You're A Better Artist Than You Think


In this free artists’ mindset course from The Magic Box Academy, you’ll learn how to become a better artist without ever picking up a pencil.Rethinking everything from mentorship to motivation, you’ll create a clearer, more actionable plan for your creative career and develop a deeper appreciation for the artists, musicians and literary figures who came before us.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dahveed2020
    Very knowledgeable
    This is my favorite art podcast. Very insightful and such a soothing voice as well. Very good teacher.
  • Walker85
    For artists and enthusiasts alike! :)
    I started listening to these podcasts a few months ago, and though some of the lessons are a few years old, the content is still very much relevant. The latest lesson ("4 Ways Animation Artists Can Mentally Prepare For The Move To LA") gives such great insight from Natalie Nourigat; about how she approached her career in animation after feeling like she had nowhere to begin. If you're feeling at a stalemate with your career, I strongly recommend listening to this podcast.
  • MeliArt
    Thoughtful professional advice
    This podcast gives excellent professional advice on how to improve your visual storytelling in a concise and clear way while remaining approachable. You can feel the passion for storytelling coming through the speakers and it shows I how valued their lessons are. The Oatley Academy is invaluable!
  • nanohannahno
    Love from beginning
    I have been listening to Chris Oatley’s podcasts (all of them: Artcast, Paper Wings, Stories Unbound.. is that all of them?) and they have really helped me grow as an artist and storyteller. It kept me company during the loneliest and dryest time in my art career and the warm and empathetic hosts felt like my friends. Thanks for continuing to make these, Chris and friends!
  • zireael2005
    Amazing podcast for artists
    When you have time for podcast, just tun on this one! I love to draw while listening, it allows to create and learn things at the same time. Highly recommend!
  • Park fan 1
    Great for professional artists
    I work as a provisional theme park designer and film animator and I’m instantly involve with this podcast.
  • Working Animator
    The whole podcast is a thinly veiled advertisement?
    The actual interviews with working artists in this podcast are GREAT! However, they are bookended with weird segments from the host's students in a very thinly veiled attempt to push his online school. Skip past those weird segments and just dig into the interviews.
  • patm1982
    Great podcast. Probably my favorite
    I've been listening for a few years & it's always a great listen. Started listening as a student & I continue listening as a animation professional.
  • doobutiger
    This is an amazing and inspiring podcast
    Chris Oatley’s podcast and the companion show, Paper Wings, is honestly such a great resource. Not only does the show provide great, practical advice, ranging from portfolio tips to how to get a job in the industry, the show truly motivates me. The show encourages you in whatever artistic endeavor you pursue and if you ever need an artistic pick-me-up, just give the podcast a listen. You won’t regret it. Whether you’re in animation, comic books, visual development, whatever, this show is awesome and helpful.
  • CloudCrow
    I can't say enough great things about this series. It is so helpful as well as entertaining to hear what professionals have to say about how they got into their respective careers. This is a great series to listen to while working on artwork. It keeps me motivated and gives some much desired insight into the industry.
  • APlatter
    I love you guys.
    Meaning to write this for a long time- this is my top favorite, top quoted, and most encouraging podcast I listen to while I work. I not only love the subject matter, but I love the show hosts as well. Thank you so much for all your hard work and providing this free resource to everyone. You're the best.
  • bbaccs
    Great tips for up and coming writers
    This and papers wings are really good for artists looking to get some practical tips to help there writing and to help pitch it
  • Jrvzb
    Chris ‘gets it’!
    I am a fairly new fan of Chris Oatley’s podcasts and learning materials but what I’ve listened to and learned so far is priceless. Chris shares a wealth of knowledge, not just about art techniques and processes but what it’s like to actually be an artist. He puts a name and description to many of the more challenging aspects and talks about about how to conquer them: working alone (and how lonely that can be!), finding inspiration, sticking to a project, working through failed projects, doing the painful work of planning…and much more. I look forward to listening to all that he has to say and I’m appreciative of his willingness to share it with the rest of us. And now, off to listen to another podcast!
  • Jrduncan17
    Chris is incredible
    I've been listening to this show for years now and am incredibly grateful to Chris for this amazing resource. It has been inspirational, educational, and quite encouraging at times while still being very realistic and honest. The degree to which Chris really sincerely cares about the art community is astounding. Such a great guy. Do give it a listen!
  • Marmonica
    An awesome resource for all kinds of artists.
    Pursuing a career in art has never been a clear cut path for me but this podcast always seems to nail the hard questions I’ve always struggled with. I feel like it has put me on a more sensible track in terms of education, networking and work ethic. I don’t know if the creative world will ever make consistent sense, but I’m VERY grateful for the clarity this podcast provides.
  • Aleksandro1Araujo
    Thanks for the effort and great work man!
  • Joltyness
    Great for those looking to get into animation
    Great topics, great guests. Its only flaw is that Chris’ voice is pretty monotone and I find myself spacing in and out because of it. Regardless, it’s a podcast well worth your time if you are looking to break into animation.
  • RoninPressComics
    Great information for the modern artist
    It's been great to hear the topics, advice, and interviews with industry professionals on what works, doesn't work, and everything in between. Great show, Chris.
  • lumpyspacegirl
    The secret to being a better freelancer? Buy this guy's services.
    I've only just started listening, but unfortunately the message on how to be a good freelancer that's being sold here is that you have to buy what he's selling, and the guests seem to be reading from a script to endorse him. I'll stick around and hope for the best!
  • Zarconius
    Very inspirational
    As a fan of Chris' other podcast and as a aspiring webcomic artist, I'm loving the second dose of artistic affirmation I get from ArtCast.
  • Zach Gracia
    This podcast is amazing at energizing and inspiring the youth in the art industry. It’s about precisely identifying what artists need to do to get better and how to get there. Chris is very talented at reaching out and motivating you in the best way possible. Give it a listen!
  • Tosh913
    The Best Resource for Artists and Illustrators!
    Chris Oately shares so much great information on succeeding as a artist. Whether you want to do commercial work, self-publish, freelance, or just get inspired. Chris Oatley has a wealth of information through his experience as a Disney character artist and the interviews he does with great artists and entrepreuners. He askes great questions of his guests and really does provide some great content for artists everywhere! Inspiration abounds in this podcast. Kudos Chris!
  • Kandi1803
    Mobile mentor
    Love this podcast!!! Often listen to episodes while I travel . Really keeps me motivated.
  • Thenoodleman
    Awesome insights!
    Chris gives awesome insights and great encouragement on the artcast. This is a fantastic place to check out!
  • Pollysweet
    Best Podcast Ever!
    Chris Oatley is the best teacher I know and he really cares about helping artists. I have gotten so much great advice and inspiration from his podcasts. His guests have been awesome also. Keep up the great work Chris!
  • Edi Thomas
    Unbelievably Life Changing!
    This Artcast has changed my LIFE! Coming out of college, I was completely clueless and discouraged with my Art Career. I was looking for some kind of guidance to help me take the next step into my passion for creating Art as an Illustrator! After stumbling upon Chris Oatley's insightful Artcast, I felt like I gained a whole new level up motivation. When I listen to each episode, I feel like he's a friend I've known for a while and I'm stoked ot listen to all the advice he has to offer! His communication is so unbelievably clear, insightful, spot-on, direct, creative and I'm constantly learning something new even if I already understand the topic. I'm super thankful for his committment with this Artcast and I will always support his passion for teaching! Thanks Chris!
  • @cshillustration
    Where is the 6 Star Option?
    I listen to Chris Oatley’s Artcast on repeat, yes it’s that good! The information provided is meant to inspire you as a visual artist, no matter where you are in your artistic journey. Need a good kick in the butt to get going, even more so to finish? This is a must listen to podcast for any creative in the field.
  • Jen Frisco
    An indispensable resource for artists
    Chris Oatley's podcast is an indispensable resource for artists who are or are looking to become professional artists. The insight he offers time and time again are immensily helpful in addressing common fears and mistakes that I have personally been battling as an artist. It is a great resource and I can't recommend it enough.
  • quasiChaos
    So much inspiration!
    This podcast's main purpose is to kindle/rekindle your passion to do art. Chris fills it with great information on becoming a better artist as well as inspiring you to get off your duff and do something amazing! I look forward to every episode! Keep it up, Chris!
  • plasticorgans
    I stumbled upon these podcasts when I was looking for insight into the illustration and concept art industry, I found it and much more. I highly recomend anyone with similar interests check these out, they are at minimum full of uplifting advice for anyone struggling to find their place in such a highly competetive industry.
  • Eikoae
    Chris Oatley has helped me so much with his podcasts and everything else he does to help those interested in the art industry. He is a huge source of inspiration and provides amazing advice and techniques to offer new perspectives and better understandings of many concepts. I look up to him and find myself listening and re-listening to his stories and personal experiences, especially while I paint!
  • L.S. Sketcher
    Hands Down Best Illustration Podcast
    As an artist trying to start an illustration career, I'm always looking for new ideas or information to help further my goals. Look no further. Chris Oatley brings not only his experience as a Disney visual developer to the conversation but other industrial veterans as well to tell you how it is. But more importantly, Chis Oatley lets you know you're not alone in your struggles and there are many out there with the same questions you have and tries to answer them all. Combine this podcast with his online academy "The Magic Box," and you couldn't ask for a better well of knowledge.
  • Z Rhett
    Perfect for lunch breaks
    Are you an aspiring artist who works a full time job he hates while working to become a digital artist with the rest of his time? Then listen to these during your lunch break on your iPod. They’re totally worth keeping up the inspiration!
  • Bob Shelline
    Listen to this!
    This is one of those perfect podcasts to listen to while you draw and paint. It's well organized, has great interviews, and always inspires me to keep going with art and up my game. Highly recommended.
  • Captain Dutz
    Pick up your artist poet ring here!
    Ahoy Are you lost in your creative struggle? do you feel ill equipped for the battle with your inner villains and creative walls? Well stop right there!! Come inside and rest with The Guru with the Huge Heart! Chris is an amazing person and an otherworldly teacher. If your super powered talents need a recharge and boost then I personally believe that he will be one of the best allies your creative efforts could ever have!!!! In all seriousness, There are amazing tools and tips that are taught through these podcasts and Chris does an amazing job of also giving hope to we creatives who are struggling with growing our talents and personal careers. He has made a great positive impact on my creativity and life and if you follow along, I believe he can help yours too! My best to all of you in your journeys to awesomeness!
  • nmulvane
    Massively Inspiring
    Incredibly insightful advice from a warm heart.
  • Auto-nin
    A Podcast series for all Arts
    This podcast is for all artists. Sure, some are focused on certain arts, but all the tips and information can apply for all arts from visual, music, and evening writing. Add the fact that Chris Oatley and his guests give you the feel you are right there with them helps delivers the advice even better to others.
  • Reminder junkie
    Beginner Illustrators Welcome
    This thing is FULL of inspiration and information to make your journey fun and much faster!
  • jekrimo
    Every artists goldmine of knowledge
    I've already learned so much from this artcast. Probably more than I ever did in my art college. Do yourself a favor and listen to all of these!
  • The Non-Stop-Thought Train
    Inspirational stuff for the artful!
    This really is a great podcast. I was blown away by how nearly everything Chris and his guests talked about are things that I had been unsure about, struggling with, or wasn’t even aware that I was unsure about struggling with. And I was blown even further away by how motivating and reassuring these talks were. If you have any interest in anything artistic, I’d highly recommend giving this podcast a chance.
  • SulaMoon
    A podcast to keep you commpany and inform the professional artist
    Chris Oatley's art cast is all inspirational, informative and helpful as you can get. Every episode gets me excited about all the new information and artists I'm going meet - it's always a very positive journey. So here it is, to keep company while you are alone in your studio - you couldn't get any better.
  • ----jo380----
    Artists WILL get something out of this
    If you are an artist of any kind, download this right now. Chris brings the big mythical idea of the "industry" to you in bite-sized, realistic bits that will both encourage and teach you. Chris also has a real heart for teaching and his passion for art is contagious. Artists now, more than ever, need real hope and that is exactly what you will find.
  • Britny Arnett
    Most Inspiring Thing on the Planet
    I listen to these while working on my projects. Many I listen to more than once. Insight, knowledge, humor, and inspiration literally pours out through the interviews and anecdotes given by Chris Oatley and many other professionals out there. Honestly wouldn’t be where I am without it.
  • BagelDenizen
    Refined, profound, inspiring, and invaluable resource
    I wait intently for new episodes of the Art Cast as well as the Paper Wings show which has now merged over. What's shared is thoughtful, qualified, insightful, and MOST IMPORTANTLY inspiring. There are few other resources in any creative field that motivate one to reach for excellence. Because of the high quality of the show, the Oatley Academy caught my interest, and I've learned more in the first lesson about digital painting than anywhere else, and now I feel empowered. I'm so glad I found this podcast which eventually led me there. Please give an episode that interests you a listen.
  • Dwayne Biddix
    I can't suggest this podcast enough. Chris is an amazing person and one of the most inspirational people I know, and his podcasts are things of legend. He provides hope, wisdom, and drive to help you as an artist or a creator to push yourself and your work to ever-higher levels. If you are thinking of subscribing, trust me, do it!
  • FlyingDorkProd
    Fantastic Podcast For Artists
    This podcast may be aimed at illustrators but it is chockfull of excellent advice, insight and discussions that are applicable to any type of artist. Chris Oatley is extremely passionate about what he does and it's infectious. Can't recommend enough.
  • piruetten
    No brainer.
    Want to learn? Want to be inspired? Then you've come to the right guy. Brace yourself and get ready to be blown away.
  • omniscientmoon
    These keep you on the artistic track.
    Chris Oatley's podcasts are inspirational. He gives you tips to staying on track as an artist. If you are a professional, or long to be, these podcasts will help you. A lot of artists struggle with routine, but routine is extremely important in creating work and completing projects. Even if you just need a push to get started with something you've been dragging your feet on, give a listen. i promise these podcasts will help.
  • Sadly dissapiinted
    A podcast for Artists of any medium
    This podcast has helped me grow and realize that all things are possible creatively, if your open to the work and diligence it will take to get you where you want to go. A must have for creative minds.
  • evanmarc
    Great podcast
    I just started listening to the podcast and love it. Not coming from an art background I find a lot of tips and tricks to be very applicable to other creative fields. Definitely worth listening to!
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