

Nerdette is a weekly interview show that helps you unwind with fun conversations, inspiring ideas, and delightful recommendations. And join us every month for the Nerdette Book Club!

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Recent Reviews
  • Mrs.W 2008
    Love Fridays!
    Always look forward to Nerdette on Fridays. Greta is such a great host, and I love the recap and variety of topics. Always the best book recommendations too!
  • BowBugs74
    Love it
    How is this podcast being cancelled. It’s part of my Friday morning routine. Thank you for such a great podcast and can’t wait to hear what’s next because I’ll be there listening. 🙂🤓😕😄👏🏼🙌🏽📚
  • idontQe
    I will support you anywhere
    If you move to patreon or another pod platform I will remain a loyal listener!! This is one of my Sat rituals and I will support all efforts to keep this community going!!
  • EmSouz
    so much delight
    I’ve been listening to Nerdette regularly since the Tricia and homework days (2016?) Greta is wonderful and brings delight into every show and I am devastated that WBEZ has decided to cancel this show.
  • Shlee777
    Keep Nerdette!
    This is my absolute favorite podcast because Greta, Anna, and all their fun guests make my week each Friday. I love the book club recommendations and the cool stuff they put in the newsletter each week. I heard they’ve been canceled and this makes me so sad, I hope Nerdette gets picked up by another station and can continue on because it’s delightful!
  • LDelhotal
    My Friday ritual
    I look forward every week to Greta saying “We made it!” It’s my Friday ritual, and I enjoy the panelists discussing “the week that was” as well as the in-depth interviews. Greta feels more like a friend than a podcaster to me.
  • MotherOfPitties
    Good for nerds with tender hearts
    This podcast is lovely and feels so comforting. Greta is so kind and good with all her guests. The topic is always interesting, and listening feels a bit like learning cool stuff with a good friend. Highly recommend for my fellow tender hearted nerds!
  • artemis736
    After several years of listening, unsubscribing
    Deeply disappointing that a 3-year retrospective of Covid largely pushes hard the “we’re back to normal” narrative, despite the fact that roughly 2000 Americans are still dying of the disease every week, millions are disabled from long Covid with more joining their ranks daily, vaccines have waned in efficacy against the newer variants, repeated “breakthrough” infections have become standard, and the virus has evolved to be much more transmissible. This was one of the podcasts I loved listening to early on in 2020 because of the sense of solidarity and the interest in highlighting the reality of what we were all going through together, but to ignore the mounting heaps of consistent scientific evidence that show getting Covid, let alone getting it repeatedly, is damaging (FOR EVERYBODY) is, at this point, irresponsible. It’s particularly insulting alongside featuring lyrics to the effect of “what if I hurt someone and don’t think that it’s my fault.” That is what pretending we are “back to normal” is doing to people, even if you don’t have to face the repercussions personally; you only need to look at the sustained levels of illness and death all around us to realize that (or, you know, listen to what disability advocates have been saying for years now). I’m unfollowing this podcast, will mostly remember it fondly from years earlier, and Greta I hope you stay healthy and well.
  • Brian Goulet
    Elevate Your Language Here, Please
    Constantly shrieking, “ oh my god, oh my god” is tedious enough but to then add “ like “ five times, like, to each, like, sentence is, like, reason for me to, like, press the STOP button and, like, move on to another podcast. Don’t like.
  • RiffRandle1234
    Links please!
    Love listening to Nerdette every Friday. Can you please link the books in the show notes? Thanks!
  • Passanie
    Love it
    I always look forward to this podcast. Great blend of news, book clubs, science and pop culture. Highly recommend
  • listening LMC
    Nerdette is a joy!
    Listening to Nerdette puts me in a weekend-state-of-mind. It might be Friday night, Saturday morning, or even Friday at 7:30 a.m. Nerdette is the best!
    Research pls Radcliffe has starred in many avant- guard things such as EQUUS nude after HP series
  • TarynScout
    I eagerly anticipate every episode!
    I always leave these podcast sessions feeling like I have left a good friend discussion. Very intriguing and world view widening. Thank You!!!!
  • ChicagoPulaski773
    A show for white women
    If you like a show where the white host consistently interrupts and speaks over the women of color on the show, this one’s for you! Also, congratulations on interviewing some of the most misogynistic men from Independent Publishers Group, the female VP of Operations who has worked at the company for twenty years and is a well-spoken leader would’ve been too good!
  • trilogyjab
    New format a disappointment
    I used LOVE this show. But the format change to include a weekly roundtable on news, politics, gossip, and COVID is a significant downgrade. If you want a show to look at weird niches of nerd stuff, this is no longer the show for you. Now I just skip half the show or more.
  • Gljourno
    Not every podcast needs to be a science podcast, but…
    This was the week that got me to stop listening. I couldn’t stomach the uninformed speculation about COVID safety (Greta’s feelings aren’t science, and a comedian has no business giving public health advice). The discussion about this week’s heatwave in the Pacific Northwest was similarly irresponsible. Not every podcast needs to be a science podcast, but if you’re going to talk about these kinds of things, well, as Greta would say, DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Or at least invite guests who have! I’ll probably keep coming back for book club— those won’t have scientific misinformation, hopefully, but I’m done with the news roundups.
  • EverFar
    This podcast is a DELIGHT.
    Fun, funny, smart, and inspiring. Thanks for making a podcast for nerds! I love what you’re doing to keep it going, Greta!
  • Jilmah
    A favorite!
    Greta’s mix of literary criticism, pop culture, science, and politics is podcast perfection.
  • mollyateoatmeal
    Such a lovely podcast!
    Greta is my favorite interviewer and a real beacon of curiosity, creativity, and kindness. I also love the nerdette book club!
  • Susie Snowflake16
    Great Podcast
  • Breakfast_ala_Mode
    Great content Greta Johnsen= best podcast ever
    Greta is delightful and I wish we could hang out. This podcast is a delightful listen each week—filled with good interviews, curiosity-provoking discussions about things of cultural/political/scientific interest, and great advice to get you through life (particularly to this 30 something who still feels like a child). Books, corgis, fossils, knitting, HOORAY! Greta, you’re the best.
  • NickMonkeyMD
    French Toast
    Nerdette is like french toast made with Spatz's bread. In other words, it is the perfect form of a potentially perfect product. In a podcast fight to the death, I would send Greta in against anyone. She would destroy all challengers. Long live Nerdette!
  • Lynder67
    Great podcast!
    Great podcast and variety of topics! Makes me smile and laugh especially in covid time!
  • nicknamesuk
    Great! Fun and VI in
  • IssyLeslie
    My Favorite Podcast!
    Still LOVE Nerdette!!! I just finished listening to the book club discussion of Such a Fun Age, which was a wonderful way to process the book (I finished last night). I also ADORED the bassoon episode! Thanks!!!
  • lmdavis122
    I love these books, and this podcast too!
    My other favorite great female lead stories, is Bloody Jack series. By L.A. Meyer. They too are fantastic.
  • darcyAK
    Delightful AF
    Nerdette is delightful AF! Greta gets excited about the best things and it makes the listener excited as well. Listen to be entertained, educated, and inspired. And of course, get recommendations for books, music, shows, and more. Love it!
  • Bookishcurls398.2
    My inner nerd is glowing
    I wasn’t sure how I felt about this podcast I’m still relatively new to it so I’ve been hopping around in episodes but my heart started to glow when I heard the bassoon episode. My inner band nerd came out and i really just kinda needed that moment. Thank you Nerdette!
  • gracielizjacks
    I love Nerdette!
    I just started The Testaments and I can’t wait for the first book club meeting episode. What a great idea!
  • svmullikin
    Sarah Smile
    I started walking every day over a year ago and listening to podcasts gets me out the door each morning. I love Nerdette episodes!
  • jnete6
    Greta is the best!
    Nerdette speaks to me on so many levels. The interviews, the pop culture references, the humor....I feel like I'm listening to a close friend. I even signed up for the newsletter because I couldn't get enough! I grew up outside of Chicago and can't believe it took me all this time to find WBEZ and this podcast. As much as I love Greta, I do miss Tricia. I hope she pops in again soon.
  • Sis miller
    I LOVE Greta Johnsen!!
    This podcast makes me sooooo happy! Greta is absoultely charming and adorable and the guests and topics are so interesting and funny. I have DONE my homework Greta and been so pleasantly pleased to have discovered so many wonderful books, music, shows, artists and just fascinating people!! Nerdette even makes learning about flu (yech - sneeze clouds) riveting! This podcast is an abundance of deliciousness! Thank you thank you!!
  • Robodoto
  • Lara from Orlando
    Always good!
    Some podcasts have waves of good and bad episodes but this is one of those “ALWAYS GOOD” podcasts. The interviews, the edits, the recommendations - it’s always good. Great job being great people doing great work, Nerdette!
  • Kat051990
    A delight
    This is a delightful podcast: interesting, well-researched, and not stuffy. The hosts, Greta and Trisha, are vey engaging, because really, what’s more awesome than listening to really smart women?
  • madameko
    Nerdette has been a life changer!
    Thank you Greta and Tricia. Nerdette has: Influenced my reading choices, guided my conversations with others, made me appreciate different things differently, pushed me to focus more, analyze more do more and power up more, empowered me to embrace truths of what it means to be human, female and here. In short, your work has enriched my awareness and my identity! Keep up the fabulous work...
  • Boomnyrcar
    Nerds unite.
    Thank you Peter Sagal and GOT for showing me this podcast.
  • tech editor
    Nerdette’s the best
    Always interesting and enlightening.
  • Bmon€y
    Found this podcast and am telling everyone I know about it. It’s perfect in all the ways. Plus Greta is an amazing interviewer! Thanks Nerdette.
  • Thedaniella
    My nerd heart smiles
    I am so happy I found this podcast! I came to it through my need to find out what happened in Game if Thrones when I couldn’t watch it myself. I loved the books but I do not do well watching violence. Once the show got past the books I started listening to podcasts to hear the story. Your take is my absolute favorite. Even better, it turns out you have this podcast where you talk about other things I love. You truly make my nerd heart smile.
  • Lyssa Figs
    What’s not to love?
    Two incredibly smart and quirky ladies? Check. Interesting topics? Cheerk. A short playtime on each episode? Winner, winner. Thank you, Nerdette. I love you.
  • PDXJen2019
    Love this feminist, science driven podcast!
    I found this podcast through a hunger for more feminist analysis in my life. Thanks for this important, entertaining podcast!
  • Jocutro
    Where I go to find amazing new things!
    I have fallen down so many amazing rabbit holes due to this podcast - thanks for introducing me to new obsessions!
  • RubyCA
    I’m 999
    Someone had to do it. Good show.
  • LCR1909
    Sometimes I think Nerdette is reading my mind
    Greta and Tricia keep bringing in the awesome work.
  • kalisa mother of dragons
    When you're in the mood
    I gotta be in the right mood to listen, but when I am, I do. And it's A+. I've got some good book recs from this podcast.
  • ReaderRedhead
    Come back, Tricia!
    I would really like to give this show 5 stars, but it’s just not the same since Tricia left. Greta is great, but the show needs two hosts! My favorite parts were when the two of them talked to each other and did all kids of quirky segments (e.g. lady nerds from history). Now it’s mostly all interviews, which are interesting but not the part I really liked.
  • Stickddfhjbftgf
    I love this show! I learn things, I get great book recommendations, and it’s like having friends over to help with cooking dinner. 👏
  • EbethBragg83
    Geek chic
    I have been jonesing and re-listening to previous episodes for so long, I can’t wait to have y’all back!!! Much love to you lovely ladies (and Peter).
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