Exposing Scientology

Mike Rinder, prominent whistleblower,  exposes the abuses of the church of scientology through personal stories, interviews and scrutiny of current affairs. Mike spent 34 years working at the top ranks of the church of scientology and was directly involved with the inner workings of their spy unit: the Office of Special Affairs. He left the church in 2007 and has been exposing the abuses of this cult since 2009.  Mike co-hosted the popular Emmy winning TV show, Leah Remini, Scientology and the Aftermath, the podcast "Fair Game" and is also the author of the book "A Billion Years, My Escape from a Life in the Highest Ranks of Scientology. " 

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Recent Reviews
  • Iomplok
    So glad I found this!
    I’ve been watching the fair game podcast like a hawk waiting for the return! Only a little late to finding this, but I’m so glad you’re both ok! 10/10 great podcast
  • Dmsluck
    Thank you
    I appreciate you, your family, Leah, Mark, Clare and others. I have listened to the show and Podcast for years and I gain great comfort from it. It is a pleasure to witness people fighting for what’s right. I have been upset lately that it seems a group that has also left Scientology has turned on you and literally encouraged others to stand against you. I don’t understand and I am sorry this is happening. Good health to you and your family. Donna
  • Lauren12012
    Best Podcast Ever!!!!
    Leah & Mike!!!!! Finally just found y’all again! Missed you both so much !!!! I listen to so many podcast and y’all’s are my all time favorites!!! I literally listen to the old ones over and over and over. Please NEVER stop!!
  • BretStalcup
    Excellent Podcast
    As always Mike Rinder is articulate, thoughtful, and spot on in his analysis of the ultimate multi-level marketing scam, Scientology.
  • Jay DeeNola
    The courage and dedication is so admirable
    Mike has been a tireless activist against Scientology! It’s so great to see him continuing the work despite all of the barriers. Activism of all kinds require flexibility and dedication and he is a great example of this.
  • Dispenzerised
    Love you guys
    But where did you go….again??? Are you all ok?
  • Kellieak
    Never miss an episode.
  • Super duper s
    Awesomely Done!
    Mike is an absolutely wonderful person to listen to and I enjoy this podcast as much as Fair Game which I had really enjoyed!
  • oh2bebeachin
    Mike is a Tireless Advocate
    Sharing his knowledge on the subject of Scientology and their very specific abuse of the system, and more importantly the abuse of the very people who fall victim to their particular ideology (that is a years long scam leaving people quite literally broke and broken)- comes at a huge personal cost to Mike and his family. Mike and others who speak out suffer the immediate loss of friendships, family members, years of harassment, being followed, his CHILDREN being followed; and so many more horrible things a supposed church should NEVER do! Mike has paid daily, for YEARS. His contacts with former members and their constant brainstorming produces many thoughtful and somewhat practical ideas on combatting further harm - and at a minimum brings the illegalities practiced by COS out into the sunlight. I appreciate his efforts and always look forward to the next episode of the podcast !
  • WillBS76
    Really enjoying this. I dated a woman years ago that got out of Scientology, but her mother is still in it. She told me things that match perfectly to everything you guys are saying. She grew up in the sea org and suffered so much trauma. It’s terrible but what you guys are doing is awesome. Keep up the great work.
  • tabbytoes1204
    Great work
    I love Mike and Leah. I adore what they do everyday and how they’ve become so strong. I listen to this podcast everyday. Keep on going!
  • shearbear1966
    So informative and enjoyable
    Love listening to Mike and Leah. You can tell that they’re friendship is genuine. And both of them are so compassionate.
  • mrkit2u
    Good but with human flaws
    Mike is super smart and knows more about the upper echelons of Scientology than almost anybody in the outside. He is also very clear. I bought his book. I’m deducting one star because he turned back to the dark arts when dealing with a difficult situation with a former colleague. Tainted my previous admiration for him and disappointed me. Still a good show.
  • MdJGutierrez
    The Dynamic Duo of Exposing Scientology
    Thanks to Mike’s wife, Christie, the podcast with Mike and Leah is back! Now we can listen while we work, and drive, and ride our bikes, and thwart the will of the supreme leader of Scientology, David Miscavige and Dave’s only deity, LR Hubbard. There are other podcasts exposing the greed and cruelty of cults and specifically Scientology, but this is the one where the man, so valued by David Miscavige, he was put in charge of the highest level projects WHILE IN THEIR INTERNAL PRISON! Meanwhile Mike was bouncing back and forth from Scientology stages in front of adoring crowds, Leah was one of their biggest celebrities, required to socialize with their supreme celebrity, Tom Cruise. So we get to hear the secrets of the disfunction at the cult’s highest executive levels and the disfunction at it’s highest public level. What’s it like to have your “church” order you to go to one of Tom Cruise’s mansions and play Hide and Seek? Find out here. What’s it like to have the highest executive in your “church” order you to paint the stairwell of the new big building, before he makes you change into your tuxedo to get on stage and tell your fans how wonderful everything is going? Find out here. Leah thought Mike was living a pristine, exemplary life. We hear how mind boggling the truth still is to her. The cruel degradation, the fund raising balls with millionaires, children as young as five being asked the most explicit questions during recorded, required, “confessions,” and explaining “slice and bake” cookies to Tom Cruise, it’s all here.
  • Sloslowe
    The Secrets of Scientology
    I grew up only miles away from downtown Clearwater and Scientology. So many secrets and unknowns of those in uniform walking in and out of the Fort Harrison Hotel and down the sidewalks. Mike, Leah, and guests offer so much information and understanding of the exact beliefs and workings of Scientology, it is clear that this is NOT a church! Educational and interesting, one can’t help but value and admire Mike’s ability to clearly communicate Scientology’s history, tactics, and abuses towards its members and public. Highly recommended for all to hear the truth.
  • Kathyinil
    CRAZINESS up in here
    Scientology is a cult and a for profit business, they do not deserve tax exemption, the proof is RIGHT HERE. Content is also interesting and entertaining while still being infuriating.
  • Listening Since Before my iPod
    Mike Rinder is the Best at This
    Mike has the facts, the passion, and the talent to expose Scientology like no one else can. Other ex members may have known both the cult founder and his successor, as Mike did and most didn’t, but Mike can tell these stories better. Maybe it’s his slendiferous vocabulary (my word, not his, he’d never be that Seussian), maybe it’s his Australian (to an American) accent, maybe it’s whatever made him such a favorite to the Scientology audiences he spoke before, but whatever it is, he’s the best. I’m terribly glad he’s back with Leah regularly, I’m glad he’s making this podcast, and I hope he’s successful at ending the crimes of Hubbard’s cult.
  • AlabamaFan! Roll Tide
    Xeno is my homeboy!!
    I love the podcast! So interesting!
  • CCAngelique
    Never miss an episode. I listen to the Podcast but may try watching an episode. Been listening since Fair Game podcast came out. Was so happy to find this after not seeing any new episodes on other. Praying someday that the law will realize this is NOT A CHURCH!!! THIS IS CONTROL & ABUSE BEYOND MEASURE!!!
  • pyitejam
    Welcome back
    Great to have you back Mike. This format works very well in my opinion! Keep it up!
  • zonlv
    Important information
    High control religions are so incredibly dangerous. Add unlimited financial power and absolute control over your personal life, and you find Scientology. Thank you for shining light on this destructive buisness/ religion.
  • chrissypie68
    Happy you’re back !
    What happened to Marty Rathbun ??
  • Shanyle86
    You guys are back!!
    I missed you guys! Thank you for bringing insight into all things Scientology.
  • ndtrox
    Are the cops being paid?
    With the obvious, rampant abuse and the number of victims in Scientology, I wonder if they’re paying the LAPD to ignore them. Some of the cops so vehemently defend Scientology that I wonder if those officers are being paid. And I don’t mean donations. ‘Thou doth protest too much,’ LAPD.
  • yhas crime junkie gals!
    Happy You’re back!
    So so happy you are back and healthy. I love this new series and wish you all the best!
  • coffee lover 24
    Glad you are back, you’ve been missed!
    So excite to hear the two of you again! I love learning and being involved in spreading what I learn through the two of you and through my own research! Especially when a Scientology building is in my city, and like you have said, its just an empty building!
  • it's gddyijvxfujv
    You’re back!
    I was worried when all of a sudden you two were gone... no more episodes. So good to hear your voices again. I know someone in Scientology and he destroyed my relationship with my sister. He raped my sister when she was 13 yrs old. No one would believe me, not even my mother and my sister still defends him. Because of your podcast, I understand his evilness. Stay safe and carry on!
  • funypages
    Mike, you’ve disappointed a lot of folks who supported you through your health battles and rebuilding your life after leaving that cult. We’re still rooting for you. We still support The Aftermath Foundation because we support the INTENTIONS of the organization. But I think you’ve lost sight of the big picture. In your professional life, you’re turning against friends like Aaron for personal reasons. Aaron has work to do on himself but so do you. People coming out of cults aren’t the most well adjusted people on the planet and they have a lifetime of work ahead of them. You must keep that in mind when judging others and have more grace. You can then show grace towards those who come to the foundation for help.
  • Sophi4_kitten
    So glad you’re back in podcast form. Now you both can go on walks with me again
  • 1457823
    Camera woman story was fascinating. It starts out, not that bad and then spins into a nightmare. She is amazing!
  • Gaspasser007
    Thanks for making the extra effort to produce these in podcast form! Fantastic
  • JackSowrd
    This is so unbelievable. I can only imagine how frustrating this is for people who have loved ones involved in this organization. I can’t believe it can even be called a religion. I mean who are they worshiping? I think this is very important work you guys are doing, keep going. Who knows how many people you have stopped from getting involved in the first place.
  • TomAliAriEth
    Back and better than ever
    Make and Leah, your voices have been missed. So glad you’re back and exposing Scientology for all that it is. Good luck and may the fair gaming stop in its tracks.
  • LemmyQ
    So happy your back.
    So happy your back and love watching SPtv on YouTube. The SPtv community is amazing, keep up the fight.
  • MarpleMissy
    Very inspiring podcast for anyone fighting any cause right now. Leah and Mike are always passionate but never lecturing. They are super informed and up-to-date, and always interesting. They offer a great example of strength and engagement. I missed them! So glad they are back.
  • Jenfan2000
    Love this podcast!
    So happy to have Mike and Leah back! Love their ferocity to bring the lies of Scientology to light! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • Ycycycucycuvuc
    I’m so glad you two are back
    Leah and Mike have risked so much to continue their fight to reveal the truth about the cult of Scientology. It’s a serious and dark topic that they both manage to make interesting and engaging because of their history, first hand knowledge and their beautiful chemistry together. And i love it when Leah curses!!!!
  • betterfly
    They’re back!!
    Oh, how we’ve missed Leah and Mike! This is hands down my favorite podcast, and I’m thrilled for new episodes. I love seeing the progress this duo - in collaboration with others - is making in terms of taking down one of the grossest cults of them all.
  • Goonsie
    Exposing Scientology is mind blowing
    Wow, what an absolutely necessary show! Mike and Leah are in the trenches, doing the work that so many others are to even attempt. Such brave souls. I cannot recommend this podcast enough!! Scientology is crumbling thanks to these 2 warriors who are fighting the good fight!
  • AlyssaM0616
    Thank you so much Mike and Leah! I’ve so been looking forward to this and all the new episodes to come! Keep doing the hard work and know you’re appreciated!
  • Lil 214
    Great podcast
    So glad you two are back! It’s been a long wait in the podcast arena.
  • LibertyUniversity2003
    So glad to have Mike and Leah back on a podcast!!!
  • Aravis M
    Leah and Mike are warriors with unique perspective on the absuses of Scientology. They are determined to get the truth about this high control group and I have endless respect for them.
  • FloridaMom!
    Yay! They’re back!
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