The Jeff Marek Show

Hockey #27

Sportsnet insider Jeff Marek goes around the league in Sportsnet 590 The FAN’s national NHL show, airing live across the country daily from 12pm-2pm ET. Opinion, news and analysis featuring daily segments from insider Elliotte Friedman.

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  • Chickenandwaffles09
    Marek is very knowledgeable….
    However he’s very vanilla on his opinions. It’s like he doesn’t want to offend anyone all the time. If you want real opinions, this ain’t the show…..
  • USN, retired
    More Burkie, please…🧐😎. Never fail to be amused, informed, better off for having spent the time when he’s on somewhere. Maybe you can drag him back for some more semi regular visits. Always made a point to DVR record/watch his segments on the tv shows. (Had to keep flipper nearby on rapid-fire to FF thru too much BlueLeafs horse-puckey, tho…😝) Burke embodies some of the greatest, best things about hockey. 🇺🇸🏴‍☠️🗽🏴‍☠️🇨🇦 Loving the regular daily pod short segments. Cut my tv off in 2019 when I moved, & media-sports-politic-culture-news-infotainment was circling the sewage drain. After decades of increasing disrespect & general trashing of things all over, my sole surviving sport fandom/loyalties are college football and hockey…, and the occasional major golf tourney… 🤨😖🤪
  • Jeff from boulder
    hardly illuminated manuscript
    hardly illuminated manuscripts, the guy you had on that wrote the “ performance” book, jeffy. but i get it, you are searching for an edge, a silver bullet, something in pop psychology, something that sells. there is much good in cookie cutter and pop psychology. the behavioral psychologists. the cognitive psychologists and manage care rule roost. but i like humanists Carl Rodgers. the transcendentalists, mellvile, Walt whitman, emerson and thoreau. how bout the depth psychologist’s Freud and Jung? Or james hollis book, slipped into a scene of ted lasso. but jeffy, there’s no money in that? but their wisdom transcends. that’s why we keep reading their novels, little books ( robert a johnson) and listening to their lectures so many years later. it is important that you see hockey as a vehicle for broadening the discussion of our humanity. the ice certainly saved my life, at one point in my life. And it’s wonderful to hear the stories of how it has affected other folk’s lives. Particularly, and now, the Women. thank you for being a hockey sophisticate, jeffy. elliot a skilled hockey businessman and “sneaky good” journalist. one of the best “ yoga books” back in the day was written by Stephen Cope. i think it was titled, “ yoga and the search for”. thanks for your curiosity and good work. Also check out Jan beatty’s poems on her maple leaf father. thanks and take care jeff.
  • GrouserUSA
    Not for me
    I check back in every once in awhile to try and get some hockey content only to turn away. Tired topics that are repeated with each guest. Jeff dwelling on insignificant details or quotes. Lastly, the delay in Jeff’s earpiece leading to him repeatedly talking over guests drives me away.
  • Bwcanes
    Loves to hear himself talk
    Elliotte and the guests are always good! Jeff ALWAYS likes to talk to much guests can’t get in comments and he continuously interrupts them during answers. This is becoming super hard to listen to now. Latest example this week with Adam Oates. Jeff would ask a question then talk over him and not let the guest answer. The show is becoming a monologue by Jeff Marek.
  • Slingerman Jones
    Jeff is one of the best
    Smart, fun, nerdy, and with a voice you love to listen to. I listen to a lot of Hockey podcasts and always listen to things with Marek first.
  • Roy821219
    This is a daily must…. Air, food, Jeff Marick Show.
  • Goon Squad Captain
    Great to have you back!
    So glad the show is back! Was having hockey withdrawal, loved the history segment about the Brawls in the old days. I became a hockey fan in the late 70’s early 80’s so I miss the old Blues-Hawks games that could become 2 sheeter’s with the fights! Great work love the pod
  • aBrowne87
    Simply the best
    Far and away the best hockey pod available. Jeff is intelligent, witty, humorous and has a very unique bond with the sport. It’s a show I look forward to each day.
  • The Rat Wife
    Love Listening to This Show
    This is a great hockey show and I love listening to it. A great mix of information and humor. Jeff Marek is natural and easy, the same with Matt Marchese when he fills in, and they regularly get great guests. This includes the regular bits with Elliott Friedman who does the great podcast, 32 Thoughts, also with Jeff Marek. That said, I’ve got to say that for this show, Elliott needs to decide if he is going to commit to doing his segment or not. And if he does decide to commit to the show, he needs to give it his proper attention. The whole split focus bit is growing tiresome. To not listen and then to ask the host to repeat a question multiple times a segment is tiresome. It is insulting to the hosts and, more importantly, it is insulting to the audience. It sends the message that neither host nor audience are worth his undivided attention. Elliott, you repeatedly say that you like to treat people well and I believe it, but this behavior does not reflect that sentiment. I would think that you would expect better of yourself.
  • Balling penguin
    Needs a legitimate Wingman
    When Marek’s centering the line as the MC, all is good- five star rating, but when he’s on assignment or MIA, the show lacks content, flow, and listenability. As soon I as hear his fill-in’s voice, I automatically skip the episode and patiently wait out Jeff’s absence.
  • Champband
    The show is outstanding. I listen everyday and the host is knowledgeable and articulate. There is a concern with the audio engineering. When the commercial comes on, the sound level is very loud! I have to take my headphones off when the lady talks about the other podcasts featuring the Maple leafs, Raptors or Blue Jays. Please address this annoying issue. Thank you and keep up the great work with the show!
  • JACKF238
    Great stuff
    Love the informative daily takes Jeff and company give, lifelong hockey fan, this show keeps me sane.
  • liberal-tarian
    Great show!
    Jeff is a great host! The show is very informative and has great guests. Although we could all do without hearing Greg Wyshinski (is there any reporter who is cockier than him?!). Elliot is very insightful and connected! He’s doing much better at not eating & has finally turned his ringer/keyboard sound off, when on air. Hallelujah! I guess y’all read my last review! Thanks!
  • Dave from Livonia
    Love Jeff Marek
    Jeff Marek is a wonderful personality and radio host. He’s a solid interviewer. He has amazing knowledge about hockey, the NHL, players, teams and more. He points out his own “snobbery” often, even calling himself the “hockey hipster” on occasion. It’s true he can perhaps sound quite nerdy or pretentious, but that’s his charm. I can understand why others might not enjoy that, but that’s Jeff and he is genuine. He really has a love and appreciation for the game of hockey and all of the drama / personalities around it. Keep up the great work, Jeff! And keep mentioning my hometown Livonia, Mich.! It’s a great hockey city.
  • Grover279316
    Bloviating fart sniffing d bag
    Only worth listening to friedmens segments. But to get there you have to fast forward, or put up with the dip s marek bloviating between bouts of sniffing his own farts.
  • None Applied
    Great show
    I listen to Jeff whenever, wherever I can. Professional hockey insider
  • 223534553
    I don’t care about his politics tbh, this guy just stinks. He’s got horrible sports takes, gets wayyyyy too deep in to insignificant hockey history, and is just generally an unlikeable person.
  • bwodarek
    Virtue signal hour!
    If you want an hour of virtue signaling and cultural marxism with some hockey sprinkled in, this is your show!!! 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
  • Jtuckerx
    Diversity and Tolerance are for everyone
    Advocating for people with “religious” faiths to not play in the NHL or people with differing opinions than yours on the Provorov issue paints you as antisemitic, Islamophobic, and racist - seeing as 99% of “religion” and 99% of Asian and African countries disagree with you. Go outside sometime and talk to real people.
  • Roaringram
    One of the Best
    Jeff Marek is truly one of the best - his style, knowledge, and ability to host an interview are stellar. This is on shine in this podcast, and he’s showing why he’s one of the best. To address some other reviews: - leafs talk: I’m not a leafs fan, but I get why there’s a lot of leafs. The descriptions on the episodes are pretty good, so I’ll skip some of the leaf centric episodes, but the insight in those episodes is good anyway, so sometimes it’s worth listening. They’re one of the biggest markets in hockey, and a majority of the folks tuning in for this show are doing so for the leafs. It’s like tuning into a hockey podcast, then rating it poorly because there’s too much hockey talk… - breaking episodes up: I may be in the minority here, but I love it. It helps me skip some parts that are maybe less interesting on a given day. I don’t get why you would rate this lower for it. - Elliot: yeah this one gets me, he’s golfing, he’s eating, he’s got his phone pings on, but it’s also not THAT annoying… TL;DR: Marek is a radio and hockey god, listen to episodes that are interesting to you, and you’ll love it
  • billlllyboooobjoooooe
    Amazing podcast! But pls talk about the leafs a little less
  • hateslurping
    Issue with Florida ?
    You should actually watch some panther games. Are you ignoring the left wing assist record? Ahhh. If that were marner you’d be talking about it nonstop.
  • thaddeustewart
    The best
    Jeff is by far one of the best radio shows/podcasts going these days. I’m a Canadian living in South Dakota, and listening to Jeff everyday keeps me connected to what’s happening daily in the world of hockey.
  • nolanado437
    Elliotte PLEASE stop texting during your segment
    Jeff is fantastic, providing excellent perspectives, thoughtful commentary and asking pertinent questions. His depth of knowledge of the sport, players, media and hockey history continues to impress. That said, I do really miss the round table discussions of Hockey Central. No one show is better off using this new format. Having the show in 2 segments requires additional steps on the Apple app to ensure I am listening the the 1st segment in order. Not a dealbreaker but kinda a pain. Please have Stewie as a guest more often. Elliott’s is also fantastic and I like Jeff and Elliotte together but the Elliotte segment ends up as a redundancy of 32 thoughts. Finally, Elliotte texting is so incredibly annoying and distracting I’m ready to stop listening to their segment altogether. Focusing on Jeff while hearing Elliotte texting (and knowing Elliotte has somewhat tuned out) is a waste of time (annoying and distracting) . If you can’t find the time to stop eating and texting, don’t do the pod. Elliotte is great - it’s nothing personal.
  • Banditball
    Leafs Propaganda
    Jeff and David Marek are Leaf’s slappies. Jeff knows the game well but you will never hear him say anything negative about the Leafs in any way shape or form. Sad because it could be a great show
  • catskillspuck
    Deep breath Stewie
    Like the show but can you tell Friedman to silence his text alerts while on the show? Please tell me he’s also not that dbag in public places with his phone dinging every 15 seconds.
  • mitchrosend
    Elliot stop chewing into the mic. Nobody wants to hear you eat
    Jeff is great. I like Elliot but Why does he have to eat on the pod. Nobody in the world is that busy. If you are, skip lunch, cause that pretty annoying and seems disrespectful
  • hockeyguy222222
    Splitting episodes
    Jeff is great at what he does, and overall it’s a good show, but I wish I saw the benefit of splitting each hour into a separate episode everyday, it’s not a dealbreaker, just rather annoying.
  • John Massarella
    Missing something
    Jeff Marek is one of the best in the business when it comes to hockey broadcasting. His hockey knowledge is expansive and he’s a great storyteller. However, there are some format issues I have with the podcast. First and foremost, I can’t understand why they split the podcast into two sections everyday. It’s a minor inconvenience to split the show but a hassle none the less. It’s a also a little stale having Friedman on the show daily. As an avid listener of the 32 Thoughts podcast having a daily dose of Jeff and Elliott has become tiresome. The info seems redundant. Overall it’s the best resource for daily NHL coverage so I’ll continue tuning in.
  • AU83
    Him again
    Is Jeff Marek on again? Or still. Hard to tell, he’s omnipresent. Good thing, too. Knows his stuff and always fun. But get ready to google some deep cuts.
  • NoleyPoley
    Not a fan of the changes
    Love Jeff. He was my favorite part of Hockey Central but I didn’t want it to be JUST him and guests. Justin, Anthony, David and Nick all brought great personalities to the show and I miss all their collective debates and feedback. It was the best part. On top of that, the audio for the Jeff Marek Show has been really hit or miss. Jeff always sounds substantially quieter than most guests so I have to turn it up to hear him and get my ears blown off by guest mics. Again, still love Jeff and he’s my favorite host but Hockey Central brought so many different points of view versus just him debating with himself most of the time.
  • steveyYz19
    This is a bad show now
    The only good parts are when Elliotte comes on. It is a significant decline from what hockey central at noon was. That show was actually good. This one is a pretty tough listen
  • HotSweatyNutz
    Excellent Podcast!
    Congratulations on the new show name Mr. Marek, well earned!
  • Levetor Music
    Great show. Looking forward to it resuming soon
  • JAKPA2021
    U.S. listener that enjoys the knowledgeable and conversational discussions on this show. Great guests, great stories, great analysis. These guys know their stuff for the most part.
  • Ben Wand
    Good but please stick to hockey
    The hosts need to keep their social justice and political views to themselves. They are not experts in political science, social justice, race relations, economic systems, etc. They are experts on hockey. So the more time spent discussing hockey, the more I enjoy!
  • Bboys2
    Too Leafs Centric
    Name of the podcast is misleading. This is a Leafs centered podcast. Never has so much time and words been spent on an organization that has achieved so little. The Leafs are not Canada’s team and their history pales in comparison to the Canadiens
  • Batchelor Fan
    Entertaining Hockey Analysis
    You have a good old fashioned hockey talk style. It feels like I am listening to a bunch of guys in a bar talking hockey. The discussion on face offs was simple but informative. You mentioned on one podcast that the refs probably talked to both teams to tone down the after whistle pushing and shoving. The next game there was far less face rubbing after the whistle. These are just fun things to watch for. The Stanley Cup playoffs have been great this year.
  • Boho28
    All Leafs all the time
    Unless they’re actually going to talk about ALL the NHL teams, they need to change the name to Leafs Talk at Noon. This show exists in a Toronto vacuum. I get they’re in Ontario but there are more teams than just the Leafs. Title of podcast is misleading.
  • So much hype
    Should be called Leafs Net
    Guys... enough!! Spitting Chiclets, Puck Soup, ESPN... all hockey podcasts that talk ALL hockey. Just being based in Ontario doesn’t mean Canada has one team. Change the name of the show.
  • Turnbone
    Love those Leafs!
    They should change the name of this podcast to Leafs Talk.
  • heoanzb
    Sadly unsubscribing
    This use to be a great show that you had to listen to everyday. Now its all about the leafs or canadian teams despite being called HOCKEY CENTRAL. Real kyper at noon is much better and gives you what this show doesnt.
  • dewy24
    I still love it but...
    I listen to this all the time but it’s frustrating. I love Leaf talk but sometimes the fixation gets a little much - you always know what’s coming. The real issue for me is the constant sportsnet self-promotion, which you see on 31 thoughts too. This show was great a few years ago.
  • milehigherfan
    Wish it were more diverse
    Great guys, try hard. Toronto based show so they’re gonna shove the Leafs down your throat. They use to discuss more teams around the NHL more regularly, wish it was a little more variety and we heard guests and opinions from around the league
  • BobbyP2424
    Shut up Stewie
    Love listening to Burkie and Marek. Anthony Stewart on the other hand sounds like an unprepared and uneducated child when asked to give insight. Some of his takes are absolutely cringe worthy; please replace him
  • bending james
    Jeff stop complaining
    Oh stop complaining. This isn’t golf. Cross checking in front of the net is normal. Go play tennis. Stop complaining and let it go. Bring back the goons
  • Panarin Bread
    Should be called “Leafs Central”
    Great hockey show but should really be called “Leafs Central” not hockey central...
  • Dr. Goedecke
    Jeff Marek tries so hard to be Dan Carlin mixed with Alex Trebek. The show is 4+ episodes without him. Otherwise it’s half an hour waxing poetic about players from the 60’s, theories of human nature or colored ice.
  • becrowe66
    Please for the love of hockey ...
    Nick Alberga is miles more enjoyable than Marek IMO ... I left regular listening to the podcast after Millard because it went downhill fast .. but this past week with Nick guest host has given hope again that it can return to actual hockey discussions and not Marek waxing philosophical and answering his own questions all show.
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