
After midnight on July 6th, 2012, three teenage girls walked into the thick Appalachian woods somewhere along the Mason-Dixon line. Hours later, under the glow of a nearly full moon, only two walked out.

The very last time Dave and Mary Neese saw their only child Skylar was in a grainy black-and-white video. In it, she's sneaking out of her ground-floor bedroom in the middle of the night, her purse over her shoulder, her brown hair swinging as she hurries across the small parking lot to a waiting car.

What happened to Skylar Neese has become gothic American lore: the odd girl out in a vicious teenage triangle. But in the ten years since that fateful night beneath the West Virginia stars, a fuller portrait of what happened has emerged. From award-winning journalists Justine Harman and Holly Millea comes a gripping 10-part series featuring Skylar's family, closest friends, and law enforcement who lived the case—and are still living it.

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  • Felini-1
    So episode 5 is just missing?
    I couldn’t get past episode 4 because episode 5 is just the commercial for “Drowning” over and over again on this platform and Spotify. What’s the deal? So frustrating.
  • raadarted
    The hosts pronounce Appalachia incorrectly
  • jenhed9696
    Great show, poor choice of trooper interviewee
    I’d give it 5 stars if it weren’t for the trooper who is highlighted in almost every episode who has zero filter, got kicked off the case, and should literally have been fired for his insubordination, misogyny, and harm to the case. You’d think the two women running this podcast would not have chosen some of this guy’s awful language and admissions into the podcast.
  • Houston Holiday
    Excellent and compelling and disturbing
    Ernest Hemingway in East of Eden wrote of Cathy that monsters with pretty faces are born among us. Sheila is one of those monsters. And I am convinced that Rachel is too. I hope Sheila is never released to a walk among us. And I hope Rachel spends every one of her 30 years sentence.
  • yr from eg
    White-central galore
    My major issue with true crime is the white-centricism of it. The host begins the podcast with a reference to an article she wrote about the effects of social media on empathy. Well, a white teenager’s level of empathy is verrry different from a BIPOC teenager’s. Furthermore, the victim is called or referred to as angelic in every other sentence (literally), but then described in a not very angelic way. My issue is not what she did. She was a teenager and did normal teenager things. My issue is that only white teenagers are given this privilege. BIPOC teenagers are not given this right. Given that the audience is mostly likely predominantly white, people will disagree with me due to defensiveness. I’m not sure if I’ll finish this podcast because it’s getting nauseating to hear this exaggerated narrative.
  • Thisgirllovescountry123
    Ruined it
    This was such an interesting case but the host told a one dimensional story and made it SOOOO boring how?
  • haleyd222
    Really well done podcast. I already knew the story so I was hesitant to listen. So many details and things you may not have known. Interviews with police officers and detectives add to the story. Great job.
  • MIA_life14
    Fantastic listen
    I ended up reading a summary of the crime online after getting half way through episode 2, I’m glad I continued to listen to the entire series though. They did an excellent job highlighting the individuals touched by this horrific crime as well as the buildup to the confession. While it may seem lengthy I kept reminding myself that the until the confession this was a 6mth long investigation from 10yrs ago. There’s a decade worth of interviews, thoughts, and emotions to unpack here and it was beautifully done and respectful to the family.
  • ANewJennaration
    The Whole Story
    I almost didn’t listen to this since in knew the basic story of what happened. So glad I listened though. Even if you think you know… wow… hearing Skylar’s dad speak just broke me. Wonderfully interviewed, recorded, and produced.
  • SjanelD22
    A range of emotions
    This podcast was done really well and gives the listener the full experience into this case. I found feeling so many emotions. The amount of empathy and sadness I felt as I listened to this horrific story unfold sometime had me lost in time. This case couldn’t have been told any better. As Skylar’s daddy talked about her being frozen in time (forever 16) tears rolled down my cheek. The reality of it all is almost too hard to believe. Thanks for telling the story of this beautiful young lady that tragically left this earth. She has touched my life as I’m sure she has done to many others.
  • Platner Brook
    Dont bother with this
    I think the writers were scared to explore the cultural situation relative to the two girls being lesbians. Otherwise why not start out with that rather than saying they were “closer” to each other than to Skyler? Why not explore what life was like in town for any other lesbians. Rachel seems really vulnerable but the other murderer does seem like a psychopath.
  • khevans
    Grabbed me right away
    Excellent podcast. Hard to listen to. Had me in tears several times. Very similar to the attack of the young girl by her friends due to Slenderman.
  • DolceVivi
    Excellent Podcast
    I was aware of this story from listening to other crime podcasts, but none of them had the depth of Three. This podcast was able to give Skylar and her loving family a voice and the opportunity to tell their story the way it should be told. Highly recommend listening.
  • FL Cowgirl
    Overall a good presentation
    The story and interviews are very well done. The last episode of various psychologists and similar, is the reason I won’t not give 5 stars. Too subjective and completely unnecessary. It’s not a “hard science”. I’ve been in the field, the closest to reality is the gentleman’s view. The rest is just subjective excuses and junk “science”. It ruined an otherwise great show with a preset narrative full of excuses for all involved. For future shows cut the last episode & biases related to in the investigation. Tell the story, ignore the rest…or do a different show completely. Focus only on that. Both don’t mix.
  • amariessa
    My First True Crime Podcast
    I’ve only recently started listening to podcasts, and since True Crime is a genre I love anyway, I figured I’d start there. This story was a great place to start and well done, thanks for telling it.
  • do12fg12fh
    Great journalism, compelling story and access
  • ItsSummerMarie
    Could have been a 2-part episode instead
    This tragic story could have been told has a two-part episode of any existing crime show. It felt odd that an entire series was written just to tell this story. It was drawn out much more than it needed to be. Holly’s narration is a stark contrast to the other narrator on the show. Holly is too slow and too monotone to hold my attention, but you can’t really listen to it at 1.5 speed because the other host & guests speak at a “normal” cadence. I’m surprised AudioChuck is pushing this one. If you like counterclock (also too drawn out, IMO) you’ll probably like this.
  • GonnaGitYa
    Great reporting—poor audio quality
    A well interviewed and compassionately reported tragic story. Unfortunately much of the audio quality of expert interviews was done over spotty cell phone coverage and was difficult to listen to and understand. I wish they had taken the extra time to go in person or at least re-record these key conversations so the audio wasn’t so broken. A couple off and problematic decisions in the story included two stories of police misconduct (bullying and intimidation tactics) held up as almost hero worship examples of dedication to the case… another was sharing the full address of one perpetrator’s home. Why?
  • DC Ashley
    Well written and well executed, superb journalism
    Such a terribly sad and complex tale. I was really impressed with the quality of writing and reporting. Worth your time.
  • Lizard breath97
    Tragic story, wonderful storytelling, TOO MANY ADS!
    I understand that ads are a crucial piece of podcasting, but my god this podcast had more ads than content! And it was the same ad over and over. If I wasn't driving I skipped over the ads but sometimes I was stuck listening. That being said, I was happy to hear that these parents got to see their daughters brutal murderers put to justice. I pray they can find peace. Skylar seemed like an amazing kid with the world in front of her. I hope these two women never see the light of day ever again.
  • catherine1367
    Everything that’s wrong with true crime.
    This show takes very odd turns into some really irresponsible places. There are at least two detectives interviewed who admitted on the podcast to doing some outrageous misconduct and one of them even admitted to repeated instances of police brutality unrelated to the topic. The creators cast these officers in a very sympathetic light and don’t question anything they say, and this type of bad reporting is present throughout every interview included in the series. There is almost no evidence or testimony from the case included. It was as if the creators thought that because there was a verdict and conviction in the case that their speculation about the murderers’ motives were just as valid as anything that could be found in court records. The whole production seems like an attempt to make the perpetrators in this case look as monstrous and inhuman as possible. They do this through the creator’s speculation about the three girl’s social media posts and through the speculation of the people the creators interviewed and present all of it as fact. This might have been an interesting new take on a very popularly known true crime story if they looked at the murder through the lense of social media what role it might have played, but the only message I got was ‘social media bad’.
  • How could you!
    This would be great if
    they didn’t talk like robots. 🤖 Maybe it’s being narrated by stupid AI. It’s obnoxious. On top of that, they spend 98% of the episode describing what a great person the victim was and what their personality was. GET TO THE FEUCKING POINT!!!!!!!
  • MWalls2011
    Listened to episode 1 where it was shared on Crime Junkie. Immediately went to the podcast and listened to all the episodes. It’s a heartbreaking story, but was told so well. I was mad with the family, cried with the family, and hung on to every word that was said. Definitely recommend.
  • Bubbly1980
    I hope Skylar’s family has peace. This would be hard in any situation
  • Shiloh2009
    Such a sad and tragic episode but done with respect and care for Skylar’s family. Well done!
  • Awass_11
    Nice work
    Very well done
  • Cross My Heart
    We don’t need keyboard clicks!
    It’s great storytelling but I have to say it - it’s 2024 we don’t need keyboard clicks and twitter whistles to understand that the voice is reading a text/tweet, especially when the narrator literally says it’s a tweet. It’s so distracting and annoying! It’s making it incredibly difficult to listen to the podcast. PSA for all podcasters: PLEASE don’t add that in. We don’t need it. We are smart enough to follow along without the sound effect. As far as content, I agree with many other reviews that it feels overly drawn out. Interviews come across more like small-town trash talk and gossip rather than telling the story of what happened. Audio quality is disappointing with the interviews as well. It’s a compelling story but I’ve heard many other retellings that are far more interesting. There is so much focus on Rachel and Sheila that you almost completely forget about Skylar. I know they’re being portrayed has high school mean girls but all the interviews and even the narrator commentary feels like more means girl talking about other mean girls.
  • BamaMama3
    Beautiful done
    Such a sad story done in such a respectful way. Skylar is loved and it shows.
  • Hunt Mescudi
    Awesome show
    I was hooked from the first episode. Well told story. Great narrators.
  • AmyAlaska
    Solid production and storytelling
    I’ve been a true crime fan for years and the bar is getting higher in terms of production quality, hosting and narration and this show doesn’t disappoint. I knew the broad facts of the crime/case before listening and still really enjoyed this version - in fact I binged it. Well done and absolutely worth a listen.
  • Bigalcohick13
    Love it !
    As good as “ Down the Hill “ and in my top 3 all time favorite podcasts
  • Madeline Aguilar 1121
    I love this the detail and the story line!!!
  • anap859
    Interesting, In-Depth, Well Done
    Awesome documentary! In short, best podcast and documentary I have ever listed to. Keep up the great work waveland! Thank you for giving Skylar an honor by talking about her personality, likes, dislikes, etc. thank you for focusing as much on Skylar and her family as you did the murderers. I appreciate that y’all kept her human and this felt like an honor to her.
  • aybee5114
    RIP Sky 🫶🏻
    Such a sad story . Heard of Skylar a couple years ago and it broke my heart . Don’t know why but it stayed with me . I think of her her and there and hope she’s resting in peace . Her parents are so sweet and I feel so much sadness for them . Thank you for the details in this series .
    Awesome Job
    This is one of many cases that has always haunted me. Excellent job at covering this case and showing such an in depth look from so many perspectives. Looking forward to more
  • Dave619999
    Waste of time. So much useless filler
    Unless you want to learn how to drag on 2-3 episodes out to 8 or 9 I would avoid this horrible duo. Cheap audio files that haven’t been adjusted or corrected, the list can go on. Find another hobby.
  • skimare
    Different & kept me engaged
    Very well done, for the true crime genre I loved it. I really enjoyed the interactions with each person that was integral to the story. So well executed. I am looking forward to more stories with this format, hope you two produce so much more. Thank you for your work.
  • stewben
    Amazing podcast!
    This is a must to listen to!
  • lsersam
    What is going on with the audio?
    It’s a devastating story and conversations / interviews with the friends and family are well done, but the sequencing is strange and confusing at times. But worse, the audio quality is terrible. One of the hosts sounds like her audio has been deliberately slowed down, and there’s a witness who they clearly interviewed in a bar and they’ve tried to drown out the background noise but it just chops in and out. It’s worth a listen to hear the story but just be warned the audio quality is off.
  • The OnionEaters
    Wish I could give more stars . .
    but this is no better than any other “true crime” podcast. Old news repackaged as new news. Is it interesting? To a point. 10 episodes is about 6 too many. Especially when there are no answers. The title of the last episode says it all. Why? Why? Why? And possibly the worst part. Next season. At least the blurb for it. A guy looking for his father?! Did he ever think of asking his mother?
  • uubvjk
    A captivating and mystifying story. Very well told.
  • metoomover
    DESERVES TEN ⭐️’s ‼️
    This podcast is so well written and told. The crime itself is NOT sensationalized. There are so many fascinating layers to this series. Thank you for doing such a riveting, respectful job. Sending prayers to Mary and Dave Neese.
    The Best Podcast
    Wow I have listened to hundreds of true crime podcasts and this one is the Very Best. Thank you so much. Also loved seeing both of you on the TV show about this crime. Can not wait for another podcast from both of you. Thanks again.
  • mr. rat3r
    Threes a crowd
  • -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- -.-.-.
    Must listen!
    This true crime podcast is well done and will hod your interest throughout all 10 episodes!! One of my favorites!
  • Minnie Castevet
    She died in a town called Brave,which was fitting because Skyler was beautiful and brave and ushered in a movement of people who were moved by her truth and beauty. God bless you sweet girl. I pray you and your parents are reunited some day in the afterlife ❤️ Podcast was fantastic !!
  • Kirby V
    Abysmal Audio Quality and Production
    I still have no idea what actually happened in this investigation. The audio quality is horrible and everything is smashed together… I am on the hunt for another podcast that will do this story justice.
  • Wvupiphi
    Over all great podcast
    I’m from Morgantown town so I have heard and followed this case from the beginning. I truly feel for her parents and all the families involved. If the hosts are going to come to an area and report they should learn the pronunciation of words like Monongalia, Monongahela River. Also some of the interviews and comments were not appropriate. Two wrongs do not make right. And others were just there to hear themselves speak.
  • Oisact
    Too much filler, exposition, quality issues
    We had a 4 hour drive yesterday, and I pulled up a random crime type podcast to fill the time. The Three podcast is what came up, and (unbeknownst to me) it was a 7 part series that ended up taking the entirety of the drive. There were four of us listening - two adults and two teens. We all got extremely frustrated while attempting to follow along and really absorb the facts of the story. There was a LOT of totally unnecessary exposition and information thrown at the listener throughout that was highly annoying, as well as a lot of redundancy of the EXACT same things being reported more than once. For example, the authors of the podcast had an interview with someone very indirectly connected to the case, basically just to get that person’s reaction to what happened. Now keep in mind this is just one of many interviews, and was nothing in itself pertinent to the actual crimes or setting. Yet they described the town in which they met for the interview, the weather, what the person they interviewed was wearing and how she looked. A bunch of absolutely unnecessary information about a person who talked a little bit about their perspective on the case, and who wasn’t even involved themselves. That is just one example of something that occurred dozens of times throughout. They tried to make these odd connections with “snow” and how quiet snow is, based on one of several thousand tweets that were made by the girls. Yet the murder happened in July. Just a really big stretch at trying to be creative and melodramatic. Finally, there were major issues with the quality of interviews and other audio clips in the podcast. I could spend 5 minutes in Audacity (free audio editing software) and clean up those audio clips tremendously, so I’m really not sure how these producers couldn’t bother to do it when it’s pretty much their full time job. Tons of background noise of all kinds, low pitched noise in the background, issues with consistent audio levels. I had to continuously turn the volume up and down to hear various interviewees and make out what they said. That should be done in PRODUCTION, not by me driving down the road while I’m listening. In short, the topic was milked to be twice as long as necessary, and the quality was not very good during most all of the interviews.
  • Emmiecarrot
    Easy to listen to/Hard to take
    I don’t like “cutesy” banter or out-of-place swearing & laughing when listening to a podcast. This story is presented with the appropriate, serious delivery—yet interesting & not clinical. Held my attention with a well-written and well researched report and interviews. A sad tale that needed to be told.
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