Invisible Scars

No two scars heal the same, but by sharing our experiences and supporting each other, we can all find a path to healing. Welcome to Invisible Scars, a podcast hosted by Jessalynn Biederstadt, where we lean into what life has to offer and learn to find joy, no matter the cards we’ve been dealt. As a child sexual assault survivor, Jessalynn has spent spent years navigating her own healing journey, and has learned that with the right tools and support, rebuilding a life full of joy and fulfillment is possible. Join us each week as Jessalynn engages in open and honest conversations with clinicians, trauma specialists, and fellow survivors who are all on their unique paths to healing. Invisible Scars offers a space for listeners to learn from the experiences of others, gain practical tools for their own healing journey, and find inspiration and hope in the stories of those who have found their way to the other side of trauma. 

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