Jacobin Radio

by Jacobin

News, politics, history, culture, and more from Jacobin. Featuring The Dig, Long Reads, Behind the News, Jacobin Radio w/ Suzi Weissman, Michael and Us, and occasional specials.
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Recent Reviews
  • Maureen, AN OK BOOMER
    Weaponizing Anti-Semitism… 3/13/24
    Trying to dance around the elephant in the room isn’t doing you any good? It doesn’t do the Democratic Party any good. “Gaza is the issue”. Gaza is the issue‼️the rise of Israel having so much power over this country is the issue. I didn’t expect a podcast like this on Jacobin.
  • Grant M West
    It's good.
  • cjjohns
    Oh my, i just happened on this absolutely hilarious discussion of THE PASSION OF CHEIST
    This is a hilarious discussion of “the passion of christ”
  • lu and ru fan
    The thinking man’s NPR
    THE BEST podcast out there!!!! How did I only now just discover?!!
  • joiedog
    Very informative
    Great range of content. From short interviews to deep dives.
  • We're so hungry
    Pretty good; I wish there were more women
    I love the deeply researched series about the history of CIO as well as deep dive and beyond the news. My only issue is Michael and Us which I find deeply irritating and uninteresting. I’d love to hear more women as well as more discussion of the intersectionality of class issues in regards to women.
  • Crystalash
    Wish I’d discovered Jacobin years ago!!
    Truth and insight, unlike so many vacuous punditry and internalized of dogmas that dominate the corporate media landscape.
  • dissatisfied longtime user
    Can Suzi stop talking over people?
  • Neoliberal FTW
    Anti-semitic outlet for the room temperature IQ individual.
  • @harveyjkaye
    Organize the Unorganized- Jacobin Radio
    Excellent series - the best labor historians recounting the story of the CIO
  • Red was better
    Love the content, hate the rebrand
    I enjoy pretty much everything Jacobin has to offer (especially the print magazine). Wish they never changed to this blue look though.
  • Bunny Cub
    Listened for years but really amazed there’s nothing about the massacre of innocents at a concert.
  • Chris Mobberley
    A very good podcast that informs you about politics with heart and humor.
  • niko from brazil
    Unique Perspectices
    This is real leftist political and cultural critique.
  • CT Fanxxx
    Great podcast!
    Always interesting, great hosts!
  • joseph naus
    Smart Entertaining Pod
    I learn so much. They go deep but keep it moving. Worth a listen, for sure.
  • mysicnusic
    The episode about opioids was so libtard
  • Heudjejsuxhdndbxhd
    Doesn’t check transphobic rhetoric
    On the most recent episode, they had a guest who falsely claimed that children have unfettered access to adult drag shows and said that there’s fetishes involved in public drag shows. I was really disappointed that this was taken at face value. Conservatives are so happy to talk about the supposed dangers of costumes while not recognizing that the vast majority of inappropriate behavior from the powerful comes from conservative people, churches, pastors, priests, and nothing from drag shows at all. Because this went completely unchecked, they are complicit in the perpetuation of anti-trans rhetoric. I will be unsubscribing given I am a trans listener.
  • ajh-nh
    Doug brings on a tool like Ryan Grim to talk railroad monopolies and he makes jokes about sweatshirts. Jacobin has lost the plot.
  • QfanChris
    Over it
    Won't be listening after that Ryan Grim episode about the rail workers. What a bunch of hacks.
  • rome64CE
    Best introduction to the left you could ask for!
    Trump was my wake-up call and the world I thought we lived in turns out to be mostly the shadows on the wall of Plato’s cave. Jacobin Radio provides access to light and heavy content for those interested in dabbling or going full-bore Marxist. It’s an invaluable lens to help make sense of this world as-it-is, as opposed to the appearances we’re acculturated to in media.
  • Dafodileel49
    Some shows like the Dig are pretty good and wel thought out but wow get rid of Anna. She is a prime example of liberalism masquerading as socialism
  • dr.atto
    Variety Reigns
    There are a number of one dimensional left podcasts. Jacobin Radio has a fresh variety of left cultural, political, and economic content.
  • Scalwi
    Fantastic content
    Jacobin radio does a great job offering a range of critical perspectives on the major issues facing people in the US and around the world.
  • erniesfo
    Interview w/ Tony Wood re Ukraine Crisis
    Excellent overview of the current status of the crisis, discussion of the historical backstory, and concludes with possibilities for deescalation, ceasefire and political settlement.
    The Jacobin movement believed in the violent overthrow and execution of those that didn’t agree with them. Exactly what these fake liberals want. Yeah that’s how to make progress, threatening you fellow humans rather than offering any type of constructive solutions. Whine and scream from your ivory towers, profit from the systems you are opposed to and do nothing. Real helpful.
  • snailbee420
    lol no thanks
    Laurie Penny? You mean the obnoxious blue check who said that female children should be told to not be rude or speak out if a man sexually harasses them in a women’s locker room, rather than wondering why we give social preference to the feelings of male abusers over the safety of female victims? You’re giving her a platform as an “advocate” for feminism? No thanks. Bye, jacobin.
  • ArugulaDaddy
    It’s Not About You
    A brilliant insight about systemic analysis, that one needs to remove oneself from the center of the analysis to do it well. This is probably impossible for a listener who’s primary expectation is to be entertained. There’s thousands of entertainment podcasts out there, why would that reviewer pick this one? Dumb. In contrast this guest delivered his message clearly and deliberately as befitting an educator.
  • notgilden
    Bad episodes, weak editorial judgement
    Why Isn't "Ecosocialism" Winning Workers? w/ Leigh Phillips Breakthrough institute that published this episodes central article is pro capitalist pro nuke and in no way pro labor. Neither is leigh phillips argument here. This is a shallow and false call for “clean synthetic jet fuel and methane gas” and nuclear power as a way to win labor unions to support climate action. Remember “clean coal”? Phillips proposes eviscerating basic environmental and climate protections to pursue a pro-capitalist agenda thinly veiled by support for an imaginary construct the “house of labor” that ignores real class distinctions. He crafts his own reverse identity politic celebrating a 20th century—19th century even— idea of who can and will “lead the workers. Horrible episode. Nothing jacobin should be publishing without a thorough rebuttal.
  • Chuy90023
    Generally good
    Today’s episode on “elite capture” featured a smart guest with interesting things to say but who was incredibly boring to listen to, and the interviewer wasn’t helping. Most episodes are much better though.
  • Anonymou_s
    Give us separate feeds, for Pete’s sake
    This is an aggregated feed for all the podcast content Jacobin produces, so essentially it’s designed to make no one happy. If you’re here for the indispensable Behind the News with Doug Henwood (as I am) or the sometimes good interviews from the show that’s confusingly also called “Jacobin Radio” with Suzi Weissman, you’re also going to have to put up with the endless ranks of smarmy and vapid grad students and junior faculty on “The Dig,” something similar but marginally less insufferable from Britain, a couple of chipper chatty lite news-discussion programs that go on far too long, and something or other where some Canadians inexplicably talk about movies. Who is the audience for all of these? I can’t really imagine. I beg you guys, please, I already paid for a lifetime subscription to the paper thing that I mostly recycle; at least let me unsubscribe from all the electronic filler.
  • ESM127
    Best podcast on the Left
  • Ghazi Funktastical
    Doug Henwood is anti-ape
    Doug Henwood is not qualified to provide economic advice. He was quoted in January dismissing the “meme stock movement”. He has the foresight to match his foreskin of a head. Don’t waste your time. Total joke of human.
  • JJJJJ in LA
    If you like an antisemitic podcast, Jacobin is for you.
  • J Money 2
    Great content but learn some interviewing skills!
    You all get some fantastic, brilliant guests on this show who share rich and enlightening perspectives, but some of your hosts really need to step up their game. First of all, your two hosts (don’t know their names) who interviewed Cedric Johnson and James Oates act like a couple of sophomoric, nervous school children. They read off of pre-prepared questions and sound like they are giving the guests an oral exam. They need to relax, engage in a more organic conversation with the guests, and have a sense of humor. Furthermore, you could tone down the highly simplified, dogmatic Marxist chatter at the beginning of the episodes (‘history isn’t determined by ideas, it’s determined by social structures’), and engaged in more nuanced and intellectually honest analysis. Frankly this kind of Marxist dogmatism is an insult to some of your more erudite guests. Conversely, whoever interviewed Isabella Weber about How China Escaped Shock Therapy did a fantastic job. Confident and fluent in the subject matter, sense of humor, more natural. You need more of that.
  • Ariovistus
    No “Steel-Man” here.
    Denvir reviews his own book rife with un-useful euphemistic name calling. This is “Propaganda in the war against bigotry” (1947 I.S.R.) I’d like to hear more about core principles rather than the chess game of politics. The unfortunate argument against socialist being obsessed with power and short on arguments rings a bit true here. Smart kids....who could benefit from, less name calling, more push back, some debate and honest self reflection. I’ll keep listening.
  • bethiesweet
    For those tired of blah, blah, blah of mainstream media
  • MFDJ
    Timely left analysis
    Some of the best socialist podcasting you can find
  • Van Rocker
    Really lovely to hear smart people say sane things.
  • leatherneck7476
    A colossal waste of time
  • Hitler Jr. III
    Good Podcasts
  • Reviewer says...
    Very important, thanks!
    I’ve listened to one episode. It was excellent and insightful view of the world from a left perspective. The monologues from the hosts are interesting, but sometimes a bit long. The dialogue between the two hosts was lively and it was great to hear different perspectives, but the one I listened to went a bit in circles. Know when to say when or maybe just edit out repetition. Do you have an editor? The interview with Chomsky was fascinating. He’s is so hopeful, inspiring, and has such a profundity of understanding. I’d be interested in more discussions with guests that are doing important left work like he referred to. The Democracy Collaborative might be an interesting place to reach out to if you haven’t already. Also, as is often the case with US media, it is important to remember to reach out to international guests who can give an outside perspective to what’s going on there. I live in Finland, where capitalism is a different cup of tea. Great work and thanks a lot!
  • akposy
    Entertaining and educational
  • dialectricks
    Brilliant insight for transformative politics
    The best source of analysis for those dissatisfied with mainstream media tropes and capitalist exploitation. This podcast will help you conceptualize and fight for a better world in otherwise despairing times. Through listening I have learned why, where, and how radical change is not only necessary, but possible.
  • Bruno Bleux
    Pleasant Surprise Indeed
    Trying to expand my political understanding I recently subscribed to the Jacobin podcast. What a pleasant surprise! The guests on the show do not kowtow to current narratives of the Right or Left. I find the opinions insightful, knowledgeable & thought provoking. Having literally grown up in auto manufacturing plants in Detroit, I found the program on labor organizing in factories from 1960-1980 spot on. Great program. I’ll definitely keep listening.
  • teamsterchi
    Not helpful
    Not particularly helpful
  • Tkoshark
    Extraordinarily smart
    One time, I was listening to this podcast while I was doing the dishes, heard something that one of the hosts said, then dropped everything and ran to my computer to write it down. That ended up being a research lead that helped me finish something in the academic article I’m writing. Thanks, Jacobin!
  • Snowcrash2020
    Great sources
    Really killing it recently with the interviews, what a resource!
    Informative & Well Directed
    Thank you for the work you are doing, discussing complex issues and engaging experts in the discussion.
  • Zaptrax
    A view into why DSA is lost without Sanders
    Perhaps it is too soon, but it is clear the DSA has learned nothing from the failure of Sander’s campaign. They are lost in the narrative of victimology. They take no responsibility for the lack of creating a party of their own that was capable of electing a candidate or doing what was necessary to build a strong base within the Democratic Party. As for the podcast, it is like most of what comes from Jacobin. No one asks penetrating questions. It is all about toeing the party line. Shallow and without insight.
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