Ram Dass Here And Now


Ram Dass shares his heart-centered wisdom in each episode featuring excerpted lectures given throughout the last 40 years, with an introduction from Raghu Markus of Ram Dass' Love Serve Remember Foundation.

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Recent Reviews
  • hggyjghfggjygyujhkfhy
    Love it
    Love it
  • Deepak Dasa
    Ads contradict the message
    I've been put off by the ads being played before each message. It seems unethical for a group of people running a website to profit off of old lectures from a dead man.
  • Ko' Olins
    Ram Dass deserves more than 5 stars.
    Better Help cheapens Ram Dass messages with its advertisements.
  • Lady Dango
    Good reminder of the deeper I
    I’m grateful to have access to great teachers, like Ram Dass; it’s the upside of technology. Thank you for keeping this podcast going. I do wish the introductions weren’t SO long. I’m sure it’s well intentioned, and I don’t want to hurt his feelings, but it’s not necessary to regurgitate and explain Ram Dass’s talks for 20min prior to him speaking. Doesn’t the host think Ram Dass is clear enough? If he wants to teach, maybe the host should consider starting his own podcast, and people can go there and listen to his thoughts.
  • Sertentir
    A teacher without ego
    Ram Dass did not demand having followers nor for anyone to adhere to his teachings. He admitted his humanity and thereby endeared himself to people all the more. Praised be RD. Jon Katz
  • Beautiful Diverse Los Angeles
    Such a relief
    To have the blessing of the insights of a brilliant incarnation who took every risk to seek. What he brought back is custom designed for the West. Forever grateful. Ram Ram.
  • Kbesq
    A Treasure Trove
    So grateful to have access to these talks in this format.
  • Sarinaissuperamazing
    Light, these have been so good for me, helpful, strengthening my faith, staying present, watching my thoughts, very nice, I sometimes take what I need and leave the rest, but then come back to an episode where I “left” something and find that I can integrate it… these talks are great to listen to over and over again for that reason. Strangely these talks have loosened something in me and made it easier to read other spiritual texts with a lightheartedness, I’ve been much more interested in the Tao Te Ching for example, whereas when I first read it I felt very uptight, and confused. I appreciate all the people who work toward making this podcast happen! I listen at work every day🤫it’s one of the only things that consistently makes me feel better about life, hopeful, and gives me a sense of trust. I meditate more now too
  • SpecialEars
    Fascinating, Enlightening, Don’t Be Redundant
    I am absolutely loving following the stories of Ram Dass and his journeys and teachings. I have known about him for years of course; I have had friends tell me about him, and I have had a small inkling and awareness of who he was within the periphery of mindfulness, spirituality, meditation and psychedelia, drugs, etc. However, I had no idea what it was all about and the extent of his travels, adventures, wisdom and charisma, and even how funny he was! What a great speaker with such spiritual and intellectual depth with a great sense of humor! Thank you Mr. Marcus for bringing us these podcasts. My only constructive criticism is as follows: the quality of some of the recordings is very substandard – consider taking them to a professional engineer to have them enhanced if you haven’t already done so. Secondly, although I understand your good intentions and witnessing to his teaching behind “setting up” the talk at the beginning of each podcast, your comments are completely redundant and you basically repeat exactly what Ram Doss is already saying, so I really don’t want to hear it twice; I want to be pleasantly surprised, and I don’t need a breakdown of parts of what he said almost verbatim. It’s fine if you want to “ set up” the particular excerpt, but please do not duplicate. I find this very annoying; hence I often skip this portion (but just fyi it’s a waste of part of the podcast time). Learning about the heavy element of drug taking tends to give less credibility to the whole concepts of the teachings, but then learning that he stopped taking the drugs and continued the practice restores my faith. That may be why more people don’t know about him, and see the connection with Christ, although he is well known. Just to be clear, I am not talk about using the aid of drugs from a moral standpoint, but from the view of having to artificially create the mind space to reach these states; I should think true “gurus” and masters or people truly reaching these high spiritual states and ways of living must do so naturally without the enhancement of drugs. Otherwise is it really true freedom? These are the only reasons I did not give it five stars otherwise really great job, and kudos to all involved. Thank you!
  • Barnun
    As I listen to these podcasts, I feel as if I am on a pilgrimage with Ram Dass. I often listen in my daily morning walk. These messages set the tone for the day.
  • thisthingliesabouttakennames
    vital info wrapped poorly
    It would be a large statement of intention to start every episode with ram dass rather than preface and monetization. At least put it at the end.
  • Toasty Puppy
    Ram Dass lives!
    The wisdom of Ram Dass is still available any time you want it from this great podcast. Don’t start your spiritual journey without it!
  • G123321123
    Great podcast, bad ads
    The podcast is awesome and I like the host. The advertising and the money grabbing at the beginning I can ignore easier, but it does not help new people understand the message, it turns them off. Let people donate organically, and if you do not reach your financial goals so be it. Just like vipassana centers they run off donations.
  • kaylampayne23
    Thank you!
    Love this podcast so much. Thanks Raghu!
  • Hvhcfydbicy
    Love everyone
    Ram ram
  • Noah’s arcana
    All business
    I love Ram Das, but is this a show about his teachings, or an ad for Better Help? Yes, everyone needs money, I understand. But when you hear the ad for better help for the 500th time maybe you start thinking , hey maybe there is something wrong with me, maybe I do need better help. Maybe your being brainwashed by the psychology mafia. Stop the ads, I’ll come back to the show and donate to your patreon.
  • somebodymel
    Please - the ads - this was life changing before the ads started
    The ads are too much - since RD passed away. Please stop them. They are disturbing. I’ve been listening to this for years and I appreciate you all keeping it going. But I know I never would have started listening to it if the ads had been in place like this. They are keeping new people from appreciating his work. There’s got to be a way to do less ads or put them at the end? Or figure out a way to support this differently.
  • doximami85
    Hosting is boring
    I would love to give this podcast a 5, but due to the hosts, I can’t. Whoever the man is that hosts is too long winded and monotone. He bores me and I find myself having to fast forward to Ram’s teachings. The recordings are excellent and speak to me. Will probably just use YouTube to listen to Ram Dass in the future.
  • thru hikers
    Not sure
    Do you guys like it
  • Amanda24TN
    This Trip
    Uncertainty is certain Love self makes loving everything else possible God operates as and/both Humans operate as either/or No wonder we struggle to understand God and the perfect plan Thank u for continuing Ram Dass teachings and teachings from other great ones like Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzburg and so many more Amanda R
  • SwatKat06
    Great story narration but playing with the facts - not so cool!
    No doubt about Ram Dass’s ability as a great story teller but I didn’t like his playing with the facts just to make the story sound more interesting. Things like - Sita was turned on by Ram or she will tell Ram, Lakshman took a pass at Sita . Let’s just stick to the facts!!
  • Moonwood1
    Brings peace and clarity
    I have been learning from Ram Das since Be Here Now first came out. His message is clean and his humility is marvelous.
  • Shmullys123
    Life changing
    I can say with absolute certainty that this podcast has changed my life in almost every way for the better. With more love compassion lightness wisdom and friendships. Thank you so much
  • William Kern
    Tell Us the Date …
    Hi. I love hearing Ram Dass. Might I suggest a new practice for those summarizing these recordings? Tell us the date they were made and the context they were made in. Go with God - or the Gods.
  • 🕊🐞🪷
    Betterhelp ads are gross
    LOVE Ram Dass, but really disturbed by your partnership with Betterhelp. I’m a therapist and previously worked with Betterhelp. It’s an exploitative, unethical company developed by tech bros capitalizing off the tele-healthcare market and mental health crisis, not people with any sort of therapy or mental health background, and the way they do business shows—on both the clients and therapists’ ends. For heaven’s sake, they’ve been accused of selling client data to Facebook, and in response issued a statement that they’re not subject to HIPPA. The Ram Dass lectures are great, but skip the ads (and intro)
  • Shao_con
    A light in the dark
    Bless the team of here and now as well as Mark Watts 🙏 both of these masters are great on their own, but the fusion of both is pure genius. Thank you for sharing and I will be a committed follower
  • kt098534
    LOVE <3
    Thank you Raghu for using this platform to share the lectures from Ram Dass! I listen to this podcast everyday. I have heard them all so many times and yet, I still get something out of each one every time. Also, I appreciate your input in the intros. Much love!! Ram Ram
  • RedPandaBaby
    So grateful to you all for continuing to share the wisdom of Ram Dass!
  • audrey40777
    Stop the intro
    Please, do us all a favour, stop making a 15min intro, rambling about your thoughts on Ram Dass’s words. It is unnecessary and irrelevant. Many comments mentions it, why doing it still and making it that long? Don’t you read the reviews? Let Ram Dass speak, we do not need a 15min intro for a 20min talk..
  • the other Dell
    Therapy adds creating anxiety
    To have the calming words of beloved Ram Dass interrupted by a shrill voice presuming to co-opt his words to sell counseling, Is nearly enough to put me off the podcast. Om Ram anyhow.
  • MDixit
    A life manual
    The words of Baba Ram Dass have helped me open my heart and understand the eastern spiritual teachings better than any teaching or methods have. I used to skip forward to his talks but lately the intro by Raghu has grown over me. I have loved getting to know him and his story of coming to Maharaj-ji. Thank you to the Love Serve Remember foundation for sharing the wisdom of Ram Dass in his own spoken words. Ram Ram. 🙏🏽
  • chrismeisner
    Therapy advertisements
    These ads are manipulative and leading people to further device addiction Find the money some other way - gross
  • pattyastics
    Cherish this podcast
    My family and I love this podcast and cherish the words of Baba Dass. Thank you for this!!
  • Love & Kindness
    Love this Podcast.
    I can listen to Ram Dasd share his wisdom for hours, and I get to with this podcast. Thank you!
  • okaymatt
    Rhagu talking in the beginning almost ruins it
    Please stop making it about yourself. It’s a little embarrassing and I’m sure ram dass would not approve of this ego inserting itself into the material…. Listen to the reviews!!
  • Jerrygarciaaaaa
  • h1vequeen
    So blessed and grateful
    This collection/podcast has changed my life in myriad positive ways. Thank you for keeping these teachings accessible and alive. namaste
  • xjoxhgx
    Love to put these podcasts on and listen while I paint or draw. I learn so much from these talks. Thanks BHN network for finding these gems!
  • Molliefish5243
    These podcasts have contributed dramatically to my awakening. Thank you Raghu and RD!
  • CZ1622
    Skip the intro
    Would be so much better if it was just Ram Dass. I always skip the intro from Ragu. It’s a slight hassle but worth it to hear Ram Dass.
  • anxnsodkcoapsjdj
    Let Raghu Be
    To those with a problem about the intros, please just use the fast forward button. Many of us find them informative and valuable. Keep those intros “rolling”. Also, thank you Raghu for all the dharmic work you do for the bhn network. It’s very much appreciated.
  • Crazyhorse180
    Thank you!
    I accidentally stepped into a showing of Becoming Nobody at the San Diego film festival. I’ve been hooked ever since. I listen to this podcast to recenter my life and to let go. You can say I’m addicted to this method. I appreciate everyone working on this podcast! Raghu Markus, keep up the good work.
  • Jimmy345667
    Ragu please don’t talk so much before the episode. People are coming here to hear ram dass! It’s beauty and gold all by itself
  • nimeshpok
    Annoying introductory speaker!
    Just let the man speak! The message Ram Dass delivers is clear and self explanatory so it's totally unnecessary for you - Mirabai Bush - to give your opinion and ideas about it. Your ideas are only going to distort his original message and therefore is doing more bad than good!
  • Cchrissy39
    Words limit the expression of the gratitude I feel. Thee, overwhelming, sense of peace… that comes from these lectures…quite literally, cannot be put into words. I am eternally grateful. I am eternally grateful. I appreciate all of the hard work that is put forth to provide the teachings of Ram Dass. May He Rest With God.
  • Jmbyrn
    So close yet so far
    This would be a 5 star rating if the podcast was simply a platform for Ram Dass’ lectures and recordings. I always skip over Raghu’s long winded introductions. I personally don’t gain anything from his lengthy dissertations on what Ram Dass says in the upcoming lecture before it’s even played. It’s not the Raghu Marcus podcast and to be honest, I find myself getting frustrated and perceiving Raghu as fanning his own ego with all of his chatter. I would love to see the format of this podcast changed so that Ram Dass’ material is centered, with minimal input from ancillary commentators. Early episodes of Sharon Salzberg’s Metta Hour provide a good template.
  • ClarityNOW
    This podcast changes my life daily, I am so grateful for everyone who is involved in creating it and making this possible
  • Derrickjones777
    Simply the Best
    One of my favorite podcasts, always such insight and wisdom, I’m so thankful for these talks and the people who make them accessible for us to benefit from them!
  • KevDogg39
    Dude just rambled about about the lecture. Would rather hear the lecture.
  • Brianh129
    There is no greater gift.
    In these talks, Ram Dass consistently serves up entertaining, powerful, and comforting words to help us unstick ourselves from conditioned beliefs that cause us so much unnecessary suffering. Not many spiritual teachers are as brilliant, eloquent, caring, AND genuinely hilarious.
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