Bitesize Irish Podcast


Discussion podcast for Irish language learners. Bitesize Irish offers self-paced Irish language learning courses, and a private online community including regular conversation practice calls. Based in Limerick, Ireland, since 2010.

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Recent Reviews
  • Máire D
    Oileán Thoraí
    GRMMA Niall for your Diary report of your experience on Tory Island ! It was so very helpful that you gave us an overview of your daily experiences - with a few sentences as Gaeilge first, followed by the English translation. I have been studying Irish grammar and vocabulary. My next area of focus is improving my Comhrá as well as my comprehension of Gaeilge when speaking with others. Your report is ar fheabhas !
  • Happy Goatherd
    Lovely and informative
    Very entertaining and helpful podcast on the Irish language and all things Irish. The host is a congenial guide, and the guests are always interesting in the perspectives they bring.
  • cinderelochka
    Ive only just discovered this, so thankful for the archive!
    Oh wow what a GEM this is to stumble upon as I stumble and navigate my way through learning Irish (in Los Angeles) in 2023. I was recommended this podcast and I’ve gone back to the first episodes of the revamp in 2018 and following from there. The ones prior of conversations w learners are so valuable and lovely too. I’m so sad this pod isn’t currently active but I’m thrilled for the years of generous materials the boys have gifted us here. Thank you ☘️🇮🇪
  • Greg Mystic Mayor
    Catching up with a smile!
    I’m marching through season one, while pruning grape vines in Connecticut, and couldn’t be happier! The show is warm, funny, sincere and informative. I’ll see you in the current episodes soon enough. I have been going to Ireland once a year with my wife got years and this helps my mind stay plugged in! Go raibh maith agat!!
  • cryptick
    I love this podcast
    I listen to podcasts on both my commute and when I’m working. It’s so difficult to find interesting topics and well produced podcasts. After listening to only a couple of your programs, I’ve decided to check off another item on my life-list - to learn Irish. As an Irish-American - my first ancestor came to the colonies as a prisoner in the early 1600s and settled down with an Irish girl who was already here. Thank you for the hard work and producing this great program. Keep it up! Please!
  • Blanquita924
    Love Bitesize Irish
    I’ve been watching many YouTube videos from Bitesize Irish and listened to podcasts. Absolutely love both the discussions with the excellent guests and also the lessons. Thank you so much Eoin for making these programs! Americans are often made fun of for their love of their Irish roots, but you are just the opposite. So friendly and welcoming. Thanks again.
  • John Tsangaris
    Enjoyed the topic
    Really good advice.
  • @mountainbadger
    We can do this! (Learn Irish Gaelic) Go raibh maith agot Eoin. Bail o Dhia Ort.
  • Val Wann
    well worth a listen
    This podcast is largely done as motivation and encouragement for Irish learners. It's primarily in English, and Eoin translates any Irish conversation with his guests. Very good encouragement for anyone interested in the Irish language & culture.
  • Molly R.S
    a bite at home
    I’m really enjoying the podcast, and I’ve got a bit to catch up on since I’ve only just discovered it. I’ve been meaning to get around to learning Irish for a while for a variety of reasons. Mainly because I’m a bit of a language nerd, I’ve got some Irish ancestry, and I have enjoyed every visit to Ireland I’ve been lucky enough to make. Eoin’s podcast has really brought back all of that enthusiasm and is the reminder I needed to actively pursue learning the language. Which I think is part of the goal of this podcast, so mission accomplished Eoin.
  • spearoflugh
    Educational and entertaining
    I listen to the podcast during commutes and Eoin is always fun to listen to. I love the interviews and travel bits. Keep up the great work.
  • mytifred
    Give it a listen!
    Always informative and enjoyable.
  • MikeBickerson
    Lovely work
    Just finished listening through all the episodes of this podcast, and it's really wonderful. This is not lessons, but rather a a look at the language and culture through the eyes of the fascinating people that are chatted with. I've had a few false starts with Irish over the years and had pretty much given it up as a lost cause, but this podcast made me start back up with trying to learn the language, this time with my five year old learning with me. I'm hoping to get a subscription to Bitesize Irish Gaelic after the summer so I can push ahead with learning this wonderful language. Thank you for the hard work Eoin!
  • Lillybug2468
    Love this!
    I grew up around Irish music and culture but never picked up on the language, so I was soooo glad to find this podcast! Keep up the great work!
  • MissMae16
    Go raibh mile maith agat!
    Dia dhuit, Criostoir Sionnach is ainm dom, agus is as Eugene, Oregon dom. I have been listening to the podcasts for a while now, and I just downloaded the album from iTunes. I also have an app, and I've been doing Rosetta Stone and listening to Radio Gaeltachta. In terms of simplicity and basic practicality, Bitesize Irish Gaelic is in a class by itself. Eoin speaks slowly and explains the grammar rules behind each lesson, which makes things much more understandable. The podcast is awesome, and the album is well worth the money. Five stars.
  • DnlJjn
    Fun podcast
    Looking forward to learning more
  • Caitin Conchoille
    Love this podcast
    Very helpful for new students of the language. Hearing the language spoken is VERY helpful especially when you do not have someone to speak with directly. Keep up the good work!!! Love this podcast. Caitin Conchoille - Florida USA
  • Kyle Haugh
    Lovely Show
    Thank you for this! I'm just starting to learn Irish Gaeilge and I'm very happy to have found Bitesize Irish, it'll surely help me learn the beautiful language.
  • SoupySale
    Wonderful podcast! Love it!
    I love this podcast! So fun, friendly and informative. This has become one of my favorite podcasts and I dream of going to Ireland. Inspires me to learn the language.
  • Jaiy27
    I began listening today! Wonderful. Thank you!
  • padraig in Indy
    This is such a great podcast!!! I am sorry to hear you sign off Eoin, but life does go on. My children will miss the podcast as well since they will listen as we drive to school and to after school activities. I will be sure to keep them educated with the “Learn Irish with Eoin” bitesize program. Go raibh maith agat!
  • Rbritzy
    Fun & Easy!
    Prior to my first trip to Ireland, I followed the beginner Bitesize Irish Gaelic podcast and email series. It was fun and easy to learn! This is a great confidence booster before you venture to these inspiring Gaeltacht areas. :)
  • Neil Ó hArailt
    Is brea liom an podchraoladh seo!
    I live in Sícagough Illinois, agus mo seanmathair was born in Kerry, this podcast is great, I love the Irish language but my grandma came here when she was 15 in like 1951, so the way she taught me I learned to put the punc seimhethe on consonants, instead of using an h, so I'm trying to get used to all the h's. But yeah, great podcast. Beir bua! And if you know of any Irish to Irish dictionaries, maybe you could put a link on your website or mention it on your podcast, I can only find Irish to bearla dictionaries.
  • Mrladygaga
    Reclaim your Irish heritage
    If you want to claim your Irish heritage from the ether this is the podcast to inspire and inform. Whether your looking for the music, the modern culture, travel, dance, Craic, and of course the language Eoin will present it in a fun way with informed and passionate guests,and will inspire you to learn more. Go raibh maith agat Eoin.
  • sosugrad86
    Enjoy the Interviews & Information
    I have enjoyed listening to each of the podcasts. They are full of information about Irish culture. More importantly for me their is information about Irish language learners and immersion events in the U.S. It is also a good resource to learn about visiting Ireland which I plan to do in the next couple of years.
  • BryanfrmCO
    My favorite podcast!
    This podcast is just another one of the great little extras from the Bitesize program. I enjoy listening to it all the time in my car. I would recommend it to anyone with an interest in Irish culture, whether you are learning the language or not. Go raibh míle maith agat Eoin and team, from Colorado Springs, Colorado (:
  • Susanita27
    Very encouraging!
    I'm a typical "partially Irish" American (my maternal grandmother was the daughter of Irish immigrants, and my paternal grandfather was the son of a Welsh father and Irish mother) that recently began studying the Irish language. My interest was piqued in learning the language because I play the flute, and picked up the penny whistle and Irish flute through my years of studying and fell in love with that style of music. Once I started studying the language, I began to get discouraged at the lack of availability of resources. This podcast and your website have encouraged me tremendously to keep it up! Thank you!
  • Michael Ó sirideáin
    Best podcast out there
    I am an American with both African and Irish ancestry. I have always had a great love and appreciation for Irish music and culture and have decided to learn gaeilge to better my immersion into Irish culture. I found this podcast on a whim and have been engrossed in it ever since. Learning on my own has been difficult and every time I feel discouraged or like my learning fire needs a little rekindling I come to listen and regain my desire to learn. Go raibh míle maith agat, a Eoin and the bitesize team. I wish I could give youse a ten star rating!!
  • Kevin Ealaín
    Go raibh maith agat!!
    Dia Dhuit! Go raibh maith agat Eoin, for this wonderful podcast. I've wanted to learn Irish for quite some time and a few months ago I discovered a wonderful app called Duolingo. Very recently they added Irish to their course offerings. I was hooked instantly and wanted to find supplemental materials when I came across your podcast. Because of your podcast I have discovered other great apps, strategies to learn and even found out that there is an Irish group on my hometown of Minneapolis, Minnesota called GaelMinn. I will now be taking classes in September! I also learned about Marc Gunn's terrific Celtic and Irish Music podcast thanks to you. Keep up the good work! Slán go fóill!
  • BarbSpies
    Encouragement and fantastic content!
    After visiting Ireland while my daughter was studying abroad in Cork at UCC, I really wanted to learn more about how to pronounce Irish words and understand what they mean. I randomly chose several podcasts, listened to them all, and after 2 months, have only continued to subscribe to Bitesize Irish Gaelic. I purchased the sample audio program to see if I would keep at the program consistently enough to justify subscribe to the full program. The lessons are simple, easy to follow, and helpful. I will be signing up for the full course soon! Listening to the podcast offers not only encouragement to continue, but really interesting content about Ireland, Irish culture, and other learners of Irish. My daughter is returning to Cork for graduate studies. Our family plans to visit her again. This time, I will be able to recognize many words, pronounce what I see on signs, and maybe even have the courage to use my new language skills!
  • Stephanie LK
    So helpful and fascinating!
    I'm an extremely recent beginner at Irish, and finding this podcast has been such an encouragement. Eoin is an amazing interviewer, so easy-going and full of good humor, and the subjects are always really interesting. I have seriously listened to 10 of these in a row today in an effort to catch up, and they've all been great! Looking forward to my journey with the language and eventually using the incredible knowledge I'm gleaning from this podcast when I'm able to visit in the (hopefully somewhat) near future.
  • Aaron_Shaw_916
    This is the only helpful resource I've been able to find.
  • Zomwolfb
    Great podcast!
    This podcast is a nice bit of encouragement for those learning to speak Irish, with the added bonus of Eoin's calming voice.
  • CycleBean
    Interesting and Informative
    I really enjoy listening to Eoin. He has a very please voice and he speaks at a speed that helps me pick up on the Irish/English accent. His guest are varied, interesting, and informative. I am just starting to learn Irish so I appreciate the way he introduces popular Irish phrases and words throughout the podcast. I also enjoy learning about the different regions of Ireland and his tips about visiting Ireland.
  • coosa77
    Extremely helpful
    After listening to these podcasts, I feel better prepared for my upcoming trip to Ireland, and more excited about it (if that’s even possible). What a great, well-produced, USEFUL podcast full of information and resources. Excellent guests, and just the right length.
  • anitanwright
    Both entertaining and educational!
    Excellent podcast. The things talked about are both relevant to the modern Irish language learner and fun to listen to. Highly recommended!
  • Janification
    Go hiontach!
    Not only are the podcasts informative and helpful, they are often humorous and always encouraging to those of us learning Irish aonarach. Go raibh maith agat, Eoin!
  • Mywildlife
    A great pod cast!
    Thank you for the great pod cast. And thank you for introducing me to Father Ted. I never miss an episode and impatiently wait for the next one.
  • lepreghaun947
    An-suimiúil ar fad!
    Is aoibhinn liom na podchraolta ó "Bitesize Irish Gaelic". Tá siad fáisnéiseach agus spéisiúil - le haghaidh tosaitheoirí nó Gaelgeóirí liofa araon. Táim i mo chónaí in Iowa, S.A.M., ag déanamh mo dhícheall feabhas a chur ar mo chuid Gaeilge gan múinteoir, agus tá na ceachta agus na podchraolta "Bitesize Irish Gaelic" an-cabhrach dom. Go raibh míle maith agat, a Eoin! I love the podcasts from Bitesize Irish Gaelic. They are informative and interesting for beginners and fluent speakers alike. I live in Iowa, USA, and am trying to improve my Irish without a teacher, and I font the Bitesize Irish Gaelic lessons and podcasts very helpful. Thank you, Eoin!
  • czvande
    Don't Despair
    If you're looking for a light, informative podcast, join a very likable Eoin for this podcast. Rest assured, you'll want to subscribe. Careful... what little Irish Gaelic you hear might get you hooked on this fascinating language.
  • PDF Suite Lover
    Love it!
    Love this podcast that I found recently — it gives me a little taste of the island that has a little corner of my heart. Thank you for the podcast, and I can’t wait for the newest episodes!
  • Zac2369
    A great podcast
    I really enjoy the podcast and hope that Eoin continues with the podcast to give people a glimpse of Irish Gaelic.
  • DublinGreen89
    Great Podcast for Irish Gaelic
    I've always been into my heritage, and wanted to learn how to speak Irish. I've been learning how to speak using Bitesize Gaelic to learn and Duolingo, and this podcast has really helped with my language education.
  • AuthorGoddess
    Very easy to listen to and informative! Keep up the good work!
  • Butterflyluv83
    I have for years had a longing to go to Ireland. I do not know where this longing comes from but I am so excited to make the trip. I am very unsure of my heritage, when asking my parents about our family background I get nowhere. Because they do not know themselves and my digging into genealogy only gets me as far back as great-grand parents and I hit a wall. I am planning a trip in the early spring or late fall 2016. Love the lessons and talks!
  • ohio deb
    Love this podcast!
    If you're interested in anything Irish, be it language, history, literature or travel, this podcast is well worth listening to. Eoin has a variety of guests with many interesting topics about Irish culture and always has loads of encouragement and good tips for us new learners of the Irish language. I look forward to each new podcast!
  • onlinedelivery
    Fun Podcast
    Relaxed and fun and approachable. This is a great podcast to learn about the Irish language and some of the issues and opportunities around the topic.
  • skramer49
    Inspiring and Encouraging
    Eoin is just the voice of motivation I need when the study of Irish grammar and pronunciation becomes frustrating. He brings me back to the place that inspired me to start on this journey to begin with. I love the easy, practical advice I find here and I can’t recommend it highly enough!
  • Conor Schaub
    Love it!
    This is a fantastic podcast. Even if it wasn't, I could be perfectly happy listening to Eoin talk all day.
  • H.A.Flores
    My son and I have started taking the Bite Size lessons and listening to the podcast as well. The portions where Eoin and his guests will converse in Irish are the best. Though we don’t know what they’re saying just listening is fun. I’m sure that as we learn more, which we’re both working on, we’ll understand more and more. Thank you, Eoin, for doing this podcast. It fills a niche that very few realize is even there.
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