The Stars, Goddesses and What's for Tea?

Are you fascinated by the Moon? Do you gaze at the Stars in wonderment, the vastness of the Universe, and the relative smallness of you, thrilling and terrifying at the same time?Join Samantha Selby, the Astrological Energy Healer every Wednesday to discover how to use Astrology and Energy Healing to get on the inside track in your life and business.This podcast is for entrepreneurs, plate juggling change makers, women multi-taskers, who feel stuck in the masculine energy of “doing” and pushing through, who want to walk a more spiritual pathway.So they can activate their creativity, manifest more of what they want, have more space and time in their personal and business lives without compromising their outward success and inner peace.Sam will share astrological insights and transformational energy healing tips to help you to understand yourself on a deeper level, so you can respond differently to life triggers and energetic sensitivities.Astrology is the energy of possibilityYour thoughts beliefs and emotions create your realityMaster both and live the life of your dreams

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