ReFOCUS with Jim Daly


Our culture grows more complicated and challenging every day, and we want to address those tough issues on the ReFOCUS with Jim Daly podcast. Jim Daly is the president of Focus on the Family, and he enjoys having deep and heartfelt conversations with people who will strengthen your faith. That’s why Jim has invited some of our day’s most acclaimed and respected thinkers to join the conversation. He will dig deeper and ask the hard questions to help you share Christ’s grace, truth, and love. This bi-weekly podcast will leave you feeling challenged, encouraged, and more engaged with the world. So dive in and listen.

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Recent Reviews
  • BBN Texas
    Great advice
    Every episode, no matter the topic, always has great advice and wisdom about life, marriage and family.
  • KaylaU4
    Highly relevant
    Started listening to this podcast about 6 months ago. It has been a wealth of information on how to navigate and handle the culture as a follower of Christ. I can’t thank you guys enough for having these difficult conversations and offering hope on the other side of them. I feel educated, empowered and hopeful after each podcast. I look forward to the continued discussions.
  • Amber Lee is me
    From Muskegon, MI
    Just started listening to the podcast a couple weeks ago and appreciate it.
  • jfengler4
    A must follow
    A fantastic blessing to have this part of my regular time. Jim brings on amazing guests and always has something that uplifts and focuses my heart on what the Lord has planned.
  • Rondo1
    Exceptional Insights!
    Thank you for bringing your amazingly insightful perspective on our current issues & challenges. I get weary of so many complicating & challenging issues, but I understand that none of these can be ignored or allowed to go unanswered from our Christian faith’s call to engage! Thank you, kindly!
  • A New Creation in Christ
    I am so thankful for Jim Daly. He is doing an excellent job of discussing important cultural and spiritual topics that Christians are concerned about as the world becomes increasingly more secular. He presents God and Jesus Christ as the way, the truth, and the life; as the answer to the essential question of how can we be forgiven and saved from the punishment we deserve for the sins we’ve committed. The answer is to confess our sins and turn in faith to Jesus as Savior and Lord. Jim, keep pressing on for the glory of God. ❤️🙏🙏🙏
  • CarolynMHOC
    Quality with no time limit
    I love this podcast! I want to live more like Christ and am challenged by these conversations. I appreciate the in-depth discussions that are not limited by the amazing Focus on the Family 30 minute broadcasts. Thank you, Jim and guests! You’re helping me to get beyond my preconceived ideas and love my neighbor and love God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength.
  • LeslieLizDtr
    God is good
    Thank you!
  • Ktcat76
    Thank you!
    I really needed this! I love listening to these Christ centered stories that inspire us as believers. As an avid listener of Focus on the Family (for almost 2 decades), I appreciate this podcast that offers a deeper dive into many issues we are facing in the world. Thank you!
  • gigi and hubble
    Thank you for helping my light shine.
    This is just what I needed. I enjoy listening to podcasts while I walk a couple miles each day so I am sure this one will become one of my favorite. I pray daily for this country, our leaders and my grandchildren.
  • mrs.beckster
    Love the in-depth dialogue
    Thank you, Jim, for taking a deep dive into current subject matter. Just wish your podcast aired more often!
  • Gratewhite
    Refreshing conversations!
    I find these interviews refreshing coming from a biblical viewpoint that we may not all have thought of.
  • Jolie Josephine
    This podcast is needed
    Thank you for standing for truth. It’s refreshing in the society we live in today to find content that aligns with Biblical values. God bless
  • Dr Clark Fan
    I’d like to hear stories of men who haven’t told anyone they aborted their child. There are over 63 million men who have never come clean on this. Interview men who are training sidewalk counseling like Created Equal, & Tiny Heartbeat Ministrirs
  • Crismh12
    Awesome podcast!
    A few months back I discovered Focus on the Family and since then I have been a supporter. Mr. Daly is a great interviewer and I’m looking forward to hearing more topics that impact our culture.
  • LagunaGirl78
    So relevant!
    Great, in-depth conversations about how to respond lovingly to the issues of our day.
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