Homebrew Happy Hour

Hobbies #163

The Q&A Show on Home Brewing Beer and Craft Beer Podcast! | Home Brew Happy Hour |

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Recent Reviews
  • jan20th1992
    Best international show on the internet
    Worldwide, people are being educated and entertained by Joshua, Todd and James. The perfect mash of humor with education in every episode. I find myself enjoying the craft more and brewing better beer, all because of the HHH Trio!
  • merlinusm
    The only podcast I can listen to in the car with my wife
    My wife actually finds the banter to be terribly entertaining and I find that *many/most* of their answers to issues that homebrewers actually face in the regular to be well-researched or at least a viewpoint that I can look up myself and verify that it’s wrong if it sounds hinky. Josh is a genuinely entertaining host, and I deeply respect the knowledge that Todd and James bring to the table concerning both good basic practices and a strong traditional perspective on German beer styles and on well-brewed traditional ales.
  • EvolvingCaveman
    Very educational and entertaining
    I love the banter
  • armymedic1973
    Great show
    I love your show. It is very entertaining and informative.
  • ceedee20
    Informative and entertaining!
    Homebrew Happy Hour has been a go-to of mine for a few years now. The show is light-hearted but always informative. Josh, Todd and James have a great deal of information to share and are always willing to assist with any brewing questions. It’s a fun show and I always learn something with every show. Keep up the great work, guys! - Chris
  • deckerhad
    Great podcast
    What a great podcast you really learn a lot
  • Novak family
    A great listen
    Love listening to the show. Entertaining and informative
  • Phunk Maester Presh
    My fave homebrew podcast
    Good info. Good hosts. Greats guests. Horst is a BAMF.
  • tds1024
    Great brewing podcast without the overinflated egos
    Great informative podcast from some guys that have a wealth of experience and knowledge in Home Brewing. One of the best podcasts out there on brewing, fermenting, and legging there is without the condescension of some of the other brewing podcasts.
  • Yakopotomus
    Great show, keep it up!
    I discovered this show at Episode 249 and have been working my way backward since then. If you’re looking for a tutorial podcast, this isn’t it. If you like listening to easygoing guys with entertaining personalities and good on-air chemistry who also know a heck of a lot about home brewing, this is your show. The show makes me laugh while also providing helpful insight into homebrewing. I hadn’t brewed in almost 2yrs prior to discovering this podcast, and now it’s all I can think about. Thanks, guys. Keep it up.
  • Dragonflylady1
    How do they get sponsors
    Will not listen again- here are tidbits of some of the more interesting comments: I am married to a white women so I can speak for all women regarding their beer styles. That is a sissy beer. 10 minutes of “12 year old male locker room” sexual references in response to a question on a problem when brewing beer from a listener. Nothing of value.
  • Who is there?
    Kolsch anyone?
    Love the show and all that it brings for entertainment and information. If Josh needs anyone to donate the CM Becker V3 faucets to when he gets the V10’s I’m your guy.
  • Lrc1492
    Great pod cast
    Great pod cast great energy
  • G6.0
    Upbeat and informative
    Listener since 2015. I like the varying topics from techniques to equipment. I enjoy the banter and small talk. Keep up the good work guys.
  • PR9513
    Too much small talk, not enough brew talk
    These are 30-40 minutes long. They regularly spend the first 10 minutes just chatting about anything other than beer. When you add in the sponsorship time, maybe 1/2 of the show is on topic.
  • Win Stuart
    A Pathetic Little Podcast
    This podcast starts out with the host kissing up to his boss. This lasts about 10 minutes. It"s boring. They do a good job when they do get around to answering the questions. The last podcast I listened to the host made unfunny jokes about the Coronavirsus. What a snieling little man. People are sick, People are dying. The economy is wrecked and he is making inapproipate jokes and comments. He even commented about the validity of this disease. AN APOLOGY IS IN ORDER. There are many homebrew shops that I will spend money with. I will not be using the sponsors of this podcasts.
  • new2blues
    Not worth it
    I Decided to give the podcast to try today during my evening run. I think what I learned in the 45 minute podcast could be condensed into about two minutes. The hosts spend so much time gossiping with each other completely unedited, that it makes you glad to have the flash forward button. The most redeeming part was that it made me run faster so I could shut it off sooner. There are many better choices for brewing podcasts out there.
  • Maxpower99
    Fantastic Show for homebrewers
    I’ve been listening for a while and have enjoyed the show. I recently got into kegging and had some questions on the best way to force carbonation. I used google but there’s a million opinions online. I searched for an old episode of the Homebrew Happy Hour and sure enough found episode 61 from 18 months ago that gave me exactly what I needed to know on carbonation my first keg. Thanks Joshua, Todd and James. Keep up the good work.
  • WCWB in SD
    Lots of helpful info for brewers
    I love this show! It is full of useful information for homebrewers, the guests are great and I love the entertainment factor between the host and guests! Fun to listen to and very informative!
  • Anon5677844
    Great show
    This is a really good show that covers a variety of questions about home brewing.
  • North Park Soap Co.
    Such an awesome new find!
    Was introduced to you by Heidi from West Coast Witches Brewing, and now I'm a fan. Love your work. Such a great voice and perspective, with a solid balance of playful humor and expertise.
  • dildonis
    Entertaining and knowledgeable
    The hosts have fun, and really know their stuff. I often make an effort to purchase thru their sponsors to support the show. I have emailed a question or two and always get an answer!
  • joshua_512
    Excellent podcast about beer!
  • Brewmom61
    Wonderful podcast about home brewing beer
    The hosts are entertaining and very knowledgeable about home brew and craft beer. Longtime listener, first time reviewer. 👍
  • Biggieeku1
    Great Show Great Info
    This show is full of info. I really like the host and all the guests. I'm not a homebrewer yet but I like listening and learning. I've learned more about homebrewing and equipment than just about anything else that I have never acctually done. GREAT Podcast!!!
  • paddy O
    Joshua is the best
  • Tmiddleton88
    Great show!
    Excellent and knowledgeable hosts! I look forward to new episodes every week. Thanks for the podcast!
  • RuMaak
    Good show
    The hosts are great and definitely know a lot about brewing. However I feel that majority many episodes is spent talking about kegging other than brewing.
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