The Partially Examined Life Philosophy Podcast


The Partially Examined Life is a podcast by some guys who were at one point set on doing philosophy for a living but then thought better of it. Each episode, we pick a short text and chat about it with some balance between insight and flippancy. You don't have to know any philosophy, or even to have read the text we're talking about to (mostly) follow and (hopefully) enjoy the discussion. For links to the texts we discuss and other info, check out

We also feature episodes from other podcasts by our hosts to round out your partially examined life, including Pretty Much Pop (, covering all media), Nakedly Examined Music (, deconstructing songs), Philosophy vs. Improv (, fun with performance skills and philosophical ideas), and (sub)Text (, looking deeply at lit and film). Learn about more network podcasts at

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Recent Reviews
  • Kevtao
    Spinal Tap
    The Irony of Spinal Tap was that they wrote and performed their own music. I even saw them on tour as a real band years after the original movie and soundtrack.
  • DC/HG
    Interesting discussions
    Christopher Heath is by far my favorite guest! I find myself the most engaged when he is on the show.
  • jto44
    A great introduction to big ideas!
    This podcast has been a fun introduction to philosophers and ideas that I wouldn’t have otherwise been exposed to. Along the way I have found works and voices that have become important parts of my life. I particularly appreciate the humor and candor that these guys bring to the party. When something is nonsense, they call it out and enjoy some laughs along the way. This is definitely worth adding to your roster of podcasts!
  • tmlarso
    Excellent and entertaining
    Fun and informative.
  • girltalk77
    Smart people discussing big ideas - love it!
    I always learn something from PEL. All of the participants are excellent and super knowledgeable, and Mark especially has a great entertaining personality. Love PEL - thank you all!
  • DaNe_bAy_PiMpiN69
    Uh may zing
    Love this show. Been listening for years and am always interested in the philosophy and laughs. Keep doing this uh may zing content as I, not alone of course, am so appreciative of the work, passion, and exchanges happening here. I doubt this is the right place for a recommendation but James Martel at SF State has been pumping out fascinating philosophical works worthy of discussion. I would love to see him on the show and think you all would jive well with him.
  • robotachilles
    Outdated Understanding of Animals
    I like this show, but the assumption other animals as inferior instead of differently adapted is outdated and does a lot of harm to animals. Sometimes the hosts seem apathetic and I guess that’s okay because nihilist attitudes pervade philosophy. The recent commercials make it feel like their apathy has given way to lining their pockets. I would do it too. That’s how the world works. Blah blah blah. The flippant talk about other animals is irresponsible.
  • Nphard
    There are much better podcasts out there
    Too long, the podcasters don’t stay on topic, they babble too much, they are too flippant, and unless you are into guys who laugh, search for other podcasts if you want to learn philosophy. I got the recommendation from an AI bot, probably because this started early and it is popular, but found it boring and not very informative. They are more into modern philosophy, and they don’t follow a chronological order which makes it hard to locate specific philosophers. Way overrated.
  • Anthony Pocetti
    12 years of listening
    Finally got around to writing a review after 12 years. I think I’ve listened to every episode, and most of my philosophy knowledge is from this podcast. Can’t recommend it enough for people interested in the deep questions. Wouldn’t hurt to bring back the reading of the rules from time to time!
  • Maxcraft430
    just found
    Your show!!!! Great stuff! Oh please have on my favorite comedic philosophers "Community News with Paul and Sasha". They philosophize about life-big and small- but mostly small and would be a great pairing with you on your show.
  • dre766
    The best
    By far the best philosophy podcast on planet earth. How do I know? Trust me kid I just do and things are the way things are for a reason. It won’t do you good to go agains the the grain here or anywhere else for that matter.
  • Andret6
    Been a listener for years finally writing a review. One of the best philosophy podcasts out. A lot (but not all) of the episodes are more centered on an individual text or thinker rather than broad issue but I honestly love that. The guys are thorough in their reading of the text while still being fun to listen to. If you enjoy learning about philosophy really can’t recommend it highly enough.
  • MGuidot
    The best philosophy podcast out there
  • CJSkeptic
    The most in-depth analysis of primary sources available online.
    I’ve been listening to the PEL podcast for nearly a decade. It is consistently the best philosophy podcast focused on reading and discussing primary sources. I’ve learned more and been inspired to read more by this podcast than by any other I’ve ever listened to.
  • o'fuel
    The Judge vs The Kid
    I have been a fan for years. But your recent examination of Blood Meridian is a masterpiece of analysis! I have recently considered a rereading and you pulled the trigger. Thanks guys, much respect!
  • Consoiracy Jim
    It’s something, at least.
    The show exists, which is something. There aren’t too many shows that deal with particular philosophers and their works. That’s good. I’ve listened to about twenty of their episodes. They’re usually worth listening to if you just want to hear some people discuss philosophy, or if you want to review something. But the guy who’s always making bad jokes should stop doing so. I’m halfway through the two part Pascal episodes on human nature. The hosts contradict themselves in the second episode against things they say in the first episode. And their arguments against God are the sorts of things five year olds would say. One absurdly says that God can’t exist because he can’t create a sandwich too big for him to eat. But God can’t create square circles either. But is that logically valid or sound? If God can do the illogical, please explain how. But no one can.
  • Nelda NK
    So dudely
    Dudes being dudes. Feels like grad school all over. I have an MA in philosophy and remember how masculine these courses and conversations were, much like the tradition itself. Y’all sound smart and I like your learners’ mindsets but don’t you know any women who read?
    Great podcast!
  • 5 stars for pocket universe
    Almost done working my way through all the episodes. Love it, very enjoyable and accessible discussions on a broad survey of philosophical topics. I learned a great deal, as well as providing me thinkers and ideas to explore more on my own. Please, please, keep it up!
  • J-Herman
    Romans 1:22
    Romans 1:22
  • WanderAll
    Incredible discussions
    Hi, great show, I have recommended it to many friends and family who are looking for philosophical content and discussions. The hosts do an amazing job consistently and guests fit into the format well. Many thanks for filling my mind with meaningful questions.
    A podcast that grows on you…
    The discussion on beauty & senses, too shallow to intrigue but a good scratch. Beauty & love are extractions of mind, impacting all manners of health & existence, making AGI hard to achieve 🍭
  • #%what
    Beyond crap
  • michelleharkim
    Thank u
    You guys rock
  • perry k d
    About the level of commentary and analysis one would hear at a university town bar on a Saturday night.
  • bjohns383
    Good Topics
    Bad jokes. Sorry but I just couldn’t get past the banter. “look at me I’m a nerd… but not really…haha… something something Hegel something something…”
  • jaashol
    Very neat!
    Just a band of pals talkin’ shop, and having a good time of doing it, all while producing quality content.
  • ffffffffffuuuuu
    where are the first 150 episodes?
    yo i love this podcast and switched my major back in 2015 to philosophy. Id love to listen through those first episodes again!
  • doshette
    By the dog!
    This is one of my favorite podcasts. I really enjoy the songs at the end of each episode.
  • Finally famous let's go
    Top notch content
    This is simply a gem of a podcast. I’ve been a listener for years and they have consistently delivered great content. The hosts have a productive dynamic due to their personalities and backgrounds. Excellent guests, deep insights into philosophical material, a dash of grounding pragmatism, and seriously funny moments make this a must for the philo-curious. Thank you guys for what you do!
  • Appl blows
    9 year listener
    This podcast was really helpful when I did my undergrad in philosophy. I mostly quit listening during grad school because more conversation about philosophy was the last thing I wanted. But I recently finished my PhD (in phil) and decided to go back and listen to a few eps and the show holds up, so 5-stars. I also finally subscribed to the Patreon and would recommend it if you plan on getting into the show.
  • AnonymousMilk
    The Partially Reviewed Podcast
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for years. Good discussions await you.
  • Sazi
    I had some philosophy as an undergrad, and lots of history science, which included a pretty good span of intellectual history. I never really got into any particular thinker except Nietzsche, whom these guys also love. Who knew I would have listened to the Aristotle de Anima episode 3 times! In undergrad I think I read the Ethics and I learned that modern science rejected his teleology, and we had the Rhetoric in grad school, but I never fully appreciated the total genius of Aristotle before and certainly never felt his influence in my life, as I do now. These guys bring the history of philosophy to life and weave the ideas together over time, with humor and a few dirty jokes. Each voice is unique, and I love them all. Sometimes I need to force myself to stop listening and go do something, like read a book or talk to my husband. I hope they never stop.
  • Sfjugnlysgju
    This podcast got me through a lot of undergrad.
    Wish I had more people in my life who love to talk about Philosophy but, this will do for now. Also, AMAZING guests and GREAT topics covered!
  • Hudesqhivcbhf
    It makes you think
    I’ve recently discovered this podcast and have really enjoyed the content. While I do not agree with all the analyses and views espoused, it always makes me think. I especially appreciate Wes’ input—I find him to be the most open minded and insightful of the four commentators. If fact, I’m not sure this podcast would even work without his circumspect approach to philosophy and ideas. There is definitely a leftist slant to the entire podcast, obviously most evident in the political episodes, but it’s not too overly oppressive...for the most part. It is unfortunate there isn’t a better representation of different views by people who actually have those views. Overall, it’s a great podcast.
  • smoyle2
    Enrichment for scientists
    Love this podcast. It’s all the thinking I want to do but never have time to do (nor anyone to do it with).
  • ooberscooter
    Cringey And bad philosophy
    These guys are the cringey stereotype of the Philosophy majors you knew in college. If you want to listen to a bunch of white guys argue over their opinions about a wide range of topics rather than really analyzing and discussing objectively philosophical theories than this is for you.
  • adriancolesberry
    My Favorite Podcast
    I have been listening to this podcast for years. It is simply the best. I have read a good deal of philosophy in the original with mixed results from an enlightenment point of view. I very much enjoy being pulled through readings that I am sure I would either not do at all or not get much out of. The colloquium these four have set up is pitch perfect for me. There is no useless philosophy infighting, a very intelligent side-stepping/acknowledgement of Very much enjoy that make some philosophy so tedious and somewhat useless, and very little to no politics. The readings are always generous, reminding me of a wise statement on reading generously that Elizabeth Grosz wrote in her intro to her book on Lacan, who is truly impossible to read in the original if you ask me. On another note, I want to weigh in on the recent erection of a paywall. I was flatly relieved when the change made me join. I am somewhat abashed that I needed this prompt to pay for something I so enjoy. I thank you for making do it and apologize for not doing it earlier. I have thoroughly enjoyed the nightcaps a’t realize that some of you ha’ attended UT. GraduatedUT. I graduated from UT in the 80s in Biomedical Engineering, so it's not like we went to the same place at all in many ways. Anyhow, thanks for what you do. It is a heroic project and I deeply appreciate your efforts to keep it going.
  • Androo Z
    Just started delving into this- definitely simping for Dylan & his insights. Great stuff!
  • Skylar C.
    If you’re looking for deep engagement in a philosophy podcast you have found the one.
    The podcast involves some excellent discussions of a nice variety of topics in philosophy. You guys are great, keep up the good work!
  • Saxazax
    L I T
    I have listened to these guys for years. Great intro to philosophy for those who have not studied it in school. Helps to have some background knowledge in the humanities, but not necessary. I'm excited to start reading the texts along with the episodes. 5 stars.
  • Being In-Myself in Boston, MA
    Exactly what I was looking for
    I come from a design/art background and got into this podcast some time ago because I wanted to learn more about the philosophy and ideas behind many of the critics and other thinkers I learned about in school. PEL’s recent episode about Susan Sontag was great and exactly the reason that I keep coming back. The hosts are insightful and over the years have gotten better and better at delivering content in a well-explained, entertaining way. These days, my favorite episodes are the ones where the hosts look at texts outside of normal philosophical canon, but with a critical eye for the arguments and reasoning. I’d love to see more episodes in the future on texts that are relevant to practitioners in art and literature - Greenberg? Fry? Fried? Whiteread? Each host has their own perspective, but they are upfront about their biases and approach each subject with an open mind.
  • stackptr_
    Insightful and entertaining
    Great podcast on a wide range of philosophers and texts. Usually discussion on a topic spans more than a single episode, which makes individual episodes digestible while allowing for discourse on many different ideas that a topic may touch upon. The archives make for a good companion to self-study. The hosts do a good job dissecting jargon when it comes up, making episodes on less-mainstream topics approachable. And there is a good amount of wit and banter between explorations which make for an all around entertaining time.
  • Treeroped
    Super fun discussions about philosphy and stuff
    These guys are great, down to earth, funny, and smart. But you may have to find your way in to this podcast if you are a beginner and not used to this type of critique . Listeners may be expecting a more traditionally structured way to get some grounding in philosophy. It definitley can be done but you may have to design your own curriculum just a little. I think if I had not listened to "Philosophize This!" previously I would have struggled. However, the conversations are great and I FREQUENTLY laugh out loud. The emphasis is to have an interesting discussion about a topic, albeit with a fair amount of backround, not to teach you everything that could be on the test. While the podcast won't fill in all the is a huge help. For me I'm fine to only know some stuff about Aristotle, and maybe some day I'll learn some more. Or not.
  • TJStrÔnG
    I’ve recommended this to multiple people, anything that encourage enlightenment is a light in the world.
  • williamnapp
    boring and uninformed
    hosts are not terribly creative, interesting, or educated. not worth listening to.
  • Ariovistus
    I’m gone
    Ive listened for years. As Seth started to uncritically swoon over post modernists Frankfurt fux and the 2 cringeworthy Judith Butler episodes dropped, i thought it would pass. It has not. These guys have been captured by the moment. The moral panic of the current mass psychosis has found some really smart fellow travelers. I am bummed. 😔
  • ohilyssa
    A+ critical theory and philosophy
    Fascinating and engaging episodes. Insightful analyses!
  • alexM.92-14
    The first and the last
    If you’re looking for a philosophy podcast, look no further. PEL was the very first podcast show I ever listened to. Almost five years later, the only podcast show that has remained in my library when other shows have come and gone, is PEL. Thanks for the great content. Thanks for representing the University of Texas Philosophy Department.
  • asdjk48
    Possibly the best philosophy podcast around
    The only real competition for that title might be Peter Adamson’s “History of Philosophy without any gaps,” but he’s been on this podcast too so maybe it’s a tie. They hosts are very thorough and thoughtful, yet also a pleasure to listen to - never boring, even when discussing continental philosophy! My favorite episodes were the ones on Wittgenstein (ep. 7 and 8) and Parmenides (ep. 197). They also did a performance of Aristophane’s Lysistrata (featuring Lucy Lawless!) that was just amazing.
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