The Conspirators Podcast


The Conspirators is a bi-weekly show dedicated to the dark and disturbing stories from history your teacher never told you about. On the show I discuss unsolved mysteries, serial killers, survival stories, strange disappearances and other bizarre true events from the past.

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Recent Reviews
  • zedsofakeendedr
    Been with this show from the beginning..
    It’s as good as it gets. Creativity and the story are what matter here. Great voice and no stupid audio tricks to wake you up PO’d. I’m so glad he hasn’t gone to any of the big podcast companies and let them ruin the show.
  • kayedm
    Give it a listen!
    You’re gunna like the way it sounds. I guarantee it.
  • aemckean
    Love it when a host with a comfortable vibe and a pleasant voice just tells the story. No sound effects or annoying character voices or bantering with another host like they’re doing a morning show on the radio. None of it. Just the story. 👍
  • Fafave
    Great podcast!
    Interesting topics, well presented, great formatting and overall an enjoyable podcast.
  • Karen Ron
    Just Great
    This podcast is always just so good and entertaining. I really think it’s my favorite. I don’t think there’s ever been a bad episode.
  • tekmo
    Recommend Unreservedly
    Well-researched, well-presented. You’ll learn something and probably laugh. Great stuff, thanks for all you do, Nate.
  • dugbert
    Love the Conspirators podcast
    I look forward to each episode and have turned on several friends and relatives. Grand work. Congratulations to all involved. -db
  • Nvargas17
    Wonderful podcast to listen to. Great stories and his voice is nice.
  • AJBPs memaw
    Very enjoyable
    I love this podcast! Interesting topics and well written. You never know what you’re gonna get but it’s always fascinating!
  • Heather3231985
    Thank you
    Your doing a wonderful job. This last episode was it though. The matrix conversation and the way you branch just couldn’t have lined up better with my thought pattern. Thank you for your work on every show.
  • diverdoc13
    Another casualty to woke-ness
    Was one of my very most favorite podcasts, bur his lib traits are pushing through. He has been shifting this way for a while but it's getting worse. For instance the bell witch episode. He talks about "the war on Christmas". He completely misses the point. The war on Christmas is about the removal of the fact the Christmas is a Christian holiday. Thats just a simple fact. He makes it sound like there is some movement by the secular elements of the US(mostly) to end Christmas. Don't know what he is talking about there. There is definitely a movement to remove open displays of Christianity in Christmas at least in any public displays. Don't forget Christmas IS a Christian holiday. The first amd. addresses freedom of religion not freedom from religious display or practice. All ghis is constantly lost on leftists.
  • listener954
    Something for everyone and so well done!
    Really, one of the best podcasts out there! I love almost every episode and I always learn something—while being entertained. I don t do Twitter or Facebook....and one of the few temptations I have to join in/up is your podcast! I really love your episodes and send my wishes for a healthy recovery at your own speed! Nat Hale— so very good to hear your voice on the podcast again! I hope you have room in that hidden bunker for me and all your fans. No better way to wait the craziness out than listening to your stories! Updated— still one of the best told, most interesting podcasts out there!!!
  • Luke Affholter
    Absolutely Delightful!
    Stumbled upon this one by chance, and I agree with some other reviewers, the name does not do it justice. What a great, well written, dose of mystery, intrigue, and storytelling. Keep it up!
  • GardenOfSimple
    Rambley, jumps between topics, do not recommend
    He is tough to listen to. He rambles on without giving substantial detail about the topics at hand.
  • corp app crap
    Dude is sneaky hilareous
    This is a great podcast, period. I wish it had a different name because the term ‘conspiracy theorists’, to me anyway, immediately conjures the foil hats and Q-loons, but this has nothing to do with any of that…this is smart, well done and thorough, and foil hats need not apply! Also—this narrator’s voice totally grows on you—it is not a ‘radio voice’, in a traditional sense, however the content is great and his dry wit, which is subtle, exceptional, and never ‘too much’, matches the voice perfectly. I thought I may have caught a condenser mic being used in more recent episode—please don’t listen to haters! Voice is great, and storytelling is a skill that you most definitely have -lean into it, I say!! Keep up the great work…..whoever you are :)
  • Teresa0183
    Very Addicting!! I Love It
    I never thought I could listen to someone talking in my ear. Your Podcast is the very first podcast I have ever listened to. I have to say I was hooked at the end of the first episode. I listen to it while I’m inspecting boats. I work at a Pontoon Boat building factory. I am a Quality Inspector. I absolutely love your podcast and am eager to know the next story just as one is ending. I listen at work, in my car, and while playing video games. Thank you for the excellent historical stories you tell so well. Thank you
  • chasencate
    Love love love
    I can’t get enough!! Smart, well told and informed.
  • Eriale_1966
    Best Podcast
    I found this podcast accidentally and I feel like I won the podcast lottery. I started two weeks ago and am down to the last six bingeable episodes. I may have to start from beginning and relisten. The subjects are always fascinating, well researched and delivered in an unbiased fashion. Great work.
  • Buggock
    Such a Fabulous Podcast
    I love this podcast!!! One of the best podcasts out there!!! Thank you for all of the wonderful content!!!!
  • Tess.0
    Great job guys!
    I love the mix of fact and fiction. It’s not too long but gives more than enough info and plot twists to make it my new fave! Thanks!
  • dugnponyshow
    Great subject matter and a fantastic host.
    My idea of a perfect podcast. Interesting subject matter and a house that can present it in an insightful and invite anyway. Bravo to all involved.
  • Danny091921
    Amazing Podcast
    I stumbled upon this podcast a month or so ago, and let me say, wow. I have been binging every chance I get. From Nate’s intriguing narration and the plethora of topics, you just can’t go wrong. For anyone that is looking to take a chance on The Conspirators, don’t hesitate just do it. The only regret you will feel is not starting sooner. Nate truly has an amazing podcast.
  • Kwkr
    Still one of my top 5
    Have listened to these fantastic stories from the beginning, love Nate’s voice. Starting all over again. You can do that when you’re old, forgetfulness has some advantages!
  • sampirediaries
    Amazing and Interesting
    Binge this on road-trips! Love it!
  • Tfmj
    Great shows and need your help
    Can you tell the Tiffany Jenks.. murder story it seems some with power get to lie and Tiffany cannot get justice we need to get this story told honestly ,, thank you (im her ex bf they lie about)
  • Nyarl de la Thotep
    I like the non-hysterical presentation of this far-out stuff that is usually dressed in dramatic framing in seemingly most tellings. The subject matter can stand for itself without pornish ad technique to “drive engagement.” Here is a well edited story. An actually engaged listener doesn’t need to be told how to feel and here is nice place that seems to respect that.
  • LuveeStJohn
    perfect cadence!
    love the flow of the reader. also not saturated with commercials. interesting topics👍
  • BDS1771
    The Best!!!
    One of the best podcasts out there. Worth listening to every episode! Twice
  • JohnnyJ323
    Awesome show!!
    I just recently started listening to podcasts while I drive around doing Uber. And I had found this one and it’s the only I’ve been listening to since I found it. I’m gonna be sad when I run out of episodes and have to wait for each new one lol. This is also my only review of anything ever lolol
  • Howserhawk
    Highly recommend
    I stumbled upon this a year ago after finishing Aaron Mahnke’s Lore and I have to say it is one of my top 3 favorite podcasts. I love history and odd stories about history. The author clearly knows his stuff and does his research. The fact that he remains anonymous adds to the intrigue. It’s fun, occasionally frightening, educational and entertaining. Everything that I look for in a podcast. Kudos, Mr Hale! Keep up the excellent work!
  • Marinerfisk
    Just flat out outstanding
    One of the best out there, host is humble, a touch of humor and delivers a solid clean listen.
  • Dingusdringus
    I introduced my husband a month ago and he keeps sending me episodes to listen to as though I haven’t listened to them all at least three times.
  • Lark496
    Great Podcast
    We’ll researched and presented! The Conspirators never fails to be entertaining and informative. Thanks for a great podcast!
  • Masters You
    Best Ever.
    You won’t be disappointed this is a great podcast trust me I know
  • AAKimmy
    Love this narrator and his stories!
    He is FUNNY. In a dry, British way, very witty. The stories are great, and even though I’ve heard some before, most are new to me. They’re told in small bites, about a half an hour, which are easy to listen to. Started binging a few days ago and I hope I don’t run out of new stories soon.
  • Slceso
    This is the best show!!!
    Great podcast! Hilarious openings…thorough research….this podcast is one I never miss!!!
  • yoga.aha
    Excellent Podcast on the Edge of Reality
    With out some crazy stuff the world would be bland. This podcast points out the out of this world stuff in this world in an intelligent way. Thanks! Get well soon. 🙏🏽 Glad you’re back!
  • *BluEyedBlonde*
    Like it
    I really like this type of podcast. For some reason I prefer single hosted shows. I think when a show has two or more hosts they stray from the topic. I enjoy tge hosts voice and story telling and I love the strange and macabre! If your like me, then this is the show for you!
  • Beannie2018
    Lovely podcast
    Interesting topics, well told.
  • Sc_scrapper
    Excellent show!
    Always informative, entertaining, and well written. I enjoy listening to each episode.
  • Selenite Lady
    Fictional “Nate Hale”
    I just wanted you to know how absolutely wonderful it is to hear your ever so cool voice getting stronger every episode. I’m forever thankful that you won the battle and I cherish every episode of your amazing podcast. Take care, “Nate”
  • bfloyd1392
    Best podcast I’ve listened to. Ever.
    I’ve been a fan since 2017 -2018 and the topics are always interesting and every episode has delivered in full all the entertainment value I’ve come to expect. THANKS FOR YOUR HARDWORK! I wish you well and hope for rapid recovery, Nate. You’re the absolute epitome of great podcasting.
  • SamanthaRae_of_light
    We love you in a plutonic and respectful manner and wait with bated breathe for your return. Thank you and rest up! Update: WE’VE MISSED YOU AND ARE SO HAPPY TO HEAR YOUR VOICE AGAIN💜
  • HotMomma345
    Great show!
    “Nate” is entertaining and knowledgeable, and I look forward to each episode. So glad you’re back & healing!
  • Carpenter Kirk
    Every episode
    I absolutely love this show! I love the funny thing he says at the beginning of every episode and it just gets better from there. This podcast is without a doubt my very favorite show!!! And I listen to lots of podcasts because of my very long commute. Thank you very much!!
  • GeauxSaints1967
    Best Podcast
    Love the show! Quite possibly the best podcast of its kind. Stories are well put together and the perfect length.
  • asouthcq
    One of my favorite podcasts!
  • Mcannady
    Outstanding writing and Narration
    Nate, for an entirely fictitious person, you are an outstanding Writer and Narrator! I look forward to every episode. Keep your chin up! You will Overcome as we are all supporting you!
  • Daytripper75
    Impecable storytelling.
    Perfectly formed, bite-sized stories that amaze and intrigue. Nate Hale has a way of immersing his listeners in the narrative that is second to none.
  • workerant02
    Good Advise
    Hello, I just started listening to your podcast at the recommendation of another podcaster that I listen to, Laura Norton, and I’m glad I took her advise. I’m hooked. Best wishes on your recovery. I’ve known a couple people who defeated thyroid cancer and I wish this for you too. Here’s to a long life in your podcasting career.
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