The Adventure Zone


Justin, Travis and Griffin McElroy from My Brother, My Brother and Me have recruited their dad Clint for a campaign of high adventure. Join the McElroys as they find their fortune and slay an unconscionable number of ... you know, kobolds or whatever in ... The Adventure Zone..

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Recent Reviews
  • Scurvytoes
    Wonderful group storytelling podcast. Begin listening immediately.
    Delightful! Abnimals is the silliest campaign yet.
  • penguin_man🐧
    Do a 4th dadlands!!!!!!!!!
  • Djfashion2012
    I started from the very beginning (definitely recommend it). I adored balance and the mini arcs they did before settling on Amnesty for their second campaign. Amnesty was Just as enjoyable as Balance was with incredible storytelling and fantastic characters!!! I’m surprised that there aren’t more comments about it!!! Amnesty was amazing with a very urban legend, cryptid lore, and monster hunter vibe. Excellent all around! I know some people like certain seasons more than others, and that’s pretty normal, but I just enjoy listening to this family have fun while playing interesting and versatile games!
  • hdjrlfnf
    The best thing that happened to me
    If I could forget the entire thing I would just so I could listen to it again and have more twists! Idk what I’d do without it. Ango is the best character in the entire taz. Magnus on top. on a different note, when is ethersea season 2????? i just re-listened to it and it’s soooo good but i want to know more about the world.
  • Extremely Large P*ssy.
    Every campaign is just as good as the last!
    These three men have convinced you you are their best friends and by god are they paying that promise off.
  • Peter cupcakes
    The show is 97.42% ✨AMAZING✨
    The other 2.58% is abnimals.
  • Jossbyanothername
    My Backtrack
    What the McElroys excel at is committing to the bit and shaping a world around their promises. And they deliver with Abnimals. If you can play along, it’s a good ride. If you have bitter grapes…well, maybe don’t expect the world to conform to you. Try some kindness instead.
  • g314159
    Will Change Back once Abnimals Ends
    Abnimals has cratered my interest in this podcast, especially after how great vs Dracula was. From a 5 star weekly listen to okay-ish background noise at best.
  • dimidevil
    clint's great as always tho
  • Libruh91
    Abnimals bad
    Been listening since Ethersea, haven’t listened to anything prior. The one-star review is for the current season, Abnimals. It’s a pastiche of Saturday morning cartoons a la TMNT, somehow made numbingly boring. Poorly run with a sluggish story and nonsense mechanics.
  • Birdonut
    I’m a kid and abnimals is the first adventure zone series that my parents have let me listen to and it is amazing also a big fan of the B.O.B. graphic novels
  • BlackNova2022
    Hilarious & Entertaining
    This show is so funny. Wow. I am on episode 29 about two weeks in. Just crushing it. A friend recommended once we started our first campaign. Still curious how Clint (Merle) doesn’t fully understand how to play though. Haha. 29 shows in… Thank you!!
  • Therealstephanzo
    Used to be 5 star
    Ether sea started strong and the end was just bad. Steeplechase had ups and downs but was good. Abnimals? Is just an abomination.
  • Slced
    Abnimals is lame
    Really like the Bros and their pops Clint plays my favorite characters but abnimals is just plain bad- a sharp contrast to the genius of the other story arcs. Loved the early vibe of them just joking around with some silly DND source material. Abnimals is boring and not worth the time.
  • Dnd but I’m drunk
    I love this show, but you can’t not be a non explicit podcast after what, seven seasons of explicit? Skipping abnimals. Dust is good, so I don’t blame Travis too much, but just skip abnimals. Trust me.
  • Irtahd Radiem
    Travis is aqua Regia to podcast gold
    Literally the most unskilled and inept “dm” in the public eye; his skill doesn’t match the platform he has. Both the other brothers have run fabulous campaigns but Abnimals is a slap in the face to their fans. If their intent is to not do the pod anymore they should just quit instead of this garbage. I cancelled my maxfun support over this.
  • crowsnestcraft
    Long time listener
    Been listening since 2017 and love the show. But just had to unfollow to stop Abnimals from downloading. It’s not good, I enjoyed Travis DMing Dust but creating a new rpg setting is a wild thing to do for a show like this. Monster of the Week would have been better. I just haven’t been on board with Travis’ “crazy” storylines. Will update the review when I start listening again.
  • Matt_H8
    Another McElroy banger.
    I have been listening to this show since about mid way through the balance campaign. I found MBMBAM via polygon (I think) but it’s been so long ago I can’t fully recall. This show has gotten me through a lot in life. I have gone back and re-listened to old episodes numerous times and it has always been a great source of comfort. I will admit, I am partial to the campaigns Griffin has done, I also fell in love with Juices campaign. Travis, I don’t hate your shows. Honestly graduation was fine, I enjoyed it quite a bit. I’ll be honest the latest arc isn’t my favorite, but it’s still fun and I like it a lot. Really the only negative thing I have to say (albeit a personal preference) I liked when the older episodes had less production. Like I think the biggest point I noticed was in Steeple Chase. There were a lot of times that there is background music continually playing that was distracting. But that isn’t a big enough ding to matter. I love this show, I want to have every episode on some form of media that will last so in my twilight years I can still dip back into balance, amnesty, eathersea, and Dracula. Frankly, earhersea and Dracula had the most banger of a soundtrack ever. Anyway. I love this show. Listen to everything, you will not be disappointed.
  • Kkon27
    I think abnimals is pretty fun, although (or because?) sometimes I wonder if Justin dips into the sauce a little before recording this one. People hating but they might need to take a couple deep breaths and dip into the sauce
  • coxer360
    Stay in your lane boys
    I am a huge Fan of this podcast first and foremost. I love the McElroys and their content. But wow Abnimals is not good. I tried really hard to get into it but I couldn’t get past episode 5. I was bored, the theme does not interest me at all. Seem like a poor imitation of TMNT. I’m sorry guys, but I’m skipping this one.
  • SollyJC99
    Don’t judge it by Abnimals
    One star because Abnimals. I’ve been listening since 2015 and there’s some really beautiful story telling in this podcast’s history but man is Abnimals a rough listen... and saying that it’s for kids in my mind is kind of a cop out because kids media can be done really well if you actually take time to learn what makes good kids media. If you feel like the most recent campaign isn’t for you try Balance/Steeplechase/VS Dracula since they’re easier to get invested in. Also not to nitpick but that’s not how you pronounce axolotl.
  • abraxas267
    Hope floats!
    the bros kool-aid manning into my autoplay feels like Gandalf, Elrond, and Radagast breaking through to get my back at the moment of collapse.
  • chocolatelipbalm
    Idk man
    I like listening to abnimals in the same way I like looking at a burning wreck on the side of the highway
  • I am griffin McElroy
    Great show when griffin DM’s also abnimals is extremely boring and not enjoyable
  • idksomeusername
    Fun but varies by season
    A lot of people still love Balance because they nailed the format immediately: unobtrusive background music, the strongest/funniest storyteller(s) DM (you decide), not such a serious tone. It’s good to shake things up but it’s good to stick with what works too.
  • Lorewren07
    TAZ vs Dracula
    Can’t get enough of Lady Godwin or the rest of the gang (Dracula included). Hoping the boys return to these characters again one day but even if they don’t it’s well worth giving it a listen for some “spooky” funny good times.
  • Reliable snake
    Greatest podcast
    Love this podcast it is pretty much the only podcast I listen too.
  • rabbeseking
    used to be good
    they gotta stop letting Travis DM man
  • Brookokomo
    Funniest family
    I love these guys and their amazing storytelling abilities. I’ve listened to Balance more times than I can count and many of the others multiple times as well. They all do a great job when they DM and bring different things to the table. Adventure zone is my comfort podcast I listen to and re-listen to all the time.
  • Whatev kev
    Travis should DM every season
    Haters, you are the problem with society
  • MadMadamMelzy
    My favorite podcast of all time
    There are very few things in this life that I will wait for. I am not a patient person but I wait with bated breathe for every new episode of this show. Yeah some seasons are more amazing than others I still have a crazy good time every minute I spend in the worlds these brothers weave. Definitely start from the beginning and move your way to the more recent stuff to have the best experience of learning, growing and falling in love with the work these guys do. Genuinely good guys, incredible storytellers and some of the funniest content I’ve ever experienced.
  • Good morning podcast
    Peter cupcakes, I AM UUUUPPPPSSSSYYYY hehehehehehehehehhehehhahehaheh Spot the difference: easy 🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🆘🅾️🆘🆘🆘 Hard. 🌇🌇🌇🌇🌆🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇🌇 No. 💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️💂‍♀️
  • james lemur
    Long term fan but overwhelmed
    This is a great show. I love basically everything this family makes but this is top tier. Funny and creative and unpredictable in a way that is uncommon. Unfortunately in the last couple seasons they have added background music that, with my auditory processing issues, makes the episodes really hard to understand and follow. I loved the show when i could hear it... and am trying to love it now. I know this is a minority issue but it's kind of heartbreaking. Anyway, I do still recommend!
  • Elliotronics
    If you are disappointed with some of the seasons following Balance but haven’t listened to Amnesty, then for the love of gods do! It is one of, if not my favorite season! All of them are wonderful but Amnesty and Balance hit different. Thank you Justin, Travis, Griffin, and Clint; you are wonderful.
  • FooNoodle
    best show
    I’ve cried listening to this podcast because of how good these guys are at improv and storytelling. Laugh crying and sad crying. They’re very silly. You’re allowed to not have to like every season but to tell others not to listen to some objective bangers means you’ve lost your calling to whimsy. A+ show
  • cbeardc
    Don’t judge it by Abnimals
    This podcast has different series or arcs. Some are incredibly creative and entertaining and some are not. The beginning of the show, Balance, and the second to last, Vs Dracula, are definitely worth listening to. Balance is epic. Unfortunately Graduation is excruciating, and Abnimals is just not good. Strange “for kids” concept. But don’t let that fool you, other series are amazing!
  • mwigaigua2
    So fun
    I’ve been listening since Balance and I love it all. I’m so glad these guys keep making new stuff!!!! Abnimals is really fun so far and I am loving the made up game system. Great job Travis et al!
  • Chunk Fudley
    Love the show
    I am thoroughly entertained by these guys. Something I’d be interesting to see is some “Season 2s” of some of the long finished arcs rather than just a brand new idea every arc. Maybe not reprise the characters if they don’t want to, but exploring more of those worlds. Travis’s Dust had some good potential to me. Amnesty and Ethersea were really interesting worlds too.
  • godihatereviews
    Need more stars
    I wish I had more stars so I could adequately express the size of the bag fumbled by Abnimals coming off of Vs. Dracula. You can hear the frustration from Griffin. Retcon this bad idea. Please.
  • Raymond Robertson
    I love it so much
    I started TAZ on sort of a whim at the end of 2022 and have just fallen in love with it ever since. Balance was of course my favorite, but I’ve really loved every campaign and liveshow. Graduation was my second favorite campaign! The boys are so incredibly good at making characters and hilarious and beautiful stories. I’m always excited to see what they make next!
  • Please I’m Begging You
    Skip the Travis GMd Arcs
    Vs Dracula was a return to fun where everyone was having a good time and the GMing and production were great. This will be my first and last episode of Abnimals.
  • idontknowY
    Just finished graduation
    And I loved it! I’m genuinely sad because I’m going to miss the characters
  • Idmvo
    I love it!
    I absolutely love this show. It’s the highlight of my day!
  • Ufurhhfgbfgy*nvhjh(njkkikm
  • user82926151930
    Hilarious and a gateway to D&D
    I started listening to this podcast after playing just one session of Dungeons and Dragons. It got me more interested in gaming, and I can confidently say now that I’ve spent more hours listening to TAZ than I have playing any game. The guys are all wonderfully entertaining, and my husband and I enjoy listening together whenever we can.
  • Literature goblin
    Praise! The podcasters of the century!
    Justin has the silliness and baddassery, Travis being a silly goober, Clint and his sweet characters and horribly awesome jokes, and finally griffin with his amazing characters and questionable elevator fetish. This family is so addictive to listen to and be around. I love this podcast to pieces and can’t wait for what the future holds for them! Also ethersea is so underrated
  • RedBandit94
    I’ve binged it all
    My husband introduced me to the Adventure zone about 2 years ago and I’ve been binging it chunks ever since. Right now I have to get up 1-2 times a night to feed my infant and the McElroys keep me company. Love these guys!
  • lease69
    Latest campaign is awesome.
    Listened since episode 1 of Balance. That arc was amazing but TAZ vs Dracula is giving it a run for its money. It’s really really good! Everyone is playing great characters and it’s very funny.
  • gudekuma
    The magic is back! Loving the Dracula Arc
    I’m on the third episode of vs Dracula and these guys do not disappoint. The music and edit is amazing, genuinely suspenseful scenes, having an absolute blast.
  • Caitlydia
    TAZ vs Dracula oh how I’ll miss you
    Y’all. Im not a DnDer. I’ve never played. I’ve never watched anyone play. But this program has my heart. I came from MBMBaM and I’m obsessed. I’m so sad TAZ vs Dracula is over. Thursdays were always my favorite because a new episode dropped. The music is amazing, I’m still in awe that Griffin wrote the theme song. It’s so incredible. I’ll probably just go back and relisten to the whole campaign it was so good. You might say this podcast is a CRITICAL HIT.
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