one too! God bless you both!
  • falciolafam
    Encouragement & question
    Hello Alissa and Natasha. Thank you both so much for this new podcast. I am a mom of seven (5 teens) and as you can imagine, the pressures to stay the course while swimming upstream are real every day. I love listening to each of your individual podcasts as well as this new joint one. Please know that your labors are not in vain! I do have a question that popped into mine today as I was cleaning the kitchen. Dinner time conversations can sometimes get goofy and meaningless especially with a bunch of teenagers and a younger one in the mix. I wonder if you’ve ever given any thought to creating a resource that would provide conversation starters for families - things having to do with moral dilemmas, issues of the day, apologetics related questions, knotty scenarios that we may face in our culture, common cultural memes to dissect, etc. I’m envisioning a little box set of such cards that could come out at dinner time or on a car ride or at family devotional time where a family could have a really good discussion over the Scriptures. Would love your thoughts and couldn’t think of two better people to come up with such!
  • FrostedMooseAK
    A favorite already
    The Unshaken podcast is solid and practical apologetics. Thank you!
  • sugarmama787
    Wet your appetite!
    These quick moments give a great overview of current things happening in our culture and remind us to apply James 1:23-25. We are bombarded with social messages and sometimes we get complacent about the reality of its impact on culture or on us, but miss how it is not In line with what the Bible says. It’s when we stop to look beyond the headlines and hold these ideas to the light of scripture, that we see the deception Satan is trying to get us to accept. Thank you both for bringing these insights to us.
  • aggmom04
    One of my favorite podcasts. Sound teaching!
  • emmymeeks
    Equipping and encouraging 💕
    I love hearing these brief summaries and biblical truth behind current topics. Both ladies are so well spoken and really get to the heart of the matter in a kind, encouraging way!
  • Figberty
    2 Thinkers We Should All Be Talking About
    I found Alisa through the American Gospel series, and Natasha through Alisa. I subscribe and listen to both of their podcasts, and find them enormously interested and informative. They’re relatable and not at all ivory-towered intellectuals, but they are also not lightweights. Their clarity is awesome. So how cool is it that two of the best voices for historic Christianity are together in one place?!? Very. Every episode is a must-listen.
  • Reviewer Dee Dee
    Culture Relevant
    So helpful in learning to relate to the culture with Biblical truth. I don’t have time to comb through online content. They do it for me and help me understand what the world is seeing. They provide tools for living in the world and not of the world.
  • horserider1980
    The Dynamic Duo of Apologetics! 🦸‍♀️🦸‍♀️
    Alisa has taken me down the apologetics bunny trail for several years now and I’m forever grateful! I’ve loved listening to Natasha’s interviews throughout the years as well. Having these two ladies combine forces to battle against bad ideas is just a wonderful synergy and makes for a “can’t miss” podcast! And I LOVE the energizing intro music. Makes me want to take up kick-boxing!
  • mmajosh
    Solid, short form podcast.
  • LeahS_Prov356
    Informative and timely!
    I love that Natasha and Alisa tackle current issues facing Christ followers today. The episodes are informative and include many important and truthful points to take with you. I also appreciate that the episodes are shorter (around 20 min) because I can listen during lunch. :)
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