Jocko Podcast

Business #15All Genres #185Management #1

Retired Navy SEAL, Jocko Willink and Director, Echo Charles discuss discipline and leadership in business, war, relationships and everyday life.

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Recent Reviews
  • Amdyfyn
    The Aussie humor
    This jujitsu competitor is brutally honest about steroids and his humor is priceless (“…it works for Gabby”)…. And a refreshingly honest and spontaneous dude.
  • Taj Rockitt
    Jocko has helped elevate my life to another level!
    This podcast and Jocko have helped elevate my life to levels I never knew possible. Not just in fitness, but in work, family, personal development, lifestyle and in mindset. I am grateful that I am able to absorb such profound content everyday, and it is 100% true that discipline = freedom!!!
  • 757sheepdog
    Jocko is the Man
    Awesome messages and his discipline talks have changed my life.
  • DanieB1982
    I want to thank you so much for giving the Chaplain story time. I am really looking forward to more Chaplain stories.
  • RachieB1204
    Episode 443
    Jocko, loved this episode! You are right, you can’t find the Chaplain Rayburn’s book anywhere. Please record yourself reading it and make it available!
  • Nrichardson.rcis
    Michelle Black, author of ‘Sacrifice’
    Jocko, I’ve been listening to your podcasts for years now. I just watched a really interesting story (actually a really unjust story) about a group of green berets helping in western Africa, who were ambushed by militants on 10/4/17 and were nearly all killed. Michelle Black’s story, called ‘Sacrifice | The Green Berets, a Fateful Ambush, and a Gold Star Widow’s Fight for the Truth’, is quite damming to the military brass who decided to alter and conceal the truth regarding the unfortunate events that took her husband‘s and several others’ lives. If you’d like to see for yourself, you can find this story on YouTube in a video published by Popo Medic just a few days ago. Thanks for all your content. You have been exceptionally instrumental in my development as a leader.
  • anefftx
    D Day, amazingly read story
    Thank you Sir for putting your voice and great gift of storytelling to the words from the book “By water beneath the walls”!
  • redneck hockey
    General Mcfarland
    I didn’t think you could top the Crazy Horse podcast. I stand corrected. General McFarland was outstanding
  • CarlosCampins
    Great conversation
    Awesome conversation with general McFarland definitely 6 hours well invested listening
  • W Bezzy
    Episode 439
    Super long. Incredible leaders of yesterday in the military leading the way in the free world. Loved the episode.
  • Trevormethena
    It’s good.
    Jocko podcast, good. Jocko, good. Echo, good. Guests, good. Books, good. Good
  • Rogue_Scotsman
    You hinted a while back that you were reading The Peloponnesian by Thucydides. Any chance you will be doing a podcast (most likely a series) in the near future? I really enjoy listening to you and Echo, Thanks
  • Y'all Watch This
    EP 435
    As an active Seabee 2005-2017, SW1 (SCW) Williams, Thomas, I was brought to tears to hear you show your love for Seabees. 2009 I was in JBB Balad assigned to CJSOTF. The time I spent with the 5 and 10 Group with a very special time. The respect shown by those guys and gals was definitely worth every minute we spent work for them. I appreciate you shining a light on what we do and our commitment to it. Seabee Can Do, WITH COMPASSION FOR OTHERS, WE BUILD WE FIGHT. The difficult we do right away, the impossible takes just a little longer.
  • Benny M 2010
    Thank you
    Omg Jocko you are the GOAT I love you so much and you have helped me with many of my problems In life you have helped me become a successful person in life I read extreme ownership you have helped me as a 13 year old thank you
  • Colossus-Bjj
    Your a class act jocko. Nobody can hide that kind of crazy for life. We know who u are week after week. Your a good man
  • SleepyCho
    Jocko’s Work is Great for the Whole Family: Warrior Kid 4 Pre-Order Landed Christmas Eve
    We love Jocko’s work in my family. Leadership Strategy and Tactics was a good read. Nephew and nieces love the Warrior Kid books. Uncle Chuck is the man right now. Echo Charles is awesome, and it is great to see him giving Jocko opportunities to shine on almost every podcast. Keep up the good work EC!
  • Godfather Rock
    EP 434
    Outstanding podcast! Jocko gave a play by play explanation to his Task Unit’s role in addition to the other important players in the Battle of Ramadi . This should put to rest all the negativity for those who endured one of the most contested times in Iraq . Let’s keep the memories of our Fallen Angels alive and to those who continue to bear the scars of war. Semper Fidelis Godfather Ramadi 2006
  • patriotgamer07
    17 year old here, love the show Jocko and Echo. Thanks for everything, love you guys.
  • DaDuderoo
    Great listen on a weekly basis
  • Dan Piraino
    Not Deserving
    Dig in a little bit deeper on this guys service background & draw your own conclusions. Semper Fi
  • dstewazfan
    Great! Better than good!
  • Jarrett Troxler
    Jocko is the best!
    Been listening to Jocko since he’s started. He and Echo do a fantastic job! Huge fan! Keeping me on the path.
  • OscarCYH
    I’ve listened to all the podcasts up to 365 and eagerly await catching up on the rest. The Jocko Podcast is a fantastic show that has had me laugh out loud, shed a tear (good tears!), and learn a ton. Some episodes have been so good that I’ve listened multiple times and have taken notes. Jocko’s dedication to distilling and teaching the principles of leadership is unmatched. I’m guessing, but my political views might differ from his, and I will still continue listening. This podcast has made me more patient and open-minded. It has challenged and pushed me to be a better leader and person. Thanks Jocko, for all the amazing work! It is truly appreciated. P.S. Confirmed 10,000% improvement in my deadlift from listening to this podcast.
  • ZaJoBa11B
    To the haters
    I love this podcast for all the same reasons the haters give less than 5 stars. I just read a bunch of the negative comments and they are almost as entertaining as Echo's tangents!
  • Smeek13
    Episode 429
    I listened to Echo’s question & Jocko’s response ~ the 56 minute mark at least 3-4 times. Because I’m the person that sometimes makes requests:assignments too difficult for the people on my team by providing the extra/unnecessary information. I love this show because I am constantly learning how to be a better person & leader. Thank you
  • Irocsbdunks209
    Get some
  • j8511
    Episode 427
    Love the show. You really know how to run a discussion or keep it going. Your guests are buy and large great. Arnold on the other hand was consistent with what I expected. A bit to narcissistic for my taste. A lot of “I did this” and not “we did that.” I don’t think he has any ill intent. Just an overbearing love affair with himself.
  • DoGeeseSee
    Arnold- 427
    Absolutely the best interview I have listened to of Arnold “promoting” his book. Jocko and Echo make it easy for the conversation to just flow and their admiration and respect for Arnold can be heard throughout the entire 2 hours (more or less) of this podcast. Loved it and highly recommend it.
  • Kelikini
    A Perspective from a Diary of the Korean War
    Hi, I am not one to often comment on reviews, but I had to share my thoughts in this instance. I was was very close with my dad’s brother. He was an US Army Korean War Veteran. He had said a few things about his experiences there but he kept a lot to himself. He saw the front in his service of machines and equipment as a heavy equipment mechanic but would always remark that it wasn’t the same as the guys who had to stay up on the front. He talked to me about Korea over the years but it was more about the friends he had made. His comment, more than once, he was drafted into the Army as an infantry soldier and just after basic training , before getting shipped to the front a Captain noticed that he had 5 years experience in private industry as a heavy equipment mechanic and asked him if he’d like to switch assignments to the engineers.” Would I, agree to change assignments?! Captain you don’t have to ask!” was his response. My uncle told me over and over he was born under a lucky star because of that one chance to be reassigned. As I got older and would ask more questions about Korea, I had a small realization that it was a tough war. He replied once to my comment about other individuals who didn’t come home and return to our little town…he said “you know I would have come home in a box too, if it wasn’t for that Captain, remember I was born under a lucky star.” I NEVER completely understood what he meant until I heard you reading this diary. I have only been able to listen in pieces. This is a tough story to hear…I am finally getting the full gravity of why my uncle was so insistent that although he was there…he was born under that lucky star to not have to endure the front lines of the Korean War. Thank you for sharing this story and thank you to all who have served and ALL who gave all!
  • rpoprock
    If you listen and implement what jocko says you’ll want to get after it everyday. Also echo isn’t bad he’s pretty ripped. No factor great pod cast you’ll always learn something no factor
  • Georgia Boy US sailorman
    I love this podcast. It’s history, it’s lessons, it’s a review of after battles, and after wars. In which we learn the repetition of politics/politions actually not allowing the war to be won.
  • Dirty Mike & The Gang
    The TED of all TEDs
    Have never given any podcast or TED talk type of conversation that much thought but this one is different. I look forward to listening to this in my spare time and have literally seen little aspects of things in my life change, just by incorporating minor details and personal attributes discussed by Jocko and Echo. By far, THE best life, leadership, and relationship podcast that is out there.
  • Enekxiwnkwais ei
    Most meaningful podcast material I’ve seen
  • Longo7
    Great show
    Lots of good advise and entertaining.
  • shankadoodle
    Jocko Get Back To Your Roots!
    The Jocko podcast used to hold itself to a unapologetically high standard. The first 200 or so episodes overall were gold! The last 200 have not been anywhere close to what they used to be. Maybe there’s only so many war stories that can be told, I don’t know but it is unfortunate what the podcast has become. I’ve waited for a long time to post this because it kills me to speak out against someone who has helped me so much but I can’t hold back anymore. Jocko please return to your former glory!!!
  • Andy/M/35
  • ‏كل يوم
    I have no friends (yet) that are excited about waking up early to lift or ruck or discuss disciple and life challenges from a perspective of overcoming and prospering so in my mind I feel like jocko and echo are my buddies for that. I love the podcast
  • Trooper288
    The Jocko podcast has benefited me greatly. Being introduced to many cool people and hearing their stories. My only suggestion is to bring back BOOK REVIEWS. I miss old school combat memoirs and their lessons explained by Jocko.
  • Mfizzlemynizzle
    We NEED more SOG episodes! Where’s Tilt ??
  • IsaacP15
    Politics Claim Another Victim
    First off, I listened to every single episode until 2021. I was a HUGE Jocko podcast fan. This podcast had a huge impact on my life. Listening to Jocko reshaped the way I look at life and how I live it. I thought he did a great job keeping his political leanings ambiguous. But I can tell that his time in the Joe Rogan / Jordan Peterson / bro vet / right wing orbit has changed him. I also think he’s had a few too many people tell him that he’d make a good president.
  • JjuanHakeem
    Great podcast.
    This show keeps your mind open. So many awesome leaders and jocko and echo leadership skills on display every episode.
  • Sebastian Gonnez
    Just listen and Free yourself
    The Jocko Podcast isn’t reserved for those in the military. It isn't reserved for those who only do jujitsu. It’s for everyone every day fighters, the early morning risers, and late night grinders. In all seriousness, there are lessons to be learned in every episode in every aspect of life you were doing yourself a disservice by being close minded, listen and learn new perspectives, ideas and lifestyles Discipline > Motivation Discipline = Freedom
  • Nilton’s
    Living & learning
    Didn’t understand how important is listening till I came across you’re podcast, the people that are invited to you’re podcast sessions are very rich of deep experience and knowledge that ring on my hears and humble’s one to the core. Thanks Jocko & Echo
  • dr connor
    Best Arthur Brooks interview of all time. Thanks to Jocko. Love this podcast. Never miss an episode unless getting after it... then I’ll listen later. Thanks for your efforts J and E.
  • Ty wrecks
    Grateful for this podcast
  • FtWorthCowgirl
    TBI and episode 413
    Man this was a sobering one, but so good! I’d love to see an episode where you interview Dr Daniel Amen. He’s a psychiatrist and brain expert and he could give your operators some great tips regarding brain maintenance and healing.
    Changed my Life
    This episode is my favorite and I'm only 14, I've been listening for about a year and it's completely changed my life. I wanna be in the Navy after high school and eventually become a SEAL and this is my third year in wrestling and I'm improving like crazy but only cuz Jocko and Echo motivated me to stay working and stay busy and most importantly stay Disciplined. I went from a small annoying distracting kid to a strong disciplined motivated man. Thanks Jocko and Echo
  • KaradiKid
    I’m a former Light Infantry FO who has been fighting darkness my whole life Jocko and SSG Travis Mills rekindled the fire that saved my life from addiction and abuse. Add to that Echo Charles and so many more. This Podcast will take you from lost to found and good to great. I would follow you into fire and death my brothers.
  • big butt brinda
    Tuesday, 11/2 18 y/o year 2023
    Listing for a couple years now I’ll come to this review in 2 years and edit this on how I am doing I am working at Boston whaler now I graduated highschool 2023 I want to become a navy seal and join the navy in 2 years from now is my plan CHECK IN DATE: TUESDAY 11/2 2025
  • Love always protects
    Solid Dude
    Discipline=Freedom. Truth. King David said something very similiar. “I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free” (psalm 119:32) Jocko is top notch. Great podcast for motivation and advice on being a good man, husband, and father. The principals Jocko teaches are useful in all areas of life and in my opinion mirror the wisdom found in the Proverbs. Great interviews with many truly incredible hero’s. You learn military history and priceless life principles from these interviews. Can’t say enough good about Jocko. Solid Dude.
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