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rawbie45Usually AwesomeI love this show and listen every week. You guys are awesome and most of the time your guests are awesome. One guest I almost turned off was Will Young because he sounded like a posh kid who hated Tories for no other reason than vibes. I did power through though. This week I couldn’t take it any more and I had to turn off because Kemah Bobs voice was the most annoying voice possible. I say this not to be mean. But to try and remind you that your show shouldn’t be about promoting your friends it is about promoting better politics. Which means you have to know your message, the audience and the mode of delivery. It is possible that you did not know that will young was going to come off the way he did. But Kemah’s voice is clearly not good in an audio format. A quick google suggests that this is not the only time a show has had an episode ruined by her voice. Please try and find guests who can think AND articulate a point of view. This is exactly why we switched Biden for Harris.
Ryano MartinicusOne of the favorites…I continue to be amazed about how well Coco and Nish gel as hosts and how on the button their interviews, as well as their commentary remain about the UK. It really puts the democracy we exercise in perspective and is unabashedly funny as much as it is a serious discussion on inalienable rights across the pond. #FriendOfTheUnion #KeepCrookedProgressive
angrylfWoke taintedSome interesting discussion but they’re really ill informed when it comes gender identity and other culture war topics.
DrL2831Might be my new favourite podcastI recently went to see a live recording of Pod Save America (also a really great podcast) at the LA Times Book Festival and then realised Nish and Coco do the same for the UK. I am from the UK, live in the US - but am LOVING the witty, clever and probing view of what is going on at home. I can’t wait to attend a live recording of this - when Nish & Coco come to visit the US
VsgbeatriceAbsolutely adore itSo informative and hilarious - It’s a highlight of the week.
LovenotcampingLove, love, loveThis podcast is such a delight. Love the hosts, love their conversations, love their guests. Makes me want to pull up stakes and move across the pond.
Prochoice!!Please don’t interrupt guestsLiz Bates as guest host appears more interested in hearing herself talk than who she’s interviewing. Constantly interrupting guests becomes super annoying. Otherwise, love the show!
smroland12Tom Baldwin— fascinating episode!I adore this podcast but absolutely loved the episode with Tom Baldwin and his Keir Starmer book. So informative and sterling interview!
LublushkinExcellent and badly upgraded version of PSAAs a listener in the U.S., I truly love how they took the original concept and, unlike their American counterparts who are political insiders and often openly partisan, they seem not to have no party-based taboos and will scrutinize Labor, Tories and any other British political party or insider alike. The fact both presenters (again, unlike our Yank original version) represent and verbalize the political views of minorities, something almost non existent here at the higher level, this is just the jewel atop this beautiful crown of political commentary with plenty of humor along the way, well done team!
Adnan didn't do itGreat insights into UK politicsI've listened to the show and nice it started and I love the takes and laughs. The make the truly frustrating and awful politics of the UK easier to understand.
imperialpaddyThank you!I love listening to you guys every week!! Thank you for making me laugh so hard in the sad state of the world!! Nish please add New York to your UK & “Ireland” Tour!!!!!!
denniscoyleMore Coco and NishInterviews are always excellent, but I would like to have much more of Coco and Nish discussing current events etc. they are wonderful as a pair playing off each other!
StefphanfectionFrom New Orleans with 🖤🖤🖤I love listening to PSUK! As a US based baker, it is a highlight of my early Friday mornings. Thank you so much for your honest, nuanced, and joyful insights into UK politics. Also, I’m going to need some PSUK “Bribe a White” merch.
LivingphilUninformed Liberal DeadendersUpon the announcement of this show, I wondered how the pod boys would find British hosts who shared their faux-progressiveness on social issues but deep commitment to not significantly disturbing the neo-liberal economic order established under Thatcher and Reagan. Upon listening to the first episode I realized they filled this niche by finding incurious media figures who checked the right demographic boxes. In the first episode they accused the Conservative Party of being deeply influenced by Republicans. This may be true. But if I was interviewing close colleagues of Jim Messina I might want to ask them why I should trust former Obama admin people when they actively worked to maintain Conservative power. But it dawned on me they hadn’t heard of Messina. As I said incurious. They continued to maintain their incurious commitment to Labor. Even as Keir Starmer abandons all of the progressive positions he claimed to hold. This position became morally untenable upon the Israeli bombing of Gazan children. But they are in for a pound, so they can’t forcefully denounce the genocide being carried out by their preferred politicians. Then came this week when they allowed a guest to come on and spew invective at Corbyn and praise Piers Morgan unchallenged. That’s when I realized that they are just going to end up supporting New Labor 2.0. Starmer will support genocidal wars in the MENA and they will cheer. Starmer will continue austerity and they will cheer. Starmer will pass anti-trans legislation and they will cheer. They will cheer because after all this must be better than the social reforms Corbyn would have brought.
Betty in AZThank you for bonus podAppreciate the hot take on Braverman’s firing and Cameron’s return.
Medlady112Fun & informativeAs a U.S. listener it’s so interesting to hear what’s happening across the pond. Great comments on the Russell Brand story.
Lady1915Goofy and disappointingI’m a regular listener to Pod Save America and I also follow UK politics closely. When they advertised Pod Save the UK I was really hoping it would bring the same kind of analysis but sadly it just comes across as goofy and shallow. There are far, far better UK politics pods out there. Won’t be listening again.
InfoSys MapperAmerican listenerI have listened to this since I heard them introduced on another Crooked Media podcast. I love Nish and Coco! It has been great hearing about issues I care about from a different perspective.
madeiramadamGotta love ‘emI’ve been a long time listener of the Remaniacs and Oh God What Now podcasts, but once Ian Dundt left they lost their edge and any sense humor. Then along came Nish and Coco and I’m completely smitten. I love hearing about British politics and this is the best way to get the news. They are funny and lively and you can’t help but feel good while they tell you about all the horrible things the Tories are doing. They do fantastic interviews with interesting guests. Keep it up!!
KBGunnyJust Great Labor SupportersI am an independent/lefty liberal in the US and love these two, their political positions and humor! I missed them during their recent hiatus. Just uplifting…in spite of what’s happening in the UK and the world, these two make me feel better! And I agree with them on nearly every position!🙏🙏🙏
ohmygilI’m an American who loves this showI love Coco and Nish, the former is new to me but I found the latter waxing poetic about how he wants to be the drummer in Coldplay. Great stuff! To be honest, I may not be the target demographic being American, but it sure is nice knowing politics in The UK are as wild as they are at home.
Cosmodrinker22Well doneLove everything about this show. Hosts are hilarious and obviously well versed on everything they cover. I found the spokesperson from Just Stop Oil fascinating. I am now listening every week.
MisterMoose109Great show all by itself, and doing their ‘cross-the-pond namesake proudFull disclosure: I’m a political nerd (voluntarily been watching PMQs since 2008) and an avid consumer of most Crooked Media content, so I am predisposed to like what those folks put out. That being said, I was a little skeptical at first when the UK edition was announced; how was it going to compete with PSA? I listened to the crossover episode, then the first full episode, and was intrigued by the answer... It doesn’t compete, it complements. PSUK is not trying to imitate PSA or PSW; it is its own thing and it is wonderful so far!! 😃 Each week I’ve become more and more impressed with what they’re doing. I think Coco and Nish are a FANTASTIC pairing!! 😍 (As an OG WAD listener, their banter is giving some real Akilah & Gideon which is just delightful!) I don’t know how PSUK is being received over there but I hope they continue to grow their stateside following. It is particularly heartening to see their willingness to hold their guests to account. Not shying away from asking uncomfortable but important questions. It would be really easy for an infant podcast to adopt a deferential attitude toward their interview subjects. If you enjoy the universality of politics, appreciate an international perspective, and need a break from the drama in DC, then Pod Save the UK is worth adding to your listening rotation. Cheers!
NaomieMomGreat show. Feedback on last 2 episodes.Today I caught up on the last 2 episodes. This week’s podcast was intense. The COVID-19 topic hit home, so it was pretty emotional for me, but this conversation must be had. In any case, great segment! Last week’s episode was ok until the mention about the racial undertones in the ad targeting the prime minister. I thought Emily Thornberry absolutely did not try to listen. She showed an appalling close-mindedness and lack of sensitivity to the issues at play. She behaved like a bully. I don’t think being a politician is an excuse - if anything, all the contrary. I stopped listening after that. I had no interest in hearing her talk from that point on. I guess being a member of the Labour Party does not insulate people from the blindness and lack of empathy stemming from never having experienced racially-based discrimination or castigation. One can only hope she will have received feedback following this interview and that she will have learned that pausing to listen to what others have to say (especially if they are on your side, but in fact this would stand for anyone) and to try and see things from their perspective is the mark of a caring, empathetic human being and of a good politician. Anyway, keep up the great work, guys! I am a Pod Save America listener and discovered you through them. I was already listening to other podcasts on UK’s politics. This show is a nice, fun and lively, addition.
florp99I came for the politics but stayed for the jokesJust a nosy American from Houston who keeps up with UK politics and I LOVE the pod. I listen to Pod Save America, they recommended this one and I’ve been hooked ever since. The chemistry between Nish and Coco is off the charts and I’m constantly cackling and laughing throughout every episode. Thank you both for being a bright spot in the utter mess that is US/UK politics😊💚
YmomSo good! Love the lingo and the insightAnglophile here, and I love the insight into British politics! But I also love the guests and their expertise. I want to make the world a better place and even though it’s trite, I like hearing from people who wish for better
Snaps527Love the Show!Personal apology on behalf of white women for Emily’s treatment of the dog whistle question. She blew past the dog whistle point and did not understand the point of view of the hosts 👏at👏all. Please know I heard you two, and I appreciate you holding her feet to the fire as long as you did.
heliotrope2Great UK NewsLoving it so far, have been listening a few weeks, from the U.S.
>:( JiveworldUnderwhelmingLove the Pod, but nothing’s getting saved here. The arguments aren’t as sharp, the jokes aren’t as funny, knowledge or bits of logic that need to be explained are left unexplained. Maybe they’ll get it together, but this is just another podcast out of the thousands and thousands out there. Disappointing.
Ncd318Funny and revealingLove getting entertained and educated at the same time!
Revenue reviewBrill!Witty commentary & hard hitting journalism. My favorite source of UK news!
Eri.JaneLove!This is my new fave Crooked Media show! Love the dynamic between the hosts and I’m learning so much about UK politics. Looking forward to more episodes!
loveiswiseSUCH a good showI wish they would go to twice a week 👀
HhgosunagbLove love love!Brilliant! (That’s Brit-ish, yes?) So enjoying this, funny and educational.
chairmanhowBrilliant!Nish and Coco strike the perfect balance of being great reporting, spot on analysis, and exceptional humour. Well done, you two. Well done.
FlikspotBrilliant!A perfect extension of the “smart and fun” Crooked Media brand!! Lovely lefty podcast!
CaroldamomGreat listen!These folks are so fun to listen to, even though the issues are dead serious. I love their transparency, teasing interpersonal banter, and great guests. And from the US perspective, misery loves company???
andrewcayerAnother YankAmerican here. Been a fan of Nish since seeing him on Taskmaster and other panel shows. Now I’m a fan of any podcast episode he’s on (Bugle, Films to Be Buried With, Off Menu…), but to cohost a show where he helps me understand the UK a bit more politically is something I didn’t know I wanted. I couldn’t be happier with his cohost too! Coco is lovely. Thanks, you two. You have a weekly listener here in Oregon.
5onaleeYou’re both/each so clever!That’s not sarcasm! Seriously funny, relevant and informative! You’re kinda making the OG bros look pretty mediocre…
Kwking766Fantastic crew bringing important insight on UK politicsA great addition to the Crooked Media lineup! Expanding political coverage to include UK politics help US listeners understand the similarities and difference in political landscape. I think it provides important perspective all while being humorous.
equitysmithAmazing - get to hear about UK politicsGreat hosts, great bants, great interviews and guests!
mattasticGreat pod!Helps with understanding the uk’s issues a saw on my last 3 trip.
Grizzly Bear MomLove the pod!Big fan of Nish from his work on The Bugle, and also a fan of Crooked Media podcasts in the USA, so subscribing to this one was a no-brainer. The first episode worth going back to if people missed it.
Red JoansAmazing Podcast!Love the show. Keep up the good work!
Consuelo HatmakerGood PodcastI like this podcast.
The proletariat87Recent episode“Let’s lynch the landlord, let’s lynch landlord, let’s lynch the landlord man!!!” - Dead Kennedys
MylesMoffitThank you!I’ve become obsessed with the correlation between UK and US politics. I watched aghast as the election returns June 2016 unfurled that dismal night. So November 2016 wasn’t a total shock. Hence, we need to understand each other’s issues. And I am a history nerd, but I’m firmly in the representative democracy fold. Perhaps the RF thing is like a fascinating living museum?
Mr VictimGod Shave the King!American listener here. As a Progressive Liberal Left-Leaning Weenie from the United States, it’s somehow comforting to learn that the UK is absolutely as screwed up as we are. The hosts bring both keen insight and a fine sense of humor to the political situation in the UK. My deep ignorance of the subject in no way stops me from enjoying this fine new program. Another fine Crooked Media program!
JazzgrassChicBreath of Fresh AirCalifornia listener. I just love hearing your takes on UK politics and culture. Refreshingly irreverent and informative. Keep it up!
Aschvez84Fast paced and fun (and informative!)Really like it so far! Am not super familiar with UK politics but they hosts are super likable and keep things interesting nonetheless. Along with Pod Save the World, it’s helpful to hear about the global trends and impacts beyond just the US institutions.
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