
This time it's just Candace. Free and unfiltered.

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  • Barb Logan
    You have no idea how much I missed hearing you! Love Candace and love hearing her views on the world! Whether you agree with her or not she stays in her truth. Which is based on facts. Absolutely love her unapologetic opinions that are based on reason and research!
  • MelissaElle2019
    I Missed Candace
    I’m part of the Generation of middle aged, lower to middle class women experiencing a cultural “shake up and wake up” that Candace speaks of. I applaud her bravery. I sometimes worry about her, but I applaud her bravery. I missed her show after she spoke out on that other platform. I’m inspired she seems to have doubled down instead of just staring down her content. Candace, if you see this. You are Appreciated 🤌🏻🌸
  • rednose111
    Keep it up you are awesome 🙌
  • Bradenshub
    I Can’t Understand Others
    Love the Podcast Candace!! Your shows has truly changed my views and perspectives. As a 16 year I think the most influential thing you have ever said is how incredibly harmful culture has became toward alcohol. I see people and friends fall into the temptations of alcohol usage. But I have no interest. I clearly believe that I am rejecting this mass psychosis. A mass psychosis that eliminates people from living in the present, numbing the reality. God has blessed me with my life and loves me so much that I have no choice but to regret satan. Christ is King! Candace love your work and don’t be silenced. - Braden
    Religion is mass formation psychosis
    The amount of hypocrisy from the rich is hilarious. The worst mass formation psychosis is any religion, but Catholicism is by far the worst and the worst for women in particular. The greatest mark of evil are the people who use their intelligence to stay blind and keep others blind. Very dangerous. One extra star because she does do some good journalism, but I mainly listen to stay on top of right wing insanity.
  • Mishugina55
    Conspiracy theorists
    Candace, you are back and strong! My own theory, are you still working for DW in secrecy?? Is it just me, or do other ppl notice that the same people who were advertising on your old show alongside your old coworkers are still around 🧐🧐 On another note, Candace, now is a great time to change your brand to include your married name! Wondering why you haven’t changed that yet…
  • Binasoccer
    Christ is king!
    Candace!!! Thank you for standing strong in the truth!
  • courtneyp136
    Glad to have you back!
  • 💘Jazlynnnnnnn!💘
    She had me until she started talking about “vote for Joe Biden” nope. Bye bye no more candance for me.
  • pretty p*ssed off
    I rarely find myself in disagreement with Candace. That’s a first and honestly it’s like a breath of fresh air.
  • KJY in Nc
    Thank you
    Great to see your new podcast. Better quality
  • On two feet
    IQ of 75 and dropping
    Poor Candace is just one of many humans with no real job skills, and unfortunately will always cater to a similar audience
  • World War 34
    Candace is very honest in a way most aren’t in 2024
    Candace Owens provides her own real honest opinions to topics the mainstream and other news caster won’t cover.
  • Kooltobekind
    So happy you’re back!!!
    It’s great to have you back and love hearing your take on all things!
  • CWFarmest12
    So glad you’re back!!!!!
    Oh, wow! That seemed like so long between final DW Candace to “just” Candace. So glad you’re back. Time to binge-listen to the 16 episodes I missed. ◡̈ P.s. the purple hues suit you. Love the cover. 💞
  • jayemm49
    So Thrilled You Are Back!
    It’s great to hear the truth again!
  • Beks7!
    Glad you’re back!
    Keep speaking the truth! I love your show!
  • Sleepless in Kennewick
    Candace I really like you and glad you’re back. I really believe you may be wrong about Brigitte Macron though…only because she doesn’t have man hands and her face doesn’t look manly at all. Also she was born in the 50s and that is not a time when there was a lot of transgender individuals. I mean I could be wrong but I haven’t heard anything convincing as yet.
  • aussie #2
    So glad to hear you back again on your show. I listened to you before and you were one of my favorites. Welcome back!!
  • siouxo
    Just Awful.
  • dfrem
    Daily listener
    Awesome to have Candace back! Thanks!
  • Sholom R
    The crack pot is back
    The Israeli war of independence was in 1948 not 1945 get your facts straight Candace! Anything else to say except conspiracy theories?
  • Toddzilla72
    She’s baaaaack!
    It’s unfortunate Candace is no longer at the Daily Wire for Ben Shapiro that is. I’ve often wondered why Candace hasn’t had her own prime time show but starting her own media empire is even better. I’m so happy you are back Candace the world needs needs your voice. I love the new show keep up the great work! Thank you, Todd Porterfield
  • Big B 65
    Do yo’ thang, Candace.
    Kind of disappointed I had to find this podcast via a spontaneous search. That meant I had to download 13 episodes and push all other podcasts aside to hear what my deep thinking—UNLEASHED— sister had to say on a myriad of topics. I don’t agree with everything Candace says but I love the fact she dares us to prove her wrong. Oh, also loved the “Family Feud” series from Red Pilled America that laid bare a number of Candace experiences. Keep keeping it real, Candace! I’ve got my popcorn because sometimes watching the reactions from your haters to what you say is more entertaining to listening to your show>:-).
  • cheugytoastah
    Free Speech
    I may not agree with all that Candace believes. But I respect it. I’m a grown woman who believes hearing other people perspectives is very important. I never want to stop learning and I never want to stop asking questions. I look forward to listening every night while I cook dinner.
  • Lord Newcomb
    Owens’s podcast is blatantly pro Hamas and is racist bigotted Judaphobic to its core!
  • the crazy listener
    People Told Me “Candace Owen’s is Crazy!”
    Here are my thoughts. My friends, who lean more to the left, always told me “Candace Owen’s is Crazy!” I didn’t know much about Candace, until I started listening to her podcast. I’m glad I started listening. I guess in today’s society it’s deemed “crazy” to share your opinions, beliefs and stance on hot topics. You don’t always have to agree with Candace, but my biggest take away is LISTENING. Many people do not have the capacity to just zip it and take a moment to listen. That’s the real issue. I could go on and on about how the podcast has helped me to think about my own viewpoints and challenged some as well. I’m appreciative of this podcast and I’m glad Candace is back better than ever!
  • 
    I’m happy she’s back!
    As a conservative Christian stay-at-home mom, I feel inspired by Candace Owen’s presence in the media. It’s so refreshing to hear her perspectives on politics and culture as a woman, christian, and mother. Though I don’t agree with everything she says, I love her podcast. I’m so glad that she started her own show after her departure from her former employer. I am so happy that I can add her podcast back into my weekly routine. It really is like listening to a friend chat away over the phone ❤️🫶🏻
  • mtdaybyday
    Rewriting my review
    I had originally given this podcast five stars because I missed her. However, listening to her defend Justin Timberlake and put down Britney Spears is nothing short of disgusting. Do better.
  • aroskere
    Candace Owens surprises me
    I am an atheist, a techie who has tended to vote for democrats (sometimes reluctantly), a supporter of pro-choice movements, and, “ethnically” speaking, I am Jewish. I don’t agree with everything Candace says or believes, but I think she is smart and willing to do what many contemporary commentators are unwilling to do. I will keep listening, for now. We’ll see.
  • shelbymustang😜
    Back and Better then ever!
    Can’t hold Candace back from her telling the truth. Pure trailblazer and my role model in life. She doesn’t give up and shows me that its ok to take a step back and go back better then before!
  • edinchief
    A Radical Right Podcast
    This is not what I expected. I hoped for a rational, smart, conversation from a women’s perspective. Nope. This is a staunch conservative republican touting FAR right ideas. Scary stuff.
  • HMCagle25
    Truth and Facts spoken here!
    Candace speaks hard hitting truth always backed by FACTS and evidence. I enjoy listening daily and we appreciate your sacrifice Candace! We won’t let them cancel you! Thank you for being a voice for truth! 🇺🇸✝️
  • Tomaszewski, Cindy
    Honest Truth
    While I may not always agree, I appreciate her frank and honest conversations and her ability to listen to all viewpoints.
  • mcnasty031147
    This woman is hands down my hero. She brought me to life. Helped me find God and my voice. Then she opened my eyes to the country and real life issues.
  • dfortson
    Am a big Candice fan. I followed her on the daily wire but didn’t listen to many episodes. But then she was fired and canceled. I was anxious for her return and now I feel that since she is on her own the pod is one of the best out there. I have listened to every episode.
  • greatnu
    Can’t ban Candace
    Glad to hear your voice again. Welcome back to the conversation.
  • Megan639
    We didn’t want you back
    Her old show was terrible and this one is too. The last thing conservatives need is another nutball spouting off conspiracy theories to make us all seem crazy. Candace’s gullibility remains frustrating.
  • Yussssssssssddss
    99% sure her and Tucker are a Russian psy-op
    99% sure her and Tucker are a Russian psy-op. Fellow Catholics beware, she is not your savior
  • CraigT1212
    Candace is a G
    Candace thank you for fighting the good fight!
  • E. McC
    Disagree - 5 ⭐️
    I disagree a lot of her opinions, but I think everyone should have a voice and should part in a right manner
  • ResilienceEm
    Team Ben!
    Make sure your words and actions line up with the Word of God.
  • Nancyann14
    Thank you
    I always look forward to your show. Thank you for your intelligence, compassion and truth. Christ is King.
  • Victoria Balderaz
    STRONG GOD FEARING WOMAN! My family loves this podcast already, can’t wait for more!
  • youngsurvivor
    Truth speaker!!
    While I don’t always agree, I find myself really contemplating her thoughts and ideas bc she is such a truth seeker and speaker. I appreciate her well thought out ideas and her way of trying to approach topics from a biblical worldview. As a Christian, it should be the only way we do it. Thank you for speaking what you believe, even at the expense of your job.
  • Nahgrco
    Underwhelming return
    So is this just a conspiracy theory podcast now? Also it doesn’t seem as if she has any new material to discuss, just rehashing old DW episodes.
  • ocsleepymom
    Cringe 😬
    Wish Candace Owens would lay off the conspiracy theories because her insight and truthfulness is what normal viewers appreciate. Pushing conspiracy theories like whether there was a moon landing, whether Jews and Israel control the universe, and whether Brigitte Macron is a man is beneath Candace and her audience. Looking forward to greater competency, insight and truthfulness. 🙏🏼
  • Mike Oxlonget
    I… I think she might be crazy
    Fan of the show here, and I think Candace might have gone a little crazy. It’s the claims she makes based off of a single book she read or one documentary. She also made a claim exclusive citing Wikipedia. 😐😑😐. I just don’t think she’s putting the research in and is following conspiracy theories. Maybe I just believe this because I’m a woke right propagandized idiot. 🤷‍♂️
  • MaddyA12
    The Facts
    Thank you for your courage and willingness to stand up and uncover the myriad of corrupt agendas going on in our country and around the world. Keep up the amazing work!!
  • Dinelu
    You go girlfriend!
    Staying true to yourself is never been better!
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