Bloomberg Businessweek

News #201Tech News #2

Carol Massar and Tim Stenovec bring together the latest news from the world of business and finance and the interesting stories of global technology, politics, economics and more. Watch us LIVE on YouTube:

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Recent Reviews
  • fnfjrigg
    Informational resource
    Great information resource.
  • Motchys
    Consistent, friendly, open
    Love it!
  • bigfrank0101
    3 stars seems right for this channel however Bloomberg is so far left it’s disappointing. They can certainly be more center about things but the owner is a democrat…
  • Finance15
    Production is Awful
    This production is awful. The ads are deafening if you don’t turn the volume down and if you do you have to turn it way up again to make out what anyone is saying. Bloomberg has some excellent podcasts so this is disappointing but I'm unsubscribing.
  • Sinai.Coons
    gravitational science
    As a student and researcher within the field of gravitational-wave astronomy, I am someone who has a deep care for all the professionals within the fields of intelligence, national security, to also include the business world. This podcast is a great illustration of how everything is interwoven, they cover the latest news about the most challenging business issues that intersect with the economics of what it means to upkeep healthy democracies. The approach to the audience is direct, unbiased, logical, analytical, and well-researched. They know how to address their audience in an effective manner, they do delicately. They are keen to making their audience acutely cognizant of the fact that they are not just a number, but individuals, whose input is of worthy value at the table; thusly, creating the foundation for meaningful relationships built on respect and inclusivity.
  • BrookeofWine
    Fascinating content
    This is a great way to stay informed about the market.
  • well woo ask
    Hey host, stop interrupting analysts
    Host, pls stop interrupting others while they are speaking. It’s rude, disruptive, and annoying.
  • Alejandro’s
    Software Developer Alejandro Rodríguez
    This podcast is the best! I like the way they speak and is very interesting and important what they say. I’m Apple Developer Programa and Tesla Owner
  • Dan1777999877
    Huge fan!
    Bloomberg Businessweek is a wealth of information and entertainment. Carol and Tim break down the latest news and make it incredibly easy to understand what is going on in the world of business and finance. I am a huge fan of the show, because I am always learning something new!
  • Different day
    One of my favorite podcasts
    I enjoy the hosts and find the content interesting
  • Epsilon the Plastic Bag
    J.P. Morgan add with business bob
    Business Bob! 🥸 📈📉 Stock markets are down buy the dip! Sell everything sell everything! Hold on to those stocks honey! We give you advice from experts for you to navigate through the stock markets J.P. Morgan wealth management.
  • mr rogerd
    Let your guests finish talking
    Self explanatory
  • Bsinni
    Poor sound quality
    I really like the content and talent on this show. However, the different volume levels between the hosts, guests and ADs makes this unlistenable.
  • lmnd72
    Carol has an awful case of imposter syndrome and clearly has no depth of knowledge for any business or market fundamentals so she has to speak in generalities and asks pointless questions
  • JD 1621
    Good show, with room for improvement
    If only they would stop so rudely cutting off their guests, this podcast would be great.... It’s a huge turn off, unfortunately... More small business focused segments with actual business operators would be very helpful in making the overly macro orientation a bit more practical. Content is generally rich, albeit not as diverse as one would like [different viewpoints would only make the show better]; And why does every guest health expert need to hail from a Bloomberg-sponsored institution ? Good luck
  • Bon7897567
    Fix the sound!!
    I totally enjoy the format of the show, it’s just too hard to listen whenever there’s someone calling in on the phone! I put up with it because the content was great but I’m tired of it. This isn’t the first review that complained about the sound so it doesn’t seem to be a priority. Please fix it and I might come back!
  • histar333
    fix sound
    3/17/22 podcast. fix the sound levels. the difference in sound levels for commercials and speakers is terrible. i can’t hear the speaker so i turn up the sound and then the host talks and he sounds like he’s yelling into the mike. same with commercials, i set the sound level to listen but the commercials are five times louder. very irritating and affects my hearing and also disturbs neighbors.
  • FairPlayNYC
    Wow…does anyone QC these?
    First and now also last listen to Businessweek. Audio levels all over the place. Seemingly little to no discipline with the hosts. And the kicker? Cuts off at end with a bonus 4 minutes of silence! Either hire an EP who can listen down before broadcast or kill it. I heard same lack of QC on many other BB podcasts. Time for a new business model Bloomberg.
  • Eddo's IPOD
    Report business not political ideology
    Total nonsense that women in business today are experiencing “inequities”..Carol Masser should think before she speaks . So I will move on as I want the news to be reality based and not being told constantly that reality - like all my nieces have obtained jobs and are moving up fast while the nephews are overlooked -or my own company interviewed both men and women for a financial job but we knew only a woman would be hired and she was hired -reality seems to be political statements only these days and reality is ignored . Inequities for females ? Please look around at Bloomberg company also ..
  • JR Bonez
    Woke Nonsense
    Dude literally just said masks in school are a good idea. It’s February 2022. I want financial and market insights, not left-wing trust the science misinformation.
  • hoihoi87
    The content of this podcast is above average. The problem is the crazy volume difference between the show and the commercials/intro/outro. You have to crank up the volume to hear the show, then the commercials come in and do permanent damage to your eardrums. Run this through a simple volume equalizer tool and you’ll get more listeners. FIX YOUR SOUND VOLUME LEVELS
  • Ryan 8679
    Fix the audio issues…
    The audio is very frustrating to listen to. Everyone speaks at different volumes, and then the same ad comes on and blows your ears out. It’s very frustrating… JUST FIX IT!
  • Kjackson1684
    Great content, audio needs work
    I enjoyed the content from the guest about the National Real Estate Dynamic episode. Unfortunately, I had to keep messing with my volume. A random advertisement started which blared in the speakers so I had to turn it down then back up to hear the hosts to only hear something in the background that kept tapping so it took my concentration off of the content. Then it had a very quick ending to it like it was rushed. Needs work but the content is great.
  • rkitekt318
    Audio engineering needs improvement
    The content itself is fine. The issue is that the audio levels are geared toward television rather than radio/podcasts. The pre-recorded intros, outros, commercials, etc have a significantly higher volume level akin to television broadcasting commercials at volume higher than programming segments. Since this is typically listened to with headphones, earphones, etc, our ear health needs to take top priority over commercials. Also, whoever reads parts of actual articles is often difficult to hear as his volume is too low compared with almost all other podcasts.
  • Joeinjersey
    Mark Leydorfs voice
    It’s distracting and phony. It pulls away from important stories. He should lose the affect or be replaced.
  • av1dMike
    Carol, stop the time pressure
    I have been listening for a couple of years and I love the show. Great content, great interviews. Carol Masser: you are incredibly bright and wonderful to listen to. I think you should stop putting a stopwatch on your interviewees. It is your job to watch the clock, but there is no need to share the pressure with your guests. If you have short times, ask questions that precipitate short answers. Thank you for putting on an incredible podcast.
  • Maxispodreviews
    Great Content - Bad production quality
    These podcasts have great content, hosts, and guests. Unfortunately, the sound quality is horrible. Hosts are tuned up and almost blare in my headphones/speakers. Guests, most of which are on the phone, are so quiet you have to turn it up all the way to hear them. Even then it’s easy to lose focus on what they say. Its a rollercoaster to listen to as I have to constantly turn the volume up and down depending on who’s speaking. This would be five stars if it wasn’t for the listening experience.
  • Squangular
    Just an ad
    I downloaded this thinking it would be about business. I thought I could get insights about the economy and the market. But this is just an ad… I couldn’t believe it. So dissapointing. The “guest” is someone who bought an ad space and just talks through their sales pitch. Disgusting.
  • photo.mpw
    Good content but
    The content is often good but Carol is terrible. She cuts people off and her questions are often rude.
  • nickname028478492
    Every few months
    Every few months I forget why I unfollowed so then I follow again until one of those horrible advertisements come on and then I unfollow again
  • checkthecheuk
    Change the host perhaps?
    I listen to the podcast once in a while and every time I just cringe whenever Carol Massar speaks. She just sounds so condescending. Have to unsubscribe.
  • armchairargonaut
    The above is a measurement of success. Equity is a terrible idea
  • MaypoMaypoMaypo
    Please fix the audio levels!
    Really hard to listen to this via Bluetooth as constant volume adjustment is necessary. Ads blast your eardrums and guests -especially female guests- are barely audible on the phone. Hate having to rewind and listen again for what I missed. Some post-production care, people, please. Equalize the audio !!!!!!
  • Lazy Phone People
    Sound terrible fire program director
  • NotJokingToday
    Can we switch host please?? Joe weisenthal pls???
    So tired of hearing carol saying “it’s ingesting too” and all the unfunny COVID / wine jokes.... pls Bloomberg change the host and we need smarter questions. Thank you!!
  • shplss
    Don’t be on the wrong side of history
    Thank you for taking on the subject of GameStop and the recent stock market dilemma. But this episode has shown how little you guys actually research your topics and therefor proliferate the wrong story and facts about what is going on. This episode has been a real disservice to your listeners and your reputation as rational commentators on current issues. It has exposed yourselves as elitists. Just re listen to your episode. A good starting point for your understanding of the situation would be chamath Palihaptiyia’s interview with CNBC. -longtime listener since episode 1.
  • BGreig3
    Partisan and Biased
    Wake up BW. We don’t share your Partisan and Biased views. BW was a magazine I used to read cover to cover, but you have turned it into a NYC liberal advocacy rag that does not reflect the interests of Americans in business. For example, you you didn’t even bother to try to hide your Biden and DNC biases in covering the 2020 elections. But most business managers and investors dread the DNC/Biden election as it will destroy the economy and lead to much higher taxes and more costly regulations, just like the Obama-Biden years, but worse. Tell Andy Browne to quit carrying water and kowtowing for China. Send him back to Beijing where the CCP would be happy to add him to their propaganda squad. On second thought, the CCP would probably be happy to keep him at Bloomberg where he can do more damage to the USA. Tell Carol to STOP interrupting everyone. And tell your sound engineer to balance the sound levels through your podcast so we don’t have to keep adjusting our volume up and down. It is really annoying when Carol’s voice comes on at twice the volume of the previous session. And please get rid of Peter Coy and your other partisan hacks. Maybe you can restore your past good reputation and avoid your demise as a failing magazine.
  • cjfrogman
    Good content, awful production
    I still listen because of the good content. And I read the magazine. But... 1. I wish the production was better. The volume is extremely volatile. Is the base article is a volume of, say, 10, then the ADP ads are 15+, and the call-ins on the interviews are 5. I have to constantly adjust volume, so I cannot listen to it during some activities. 2. The episode titles often do not correspond to the content,
  • EmmyL28
    Has slowly morphed into left-stream news
    Businessweek - this should not be blatantly partisan, it should be about business. Politics does influence business decisions but BW has become obnoxiously partisan.
  • nycatskills
    The content is great and I like the short dialogue from the coaches but the long episodes with Claire really grate on me. I feel like she’s talking to a 2 year old with the slow dramatic tone. I typically listen for a bit and then have to turn it off.
  • Karso53
    “Trump-ism is here to stay”?
    Only someone who is completely ignoring the vote Counts within minorities and the LGBTQ community could come to the same conclusions as the author of that article. Great job the the Bloomberg Staff. All hail King Mike and do his bidding. What did his $100M in Florida get him? Quit with the Partisan reporting and start reporting the news again, Please!!! Throughout this election, Bloomberg News has gone from being a trusted news source to a Partisan group of commentators, not reporters. Sorry, but it’s the truth.
  • Multatuli2
    Jason Kelly will be much missed
    I migrated to this podcast from the much deteriorated P&L/Markets podcast and was delighted to find that the two hosts actually get more out of their guests through their gently inquiring and humorous approach.
  • happyadobepdfuser1234
    Should rename show COVID and diversity podcast
    This used to be a great podcast that covered business news. They had great interviews with corporate executives, equity analysts, and major investors. Now they just interview Doctors about COVID and complain about inequality. Frustrating! Bloomberg should be better than this.
  • abk New York
    Sound level and quality require fix / great content though
    Interviews aren’t audible and require max volume. The sound quality both in terms of quality and loudness should be elevated to match Bloomberg Surveillance or any other Bloomberg shows. Great show though ;)
  • Danita Chantel
    Best Business Podcast!
    This is one of my go-to podcasts . Really glad that my NJIT Business professors recommended it. Well done and a great listen. I really feel like I get the best of the show. And the variety of episodes are great. Thanks!
  • pandacat_robo
    sound level
    I love this show. However only one thing I don’t like it. The sound volume level is way too different between host and guest. Every time host speaks my drum feel like a break, and can’t heard well guess voice. It should be lower host voice or higher guest voice level, or adjust host and guest voice level with same DB at studio. Thanks
  • Jhwahaha
    woke virtue signals
    They spend 85% of every episode on diversity, inclusion, gender, and race. If that is what you want; then look no further.
  • avid outdoor
    Get back to your core competencies
    Peter Cory’s story, Where Do We Go From Here is side tracked by his distain for President Trump. He and the mathematician with his game theory analysis presume to know the President’s intentions when there is no way they could. It’s an interesting idea, but unfortunately evaluated. As a result the value of the piece is greatly diminished. The show, increasingly and unfortunately has too much liberal bias. When driven by bias of any kind rather than facts, it leads to conclusions that are off the mark or unsubstantiated. Please get back to what you’re best at. Smart analysis of business and market trends.
  • pla428
    Great show but production needs improvement
    I like the content of the podcast but the commercials are often twice the volume so when listening on ear buds, my ears get blasted. Please improve and have all content at the same volume!!
  • Craig2372
    Great show, mix audio better please
    The intro, outro, and commercials are louder than the interviews. Please adjust the sounds levels if this otherwise informative and entertaining markets podcast.
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