10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool

Education #195How To #6

We are now podcasting at Homeschool Better Together! Search for it in your app or head to hsbtpodcast.com to subscribe and join our free community.Pop in your earbuds and get ready to be inspired. Veteran homeschool mom and podcast host of the Your Morning Basket Podcast, Pam Barnhill unpacks how to have a better homeschool 10 minutes at a time. Full of practical tips, stories, interviews, and inspiration 10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool is your home learning go-to show for quick, helpful information.*Formerly the Homeschool Snapshots Podcast

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  • Kelli Ann Cook
    My biggest homeschool struggle
    This episode is so relatable! I found myself nodding my head and agreeing to just about everything she said and I felt very relieved that I’m not the only one. Thank you for allowing me to feel seen and also encouraging me to stay consistent. It the most important thing we can do as homeschool parents. Consistency is key.
  • natster_
    Mostly ads now
    I have really enjoyed listening to this quick podcast over the years but I feel like recently most of each podcast is just a promotion of her paid products. I’ve never bought any of her products so I’m not saying that he products are bad or good. I just was hoping to get a podcast on homeschooling not a list of programs I can buy from her site to help with homeschooling.
  • moneywins2020
    Some good content here and there but lots of ads
    I was hoping for more useful content but each time I come across a new episode, most of the time she is directly or indirectly through her guests promoting a course she’s trying to sell. Disappointing.
  • Peonger808
    Super helpful nuggets of encouragement
    I’ve been following Pam since I started my first in kinder and now he’s in 3rd grade. I have always loved Pam’s encouragement, tips, and planning strategies. She is very skilled at interviewing and I love all the guests. Thank you for all your guidance!
  • V.Mags
    Thank you, Pam! This is so encouraging and packed full of great ideas but never overwhelming. Every episodes brightens my day.
  • Eleanor515
    Encouraging and very helpful!
    I love this podcast! I have 4 little kids and not a ton of time to listen to ALL the podcasts out there. I love how Pam gets straight to the point, gives helpful advice, is encouraging and makes its a short and sweet listen! I appreciate hearing about all of her years of experience!
  • Cc78hhu
    Love this podcast!
    There are 70 bazillion podcasts out there - THANK YOU for making one that’s digestible, practical, helpful AND supportive! I love this podcast. Keep up the great work!
  • Jeneratr
    Such a Great Listen!
    I love Pam’s interview style! She’s just effortless, and I feel like I’m always listening to 2 friends talking. I also love hearing about how each person Pam interviews homeschools their children. It’s very encouraging.
  • PainesterLP
    Life-changing Advice
    That may sound drastic, but it was! Pam’s advice to only do 10 min of each subject and to augment your “morning basket” has comply changed the atmosphere of our home school life from drudgery to joy abs a love of learning! I actually heard my kids say the like learning!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I LOVED Allison Burr’s episode - SO honest, raw, and grace-filled!! So true.
  • SomeFBaddict
    Needed to hear this
    I just listened to all five of the 10 Minutes to a Better Homeschool and after a very frustrating day with my two homeschoolers, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I’m a little over the fake Pinterest type homeschooling messages. Thank you for some realistic, down to earth help. This was concrete suggestions I can implement, starting tomorrow.
  • Dahmdr
    What an answer to a prayer!
    Love the topic today. My seven year old came to the table this morning and said, “I’m not doing school” and walked away to build Legos!
  • Linwick Family
    Injections of wisdom
    This podcast is the perfect length to listen to when I work out in the morning before the kids get up. It helps me remember what’s important as I homeschool and offers so many practical tools and advice.
  • Kyam3
    Get connected and inspired!
    I cannot thank you enough Pam for all the work you do. I’m still a homeschool wannabe and I’m just devouring these podcasts. It’s been the perfect way to spend some recharge/alone time at night while I reset our house for the next day. I LOVE hearing from all of these women and how different everyone is. And I just know that growing in confidence, which you speak/write about so well, is what’s going to help me finally jump into the homeschool pool. Thank you again!
  • MRicalde
    Just what I needed!
    I love this podcast! I’m a new listener and she seems to have all of my favorite people on her show. I thoroughly enjoy it from start to finish. Highly recommend to every homeschooling parent.
  • TheCeiba
    I am Encouraged
    It's the first time I listen to a homeschool podcast. I appreciate all the helpful tips. I love learning new things from so many different homeschool moms.
  • Homeschool Newbie
    Amazing - Just what I was looking for
    I just found this podcast and I have been listening to every episode old and new. I have three boys (almost 5, almost 3, and 8 months). My husband and I began the discussion of "should we homeschool?" earlier this year. Since that time I have been searching for groups, books, and advice. We do not have support from my family at this point, and it is encouraging to find support here. This podcast has it all. I love hearing from smart, seasoned homeschool moms. I feel like I have the opportunity to meet my role models - it is awesome to hear the voices of those who have written the books and blogs that I have explored. Thank you!
  • Groovytues
    I am so thankful for ppl like Pam. Sometimes you need ppl to tell you like it is, and Pam does a wonderful job staying on topic and being so sweet about the tough stuff. The podcasts are usually short but deliver a productive punch. I got time for that!
  • VandyGirl147
    New host, same great content
    I was a little concerned when Pam announced she was bringing in a guest host, but the new season is just as great! I really enjoyed the most recent interview with the Dad from Germany on entrepreneurship. Spurred some wonderful conversation for me and my husband. Thank you!!
  • lovinlife24/7
    New homeschool mom and love this!
    I am really enjoying listening to all the podcasts and it's really helping ease some of my fears and anxiety of becoming a new homeschool mom! Thanks for helping the transition a little better. And thanks for always speaking the truth, I really enjoy this podcast!
  • Jodylleigh
    Great Podcast
    I enjoy hearing about homeschooling family's different methods and habits. Thank you Pam, for this amazing podcast!
  • Gardens and Grade School
    Informational and Light
    I really enjoy listening to all of the fun women Pam has on her show. She does a great job of keeping things light while asking helpful questions for homeschool moms.
  • Kara2747
    Gives me what I can't find
    I kept telling myself that I just needed other homeschool mom that I could talk to and pick apart their minds and Pam Barnhill does that for me! Now I can "talk" to other educators, mothers, and experts while I do the dishes. It's invaluable.
  • MiniMomMogul
    Great info & great fun to listen to!
    As a HS parent there is sooo much great info on Pam's podcasts that makes u grateful she takes the time to do them while HSing her 3! But the great thing is that she makes u laugh or gives u that extra bit of encouragement u need while having these wonderful conversations with so many different types of HS parents. It just seems like she was born to do it!
  • BraveMomma
    Thanks Pam!
    I love your podcasts!
  • Scott LaPierre
    Thank you for your ministry!
    Pam, Thank you for what you do for homeschooling, and for interviewing Yvette and Garritt. We love them and are thankful for their ministry and can’t wait to see the movie. God bless and keep up the great work, Scott LaPierre
  • Jen1418
    Joyful, Helpful and Inspirational
    I have wanted to write a review for quite some time and I am finally submitting it, This is one of my most favorite podcasts that I listen to. I absolutely love Pam and her interview questions, her sense of humor and the way she dialogues with her guests. I am so pleased when a new podcast is available.....I immediately tune in. Thank you for all the encouragement that each episode brings to my homeschool, mama's heart.
  • abieli24
    This is a must-listen!
    These conversations with homeschool parents are excellent! I find it so helpful to hear insights and ideas from a variety of perspectives, backgrounds, and educational philosophies as I am shaping my own approach to homeschooling. Thank you, Pam, and keep 'em coming!
  • Mamma of Five
    Mamma to Five
    This podcast is very interesting as it give a little peak into how other families homeschool. It has been helpful to me both to confirm some of what we are doing and provide ideas and encouragement on things we could try. Really enjoy Pam Barnhill and all her podcasts!
  • Twinmommyrh
    Love this podcast! The interview format is awesome. It really is a glimpse into other homeschoolers lives. I look forward to it, keep it up!
  • ColinetteI
    Love it! Essential for homeschoolers. Fascinating discussions. Thanks for producing this to encourage homeschool moms!
  • Mom & Homeschooler
    Great Resource for Homeschoolers!
    I love all 3 of these podcasts - snapshots, solutions and YMB. We started YMB just this year after hearing about it on Pam's podcast and it has been life changing for our homeschool days. I love all of the great resources Pam offers and the wonderful guest speakers. The only thing I could do without are the quizzes each guest is given. They are the same for every guest, don't add anything to the interviews and create a bit of a robotic, monotonous feel that takes away from the unique quality of each interview. Drop these interview quizzes or change them up and these podcasts would be near perfect. I highly recommend them for any homeschool mom - new or experienced. Thanks Pam for the tremendous effort. You bless all of us each and every day!!
  • CaraF13
    Very valuable Podcast !
    I highly believe in this Podcast. Thank you for having a Podcast that supports and enlightens Homeschooling families. I greatly appreciate the mulitple choice questions Pam asks her guests. They are so engaging and really stir up great content! Great golden nuggets from Charlotte's interview: " have kids read as soon as possible, try not to conquer the world in a day, kids get so much from the simplicity of living with you, the power of reading the standard/classic books to your children--they can become better writers." Thank you for your examples of how significant Homeschooling is . InterviewvaletCF
  • BeeGerW
    Such a blessing
    When I feel like a homeschool failure, I listen to this podcast and feel refreshed! I'm so thankful to hear from all these different people.
  • chickielou13
    It's so great to learn how others organize their day.
    It's so great to hear how others set up and execute their days! As a new homeschooler, I have learned a lot and love all the advice from those more experienced.
  • Flourgirl4
    Enjoyable and helpful
    Enjoy listening to this informative and helpful podcast.
  • Worried Ma
    As a mama who was only thinking about homeschooling her 16 month old, this podcast has only reinforced I’m on the right path. I love how Pam is able to keep episodes short but packed full of information. She covers a wide variety of topics and brings up ideas I never considered. If you’re already homeschooling, only thinking about it, or going to start, this podcast will add fuel to your fire.
  • mrsriggle03
    Convinced me to homeschool!
    Oh Pam, you have changed our lives more than you will ever know! I stumbled upon your podcast sometime last year & it convinced the that we really could take on homeschooling! This podcast helped me see that there was no right or wrong way, just our way, whatever way that may be for our family. You & your guests have opened my eyes so much & I thank you for all of your hard work!!!
  • Bookbreak
    Excellent interviews
    Pam has such a way of putting her guests at ease, meanwhile asking the perfect next question to keep the discussion moving -- the question you didn't yet know you had, but to which you can't wait to hear the answer. Highly recommended for anyone who wants to hear how a variety of inspiring moms "do" homeschool.
  • Hiphooray
    Listening to it everyday!!
    Just discovered Pam's podcasts and have been enjoying them everyday! It is a great way to discover new resources and ideas and just be encouraged as a homeschooling mom.
  • TaraVos
    Honest and Encouraging
    Hands down my favorite homeschool podcast. There is an honesty in the conversation between Pam and her guest that brings refreshing encouragement to all homeschool moms about what the homeschool day truly looks like!
  • Mama3SLP
    Great info!
    This one is chock full of great info and nuggets of wisdom! I've gleaned much after just listening a few weeks! Looking forward to more!
  • SSTripp
    Wide Ranging/ Nonjudgemental
    I love the range of educators that Pam interviews and I especially appreciate the open way the questions are asked. Thank you for this. I love it
  • Kristizy
    Inspiring and Motivating
    Love this podcast! The host does a great job of having a variety of different homeschool families represented and all are very relatable. Easy going, fun, and inspiring...this podcast is all three.
  • Momo35556
    Encouraging and practical!
    I've been blessed by this podcast. Very useful info!
  • JoysTeacher
    Learning from ALL
    I love learning how other home educators run their school. Sometimes I pick up a new way of doing things, other times I am confirmed in my own methods, but I am always encouraged to keep on growing in this homeschool adventure that we are on. I love Pam style of interviewing! This show is always worthy of my time!
  • TM Device
    Great podcast!
    I love listening to this podcast. I love hearing the guest's answers to the pop quiz.
  • kashley75
    Love this so much!!!
    So many great homeschool ideas!
  • Burns Bunch 9
    Wonderful Content and Easy Listening!
    My best friend and homeschool momma buddy shared this podcast with me. I am always the one that tells her about new podcasts to listen to. I'm so glad she found this hidden gem!! Wonderful job Pam, we love your down to earth attitude wonderful interviews!
  • monalua
    I like some things, dislike others
    Pam seems very sweet and I like the idea of the podcast. I personally would rather hear a traditional interview format, not the trite questions she uses for each guest. She has some amazing people on the podcast and there are many other things I'd like to hear about - not "what you would bring on a desert island" etc.
  • Blondienja
    Such a fantastic resource!
    I am grateful I stumbled upon this gem of a podcast. I was feeling so lost in which direction I wanted to go with our HSing and this just helped me immensely. So far I haven't heard an interview I didn't like or get anything out of. Also I love the bonuses Pam give out. Again thank you for taking the time to have this available, I know the season is over for now and can't wait for next season!
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