Federalist Radio Hour

Politics #89

Hosted by Emily Jashinsky and The Federalist’s team of fearless journalists, this is a daily podcast featuring engaging and in-depth conversations with reporters, scholars, authors, politicians, and thinkers of all stripes. Along with guest hosts Mollie Hemingway, Christopher Bedford, Joy Pullmann, and others, the show delivers smart and compelling dialogues on politics, culture, religion, and the news of the day. Support the show by subscribing, rating, and writing a review!

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  • scroad
    I look forward to the podcast every week. Living overseas you are one of my few reliable connections to a sane analysis as to what’s going on in the United States. When I first learned about this podcast, I knew I would enjoy listening to Molly. David though has been a pleasant surprise as I really enjoy his commentary. I just finished listening to the episode regarding Trump‘s choice of Judy Vance. I enjoyed the lively commentary, but Molly please let David finish a thought. You guys are the best. Keep up the good work.
  • ScottytheMenace
    Federalist has become a cyber-stalker
    Love this podcast but the new trackers they added won't let me load the episodes without turning off my privacy software. So sad that they care more about cyber-stalking their listeners than keeping them as followers. Between Emily leaving and these intrusive new stalking measures, I have no use for this podcast anymore. I'm very disappointed. I'm also unfollowing.
  • Cathark
    You’re Wrong
    There’s a whole lot of good I can say about David and Mollie’s weekly show of invigorating banter and grounding observations, but I’ll keep this short: When I see the next “You’re Wrong” in my podcast feed midweek I just go, “Ahhhh.” Sanity is so refreshing!
  • Debby Q
    Mollie is fabulous
    Mollie is honest, funny, and insightful. It’s true: everyone loves Mollie.
  • Twillafaye
    Is there anyone else to host besides Emily? Love Molly but why is it just her the rest of the week? Need more talent & less giggling. Esp in the election year!
  • Slaggles
    The Good, The True, The Beautiful
    I began listening to the Federalist Radio Hour when it was first being broadcast from the Hillsdale College DC Campus. Being a solid supporter of Hillsdale, I have found that this podcast is a good fit for me. A variety of topics is discussed, which broadens my knowledge and sometimes even changes my way of thinking, although most of the time it reinforces my position. I am a fan.
  • 1961richie
    Molly unrestrained
    Nice to hear her opinion in a longer thread. Would like a bit more information about her vinyl collecting and how she picks out the condition of the vinyl. What turntable does she use and does the rest of the family have access
  • Annyzc
    Brilliant Women
    Molly and Emily are two of the most well informed , erudite and personable people on any podcast. Oh yeah and David is good too!
  • CaptainSolo53
    Hemingway and Harsanyi are the best tandem on the Federalist’s roster of great talent. They are always informative and entertaining. Highly Recommend.
  • My Weldon
    So Good
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for a while and have gone back in the archives to get their views and see how “ prophetic” (or not!) the hosts and guests are. I’m so glad to be able to hear people that I agree with and have my values. Sure can’t get that from the powers that be!
  • couldbe
    Tick tack
    Would like to hear from a Democrat talk banning it because I see this as another talking point. Republicans want to give tax breaks to billionaires, any abortion, want to push granny over the cliff want to squelch free speech by banning a social media outlet. I see it as a spy. Tool election interference mechanism and a means of poisoning the youth with propaganda. Get Klondike Kitchen on for an extended discussion.
  • 333710
    Mar 1 US foreign policy not OK
    Five stars but Interesting podcast latest episode of Congressional Dish on root causes of Israel / Palestine conflict which gives pause for thought. Curious on your take on origins of the conflict.
  • Rooster67fl
    Moved pass my tipping point
    I love listening to Emily Jashinsky, I find her intelligent and articulate. On the other hand, Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi are so pro Israel they almost cheer for the slaughter of innocent Palestinian women and children. I don’t support Hamas but I know a genocide when I see it. I think they must be on the AIPAC payroll. I’m done listening to the Federalist.
  • Debra D
    Very poor audio
    I am listening to the episode on “Statesmanship”. You can barely here the author due to all the background noise. I’ve noticed that most of these episodes sound like they are being recorded in a dank basement somewhere. Awful! Please upgrade your equipment.
  • Bad science federalist
    Scientist take on “How science is being twisted by abortionists”
    Not what it seems. I listened to the episode and was appalled so I read the papers. The paper was right in retracting the paper and the scientists responsible should study the principles of data visualization. The paper was retracted because the data was poorly presented and uninterpretable. Their graphs are messy so that I cannot check their claims against their data. In a paper, you display your data in graphs so that any scientist can see it and interpret it clearly and see that they back up your claims. That doesn’t happen in this paper. They also don’t show a key correlation analysis they mention on their intro and conclusions. Due to the flaws of the paper. No scientist would draw conclusions from it. Show us the data in decent graphs with figure legends and then we can talk.
  • Tired of it 4494
    An egotist. When Bedford is on I don’t even listen.
  • Bluelabeldrinker
    The CIA/FBI episode was…drivel.
    Sorry, but you allowed someone with decades-old supposed “experience” pillory entire agencies. The use of the term “the gays” was also telling…and I’m by no means at LGBTQ-whatever advocate. You lost a years-long listener today.
  • canoes4
    War on consumers
    Bad bad sound and the guy was drinking swallowing the whole time Very few examples his car examples no specs he was right about electric cars except Tesla makes lots of money has high demand cars. Ford General Motors lose money no demand very misleading Love the show poor episode
  • loferrell
    Top Tier podcast w/ only 1 complaint
    This has become one of my absolute favorite podcast to listen too and I love everything about it. I’m a podcast junkie but this is one of my favorites that I look forward to listening to every day. Mollie, Emily and David all have very interesting angles on things and I really enjoy listening. My ONE complaint is the dang advertisements …what the heck is up with adds every 5 minutes now? It’s so distracting and I find myself checking out and switching to a different podcast that doesn’t have as many adds. It’s too distracting and cheapens the quality of podcast now. It reminds me of why I never watch cable TV anymore.
  • Walter's Person
    Brilliant episode!
  • Fly-over guy
    Never miss the Wednesday show with Molly
    I love the Wednesday show with Molly Hemingway. She does talk over David a bit, but it’s probably because he is kind of wishy washy. His views are good too, so he should stand-up for himself more. But still love the show. 5 stars for sure
  • rdcu8mbdt
    Episode from 7/7/23
    Unlistenable due to the super crappy audio quality. At least Emily is no longer sucking on a drink straw into the microphone. It’s become warmed over tripe. Senseless babble from idiots. I’m out.
  • Ariovistus
    Desert God
    This show is not for non-believers. An Incoherent stone age blood sacrifice cult undergirds all arguments againt modernity. Dead horse beaten daily here. “Muh-religion” isn’t useful anymore & is what got us here in the 1st place. The further infantilization of the herd. Virgin births and birthing persons…..eh, same shart different epoch. .
  • Mark C 95
    Long time fan! Naive guest
    Your discussion of Higher Ed misses a HUGE problem. My husband is part of Conservative Christian colleges. Our students are not wealthy. 50% receive Pell Grants. What of all the Christian conservative colleges that will be shut down and their small, conservative communities left devastated if you shut off federal funding? We are already fighting so hard to stay open and not get sued by activist students. We are already out here! Where are the millionaire donors supporting our students and mission. We are changing lives, saving souls, and elevating the poor into the middle class. I am frankly disgusted by the generalization of Higher Ed. There is much more out there than Hillsdale.
  • WrigleyFieldMarshal
    Mollie needs to calm down
    I don't know how David puts up with Mollie. Her blind Trumpism has made her angry and unable to discuss news and politics without visceral histrionics and immature emotional reactions, and she keeps injecting flimsy defenses of Trump's lies about the 2020 election. David has to to waste a lot of time metaphorically hosing her down or phrasing his comments in a very hushed tone, to avoid setting her off. David shouldn't have to walk on eggshells on his own show. This podcast can either be a serious discussion of political news and events, or it can be a series of false talking points dedicated to defending Donald Trump. Sorry, it can't be both. David really needs to make a choice.
  • BibliophileG
    Peachy Keenan
    I was excited to hear from Peachy Keenan but she & Molly discussed birth control and Peachy made unproven, false and harmful statements about basic facts & science. I’m so bummed. How can I trust other statements [that I don’t know much about] when someone is lying about basic settled facts?! This is just another fake news program- I had such high hopes:-( but FRH is just another corrupt media company that continues to inflict devastating damage, please do the real journalism that America needs not this false narrative.
  • MsJulieAnn
    Emily and Ben
    I always enjoy listening to Emily and Ben’s bantering.
  • Jwar1
    Emily, you’re the best. Hey! Whoo! Haha
  • Txaz02
    Want to love
    Edited to add: The sound quality has improved however, Mollie Hemingway has become unlistenable. Her condescension drips through every statement she makes. Her unequivocal support of Trump is becoming repugnant. I want to love this podcast so badly but holy cow do something about your sound quality and editing. Is Emily eating while interviewing? This is unlistenable.
  • cyptoe
    Good except
    A generally good podcast! Except when Mollie wants to beat down Her co host over the definition of some word.
  • Dale Stratton
    Mollie is right
    Donald Fagen’s the Nightfly is a perfect album. Perfectly produced, wonderful lyrics. It is a desert island album for me too.
  • Moishy Knaw
    Not the Mollie we know and love
    I really came with a open mind to listen to Mollies weekly podcast, but this is the not stable minded sharp shooting Millie of the past. She keeps interrupting constantly, and almost seems to take personal anything about trump. The game of politics is to never take anything personal, or at least not show it. Also what’s the point of her co host if she just bullies him into agreeing with her? Like common you can have your own opinions.
  • Stitching Chick
    Making sense of the UAW strike (9/15/23)
    I gave up on finishing this podcast because both presenters used the phrase “sort of” way too often. They both need to re-evaluate their use of that worthless phrase
  • JW Richardson
    If you go to video you might lose some listeners
    I like this show. I listen to it frequently. However, I listen to it when I walk. If it were on video I would not listen to the show because I don't listen to YouTube or watch YouTube, especially when I'm walking. Just a thought.
  • Mad Mimi 65@$
    Emily, your upbeat relevance is entirely captivating! I find your sincerity refreshing. It’s a pleasure to hear your interviewing style in a world full of cookie cutter journalists who not only bore their audiences but bore themselves. May God continue to bless you! Paula J Age 71 ☀️ One note: When you excitedly lean into important points, your vocal fry fades significantly. That works well for you.
  • Grover279316
    5 if…
    Would rate 6/5 if Christopher Bedford didnt interrupt and stamp on every point Emily is in the process of making. As such must rate 4/5. Thats my only complaint. Emily is the most intelligent and thought provoking commentators out there. Keep it up Mollie does the same thing to David Harsanyi.
  • r0gue007
    Love the show, My Pillow sponsorship is too much.
    Emily is a great host, love the solid conservative perspective. Don’t take money from such a disreputable sponsor, full stop.
  • mbapsu
    Molly - You’re NEVER wrong…
    I always smile when a new episode shows up each week. Molly, loved your analogy regarding stupid gotcha questions — SOOOO TRUE!!! Also love your love of vinyl music. We would have a lot to talk about. Love your thoughtful and well-researched commentary on Fox panels — Scorched Earth!!!
  • The_T_K
    Buy Mollie a microphone!!!!
    That’s it. Everyone knows of the audio struggles….. get mollie a very nice. Very expensive professional, commercial microphone. Please.
  • Miss_Prism
    The Heartbreak Kid, one of the funniest flicks of all time
    Love that your Mom turned you onto this. What about Eddie Albert’s gradual face change as he realizes that his daughter has married a schlemiel? I would also recommend, if you like very old films, the Noel Coward film version of Private Lives with the wonderful Norma Shearer, who also has a marvelous slow face change moment as she has a horrible realization. She is especially great, as a former silent star with exquisite acting skills.
  • statedept1515
    Populist garbage
    It just isn’t very good and Mollie is a total grifter
  • abp4567891234
    Cava is a restaurant
    Or at least the one in Clarendon. I think you mean the cava mesa which is fine, but completely different than the small plate restaurant.
  • Jeff is an Aggie
    One of my favorites
    I listen to lots of podcast to and from work, and over the weekend doing work around the house. This has become one the first podcasts I listen to. Mollie’s spirit is great. David is interesting with a dry wit that I really like. David and I both drive a 25+ year Landcruiser so I have a bond. Ha!
  • Sshef
    Why can’t everyone see things as clearly as Emily? Informed, funny, and sees beyond the surface. Great work. How does a movement get started?
  • lsiroun
    Some days you make me think, some days you make me laugh, but the best podcast episodes are when you accomplish both.
  • Engineer Doug
    So Tiring
    I can no longer stomach Mollie’s full-on Trumpism and defense of the indefensible
  • old lady geologist
    Love that Molly
    Mollie Hemingway is so real. I love listening to her and the episode on January 7 was especially charming. Unscripted and just a lot of fun to listen to. I felt like I was in the same room with both of you.
  • kzy_ma
    Mollie, please, give your co-host the space to make his points (and to rant). I can feel his anxiety at being cut off any moment. It ruins otherwise excellent program.
  • Naperville Matt
    Thanks for recommending Fauda. Totally hooked along with my friends and my kids.
  • Katken7
    Excellence in audio!
    Information and analysis delivered with warmth and concern!
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