The Glenn Beck Program

All Genres #134News #17News Commentary #4

Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. Watch The Glenn Beck Radio Program, Monday through Friday, 9am - 12pm ET on BlazeTV.

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Recent Reviews
  • Northern Arizona Bob
    Prosecute Fauci
    Prosecute Fauci: Dr Fauci’s Federal Biden pardon doesn’t protect him from State AGs prosecuting Fauci for their citizen deaths, or for other nations to prosecute Fauci for their citizen deaths
  • atjsaj
    Hard to listen to.
    Very little content, endless ads and the intro music plays forever. The program could be cut in half just by streamlining it.
  • Small Time Dude
    Breaking Up The FBI, An Important “Must Do” (Neil Sedaka-Revised)
    You’ve taken freedom, away from me, You’ve kept us living, in misery, Your A.I. actions, have made us blue, An FBI break up, is the thing to do! Poor Jan. Sixers, could not fight! You arrested them, all thru the night, Jail time, no trial, you’ve put them thru, Breading you up, is a ”must-Do” CHORUS They say that breaking you up, Is the thing to do, Much corruption, it’s very true! Confirming Kash, a definite win! Tired of closing our eyes, We’re cleaning out this den! Good riddance, you’ve deserved, a good-bye, We’re giving Trump, a welcomed try! Now’s the time to start anew, Breaking up the FBI, he’ll see it thru!
  • tom from Lagrange
    Tom from Lagrange ky.
    I’ve been listening for years and years and agreed with it all
  • Bam3210
    Check your sources
    Just another rage baiting caricature of a journalist. What a shame.
  • Gram1of8
    Daily Dose of Sanity
    There are those among us who see, seek and discern the truth, Glenn Beck is one of them. In a world bent on destroying truth , beauty and God, he presents the opportunity the, challenge to turn to the good. He is candid, intelligent and willing to share spiritual ethos.
  • Bart from Allen Tx
    People Angels Deamons
    Another great interview, your show is awesome!
  • Anne of Greenish Gables
    Always right on target
    Glenn hits the nail on the head w deep insight and appropriate humor. He is generally 100% correct in hindsight!
  • Volleyball loves ice-cream
    John Stram
    Wow amazing, everyone needs to what he has to say about January 6.
  • SongbirdZi
    Great show
    Glenn I love your show and have been listening for years. The new intro music is great, however that bird of prey… lol
  • Hopeful🦋
    Too many commercials! Good content. Hence 3 stars
  • BlazingWheels2112
    Griftin’ ain’t easy,huh Glenn?!
    Liar, hypocrite, traitor.
    King Randall
    Mr.Beck At 75 I am exhausted listening to the accomplishments of that young person. Thank you for presenting him and his programs to the world Good Bless Bruce/ Grand Rapids , Michigan
  • IDSgt56
    It sounded like Glenn was broadcasting from the men’s room at Grand Central Station. The background noise was so bad that I couldn’t follow what was being said. Glenn even mentioned it several times. Why can’t Blaze get a remote broadcast right? This was awful.
  • rinohater
    Groom lake
    Somebody tell Glenn that Groom lake Nevada is a dry lake bed/ salt flat.
  • Foggy2Sunny
    Great show Glenn
    I used to listen to your radio show in San Francisco, of all places, decades ago… When is Mayorkas going to be charged with crimes against humanity? BTW, he is an appointed Biden official in charge of Homeland Security, that being said, why are unidentified drones flying over mid Atlantic states? The open border and the Chinese spy ballon are other examples of this administrations purposeful attempt to disrupt ,devalue and decay our countries security, while endangering THE tax paying citizens.
    Love the Interview with Anna K
    Thanks to Anna K. for coming on the podcast. The dialogue was so encouraging.
  • JennG1222
    Getting back to balance
    I very much appreciated not only that you brought on Anna K from TYT, but that you both engaged in level-headed and mutually respectful conversation. As a MAGA American, I’m very much interested in our country getting back to balance (something the establishment has worked hard to destroy). I think this interview and your approach (“welcome to my home”) is exactly what this country needs to move towards healing, and to see that we have much more in common than we’ve been told. Thank you so very much for this. It made my heart smile.
  • wumbologyexpert
    Not colonel sanders
    Podcast thumbnail had me thinking this would be about KFC
  • awbluemoon
    Also can no longer download
    Agree with sneary71 - I've listened to this podcast for years through iTunes and about a month ago it stopped downloading, it's like the URL is not connecting... all of my other podcasts work fine.
  • The Fish321
    Won’t play
    My podcasts won’t play it just spins and times out it started after the last update.
  • sneary71
    Can't download
    Any one else having issues downloading the podcast in iTunes? Used to download daily, then a few weeks ago it just stopped working! All other podcasts download fine.
  • cant hear well
    9 to 5
    Does anyone else hear the opening drums of the GB program and immediately start singing, “Tumble out of bed and stumble to kitchen . . . ?”
  • Ranger@4702
    He needs to shut up!
  • Kev-X
    Daily Dose
    I have been listening to Glen since 2008 when I discovered him on AM radio during my long commute to work. following him on Am. radio, SiriusXM, and now podcasts, he never fails to understand what’s going on in the country and gives us hope for the future. I am so impressed by his work with mercury one and the Nazarene fund as well. He gives back to the community and literally is saving lives all over the world.
  • T. A. Robbins
    Glenn Beck is legendary!
    Glenn Beck has been one of the greatest conservative visionaries and I have been listening to him since Laura Schlesinger was taken off my radio station. He knows history and understands progressives like no one else. He talks to his audience like we are friends. But Marc Levin is not only a constitutional expert but also a great historian like Beck. I can’t pick a favorite. They are both awesome patriots!
  • Cathie z
    I too wonder why it’s called immaculate constellation
  • Levin Junkie
    Can’t listen anymore
    The number of ads on your show and podcast make this unlistenable. Almost like you’ve become a grifter, Glenn. 25 minutes of ads per hour is just intolerable.
  • AndreaMila3
    Hard to Listen To
    This guy is a kook, he is insanely hypocritical while pushing his own beliefs as the only beliefs. Do everyone a favor, just try to leave religion out of political discussions. Seems like you have nothing to stand on without it. It’s so interesting to hear religious people claim that democrats are attempting to push religion on people, I’ll never understand that when the people you have voted for are mandating prayer and the 10 commandments in classrooms 🙄 regardless of your beliefs, do yourself a favor and don’t waste your time on this podcast.
  • 70 x 7
    Glenn Beck better than Levin.
    Since Mark Levin mostly rants & raves these days, I tune into Glenn Beck more than Levin. I just cannot stand all the screaming and constant disrespect of people, even if they are liberal, it just hurts my spirit. So I tune into Levin, but also tune him out many times & just go to Glenn Beck. I know that the liberals are horrible people, and conservatives already know this, and don’t like hearing Levin scream and curse, especially every night about the media.
  • Anlan2024
    My cats didn’t vote for Kamala 😂😂😂 love your show hate your hate for cats 😊 I rescue cats send more love 😻
  • dharma castillo
    Can you fix the audio for headphones
    I really like the audio in the glen beck story control freaks in history but the audio of your other podcast episodes has some kind of echo with AirPod pros. Please consider looking into this. Thank you!
  • Teg S.
    A big thank you to Glen Beck for his relentless effort in helping our country recognize the truth, which led to one of the most important political victories in history. I hope that President Trump sees the importance of utilizing Glen as an advisor and confidant. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!🥰🇺🇸🙏
  • Thomas s 23
    Censoring and canceling
    These episodes rarely play, especially ones that might be deemed controversial by the govt or the left. Is Glenn becks podcast being censored?
  • Deplorable76
    Heck yeah!!! Love you too, brother!!
  • Throckmorton79
    Please remember me!
    Just another in a long list of people who got fired from Faux News now doing podcasts.
  • JasonofKM
    Entertainment and Enlightenment
    Great show
  • ScottyPNoregerts
    Honest, American Intel
    Glenn Beck has stuck with what all news reporters lost long ago, honestly, humility, and integrity. The Blaze media is a must watch or listen to if your wanting real information about our country and the political climate. With our Glenn and those alike him we are all in danger and further in the dark. Keep doing Gods work GB love you and all you do! The American people don’t know how much they actually need this information Glenn provides.
  • tgambogi
    Interview with Corey Mills
    Glenn, I used to listen to you when I lived in Peoria, Illinois on WMD. That was 11 years ago. Now that I’m in Prescott Arizona I haven’t heard you until I found you on podcast and your interview with Cory Mills was outstanding. That man is it true American hero
    why does colonel sanders have a podcast
    stay in your lane homie!
  • PissedAmerican
    What happened?
    Why did the full episode addressing FEMA, just disappear from my Apple podcast????
  • Jchubs
    My Favorite podcast
    Glenn Beck uses his spiritual intelligence and humor to interpret what is going on in our world today. Deep thinking evaluation of our balance between good and evil. He is always factual and careful to never confuse facts with opinions and let’s you know where to verify information. Worth your time and very entertaining.
  • The dude$5
    A political Christmas carol
    Jiggle bells, Biden Smells, Harris layed an egg, Watsmotble broke a wheel, and Trump got away. This a very good prod cast.
  • Sean1916
    My rating isn’t because of Glenn it’s because of the format of the show
    I’m hoping this puts out a new review so it doesn’t get buried. I tried to offer constructive feedback from a long time listener before. Your product (the podcast) is out of control now. Once you get past the initial segment, it is a constant barrage of either commercials or Glenn plugging some thing. I’m tired of it. I no longer care that he’s trying to run a business. I skip every commercial now and I have decided I will not give any company that he plugs, my business. I listen to him for his take on the news. Get back to what actually made you popular. There’s lots of other podcasts in the conservative realm that I could listen to and others as well.
  • Midpac01
    Great Podcast
    Love all the shows! Roseanne is fabulous! I didn’t want it to end 🌟
  • Cadennme
    Roseanne Barr
    It was wonderful to hear Roseanne Barr - I love hearing her speak her truth (35 years a fan)! I never knew of her accident at 15, but it sounds like she had a serious TBI. I feel terrible hearing that she was committed to a state mental health hospital vs. getting the treatment that she deserved for a TBI (..understanding that this was an unknown diagnosis at the time - that breaks my heart).
  • ShorePort
    Exposure - long forum
    Great interview with Rosanne! Clarity is power
  • Apple Fun for a Teacher
    A good man- Glen Beck
    Honest , research d speaker
  • mshots
    I did not want it to end
    I was throughly engrossed in the conversation and did not want it to end. I could have listened all day. UNBELIEVABLE!
  • E.Nuff
    Don’t miss Max Lucado & Glenn
    Fascinating, informative and much much more. It’s hopeful! God bless & lead us all through these difficult times!
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