

Amanda is a wife. A mother. A blogger. A Christian.A charming, beautiful, bubbly, young woman who lives life to the fullest.But Amanda is dying, with a secret she doesn’t want anyone to know.She starts a blog detailing her cancer journey, and becomes an inspiration, touching and captivating her local community as well as followers all over the world. Until one day investigative producer Nancy gets an anonymous tip telling her to look at Amanda’s blog, setting Nancy on an unimaginable road to uncover Amanda’s secret. Award winning journalist Charlie Webster explores this unbelievable and bizarre, but all-too-real tale, of a woman from San Jose, California whose secret ripped a family apart and left a community in shock.  Scamanda is the true story of a woman whose own words held the key to her secret. Follow Scamanda on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you listen.Amanda’s blog posts are read by actor Kendall Horn.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kyle Gillis
    I can’t wait
    To see what she does in Season Two. I have no idea how she can top Season One.
  • mmmmmmmmwv
    A motive was never explored
    This was a great topic, but in all of it, there was never any exploration into Amanda’s past or why she might have done this. Like they barely touched on her family history, nothing about her childhood and same for Corey the husband. Nothing about her early relationship with Corey. Also what was she really doing with all the money — no examination of that either. And I would’ve loved an estimation of how much they suspect she really conned from people beyond the $100k the IRS charged her with grifting. The whole podcast was essentially just a recounting of her wrongs which were definitely numerous and appalling. But the lack of examination left a big hole in the story for me - it could’ve given it much more depth instead it became verrrrrry repetitive. Also what is Corey doing now?!
  • krispski22
    Incredible Podcast
    I ran through this podcast in 2 or 3 days and couldn’t stop listening. The case itself is so interesting but the storytelling and voice acting really took this over the top for me. I’ve already recommended it to multiple people.
  • Annabel underwood
    I loved this! Horrible story yet entertaining
  • ERR67
    Riveting story, redundant storytelling
    A bit redundant, it could have been condensed.
  • Pipdontdip
    Repetitive after the first two episodes. I kept thinking I must have accidentally been rewinding the episode because the exact thing has just been said over and over. I did enjoy the narration, and it probably would have been 5 stars if it were condensed to 3 episodes.
  • Strspiral
    Great listen
    I binged this podcast in 2 days. I’m happy it was made and that it is popular so that more people know her story and who she is because she will absolutely do it again. I recommend listening.
  • ddm~pnw
    I’ve listened to a lot of scam pods and this one is probably the most mind blowing. The collateral damage Amanda left in her wake is both infuriating and heartbreaking.
  • Dr. Henry Indiana Jones
    Well put together
    I listen to a lot of podcasts but rarely get through stories like this due to poor narration etc. this was was great! Charlie did a great job! It was as fascinating as frustrating that Amanda was able to scam people that long and go that far and get her family to go along with it!! She’s not the first only or last unfortunately. As sad as it is to say, everyone must be verified. Glad she was caught. But those that gave will never be compensated and it will forever put doubt in peoples minds going forward.
  • funkdrmephd
    Captivated by the story, but it dragged on a bit too long.
    Sorry but I’m on episode 5 and all I’ve heard so far is a bunch of people talking about how bad they felt for Amanda and a few cumulative minutes of a couple people that saw through her. It’s incredibly repetitive and not adding anything new to the story. This podcast could have used better editing, which would have given us a couple long but succinct episodes. We get it, guys, she was convincing.
  • Batcitygirl
    Very well done pocast
    Wow This was riveting. I could not stop listening. Thank goodness for dedicated professionals such as Nancy and the others. I am a cancer survivor who had a very young child at the time and it makes so angry to know she prayed on her community for sooo many years.
  • JLewis1414
    Extremely repetitive
    I stopped listening after the first 5 episodes because they just repeated the same thing for 5 episodes and I ended up just wanting to read what happened.
  • M&T💗
    This podcast was riveting! What she did was so shocking and despicable! All the people she hurt etc. This was one of the best podcasts I’ve ever listened to. Very thorough and thoughtful. Well done!
  • Haley2012
    The more I listen, the madder I become. What a lazy, greedy, heartless selfish excuse for a mother. Her husband must have known. Amanda probably could have gotten away with this if she hadn’t dragged it out so long. But the greed kicked in.
    Great listen!
    I was easily hooked on this story and enjoyed listening. Great storytelling! I think it could have been told in fewer episodes but I loved it anyway. Amanda sounds like a sociopath — please keep tabs on her when she gets out!
  • Peyt H
    I listened to this series in 1 day as it was so so good. As someone who has lost a parent, 3 grandparents, and an uncle to cancer, her choices were sickening. While listening I was looking up photos of her and she seemed SO normal so I can see why everyone believed her lies. You feel bad for the victims and for her children and for all those out there ACTUALLY fighting for their lives. Great job discovering the truth of this one. Side note for Nancy, I hated the way you were treated by Amanda and her family all because you were trying to find out the truth and bring it all to light. Keep on keeping on!
  • Sharming
    Great job!
    I’m so happy we have dedicated investigative journalists, like Nancy. Charlie, and everyone who worked on this, great job.
  • Warrior1016
    This podcast had me locked in from Chapter 1. For her to tug at people’s heartstrings over a BIG LIE. The audacity to include God in her fake diagnosis.
  • Had it for a short time
    Maybe I missed it but what was her childhood like? Any red flags or risk factors in her history?
  • fieldOfDreamsDumbShawshankGood
    Wrap it up already.
    This story could be told in an hour.
  • TheLadyHarris
    God will get her…
    Meanwhile…Black women have to all but die to believed when we are sick. She perpetuated this fraud like a job—and everyone around this dame KNEW. THEY. KNEW.
  • Prettikitti66
    Let's not forget Amanda's parents also encouraged their close friends to support their daughters lies & deceit,, so many layers of lies....
  • L_yla
    This story captivated me!
    I listened to this right when it had first been released and I was hooked. I have shared it with several people. Amanda is just diabolical. It is so hard to understand how someone can be so awful! I lost my father to cancer. What Amanda did is so much like stolen valor. I definitely was hooked! I recently have become interested in a similar case. A woman who hired former bachelor, Clayton Echard, as a realtor. They ended up having a “hook up” of sorts, although Clayton maintains they did not have intercourse. Well she claimed she was pregnant, then it was twins, she gave him dating contracts, extortion threats, and on and on. Turns out this woman has done this at least twice before. Fake pregnancy with fake twins. She also faked cancer. Has restraining orders on at least 3 men with false claims of abuse and stalking. Clayton recently won the court case and now the case has been turned over to the county prosecutor by the judge. So more is to come. It would be another great case for a podcast like this. I have followed Dave Neal about it since November. He has reported on it all when no one else would. Very similar to Scamanda. She has yet to be held accountable.
  • indijik
    Justice for aletta
    So so so good! The voice actor for scamanda is so good and making me mad lol
  • JDonner5
    What an elaborate and horrific scam. I wonder what Amanda could have done with her life if she had put that much energy into something good.
  • scoremoore
    8 episodes that would’ve been great in 4 or 5.
  • Gracie__
    Absolutely amazing podcast.
    This podcast drew me in from the very beginning and never failed to keep my attention for a moment. Amazing podcast, amazing voice acting (especially Amanda’s voice actor) and amazing storytelling. Such an interesting story! My mother has listened to it, I have listened to it and I often recommend it to my friends and family. I haven’t been able to listen to another podcast since. Nothing tops Scamanda. Edit: Came back to say that this is one of the few podcasts I come back to. About every two months I listen to Scamanada, lol. It’s that good. Yes, it is a little tiny bit repetitive, but as a neurodivergent person I love that, not to overbearing but still repeats information enough to help me keep track of everything. Give it a listen!
  • B7162004
    Bravo! It’s a wonderful podcast and amazingly entertaining, informative. We need more podcasts like this, keep it up! It’s amazing, great work!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • LolItsMyBirthday
    Loved it
    Gripping storytelling, fascinating people, and great editing. What more could a true crime lover ask? I’ve listened to all the episodes so many times I’ve probably got them memorized at this point! Round of applause to all who participated, except for Amanda obviously. Still can’t rap my head around how and why she would do such a thing. Love to all the victims and respect for speaking up about it. Once again, a really fascinating story I’ve loved from the start. Thanks so much for sharing. Great work ❤️
  • PianoMan3333
    Gripping Story
    What a tragic story of how someone could do something like this. Good host and fun interviews. A bit confusing at first but there are some really good characters, and it’s fun to see how it plays out even if you know what’s going to happen in early episodes. Heartbreaking to hear how betrayed people felt. Hard to imagine being in this situation.
  • Brelynnda
    Just Wow
    I loved this podcast, the prospective of the stepdaughter, and the babysitter are what intrigued me the most. It was heart wrenching to hear the stepdaughter talk about what she was going through. The Ex wife and babysitter, these people Amanda, took from them, emotionally and financially. Thanks for telling this story!
  • Mjmjjmnjmhmjm
    A wild ride!
    So fascinating and alarming. I cannot imagine that level of selfishness. And to everyone complaining about “too repetitive”, the facts of the case, the multiple victim interviews, and the twists and turns bear repeating to recap events. Also, how can we know the “why” when Amanda won’t say it? It seems like the “why” was money and attention. I listened to this entire podcast in two days. So well done. I was hoping the mom’s blog posts were also Amanda!
  • magical_bee_designs
    Still can’t wrap my head around this
    Loved the podcast! I know there are so many people out there struggling with significant mental illness and I’m still shocked by how this happens. I hope you do a follow up podcast on all my burning questions including if she’s been diagnosed with a sociopathic/ narcissistic disorder.
  • Orangeola dsdfdsafasfda
  • 212134345656
  • emitwine
    Not Recommended
    Repetitive, occasionally difficult to follow, and poorly edited: This podcast could’ve had the same effect in two episodes. TL;DR: Find a reddit post and bypass this podcast.
  • js3suns
    Loved it!
    I decided to start listening to podcasts and this one was recommended to me. I was hooked from the beginning. I did not think it was too long or repetitive. The recaps were helpful in keeping track of the story. The only problem I had is that I went through my own Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma battle with a stem cell transplant and it was so triggering to me to hear all of this and know there are such evil people out there. I had so many amazing people supporting me, but never once considered taking any money! Some of the things Amanda said about her treatment were so unlike what I went through that I couldn’t understand how people believed her! I have no doubt that once she’s released from prison, she will find another way to scam and hurt people.
  • liiciii
    eh.. very repetitive
    this podcast was pretty good but it didn’t need to be this long .. it repeated a lot of things over and over .
  • Nikks456
    Great story, bad podcast.
    There was absolutely no reason this series had to be longer than 3 episodes. So much repetition to the point that they just replayed the same audio snippets multiple times in the same episode. Unnecessary interviews and corny dramatic music are fillers in this series that drags you, slowly and painfully, to a horribly anti-climactic end. After 7 episodes of excruciating detail about all of this woman’s lies, the story suddenly rushes to a hurried close. (Spoilers ahead) There’s no moment of truth or reckoning; all we hear is Amanda pled guilty and the producers are now at her sentencing hearing. It’s jarring and very unsatisfying for the listener. Less drama please, and more meat and potatoes. If I hadn’t had a 12 hour drive, I would not have listened all the way to the end. Don’t waste your time with this one, just google the story.
  • Hgoffie
    Missing something…
    This podcast was well produced. But I didn’t think it was necessary to have so much repeated information. It was also missing the answers to the questions: Why? and How? Why did Amanda do things things and how exactly did she do it. I think weaving some of that through the podcast would have been amazing. We already new SCAManda was a scammer. I think more info to who she was would have made this better. I was also surprised there wasn’t more time spent on how Cory and Amanda began their relationship 🤨
  • Orangemangirl
    This story revealed in this podcast is truly unbelievable. It reveals how far some people will go for money and a following. I couldn’t stop listening to it and after I finished immediately shared it with friends and family. I loved the dedication of all involved to see this out to the very end! You need to listen!
  • Gghyttrtrttyyuo
    I’ve spent the last week listening to this podcast, it was riveting. Any free moment I had was spent on the edge of my seat. I still can’t wrap my head around her audacity. Thank you to the producers of this show for shining a light on her and her awful misdeeds
  • 34Spanishlove
    Amazing story!
    I listened to this entire series without stopping. Great job Charlie and Nancy! The amount of hours dedicated to the justice and journalism deserves so many applauses! Listening to Amanda’s blogs, I often found my self yelling obscenities out like I had turrets and couldn’t control myself. Her testimony at church and readings from her blog just reeked of mega Church, Joel Osteen, fake fake. I really wish I was able to hear or read those blogs or testimonies without any sort of bias just to see if I would have fallen for such cringe. I’m not a religious person because of individuals that talk like she does. I don’t know how someone can repeat thank you’s over and over with out going crazy. Often we hear the word narcissist, it is in reference to a man. When I listened to the story, it screamed narcissist to me on so many levels, but “narcissist” was not mentioned. This woman mimic empathy and compassion on such a deep level that she was so convincing to the individual with no experience with a narcissist. I noticed two things, Lisa talked about how she had a friend who had brain cancer and she discussed this with Amanda, then, the next morning Amanda suddenly has cancer. I noticed the same thing happened towards the end of this podcast when Amanda was the principal for this amazing school, and of course there is Miss Cyndy who is actually dying of cancer, and Amanda cannot stand the fact that Miss Cindy actually has cancer and could take her out of the spotlight. This woman has no empathy or compassion, or love for anyone, except for her self. Her statement in court made me want to throw up. How she addressed Jessa?!?! And said, I hope this brings you closure. I have so much respect for Alletta because I have been in her shoes, and she had such grace. More mature than I could be. Big kudos for Aleeta!!!! She restrained herself from talking ill of Jessa’s father, Corey, in the podcast. 👑🏆 Alletta teach us all to have this composure. I heard your pain and I could relate. I’m so glad you got some justice. Oh and Cory, what lazy piece of…. Amanda is a textbook psychopath. Read Psychopath Free. You will be blown away! Great podcast!
  • eebz00
    Just google the story
    It’s an insane story and I remember when it happened. (Local story) But was not worth 8hrs of my time listening. Very repetitive. Too much build up from too many accounts. Downfall doesn’t happen until chapter 6ish. And even then, you jump back in time to more repeat of info. Just look it up, you’ll get the important info.
  • HGF23456
    So repetitive!
    This is a fascinating story but the podcast is so repetitive. I don’t know why anyone would make it this way, except to make it much longer than it needs to be. I am sitting here listening to the host explain that the investigative reporter got a restraining order from the subject of her investigation for the third time. Each time she describes the mailbox full of papers. Why??? I am impatient to find out how Amanda did what she did, maybe why she did it — what was her childhood like? What are her psychological diagnoses? But this just drags on.
  • Jwash60
    Really outstanding
    I really loved this podcast. It was very well done. It was not too many episodes. So many podcasts have nine or 10 episodes when they really should’ve stopped at five or six. Also, the bonus episodes were really quite good. I was surprised. I don’t usually listen to them because they’re usually not that interesting, but because of the nature of this story, talking to those who were involved or those who knew Amanda in depth was very interesting and added some extra detail to this story. This is really excellent. I hope that Charlie does another podcast. I will look forward to it.
  • Collie351
    Repetitive. Kinda boring, honestly.
    When you name your podcast Scamanda and then it takes you a few episodes to even get to the point. Don’t pretend like we don’t all know going in that she’s scamming everyone. We know from the start because of the name. So much repetition of information. Only got 2.5 episodes in. Would give no stars, but the production value was good.
  • WarmWind from ShadowClan
    I hope that Amanda got the death penalty
    Amanda C. Riley is absolutely vile. First, she marries the father of her childhood friends, then she takes Jessa away from her mother, and then she makes a blog to get money. Cory is so mean to his other daughter. She is the worst woman alive.
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