What To Expect


When Heidi Murkoff wrote the book ‘What To Expect When You’re Expecting’, she was pregnant with her daughter Emma. Her mission was simple: to help parents know what to expect, every step of the way. That mission has grown to include the world's bestselling pregnancy and parenting series and most popular pregnancy and parenting app. Now, Emma is a mom too—and they’re teaming up on the ‘What To Expect’ podcast to help you navigate your entire journey, from conception, to pregnancy, to the first years of parenting. Heidi and Emma break down your biggest questions, interview famous moms, and cover the issues you need to know about—from healthcare to childcare to maternal leave. Nothing is TMI, and nothing is off-limits! For more from Heidi and Emma, find them at @HeidiMurkoff, @EmmaBingWTE and @WhatToExpect.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jananys99
    so many better podcasts
    I really enjoyed reading the hosts book so I came to check out her podcast, but it ended up being a personal discussion between a mother and daughter that no one wants to hear. Its very cringey when the daughter speaks, really don’t want to hear it. Alot of awesome options out there for pregnancy podcasts
  • MmyersGC
    Unfortunately this podcast is so cringe. Things that should be so normal when talking about during pregnancy- the hosts take very normal terms and situations and make them feel like they should be embarrassing to talk about. I’d love to know less about how many times one of them had sex in Vegas.
  • DaVo1c3
    So much personal talk about their family dynamics or children and less factual or informative. I cringe at the scriptedness. They aren’t experts. And when Heidi speaks it is very slow and condescending. Would be embarrassed for someone to know I listened to this. Would not recommend.
  • itskristenking
    Please make more podcasts in 2023
    I love this podcast! I hope that it comes out with new episodes in 2023
  • marieffffff
    Only women can get pregnant
    I stopped listening after her guest Sara Reardon said “pregnant person.” As if anyone else other that a woman can get pregnant?? We have to stop disrespecting women and sacrificing them on the alter of “WOKE.” Only women give birth!! Also this podcast is good for the type of woman who like daytime talk shows. It has the same tone.
  • khhjkkkk
    Fun but mic levels aren’t equal
    I enjoy the discussions but sometimes Emma’s mic is turned up higher. So I turn up the volume to hear her mom and then Emma comes back in and it hurts my ears.
  • preggermack
    Alcohol and Beer ads for a pregnancy podcast?
    Really thrown off by their choice in sponsorships….
  • AndreaVD0316
    Conventional Western Info. S ripped. Too many ads.
    Pros: because this is so scripted, the host doesn’t spend much or any time greeting her guests or beating her on the bush, so you do get pretty straightforward information. A con to this: not a very heart warming or entertaining podcast. Other cons: the information on this podcast is very much in line with conventional western OB/GYN practice. No where on this podcast will you be encouraged to consider a midwife (everything is, “talk to your doctor”) a doula, have a non-medicated pregnancy, or have a homebirth. Podcast like this feed into the brainwashing of American women that the myriad of interventions OB/GYN push on women are normal. From the membrane sweep, to the breaking of your water, the Pitocin, the epidural, and finally the C-section. None of these are needed for abnormal healthy pregnancy. I wish more podcast would focus on educating women on this.
  • bella12d
    Host sounds a tad tipsy
    Good info- host sounds tipsy when she’s talking.
  • grateful_and_kind
    Weight Loss Ads
    I started this podcast at 38 weeks looking for another podcast on labor and delivery, relationship, and postpartum content. I decided to ditch this one and move to something else; the ads are so bad. As soon as I heard the weight loss ad, “$9 a month you’re guaranteed to lose weight within the first 30 days”, I turned it off.
  • Kl momto be
    Great information about motherhood but it can get political sometimes!
    I have learn so much with the what to expect app and this show, as this is my first pregnancy. However, sometimes the hots can get a bit political. I wish they were a bit more neutral on their policial views. Besides that, I think they provide valuable information that is helpful.
  • Aubrey Q
    Became annoying FAST
    Not actually diving deep & way too many ads
  • figaro1818
    Really bummed this podcast didn’t work out
    I gave it a good go and listened to at least 10 episodes because I really wanted to like this podcast, but I’m calling it. The ads just killed me. There’s A LOT of them. I’m fine with ad breaks in podcasts - I mean it’s free entertainment so I get it. But this was a ton and the iHeart Radio ads were really annoying. Not particularly relevant either. One was about some true crime show and another about train-car accidents. If you listen to the radio, maybe this won’t be as annoying. I just couldn’t.
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Heidi and Emma, hosts of the What to Expect podcast, highlight all aspects of parenting and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • French in progress
    Wish it was better
    Love Heidi and the WTE app but not as impressed with the podcast. It’s sweet that they have mother and daughter perspectives but Emma doesn’t work for this podcast, in my opinion. The sex episode was awful but overall some good info.
  • Kradford81
    Helpful and entertaining
    I really like this show and it has been helpful for me. Most of the info I am already aware of however sometimes the hosts have helped me see things in a different way. My only criticism is that Emma’s voice can be too too loud. Perhaps back away from the mic just a tad.
  • Lpazdhhdheue
    Good but too many ads
    I enjoy listening to this podcast, but I do agree with others that there are wayyyyyy too many ads.
  • Indi1313
    This podcast is so scripted and the tone of it is terrible. Also there podcast is probably half the time the actual podcast and the other half filled with ads. I would not recommend this at all. There are better podcasts out there with actual EXPERTS that come on and speak on things.
  • cynical_idealist
    Why does Heidi speak as though she is reading a book aloud to a child? Not to mention overacting. Women, pregnant or otherwise, should not be spoken to as though we are children. The tone of this podcast is demeaning.
  • allisadventures
    Couldn’t get into it
    I use the WTE app and was hoping to really love this podcast. Unfortunately, for me, that wasn’t the case. It’s extremely scripted and has WAAAAY too many ads for how short the episodes are, plus, I had such a hard time listening to Emma and the mother/daughter episode on sex was so cringeworthy imo. Think I’ll stick to the Birthful podcast with interviews with real specialists and science to back up their findings.
  • AmberMaeJ0125
    Emma, stop screaming
    Emma is wayyyyyyyy too loud, sounds like she’s trying too hard and kind of annoying. Love Heidi though.
  • Alishanicole45
    Not what I was expecting to hear
    I loved following the app, so I thought for sure I would also love to listen to the podcast. However, I listened to two episodes and it seems to be a platform to bring awareness to how pregnant African American women aren’t getting appropriate care. I don’t disagree that this is an issue, but it seems to over power educating women or first time moms, like myself, about pregnancy.
  • skierlo
    Cringy & Outdated, just like the book
    Scripted, lots of ads, and outdated suggestions. Just like the book of the 80s, this is not the best resource for pregnant women out there. The “eating well” episode particularly had a nauseating amount of puns.
  • dcwcvz
    I’d love some experts
    The daughter does not seem to be an expert in anything pregnancy related, some interviews with experts/doctors or even data oriented people like Emily Oster would be good.
  • Rjf122247
    Too scripted and bad content
    I wanted to like this but it’s just a miss. It’s way too scripted, yet the content is not interesting. Also I’m sorry to say but Emma is not pleasant to listen to and I think lacks any professional qualifications. The mother daughter sex talk episode was cringy. This is not a podcast for pregnant people who like podcasts.
  • pdcst review
    It’s not all moms & dads
    Although I enjoy the content of this podcast, I am disappointed in 2020 that we are still referring to moms and dads. It is quite easy to change “dad” to “second parent” or “support person”. I’d have to believe that there are plenty of queer couples who listen who cannot relate when you mention dads in the delivery room, etc. etc.
  • foxbeinsocks
    Love it!
    Heidi and Emma are so funny and relatable, love how real they are about the not so pretty aspects of pregnancy!
  • Gail Koontz
    Rethink your advertising
    I am 36 years old. 5 years ago, I delivered stillborn twin boys. When you say “motherhood is the ultimate sisterhood” you are very wrong and hurtful. I have no interest in this podcast, but I am bombarded by ads for it because I listen to a lot of iheartradio podcasts. Anyone who claims they have all the answers for pregnancies are blatantly wrong and are lying, giving false hope to people who are scared. Shame on you. You know what the ultimate sisterhood is? Mothers of lost pregnancies.
  • sexiSrivera
    Long Over Due
    I’m so glad that there is now a What to Expect podcast. Although my son is two now, I wish this podcast was available when I was pregnant and in the first year post partum. I am just listening to the episode about Baby Blues and PPD. This is a topic that is not covered enough in media outlets and there are very few pregnancy related podcasts in general. Kudos for covering a tough topic and for including various perspectives (talking about the higher risks for women of color). Very informative podcast! Someone out there is experiencing PPD or another mood disorder and needs to hear this information!
  • EFrannieB
    Too many ads but otherwise great
    A LOT of ads play before and during the episodes; more than the other podcasts I follow. I wish they could cut a few of them because I find it pretty annoying. Otherwise, I think the information is great.
  • BballMissy
    Great Podcast
    It’s my first pregnancy and am loving this podcast! While I have ordered some of the pregnancy books, I find I don’t always have the time to sit down and read and this podcast delivers so much helpful information that I would find in the books. Such a fun and positive listen, I am thoroughly enjoying this and recommend to all moms to be!
  • kel-eye
    Love Love Love!
    Love your App and your books! So excited for your podcasts as I continue my pregnancy/parenting journey :)
  • Mrs.Noormand
    So Excited!
    OMG!!! This is super exciting. I have been waiting so this for a while . Thank you for doing this for us future moms to be !
  • LFlores24
    Woo Hoo!
    So freaking excited for this! I seriously cannot wait to listen! I’ve been waiting for a podcast like this!
  • Kennebec Friar
    So excited!
    Love the theme song! Can’t wait to listen
  • ColdbrewABP
    I love Heidi & Emma!
    This sounds SO GOOD! I’m such a big fan of What To Expect. So glad they finally have a podcast!!
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