The Vergecast


The Vergecast is the flagship podcast from The Verge about small gadgets, Big Tech, and everything in between. Every Friday, hosts Nilay Patel, David Pierce, and Alex Cranz hang out and make sense of the week’s most important technology news. And every Tuesday, David leads a selection of The Verge’s expert staffers in an exploration of how gadgets and software affect our lives – and which ones you should bring into yours. 

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Recent Reviews
  • ReaganB
    Another tech podcast that is losing it
    Five years ago this was a giant. Now, it’s approaching “unsubscribe” levels of quality. The best part of the current iteration of the Vergecast is Alex Cranz’s laugh (really, it’s great). If you want the Vergecast to return to its former glory, please re-think your blasé attitude to tech takes. The show’s success has made you soft.
  • 4321adam
    10/10. I look forward to it every week.
    I love this show. I recently started listening a few months ago after being subscribed to The Verge on YouTube for years. I love this format because it helps me reduce my screen time while also staying up to date on the tech space. I love the hosts views and how they often challenge each other. You can tell they are coworkers who care passionately about tech and each other. Excited to see what conversations they have in the future. I wish they would do an offshoot of this show that is more philosophical in nature and helps us question tech at a deeper level.
  • Reptar.
    Nobody cares about David’s bathroom
    3 min intro??
  • WBSupreme
    Getting More Difficult Over Time
    I have been listening to the Vergecast for many years now and it has consistently stayed in my rotation. I really enjoy two of the three main hosts and love when they have guests as well. I like the variety of formats with some episodes focused on an individual topic and others covering a variety of areas. I can understand the style may not be for everyone. Update: I have been much more selective with this podcast in the past weeks/months, tending to review the topic and who is on that particular show before deciding on listening - or skipping - an episode. Update 2: My selectivity has only increased since my last update to the point that I need to be actively sold on or highly interested in the topic to listen and am more likely to just skip the average episode. Indeed, my experience listening to one of the cohosts is so aversive that I rarely enjoy the show when listening and have to constantly ask myself “Is this topic work getting through the irritation?” More frequently that answer is becoming “No.” I’m sorry, I hope I am the only one with this issue and that others continue to enjoy the Vergecast.
  • Seven3Five
    Well meaning but a shadow of its former self.
    The Vergecast used to be a GREAT show with well informed hosts giving takes on tech and culture in an easily digestible medium. Now for some reason we have to listen to David’s insufferable and irrelevant voice memo monologue and Alex confidently giving opinions on things she clearly has never reviewed. It’s like Deter, Paul, and a few other smart people left and Nilay is making do with whoever he can find until he finds his exit from Vox. I think I only listen now out of habit bc it’s truly no longer enjoyable.
  • caffeiante
    Political commentary not journalism
    I was open to this show before they talked about industries that I have knowledge in. This is just political commentary masquerading as journalism
  • Anthony.Gist1
    Just great
    Every episode makes my day I hope we can get a sponsor for the lightning round
  • developernamedchris
    Too many acronyms
    I like these guys I think they are really thoughtful. but they also seem to have a lack of awareness about how uniquely nerdy they are and don’t take care to properly define obscure acronyms, which can make entire segments of the podcast inaccessible to someone who doesn’t work at the verge office.
  • Spam.Sencer
    The Flagship Podcast
    Update: Why are there still no chapter markers? Every other podcast has this figured out — even WITH dynamic ad insertion. It’s bananas that a tech podcast doesn’t support this in 2024…. Also the AI coverage is exhausting. Can we be done yet? We get it: the AI models hallucinate and they’re all made by the bro-iest tech dudes with way too much VC funding. Move on, please! ——————————— Geeze these iTunes reviews get really heated... The Verge has done an amazing job keeping The Vergecast going since it started out many years ago, and through its numerous host changes. Alex Cranz and David Pierce have brought wonderful fresh perspectives, commentary, insight, and a spotlight to new areas of technology to the show — and Nilay Patel has kept it together through it all. The new Tuesday episodes are great deep dives, and the listener hotline is a fantastic idea. The reporting, production quality, and conversations are top-notch. If you’re at all interested in technology (even in the slightest), you should listen! Ignore those mean-spirited reviews. Cut through them like Scissor Vodka. Snip Snip.
  • Wilderlust
    It’s good
    If I could rate this a 7, I would.
  • AndrewToschi
    Great podcast that covers tech and surrounding topic.
    I highly recommend a subscribe.
  • marcbollinger
    Is this a tech show?
    I’ve tried several episodes but can next get past the first 10 minutes. It’s like a few people who know each other and tell bad jokes and irrelevant softies that I just can’t get behind. I wish it was a tech show.
  • davidj202
    Awww the tech bros are mad that politics is an important subject that necessarily involves itself in all aspects of life….I cry for you 🥲
  • AL_5785224
    Hosts are kids
    I really wanted to like this podcast, because the topics are so important. But it's like the thing is hosted by a bunch of 12-yr-olds. It's a bunch of kids excitedly chattering about the coolest thing they just heard on the news. I just can't. The search for insightful tech commentary continues...
  • hellomarlo
    Stop whispering at the end of your sentences
    My husband listens to your podcast all the time and I’m usually interested in most episodes. I’ve noticed that one of you always whispers at the end of your sentences… Nilay, maybe? You taper off the volume at the end of your sentences. It’s pretty annoying and your listeners are probably only hearing half of what you’re saying.
  • jazzmann777
    The Vox takeover is complete
    Gone are the stories about tech, replaced instead by navel-gazing and political hot-takes. It is really too bad. The website has gone downhill, too, and no longer worth a bookmark. So long, folks!
  • DeWayneLehman
    Uninformed hottakes
    Recently featured another podcast, called power user, sounded interesting, and within a minute of the interview of asking, whether or not TikTok was being banned or if it was this type of forced sale, these are admits, complete ignorance, and then takes a position of a ban. IANAL disclaimer does not mean someone can answer ignorantly and unchallenged. This channel is just consistently slipping down the hot take slope. Tech by feels cast.
  • salmonline
    Insightful takes with occasional lows
    The main crew and cast is the main reason I am a weekly listener. Technology being analyzed through the lens of how it affects our emotions and culture is fascinating to me, and the Nilay/David/Alex trifecta never ceases to entertain. That being said, good freaking lord the Arc episode was unbearable. I love David, but it really felt like he allowed a half-episode advertisement for a product that has some serious complications, without addressing them head-on. There’s a few other examples of episodes that make me want to crawl out of my skin, but all-in-all, love the show.
  • jackb1897
    Highly political
    The latest episode is way to politically influenced for me to be a episode on a tech podcast.
  • PetsDogs
    Tanted Politics
    Just rename the show to “The Nilay Patel Political Soapbox” already. This isn’t even a tech show anymore.
  • T17392
    Alex's chronically misinformed takes are ruining the show
    This was once a go to podcast for me. However, it's becoming more in more difficult to listen given one host's proclivity for spouting factually incorrect information regarding media companies. For example, there have been several times where a host has misidentified the ownership of the company their talking about. Disappointing to see this continue unchecked.
  • franklyn_planner
    This podcast has become unlistenable.
    It has become so negative on big tech. Apple is not a monopoly. You can buy Android/Windows devices. If The Verge wants to help us do something about the internet service provider monopoly. I also agree with a few other reviews: Alex Kranz is a dumpster fire.
  • Patedechoux
    Mixing too quiet
    Content is good but the hosts are mixed too quiet, have to change volume with the ads
  • k_y_c
    a tech podcast without chapters
    They do have interesting guests and topics from time to time, but it’s tedious without chapters to skip past some of the hosts who regularly insist on discussing their bad takes.
  • jasnstu
    Good content, but I wish there were chapter markers to make it easier to skip around in the episodes
  • Tchaye
    That ARC episode
    That guy from ARC sounded like an hour long painful ad for his product rather than a discussion.
  • baseball420
    Look forward to the show every week for years thank you for all you do! If you wouldn't mind just drinking a little bit more water or doing whatever mouth exercises to not be doing smacky clicky asmr type stuff in my ear please and thank you🫶✌️
  • DC IN IN
    Insufferable Egomaniacs
    If you want to know what it what feel like to be part of a friend group where everyone thinks they are the smartest most insightful most virtuous most savvy most edgy people in any room youll love this podcast. This show covers what people who do not actually contribute to society in a meaningful way (food, shelter, infrastructure, health care, education) care about. Nauseatingly self important and San Francisco conformist. Hard pass.
  • IOT Department
    Less Alex Cranz
    Love the show, but David and Nilay need someone better than Alex on the show. They almost always disagree and at times you can tell Nilay and David don't want to take the time to debate with her or have to respond to something she said from left field. Miss Dieter!
  • Supermarket526
    Love the banter
    I came for the tech news, but I’m staying for the banter. I love the dynamics between the three of you. For all the reviews saying “Less <name>” I say you don’t understand chemistry or checks and balance systems. Keep up the great work!
  • Johnnyy
    Nilay’s inner monologue, feat. The Verge staff
    The tech commentary of this show is second to none and the banter from cranz, david, and nilay together is genuinely so much fun to hear as a listener. The problem is that it’s so often not a shared conversation - nilay interrupts way too often and it just goes and goes. When we arrive at his end, the universe gifts us a long pause that reliably emanates “ anyways” energy.
  • sangwafive
    Less A Cranz
    This lady is awful!am sorry I think she is a good person but she is terrible to listen to cause she is very self involved,always trying to say something funny but rarely anything intelligent or substantial. Oh and the forced laugh track from her drives me crazy ! my guess is it’s all some sort of medicine she is on so am pretty sure it’s not even the authentic version of her torturing me 😂 Alex if you read this,it’s nothing personal,please understand you make the show less informative,you tend to say nothing and are so focused on being funny ,what’s that thing you do where you slow down a sentence then end with a question mark ? It’s like listening to teenager ,just torture.
  • ryankiley
    Quality slipping
    I’ve listened to you all forever, but the show is no longer the “must-listen” it was when Dieter was around. David is super knowledgeable, but his baseline pessimism vibe is kinda a bummer. Alex’s humour attempts don’t land well (with me or the other hosts). Would love if you all would give more mic time to Verge staff like Becca, Victoria, Richard, and Tom! Huge fan of The Verge’s reporting. Hope the podcast recaptures that magic it once had.
  • instanttaylor
    Fav Tech Show
    This show has become my favorite tech show on a weekly basis. I love the hosts and the weird rabbit holes they go down. The end of year episodes are a tradition and the USBC one in 2023 was terrific. If you care about the minutiae of wiper blade design and power delivery standards this show is for you.
  • ~ Violet ~
    Empty Giggling
    Was this show always empty giggle sessions and I’m just now noticing. I feel like it used to be a good place for info. Now it’s just some well informed people making laughing sounds with each other without spilling any beans my direction. I’ll probably have to unsubscribe. Where can I get some info mixed in with the “fun”?
  • A4sense
    Kind of good
    I enjoy listening to the Vergecast but some of their info is not researched as well as it could be. I think the show would be a good bit more interesting if Alex Cranz was NOT on the show. I don't enjoy her constant attempts at jokes and all her "ya's" that she constantly throws in. She doesn't actually really bring that much of interest to the show... P.S. while I'm at it, maybe if you don't know a lot about trucks don't talk smack about them. 🤨😁
  • one of the dolls
    Less David Pierce
    I would more than happily pay for a version of the show with just Nilay and Cranz hosting. David Pierce spends too much time talking over people to only occasionally provide anything funny or useful to the conversation. God what I would give to go back to when Dieter was on the show.
  • W Bezzy
    So glad VergeCast did the emergency show for OpenAI
    It’s been a absolute craze blaze over the last 96 hours and my guys broke it down in an hour and some change. This was the absolute crazy move by the board. Like the ruthlessness and villain ice coldness to do it so quick! 2023 and AI setting up a very wild outlook for 2024. Thanks Verge!
  • Mike Jackson 7654
    I am in on all the Verge podcasts
    I can’t remember when I actually stumbled upon the Vergecast, but since then I am all in! I love the Monday episodes, Tuesdays for Decoder, the Wednesday show, and then the Friday show keeps my week flowing. I am a big old tech dork and y’all speak my language. The apex of that is when Nilay, in his review of Moon Knight on Disney basically said, “It’s not great, but I’m gonna watch it.” I am hopeful at some point, I get to hang out with him, and just chat. Keep on keeping on. P.S. to be balanced (and a call out to the disclosures) The Netflix show wasn’t all what I hoped it would be.
  • NussieScout
    David Pierce is boring
    I love the Friday show with everyone but the solo shows with David are boring. He tries to be funny but he is not funny.
  • DrProctor
    Off-putting hosts
    I find the hosts obnoxious. Alex isn’t quite as annoying, except she needs to contribute more original (and useful) comments rather than throwing in “jokes,” and reacting/responding to what the other hosts say - the other hosts are already overly full of themselves.
  • King of a
    D Pierce “ we hate your guts, nice :(
    How characteristic of your show’s sarcasm and consistent mocking of most everything, shame on y’all. and yea I continue to listen, Marco the tucson cowboy
  • meskin84
    Perfect Weekly Rundown
    I’ve been listening to The Vergecast for almost as long as I’ve been listening to podcasts and it’s still my favorite show to listen to. The show has really taken on new life and I can’t wait for my new episodes. The deep-dive episodes are awesome and I really have been enjoying the special themed episodes but the Friday show is really still my favorite. I love the casual conversations between all of them
  • JMH85JMH
    Alex Cranz Sounds CLUNKY and brings down the show
    Alex Cranz sounds clunky when providing opinions about tech companies. Alex sounded especially clunky on 10/20 with her opinions about Tesla, and her opinion Netflix is bad media company…Why? Because they have ”no bangers.”
  • Kyle McGahey
    I don’t even care about tech but I care about this show?
    I work in tech but conversations around tech and gadgets had never interested me but this group is entertaining and gets me to listen about tech stuff multiple times a week. One piece of feedback - I find it a bit off putting when I hear David and Nilay talk over Alex. I assume it’s not entirely intentional but she’ll be mid opinion and they’ll just cut her off and start talking over her. It reinforces the stereotype that tech is a man-dominated industry.
  • Akk0202
    Less Alex Cranz, more David Pierce, and an ad-free subscription
    Nothing against Alex but at most times, the show stumbles a bit when she comes in with her input. Maybe it’s her style, but something’s not right. David Pierce in the other hand since he came back to the Verge, he really uplifted the whole show to another level. Finally, we need an ad-free subscription option. It’s really worth it.
  • Alias3800
    The one to follow!
    The Vergecast is a must-listen for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest tech news and trends. The hosts are knowledgeable and engaging, and the show strikes a perfect balance between being informative and entertaining. I've learned so much from listening to the Vergecast, and I always look forward to the new episodes. Five stars!
  • CankerCat
    Alex Cranz makes the show insufferable
    Lack of knowledge + inaccurate statements + failed attempts at humor + grating voice. Please replace!
  • Hella Andrew
    Mostly good but
    They need to shut up about Elon Musk. It’s super annoying and giving him more attention is just furthering the damage he does to society. Whenever discussion moves to him I either skip ahead or just delete the episode
  • SchwartzReports
    Excellent show. Funny and topical.
    This is by far the best weekly technology show. I look forward to the Verge every week! The chemistry between the hosts is fantastic, and Nilay is excellent in how he leads the discussions, keeps everyone on track, and explains complicated topics in a fun way — even if he occasionally has stinker opinions (CarPlay is great, Nilay).
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