Happy Healthy Homo

Redefining the Gay Community and Empowering Gay Men to Live Happily & Healthily! Hosted by Keegan Hirst and Joel Wood.
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Recent Reviews
  • JB - L.A.
    Love this podcast
    Great podcast! Feel like I found a treasure here with these two guys. Listening to them is a joy and the way they cover topics is substantial and informative. Love the fun chemistry between these two boyfriends. They make my day. Role models for me in what a relationship could be in real life. Cheers, guys!
  • BrokenBilly
    The hosts are fun
    I love the banter between the two hosts. The British accents are so enjoyable to hear but the relationship between the hosts is so fun. Great topics and the time of the podcast are perfect. So happy this healthy homo found this podcast. šŸ˜ƒ
  • cdav1127
    Thank You
    I truly love listening to thee discussions and find many things apply to me. Even when they donā€™t, just listening is great because these discussions are things that will help us feel better and do better as we walk through life.
  • Ellul44
    I love your podcast and your YouTube channels. Keep up the great work! Thanks for doing your part in making the world a better place for everyone.
  • Joel MH
    Thank you for making something that helps so many people.
  • DarlingBoy7
    The Goodness of Relationship
    Thank you Joel and Keegan for normalizing same sex relationships, helping us see that they have the same potential to be every bit as healthy or as or toxic as hetero relationships, choosing the healthy, and taking the listener on that journey with you. I love getting to witness the care you both have for each other in your interactions. In response to your episode on religion, for those who have come from Christian conservative non-affirming spaces like I have and want to learn better how to move the needle forward in accordance to the language and values that appeal to those spaces, I highly recommend The Reformation Project as an incredibly helpful resource.
  • TysTys5
    Love These Two
    In a world of ā€œinfluencersā€ these two seem to be as authentic as you can be when living a public life. I have enjoyed watching their YT channel and following their journey.
  • Lchapo34
    Amazing show
    Keep up the good work guys!
  • Dan in KW
    Absolutely wonderful hosts with topics relevant to our regular lives. Iā€™ve watched Joel for years and am thrilled to see how he and Keegan have developed as such positive role models for our community. Well done, gentlemen. Well done, indeed!
  • Dawn_Ditt
    Down to earth, funny, relatable
    Five stars! Joel and Keagan are two funny guys who cover a variety of topics. You do not have to be gay to enjoy this podcast šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  • Chasdumonde
    Happy healthy homo
    Fantastic couple. Real. Kind. Full of good advice with humor. They offer very helpful advice, humbly. Iā€™m 74, and still learn and find many good ideas including some advice that confirms some of the difficult decisions I have had to make in life. Uplifting and fun. Charlie in California
  • Buddybri65
    Thanks Guys
    I have been listening to all of your Podcasts and have really benefited from listening to you guys. I am an older guy in the US and I have been able to relate to so much of what you are sharing and it really does make me feel more like I belong and continuing to help me feel more comfortable in my own shoes! I also subscribe to all of your YouTube channels and watch them faithfully, and I am so glad U2 found each other, you really have a special spark, and it is so nice to see that. May God and the universe continue to bless both of you on your journey through life and thanks again for sharing your adventures with us. Brian Renk.
  • Majinnuub
    Love you guys so much. All the conversations you have no matter how big or small are such great advice to every day people. You guys have created a space that i could have totally used years ago. Canā€™t wait to see what the future holds for this! Thank you for your hard work and dedication to the podcast !
  • Richard in Tampa
    5/5 recommend!
    Keegan and Joel are entertaining, witty and fun! I appreciate the lighthearted yet substantive approach to serious topics with some entertaining fluff in the mix. They strike a good balance and I canā€™t get enough. Listening in feels like Iā€™m part of a conversation amongst friends and it makes my work day go a bit more quickly.
    Five-star Content
    ā€œHappy Healthy Homoā€ consistently hits the mark as five-star content. Keegan and Joel are relatable, intellectual, and respectful, and their content is timely. As a gay man, I appreciate the sincerity and familiarity with which they discuss everything from dating to travel to religion to marriage to family. Iā€™m particularly grateful for their podcast because I listen to it on the treadmill, and it makes that time go so much faster. You, too, will be hooked after just one episode, and youā€™ll return for each that follows. Sit back and enjoy. This is time well spent.
  • David-1995
    Narrow views
    Everything covered here is from the perspective of two white mid-30s men who really don't seem to interact or participate in the community. It's a fluffy lifestyle channel, and I don't think either of them has ever participated in a march or protest. They stopped having guests because "it ws a pain to get them" I think Hirst is well read on topics impacting the LGBTQ+ community, Wood is just a Peter Pan type who makes silly videos on instagram and TikTok. They can be entertaining, but this is all fluff and a vehicle for more viewers on their individual channels.
  • Shankypoos
    Great podcast for us Post Faith Gays.
    As someone who lost the community theyā€™ve been with for 27 years and have struggled to find my place in the LGBT. This podcast acts as my North Star. Love it. ā¤ļø
  • blubuster
    Itā€™s the internalized homophobia for me
    ā€œI donā€™t judge people that do it, but grossā€¦ā€ šŸ™„
  • CPenny1996
    Great Show!
    It is so refreshing to hear that other people have similar viewpoints. In a community that can oftentimes make one feel alone or alienated, it is nice to feel that there are others who share similar perspectives.
  • jojojoeyo
    Breath of Fresh Homo Air
    Iā€™m so glad I found yall! Been following Joel on Insta for quite sometime, but your podcast has quickly become my no. 1! Iā€™m looking forward to all of the episodes coming up!
  • Alber Lover
    Love! Love! Love!
    Use to watch Joel on YouTube with Lia
  • Bowtex
    Best gay couple
    Itā€™s a pleasure to spend some time with you guys weekly! Itā€™s great that you are so available - the youngins need to see examples of our gay clan, that do not contain drugs, desperation and excessivness in unhealthy ways. My husband and I love you guys! From Massachusetts USA!
  • X.Sylve
    This podcast quite literally changed my life. I came across it randomlyā€”in hindsight I think it was definitely meant to beā€”and felt a sense of joy and satisfaction I was searching for. Iā€™m beyond grateful for the community you both have created and I feel incredibly seen through your content. You guys are amazing!!!
  • Goldtopher22
    New listener from Rochester, NY
    Thank you for making this podcast! My partner and I have been together 13 years and recently got married. We met in our 30s when I was newly out after being married to a woman and having 2 kids. Weā€™ve navigated the ups and downs of parenting, our relationship, our friendships, and being part of the gay community. I appreciate hearing about your experiences and your thoughts on topics that my partner and I often discuss. You both are relatable to many of us. Keep doing what you are doing.
  • Ty_Patrick_
    5 stars!
    Curing my trauma and helping me accept myself!
  • hollywoodguy25
    So glad i found this. Hooked.
    Just started listening due to a TikTok clip about being gay and a Christian. It resonated with me so much and now Iā€™m hooked on the podcast. Itā€™s so great. I canā€™t wait to go back and listen to all the older episodes.
  • John K - SoCal
    Great content and engaging format
    I have been out for MANY years and early on, there were very few models for gay people in the area of relationships. I ran across HHH a few months ago, on YouTube, but they were just snippets. And last week, I listened to the entire podcast on VD (get your minds out of the gutter- Valentines Day) and was converted. So I went to Patreon and signed up. Loved the ideas on Date Nights. Also, saw a piece of one trip to Blackpool to an amusement park. Keep up the great work guys. Best wishes going forward!
  • scott29204
    Always thought provoking
    I came out years agoā€¦ā€¦ā€¦to be honest it wasnā€™t much of a coming out bc I just assumed everyone knew. So there wasnā€™t of a process to my ā€œcoming out.ā€ Anyway I love listening to their perspectives on their experiences since it happened in their adult lives with all kinds of outside pressures- life in the spotlight, marriage, children and religion. I love their chemistry and you can tell even beyond their love and affection for one another they also respect each other. Great show!!
  • Maria'skid
    For the LGBTQ+ Community AND Allies
    Iā€™m not a part of the LGBTQ+ community but I still enjoy listening to this podcast. Their content is smart, educational, and enjoyable.
  • Boeing boing
    Interesting concept
    Interesting concept, and am holding out for the second season and guests. The options and experiences shared tend to be from a tiny sliver of the gay experience- so look forward to guests that can add more dimension. One big disagreementā€¦while I liked episode 6 and the idea of letting people in instead coming out..,we need to come out. We need to show that we arenā€™t alone - be it for the little kid isolated on a small town or a 60 year old that feels like they are the only one to come out so late. Visibility matters and without itā€¦you wouldnā€™t have a podcast. Update I really want to like this - but the podcast is verging on how great they are and how they are an example of the healthy life. A bit more introspection and diversity would be welcomed. More queer people of color, not masc presenting, and those of less economic meansā€¦could be better.
  • N8 MA
    Fun and real topics.
    Thanks for being 100% real and honest. They provide clear perspectives and understanding on taboo and current topics. Thank you for help and sharing.
  • Chris M Il
    Informative and entertaining
    I found Joel & Keegan on TikTok. I loved their content, but felt I needed more than the clips so I started listening to the full podcast. Great topics and their approach to presenting topics keeps things moving along. I feel like Iā€™m sitting in the backseat of the car listening to two friends discuss topics in the front seat. Give them a try!
  • It's Mr. Cat Daddy to you
    Joel you are correct
    Greetings from Tulsa, OK. Joel your take on the history of the pink triangle. I so enjoy this podcast. However, I enjoy your vlogcast better because of the handsome eye-candy of the two of you and Keegan. Bless the success of this podcast and yā€™allā€™s fidelity. Best regards, Brent
  • Spooky Happens
    These two men have a great insight to whatā€™s going on within the LGBTQ+ world. They are funny and entertaining while they address important issues.
  • Cherchez.LaFemme
    Thumbs Up
    Really appreciate the emphasis on mental health. Also love the way you two support one another. Great example of a healthy relationship. Enjoying the series so far. Good luck to you both!
  • Gil742
    Great Listen
    Nice conversation between two fun people and guests
  • Greger98223
    Great information
    Love them on YouTube .. appreciate all the information. Feels like we are sitting and chatting with friends
  • tgoodp
    A must listen
    Appreciate the focus on mental health and taking care of ourselves. Fun couple with great insights.
  • BaileJ
    Healthy Banter on Serious and not so Serious Topics
    I've been out on some level since the late 70s and it's great to see the world through younger eyes. I don't always agree with Joel and/or Keegan on a given topic of conversation, but they're always respectful and polite, and as the saying goes, if you've met one gay person, you've met one gay person. Well worth a listen, and a subscription.
  • Better205
    Finally I feel a part of something
    As a gay man who came out in my 30s and struggled to understand and find my place in the community, this podcast finally make me feel like I am not alone. Thank you Joel and Keegan for bringing these topics up and discussing them! Keep it coming.
  • Manayunk Moose
    very narrow audience/shallow explorations
    The podcast caters to a very specific group of people: cis-gendered gay men in their thirties who came out later in life and have access to resources. They often discuss their personal experiences and viewpoints but tend to overlook those who don't fit their demographics. In addition, they can be unintendedly dismissive towards gay men who came out in the 80s and 90s and do not have traditional views on relationships or sexuality. This leaves little room for a diverse range of perspectives and can be hurtful to those who don't fit their narrow target audience. They examine issues at a surface level without regard for queer history or context. Referring to queer cinema from 80ā€™s, 90ā€™s and 00ā€™s as a ā€œMisery Festā€ is dismissive to us who would lived through threw AIDS crisis of the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s, risking everything and our lives to come out to drive queer rights and HIV research. We needed the cathartic release of The Boys in The Band, Torch Song Trilogy, Jeffrey, and Longtime Companion. Then, completely ignoring more upbeat movies of the times, Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss, La Cage aux Folles, and The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Unfortunately, queer cinema is a straightforward topic to look up and does not require much time. There are great retrospectives like The Celluloid Closet book and documentary. I have to ask myself why the Gay Community needs redefining. Queer culture is always in flux and expanding to include more types of people. When they empower gay men to live happy and healthy lives, they focus on the rules and advice that worked for them. If you are looking for a podcast about queer theory and culture, queer history, interpersonal introspection, and working on radical empathy, there are much better podcasts.
  • Dfay_1
    A ā€œmust listenā€
    I just stumbled upon this, didnā€™t realize how much I needed it; I feel SEEN. Keep doing what youā€™re doing gentlemen!
  • George B83
    Absolutely wonderful
    I think this is a must for all gay men to listen to. Itā€™s a well grounded counter pop culture podcast that provides a sound argument to what lgbt has started to identify as. Non judgemental fun conversations that, in my opinion, speak to a cast majority of gay men when we arenā€™t trying to fit in to what weā€™ve been told we need to fit in to.
  • Gaybaldyogabestie
    Love these two
    Itā€™s hard to believe theyā€™ve only been together about a year! Itā€™s great hearing from a monogamous couple thatā€™s open minded yet respectful of alternative relationships. Looking forward to season 2! ā¤ļøšŸ³ļøā€šŸŒˆ
  • Damon-Eugene Rich
    A Different Kind of Gay Podcast
    A couple of sweet British guys talking about gay topics and living a good life. Their voices are not reflective of the BIPOC experience but they do want to talk about their experience and hopes and encourage others.
  • donaldbayard
    Happy Healthy Homo!
    I really feel Keegan Hirst and Joel Wood are so honest and bring up so many important topics. You guys have brought up so many things that I think about myself, and but can never talk about with anyone. I hope this podcast continues, you have my support!
  • laughsmilesmirk
    Loving the Podcast!
    You guys are a breath of fresh air! I was searching for a podcast thatā€™s relatable for us gays who are a part of the community but not necessarily in the community. I love your topics and your everyday, positive approach to being a gay man. Keep up the great work, gentlemen!! šŸ˜Œ
  • Gary PegSF
    Loving the Happy Healthy Homo podcast
    Stumbled across Joel on Instagram which led me to this podcast. Iā€™m only on episode #2 but already loving it. The conversations between Keegan and Joel are serious, yet light-hearted, engaging, relatable, and relevant. I look forward to listening to more episodes and check out their YouTube videos.
  • overitliterallyyyyyy
    Lots of nuance missing
    After listening to the pride episode there was a lot of judgement on how people present during pride and what is appropriate. This misses a lot of nuance on a core part of pride which was sexual liberation. And to label these things as not normal even if it isnā€™t meant to be malicious itā€™s the exact rhetoric people use to attack pride and the lgbtq+. This is a slippery slope of how many conservatives target our community. I know this is an opinion podcast but it feels like thereā€™s a lot of talking with authority without a full attempt in researching these topics.
  • NauticalE
    Great insight and Advice
    Just started listening and wow! I really enjoy and connect with you guys so much. Youā€™ve helped me through some current struggles and change my perspectives on homo-centric issues. Itā€™s 10ā­ļøs from me. Keep it up! Youā€™re doing great work!
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