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411 ChatterPerspectiveThank you for doing the research and analysis that I don’t have time to do. Your comments reflect my thoughts and opinions, and it is satisfying to hear someone discuss recent developments in logical and sensible conversation. You are right on target, in my opinion.
StefalefagusMaking history by researching it!Two amazing researchers generously sharing their tireless efforts. Klaus and Garrett are genuine and trustworthy; they are not here to "sell" themselves or anything else. These guys are taking real risks to inform their audience, and it is truly inspiring.
PressureDrop16Thorough analysis of the factsKlaus and Garrett’s depth of research should be commended. They give ample historical context to what’s happening in the current moment, even if doing so presents uncomfortable truths. These are not things we should be shying away from. Excellent work—well deserving of my time and premium subscription dollars.
PRDrBalanced well researched and grounded.Balanced well researched and grounded.
Jameson JamieThey bring the goods.Well researched and key insights. These guys haven’t been co-opted by the various disclosure sects. Still calling it as they see it and it’s much needed now.
Asleep-by-NineLove These DudesSmart and insightful. The best UAP podcast out there.
CuronoxKeep it upThe UFO community needs the viewpoints expressed in the Technocracy episode. The community is currently being subverted by grifters and is cheering along with it.
Dan customerCourageous and Though ProvokingThis is a great show willing to speak up. The connections they brought up in the Technocracy episode are well thought out, based on surveying the landscape of multiple disclosure shows and government responses. Others who have pushed back on this episode, are instead showing their own biases and really not willing to see what is in the news and the disclosure shows every day. Patterns Tell Stories: Keep up the great work !!! Continue to be an authentic voice !!!
Mromaha2025Guys reading long excerptsI find it baffling and unlike any other podcast—and I consume a ton of podcasts on all kinds of subjects. Instead of summarizing and synthesizing the information for us, a significant portion of the show is just the hosts reading articles out loud. The effect is jarring, almost involuntary, like a sensory flashback to being in high school. It’s worth listening to it would be so much better if it wasn’t just bros reading out loud.
XactobladeWhy go there….Keep politics out of it unless it is relevant.
IsaiahKing13Exceptional Pod - Part 2After months of listening, this is hands down my most favorite pod. The amount of research and dedication Klaus and Garrett put into these is astounding. Thank you for all you guys do. For all those who are upset about the politics added to one of the latest episodes: No one cares. This is where we are in regard to UFOs and High Strangeness. Remember, Patterns Tell Stories. - Isaiah
tignigMissed OpportunityI want to like these guys. I really do. I’ve been listening since the first episode, and I even signed up for the patreon before they had content (or a plan for content) for it. Their research is in-depth, and their working theories are certainly interesting. A long running problem that I’ve had, seemingly unimportant, is their pronunciation (or lack there of) with words they should know how to say if they are going to be speaking with some level of authority on a given topic. It’s an issue in every episode, and honestly makes me scratch my head. Lastly, the recent episode is disappointing. I appreciate their perspective, but unfortunately it feels like this podcast is turning into a therapy session rather than a thought exercise. You bring up great points, but need to disentangle them from your emotions / personal experiences. I’ll continue to be an avid listener, and encourage you to rise above the bemoaning & whining.
AlexisCanReviewGreat show5/5 stars. You guys are great - knowledgeable, funny and level headed. Especially appreciated the recent Technocracy episode - my thoughts exactly! Strange and disappointing time in the UFO world right now. Keep true to yourselves!
Don BarrisShould have not strayed into politicsBarf. The inclusion of your political positions in the recent episode was nauseating. It added nothing, but took away plenty.
AshleyYNYIt’s gotten way too political and anti religion.I used to love listening to this podcast—it was a great way to spark new thoughts and ideas. It was refreshing to take a break from the constant presence of real-world politics. However, the last few episodes have been increasingly political, and this latest one pushed me over the edge. It felt like nothing but Republican bashing, with no discussion about UFOs—completely off-topic, on top of bashing of religions. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll be listening anymore.
sanja4848One of the smartest ufo showsThank you so much for that latest episode on Technocracy! I wish everyone would listen…so much relevance even for those who are not into the topic
KJPiccGreat conversationsConsistently bringing smart conversations from a fresh perspective. I love the deep dives!
David DwayneI now seeAfter listening to the latest episode I now know why disclosure is never going to happen. Their political analysis is based on their political beliefs. It’s mind blowing how everything tech or right of the political spectrum can be evil with a reckless and blatant disregard for how the left has screwed us for years. The craziest part is the near biblical belief in fictional books like Sekret Machines
Graceland316Political concerns came across as whiningThe hosts don’t trust politicians but instead of letting them do their job they dismissed them. Now what? Going to whine? Find other ways or you’ll have nothing to talk about. Really turned off by that attitude.
MaritchkaLike the subject matter, but…Can we please cut out all the swearing guys? It’s so annoying and honestly takes away from the subject matter. Please class the pod up. This is like two frat boys chest pounding discussing a topic that is beyond their comprehension. I keep trying to listen and can’t stand the broski vibes. This subject matter is serious and to have every other sentence be swearing…. 😒
dougladaGreat show!The hosts bring a fresh perspective on a lot of old stuff as well as new information that connects the dots. Great show!
Teebo333Exceptional and thought-provoking podcastWorth a listen!!!
Medusa1954Fascinating!They’re on a whole other level with deep historical, scientific & philosophical perspectives on the UFO/UAP subject. So much information is shared with us from these gentlemen who’ve learned about, studied, read and intensively thought about *everything*. Wonderful job.
EricLouis5Welcome to BleavGreat pod!
Laura MarilynNice to haveIt’s nice to have a ufo podcast with guys that are seemingly progressive. The amount of podcast bros in this space are unfortunately very high. I can count on this podcast and one other in this category?
MdlangsGreat Podcast Horrible PeopleI really loved the podcast, but like they say, don’t meet your heroes. They treat people horrifically on Twitter and Bluesky. Shows what kind of people they both are. Do not recommend. Klaus also can’t stop pushing politics despite saying he doesn’t want to go there. Then has meltdowns about it when people have different takes.
southside nasA necessary listenTop tier of podcasts on the subject. Well-researched, well-informed, and they treat the listener with dignity and respect. They also complement each other really well. At some point, it will be nice to incorporate a guest segment. But of course, that all takes time, and I appreciate the time you do give to help inform the rest of us.
BrianCWCOne of the best UFO podcasts out thereI love this show. It’s entertaining while also being well researched and informative. Keep up the great work guys.
NatureBoysEngaging BUT lacking objectivityThe hosts of this show do a great job digging into many facets of ufos, the unexplained, and the esoteric. I really appreciate their back and forth, and they’ve made me want to read a lot of the books they reference. However, I don’t appreciate how the hosts too often seem to pray at the alter of Lue Elizondo, Tom Delonge, Jim Semivan and a lot of the other TTSA crowd. Regarding some concepts/ideas/anecdotes they can have an objective, and even skeptical take, but when it comes to people like Lue they just take everything as gospel. I’m not saying that all TTSA (and TTSA adjacent) people are full of it. But many have been caught lying or at least making claims without evidence. The hosts are entitled to their opinions of course, yet I think their show would be better if they applied the same amount of scrutiny (and skepticism if warranted) to all people/claims made in the murky topic of UFOs.
ByteSlinger#1Excellent and EngagingI look forward to this each week. Always interesting and thought-provoking yet remains grounded.
teo555AwesomeThis guys are awesome great podcasts
Jersey Girl in VermontVery good!I appreciate the hosts of this podcast. Interesting and knowledgeable.
mrfettKlaus and Garrett are treasures!Absolute best podcast on the topic of anonymous phenomenon. As Klaus himself says, they’re one of the few voices in this space that call out the Q Anon looney tune parasites that infest the UFO community. Keep up the excellent work guys, you are appreciated! 🙏🫡
Rustywallace357Longtime X lurker, show doesn’t disappointYou guys should continue looking into the Lovecraft Code connections, that episode was one of the best podcast episodes I’ve ever listened to
cigboxUrantiaLove your research Check out the Urantia Foundation and the Urantia Papers
AlexDesignsItConsistent, excellent coverageI listen to a lot of podcasts while I work and this is always first on the list! Klaus and Garrett provide some of the most intelligent, reasonable and well-researched commentary on the UFO/UAP phenomenon.
Beyond The TreesHow long before Delonge sends you a gift bag?While I will admit a lot of the information that is provided here is extremely important, knowledgeable and well documented, the use of absolutely nothing but TTSA and John Keil references is overwhelmingly. At least three times per episode Elizondo or Semivan are brought up, it begins to sound familiar of every other story told about information being spread to cause confusion. Given the amount of research it is surprising that they don’t see the connections of who is involved and how the past is repeating itself. It is however a good source for very seldom spoken about information revolving around the phenomenon. But please change up your sources guys.
DbutchkoFresh new perspectiveAwesome interview and discussions.. tnx
FobbycubeThe Best UFO PodcastI have never gone back and listened to all past episodes of a podcast dealing with high strangeness and UFOs - except for Patterns Tell Stories - this podcast is so good it demanded my full attention, including all of the past episodes.
Jman6969696977643357FantasticReally like these topics and new threads to go look into myself. They are fantastic at generating new authors, or new perspectives to look at the phenomenon. Keep it up! Knowledge is power!
ericralphPerfect mix of skepticism and speculationNew favorite. Starting back at the beginning I like it so much- I relate to the hosts general ideas, theories and approaches to trying to figure out this ufo thing- def One of the top three best podcasts on the subject I’ve found if not THE best-
Star&LPS TrukNMy opinionKlaus and Garrett are awesome. I’m excited listening to a podcast that is so real, organic if you will. I feel if me and couple of friends had a podcast that this is exactly how we’d sound knowledgeable but chill it’s refreshing. Keep dropping knowledge you guys make my day
EhmsoleilLove this podcastWell read hosts who have genuine chemistry, love for the topic, and open minds. It's like overhearing cool nerds' conversation about a class they're taking.
Big if Tru3Shows okKLAUS is one the most toxic people on UFO twitter.
Ms. TomesInteresting ShowThese gentlemen are interesting to listen to. I find that Klaus is somewhat Garrett’s mentor. The only thing that I don’t know if Garrett is aware of is that when someone verbally refers to UFOs, they speak all 3 letters. Unless I’m mistaken I hear U and then “foe”, two syllables instead of u f o. Interesting ideas and opinions. Definitely worth a listen.
AnedgoThe bar is set on podcasts on this topicI listen to a lot of podcasts on this topic. Patterns Tell Stories is the only one that when it’s released it’s a “stop what I’m doing” moment and I jump right in. The hosts really know their stuff on a wide range of topics but never talk above the heads of their listeners. They site so many great books and articles that I’ve started listening with a notepad nearby so I can do followup research. And for me the best thing of all is this is done in a very casual, conversational tone. They mentioned that they met for the first time in person recently and I’ve would of sworn they have been best friends since childhood, their chemistry is so authentic. Keep up the great work!
CaseyJeanMusMusAn absolute gem 💎The archetype of quality content. Thought-provoking conversations will inspire you to independently feed your curiosity, long after the episode is over. Their witty and smooth banter make this podcast feel like a familiar friend.
suliamanabdulGreat Podcast for the Discerning ThinkerI encourage anyone interested in this topic to follow this show. They have a measured way of approaching the topic without all of the fluff that others insert just to gain a follow.
Bart the Bear-a-taur BardFavorite new “Strangeness” podcast!Great podcast for those interested in high strangeness. These guys go down the rabbit holes without getting lost. They play in a nice middle ground between wacky doodle and debunker where they thoughtfully and candidly discuss like you’re hanging out at the water cooler.
Arms BoyOperation PaperclipSpeaking in tongues is misrepresented here. Speaking in tongues in one instance is the spirit making intercession on the individuals behalf. We don’t know the future, so we don’t always know what we will need, so the spirit prays for the things that will be required. There is a form of speaking in tongues, that manifests in a person giving prophecy in an unknown language, followed by another person receiving and giving the interpretation. Don’t trust mega churches or anything they say. They want your money, and that’s all.
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