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mmunderwood2389About Running/Not About RunningIn the course of 12 hours, I’ve quoted Coach to a running friend (If you can’t do the run you WANT to do, do the run you CAN do) and used his wisdom with my kids (do your PERSONAL BEST for getting ready to leave!). I’ve also shared episodes with at least five friends. Can’t express enough gratitude for Coach Bennett.
Bahar KhayamiYou uncovered the runner within me!I’ve been a user of the NRC and NTC for more than a decade! And my athleticism became meaningful when I started to run listening to Coach Bennett! I began to see training and education differently since then. I don’t have a tattoo of coach Bennett but I won’t go without listening to him more than 24hours!
EvnetsPerfect companion to NRC AppCoach Bennett is an absolute gem. Discovered Coach Bennett years ago through the Nike Run Club App and his guided runs have coached me and inspired me to be a better runner, reader, and person. This podcast takes Coach Bennett's wisdom and dulcet tones that much further. I expect nothing less from a fellow Monmouth County, NJ child of the 1980s.
HeyRennieThis is about running, and this is not about running.Even if you aren’t a runner (yet 😉), this podcast will be one of the most inspirational and insightful listens you’ll find. Coach Bennett has been my running guide for years and has inspired my teaching as well as my very slow jogs. If you need a mental or emotional boost, give this podcast a listen. You won’t regret it. And than you Coach, for being such an inspiration to me over the years. My own students have benefited from your wisdom. 🏃🏃♀️🏃♂️
Heather_was_hereWisdom and MotivationI get so many laughs and so much good information from every episode. Coach B has taught me a lot along my running journey and always has something I need to hear in these episodes. One of my favorites to introduce friends to.
mikshock98Coach Bennett!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank You!!NRC led me to you about a year ago when I quit my job, moved, and started a new job teaching middle school. I have since then ran 4 half marathons and a 10k. Oh and I coached a JV girls basketball team! Listening to your guided runs on NRC helps me go through my day, and just be thankful to be out on the run with all the crazy I had to deal with all day. Even when I’m not listening to a guided run (or not running because this is about running, but it’s also not about running), I think “What would Coach Bennett be saying right now to me?” This has gotten me through so many days where things seemed impossible or I just didn’t feel like showing up. But showing up and being present has made me who I am today! I just recently started to listen to the podcast and I love it just as much as the guided runs. Keep the rambling up because that’s what my head sounds like 24/7! Ps: I need some merchandise ASAP!!
Marc Sommersetcoach bennett inspires us to be betterbe a better coach or a better athlete kinder to yourself and others even though the podcast is ostensibly about running, it's not really about running p.s. pineapple will ruin your pizza. sorry coach.
ChiotiCoach Bennett is the Running WhispererI first heard of Coach Bennett when I downloaded the Nike Run Club app and started running earlier this year. Through the guided runs and his views on running and not running, I found a joy in a sport that I thought I hated most of my life. Now I am training for my first half marathon next month. The podcast takes the tidbits that you hear in the guided runs and expands on them. This fellow CBA Colt (class of 1990) is looking forward to many more great episodes.
shannonmcguireCouldn’t love this guy moreEver love someone so much you’re out of words to say? I’ve been a follower of Coach Bennett for years through his guided runs in the Nike Run Club app and devour every word he says like it’s gospel. Because it is. He is incredibly inspiring and motivating while remaining, what seems like, the most genuine and kind man alive. I look forward to these episodes each week and implement each bit of his gospel into my runs as much as I can. We truly don’t deserve him. Honored and delighted to meet him at each starting line. Love you, Coach!
Apacheguy64Great Motivation and EducationI’ve been listening to Coach Bennett for several years now in the Nike Run Club’s guided runs. I started running as an adult and didn’t have some of the foundational ideas around “being a runner”. As it turns out, they were there all along. I just needed someone to explain that to me. I have learned so much from Coach Bennett and his team about paces, distances, how to coach myself, and many more concepts. This podcast is a continuation of that philosophy, and I love it. Thank you, Coach Bennett for the guidance, encouragement, and most importantly, the kindness you put into the world!
KelKel218Coach Bennett is the best!10/10 the best running coach around! He is so inspirational and his coaching really applies to so many people and so many things within running and beyond! I’ve never classified myself as a runner but with CB’s guidance I am heading into my first 5k with confidence and excitement to continue running ☺️
MaiaAdrienneReal life Ted LassoThe pep talk you want from the coach you never had! I started running as an adult so I never got the experience of having a coach and this podcast is it!!
Iri.15He just has a true Sage spirit.The Sage grants us their wisdom via expression. Coach doesn’t keep the knowledge to himself. Idk if he was ever scared of sharing pieces of himself or if he was just born that way… He’s good at using his words! Always reading, record keeping, sharing and giving pieces of what he absorbs. And coach Bennett has had a lot of practice with eloquence, so… he always sounds good/ like he’s really with you. Coach Bennett was one of the ppl that shaped me into a flying pig. I ran Cincinnati’s Flying Pig Marathon last year, and have always used the Nike Run Club app for all my race trainings. That’s where I “know him” from. I was wondering if it would be different to listen to him via podcast from listening to him on NRC. He has the same vibe, he always seems to be himself. I feel that when other ppl give me wisdom it’s rare, and might not fully stick. For me, what coach Bennett says always gives me some epiphany or illumination LOL. It resonates, sticks, and I find myself applying it to my life pretty much right away. Coach just has that Sage spirit.
Jc6385Great podcastI started listening to this podcast when I started running 3 months ago. Todays podcast “how to run for nothing at all” has been my biggest question because I started running just to see if I could run a 5k. I met the 5k so I worked towards 10K and I have made there as well. It has hit on so many questions and I have learned a lot of great tips to be successful. I just wish there were more than one episode a week!
Orion6405Love the podcast!!Coach Bennett has gotten me into running. I started listened to him with the Nike Run app when I began running (when I didn’t think I could do it) and his guided runs made it possible for me to continue and think I can. I appreciate this podcast and use it for wisdom, entertainment, and motivation for my continued training.
Akrunner97Hey Coach!I’ve been running with Coach for a looooong time now, beginning with the Nike guided runs. I’d been a lifelong runner and found XC and Track through high school and college until I suddenly found myself without a coach for the first time in my life. A couple years off found my fitness at an all time low and it was frustrating trying to run what I had before. After giving Coach Bennett a try, things started to change for the better. After running my whole life, I was learning how to run the right way for the first time. I had a coach again, that was simultaneously teaching me how to be a good coach and teammate to myself. I didn’t beat myself up after slow efforts and found myself instead checking in with myself more often and getting a better, smarter run out of it. This podcast has been another great mental tool in becoming a better runner and person and I’m so thankful for it. Thanks so much Coach Bennett. I’m hoping to send you an actual letter soon, but just wanted to get a review in after this run. See ya on the next starting line!
PrincessPeach81Very motivational!I feel like Coach Bennett is my personal coach. ❤️
Happy HarruHad Me At “Not A Failure”Had me at “Just because you failed, doesn’t mean you’re a failure.” Thank you coach for the words of encouragement and wisdom. I’ve had my setbacks as am sure so have others, but this episode resonated with me and touched me in such a way that I cried in the car as I listened to it. Thank you for reassuring me that I am not a failure. Thank you so much. Truly.
BrookipyeEncouraging, great info, and funny!Coach Bennett has been coaching me through guided runs for the last 5 years with the NRC app, and is always encouraging, funny, and entertaining. I love the podcast and am thrilled to hear more of his wisdom about running and life!
beez728Every review has a purpose ;)Coach Bennett has done so much to change my mindset around running. It used to be part of an ED I had where it was basically just a punishment for me, always only to lose weight, calories, etc. My runs were mostly terrible. Through the NRC app and now this podcast, I’ve completely changed my mindset (and have since healed my ED) and only run for all the good reasons, and Coach gives so many good reasons. He is so great, and now I’m training for a half marathon for the first time! Give him a listen for sure. Thanks for all you do, Coach Bennett!
MLabenzGreat running motivationThanks, Coach Bennett!
mlow17Thank you thank you thank youCoach Bennett, Thank you for helping me fall back in love with running. I needed something that was my own after becoming a new mom. I downloaded the Nike Run Club app to track my runs and found so much more thanks to your coaching/running/not-running philosophy. I never thought I would come back to the sport after losing my senior cross country season to a knee injury. I’m so glad that I did. Best running podcast & coach ever!
Linz21----Just yesIf you want a podcast that is truly positive and will brighten your day… peppered in with excellent running and life advice this is it. I love coach Bennett’s podcast. I listen to it with my 6 year old and he always starts laughing when I say the intro as coach Bennet is saying it. He actually asks for me to play it which is pretty cool. I’m happy that when we’re in the car together we can listen to something as a family that makes us both better humans. Thank you for all you do for everyone Coach. You rock.
EntrepreneurBzYou are here from the Nike Run Club App huh?Coach Bennett has Been one of my guiding lights through my beginning journey in running. His coaching, tips, training and hilarious rambles that often finish with him and Daniel the engineer going at it on the Nike Run Club app Have made this sport extremely enjoyable for me. I often find myself laughing in the middle of a run thanks to this! And his podcast channel ONE UPS his coaching in the NRC app. Yup, you thought it couldn’t get better? Well it does, although some Daniel the engineer snippets in the podcast would be fun. HINT HINT 😉😉 The information in each episode is easy to hear and digest that you can have it being played while you are driving, commuting and just chilling and still be EASILY consuming SOLID running content. Inspirational, motivational and teaching! We need more coaches that love the sport like Coach Bennett does! THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO COACH! With love! From belize 🇧🇿!
@Ram5eySo much more than a running podcastI’ve enjoyed Coach Bennett’s guided runs on the Nike app for a while but I was still wondering how much of a podcast I would find appealing and the answer is: I have no idea because I’m totally hear for everything in this. Each episode is a blend of running advice, mailbag, therapy and human philosophy…with a blend of music and food talk from a very New Jersey perspective (again, I’m here for it). Coach Bennett is doing a tremendous job on this (and Coach Tammmie too)…it is really hard to make an engaging pod talking solo 95% of the time but Coach Bennet is so successful at keeping me thinking, challenged, and entertained. I can’t recommend it enough.
FrugglenugThe bestCoach Bennett has inspired me and my running so much and I truly value his perspective on the pod. He's uplifting and positive and I always feel better after listening!
Mom on the run 🏃🏽♀️My favorite CoachThank you for making me a better Runner, I discovered you through the Nike Guide Run on Nike running app, and oh boy this is a game changer if you’re serious about running, thank Coach Bennett for sharing all you knowledgeable tips and advices !
JFans_Coach!Coach Bennett is the absolute 🐐! Without a doubt I am inspired and a better person, runner and teammate after each episode. Cheers, J
tammie bennettBy far my favorite podcast everI’m biased. Because this is my podcast. But that doesn’t mean my opinion is wrong. In fact, I bet you’ll love it too! Anyway, cheers and thank you to everyone that’s listening and has subscribed and left a review. I really do appreciate it! Cheers!
Jayden630Great, Amazing, Excellent, and FantasticLike a lot of people. I ran cross country in high school, but fell out of running for a good number of years. I started using the Nike run app a few years and discovered Coach Bennett on the guided runs. I never thought that I would enjoy listening to a guided run, but now it is all I listen to now. This podcast is the combination of extremely helpful advice and brighten up your day. Every time I had a question in my head, I would turn on the podcast and the answer would come up on the next episode. I don’t have enough words to say about this podcast because unlike Coach, I do not own a thesaurus, but I should. Thank you Coach Bennett, you made me start loving running again. Cheers!
hamlet08My Fav Running PodcastEntertaining. Informative. Funny. Inspirational. This podcast is my perfect companion when I go for a run. Full of excellent tips and insights, whether you are a serious athlete or an amateur runner.
tbev16“This is about running and it’s not about running”I found Coach Bennett through Nike Run Club. He has completely changed my perspective about running and in many ways impacted my life for the better. Love the podcast! Check it out along with the guided runs on the Nike Run Club app, you won’t be disappointed!
rmac55555555555This guy changed my life2023 was a great year because at the age of 34, I got back into running. I found CB from the NRC app and now listen to pod. It’s fabulous.
StitmasTurning into a Runnerd!I ran XC in high school, then stopped. Ran on and off through various periods in my life but never was part of “the community.” Coach Bennett has rekindled my love of running, helped me start running again in a strong and safe way, and has me on my way to be a true “runnerd” as he’d say. I love that this podcast is about running but also… not about running. Is tend to do things 150% and then burnout. The mix of running, life, + laughs in this podcast help me stay balanced myself rather than just calling running another hyperfocus. Since I started listening late in the game here, I’ve been bouncing around to different episodes so if you’re the same as me, just know you don’t need to listen to them in order to get started. THANK YOU Coach Bennett!!
MichelleManzanilloStrength TrainingHey coach, I loved the great running advice episode, I would loveeee to see an episode where you expand more on at home work outs that we can do for strength training!!!! GIVE IT TO USSS
crase91So motivating & engaging!I love listening to Coach Bennet! He’s so engaging and relates running to daily life. My mental health is better because I’m taking better care of my running health. When I run and listen I think this is the only thing I’ve ever listened to that I’ll smile while running. Lol
cruz xxNRC App + Podcast SupporterI came across Coach Bennett in the NRC App. He has changed my life and my perspective on running in general. If you’re reading this, thank you.
YevinnBest Running PodcastCoach Bennet’s running podcast is the best podcast there is. If you are a runner and you aren’t listening to this you are doing something wrong! Thanks Coach Bennet for all your amazing advice.
Balancing Monkey Big Island of HawaiiMore please!I run with Coach Bennett on NRC, our “sessions” remind me of practicing with a really good yoga teacher where I leave the mat feeling yes like I practiced moving and really being in my body BUT also like I am a better human being after that practice…because yoga isn’t really about yoga and running isn’t really about running AND yoga is only about yoga and running is only about running… regardless. listen to the podcast. it’s great! and if that’s not convincing enough you can listen to it and you don’t even have to be running 😂 you can just be daydreaming about running while eating bon bons on your couch and Coach make those videos!!
Ace gallantCan’t wait for the next episodeI like to listen to them before my XC meets I PR every time kind of a superstition to my runs I don’t PR if I don’t listen to them so please keep them coming I’m almost out of the episodes 🤣
shmee22Here for the Rambling…you still get where you need to goI’ve been running on the Nike app for a few years, and Coach Bennett is a big reason I keep coming back. He leads with kindness and makes me want to be kinder to myself and to everyone around me. He’s also just a delight to listen to, even through the rambling, maybe BECAUSE of the rambling. He drops great knowledge with great humility and is committed to making the sport better. Truly one of the greats on running and life.
Great adviceI loved the great running advice episode, looking forward to more!
djakobRunning is my church, and Coach Bennett is my ministerI’ve listened to Coach Bennett via the NRC app and Nike Running IG for years, so I was excited to discover this podcast. He always has something incredibly insightful embedded into each episode, and even some of his throwaway lines have become mantras for me. Uplifting, empowering, motivational and educational. Even the meandering tangents about Barbenheimer and Bruce Springsteen always seem to resolve with some life lesson that may or may not be about running. But it’s always about running. Thank you Coach.
El Obispo RojoThe Ted Lasso of RunningThis podcast is about running and this podcast is not about running. If you know, you know. #iwishyoujoy
DaHoody11Aways encouraging and motivating.All the 1 stars have the attention span of a peanut
ScottdhustonToo rambling.There is some good information on here, but the host just rambles too much. This podcast could benefit from a writer, or a cohost. Some kind of structure. Hopefully it gets better because the host seems kind and knowledgeable.
M._RaeIt’s about running and NOT about running!I love Coach Bennett’s stories at the start of each episode. He’s authentic and it connects the listener. He is also the best hype-man ever on the NRC app and got me through my first half-marathon. So excited that I can continue to learn from him with the weekly podcast now - and not just about running! These are life lessons that will improve your mindset.
CatwithaKnycMindset Matters with Mrs. Bennett: A Podcast GemI'm a big fan of this podcast, and I can't get enough of the "Mindset Matters with Mrs. Bennett" episode. It's on constant replay for me!
mother turkerI can’t get enough!The first time I heard about coach Bennet was from my older cousin then it turned into fan pages on tik tok about this dude. I wanted to see what the hype was all about on Nike Run Club and my obsession began. I love coach Bennet he makes me feel confident in my runs no matter the pace nor the distance.
difuufu!!effort!!Thanks coach for this reminder. Perfect timing since I’m at 4 weeks to 1/2 marathon. It’s my 4th time through this training cycle with you. Last round, I fell apart on this week because I pushed too hard. As I head out for a recovery run this morning , I’m going to listen to my body; go easy, recover and soak up this beautiful summer day. I’m lucky, my home run is Chicago’s lakefront. You rock! So grateful to have you with me.
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