Harry Potter and the First Time Readers


It's every Harry Potter fan's dream to read the books for the first time again. The wonder, the joy, the excitement and forums and not knowing what is going to happen on the next page. It's one of the best experiences ever. Join four readers (Jon is a read-harry-potter-every-year kinda guy, Kristen has only read it once, and Jenn and Danny haven't read it at all) as they read and talk about Harry Potter, theories, plot points, favorite characters, and everything else Harry Potter universe. So come vicariously live through some first-time readers!

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Recent Reviews
  • Veteran Reader
    Hot Tamale
    LOVE this podcast! I never leave reviews, but I had to for this podcast! I love all the theories and intelligence behind your analyses in every scene. Hot tamale goes to Danny for not missing ANYTHING and having the best questions šŸ˜† (you are all amazing).
  • ZacTFry
    Itā€™s a Buzzfeed Quiz Podcast
    I am doing a re-read of the series, and was looking for a podcast that gives perspective
  • BookwormCWG
    Great podcast!
    38 yr old reading Harry Potter for the first time and Iā€™m obsessed. Thereā€™s no one to talk to about it because everyone read it years ago and Iā€™m scared of spoilers. Yā€™all have been so much fun to listen to! Thanks for the opportunity to dissect the books without the threat of a spoiler! āš”ļø
    Hi I love Harry Potter and I just love all of the theories you guys make. Also I love all the jokes you guys make and this is one of the best podcast I have listened to in a while so you guys keep doing this amazing podcast.
  • gohufflepuff
    Love this podcastā€¦however one thing
    One thing it doesnā€™t take away from the five start from me but itā€™s hard to focus. Iā€™m on the goblet ch 21 episode and someone is eating over the mic. Itā€™s very distracting. Again I still will continue to listen I still love this podcast.
  • bank app review
    I love this podcast, I know Iā€™m going to love all of the different opinions of these guys and I absolutely LOVE Harry Potter and this is going to be interesting to listen to.
  • DemureCougar939
    The podcast is entirely dedicated to a nerd fandom which I have belonged to for only a short while but have been delighted to be accepted intoā€¦. I love potter and all things Harry Potter include podcasts most are really crappy but this one isnā€™t! I love the banter! Amazing fun banter between Jon, Danny, Kristin, and Jenn!
  • BuoniFarms
    Best Harry Potter Podcast
    Been a diehard Potterhead going on 20+ years and never thought Iā€™d get to experience the books in a new way but thatā€™s exactly what this podcast does. Everyone who loves the book series should give it a listen!
  • Kitty cat Casey
    A Must Listen for Harry Potter Fans.
    I have listened to a lot of Harry Potter podcasts and I was looking for another one. I found this. To be honest, I've only listened to the trailer so far, but the hosts already have me hooked. I can already tell how much John loves the series and everyone else seems so eager to learn. I can't wait to see where this goes.
  • DaughterofHecate
    I donā€™t know what to put here
    I love listening to this podcast. It is amazing and always makes me laugh. But Peeves is a poltergeist so technically he never died or lived, he just was created when Hogwarts was created.
  • Kat G Williams
    I want to be friends with these people!
    Iā€™ve never written a review for, well, I donā€™t think anything but I had to write a review for this podcast. Iā€™m a huge HP fan so Iā€™m incredibly happy listening to someone experience it for the first time! Hereā€™s what I need to knowā€¦can yā€™all give your last names so I can follow you on socials? You seem like simply the best kind of people!
  • Churantheman
    Wow. This is such a great podcast. I love discovering people who say they have never read or watched Harry Potter and now are reading it for the first time. I especially love when someone bad mouths it and then a few chapters in they go from no, to ā€œI love it.ā€ I canā€™t wait to listen to all of these. Hopefully I get to do this too with my friends and share their journey as well for podcast listeners. Thank you and keep going yā€™all.
  • davidu406
    Great for first timers!
    Thank you so much for making a podcast for first timers without spoilers. Great show and will help me get through the books as a non-reader! So excited to make my way through!
  • Mandy_Rice
    Mischief managed
    I just discovered this podcast and I love it! I basically am Jon, but not quite so intense. Living vicariously through the first time readers and hearing their theories is such a blast! I am listening in order and currently just started Goblet of Fire, so ignore this if itā€™s already been addressed- but can you please assign chapter summaries before you all read them? The pause when Jon says ā€œsomeone provide a summary ā€œ is more awkward than when Cho and Harry kissedā€¦
  • Tarareed18
    10/10 recommend!
    I was searching for a podcast to listen to while I work and came across this podcast on accident and it has been so fun! I'm the biggest Harry Potter fan and this is the book club I always wish I was apart of. I live for their wild predictions (like Professor McGonagall being Harry's grandma) and they always make me laugh and question my Harry Potter knowledge! I also love the personal stories and questions so we get to know them better. Just all around a great listen!
  • Hufflepuff Stuff
    I too love living vicariously
    I love listening to others discover Harry Potter for the first time. This is one of the better Podcasts that does this. I love how Jenn loves answers. I love how Danny keeps track of everything.
  • D-Rock010209
    Love listening to all of you! I wish we could hear more of your off-the-wall conversations. I love how real you all are. I snuck a peak at season two and so appreciate the fact that you have a somewhat reluctant person reading the books because thatā€™s where a lot of people I know are at. Iā€™ve read and listened to the books countless times and watched the movies just as much so I think itā€™s awesome hearing these first-time readerā€™s thoughts and theories. Keep the awesome episodes coming!
  • kcox0320
    I listened to this show on a whim and now Iā€™m obsessed. Itā€™s so incredible to hear new perspectives and takeaways on a series that I have read and listened to so many times I thought I knew it all. I got a kick out of the crew being from my state. Maybe thatā€™s why I like them so much! Also, definitely bring back the themed snacks/ drinks. šŸ˜‚
  • asdfsert
    Ngl on the whole every flavor bean thing I got SOAP it was actually pretty good lol šŸ˜‚
  • Werewolf girlšŸŗšŸ‘§šŸ¼
    I love it! Its so amazing!Ive loved Harry Potter since I was 7.
  • easy to pronounce
    Fun twist to a reread
    Having read/listened to the series 15+ plus times, this podcast gives a fun and fresh new way to experience the text. The podcast team has great energy together and goes on just enough personal tangents to make you feel like part of the group. Highly recommend!
    Love you guys!
    Iā€™m a huge Harry Potter fan and stumbled on this podcast and I love it! I love Jen and Dannyā€™s predictions and theories. I am genuinely impressed with them and love listening to them experience this book for the first time. The only thing I donā€™t like are the personal question in the interviews for example, what is your most memorable Christmas? I like to hear some of that now and then but I am here for Harry Potter theoryā€™s and the further in the podcast we get, the more personal questions come up. I know itā€™s kind of just like a book club and in a book club you do that but honestly, I could do without that. You guys are awesome tho and Iā€™m jealous of Jon and Kristen for having friends that agreed to this!
  • leviosa123
    Amazing podcast
    You guys are the best podcasters ever! One thing I would suggest is that if people are following along in the books you should say the page # with the quote.
  • jo5hmau5
    Lovely people talking about HP!
    All four of you guys seem like such bubbly and fun people, and I love the organized (thanks to the host, Jon) yet still casual, stream-of-consciousness discussion that sets this show apart from other HP podcasts. As Iā€™m in my mid-twenties, I came back to this book series this summer in a similar position as Kristenā€™s, having watched all the movies and read most of the books once as a young teen, and Iā€™ve thoroughly enjoyed tagging along on this journey with you guys and Iā€™ve been actively slowing myself down on the re-read so I can read Deathly Hallows with you guys eventually when I catch up! I find myself relating to Jon the most, in terms of personality (Hufflepuffs!) and in the tendency to nerd out, and I really admire how heā€™s able to lead such a spoiler-free discussion without giving much away because I know I would not be able to restrain myself as well as he does. Kristen is super sweet and her laugh is so endearing, I always love her contributions even if itā€™s not as often as the other two (understandable as sheā€™s read the books before and doesnā€™t want to give too much away). From one dude to another, I have to admit Dannyā€™s overall personality and analytical mind and imagination is such a catch. He is the life of the podcast and itā€™s no wonder things are going the way they are (Congratulations you two!!!). Jen is also super lovely, has a pleasant voice to listen to, and itā€™s been very entertaining listening to the both of the first time readerā€™s theories and camaraderie evolve throughout the podcast. I will admit the consistent giggling and the sounds of sniffing coughing, smacking lips and chewing from eating RIGHT into the mic gets a little grating, but of course I understand you guys are often recording after work and Jon does a decent job editing livestreams for the podcast. Overall, highly recommend these guys as the first stop for any other first time readers of this iconic book series!
  • Itz Toca lunar
    I lOVE to read Harry Potter and when I saw this looking through podcast I thought it would be really good and it is but I mainly let my younger siblings listen to it since Iā€™m further ahead but itā€™s truly amazing and I wish I would have seen this before.
  • CMSagastume
    Wish I would have found this earlier.
    Wish I would have found this earlier so I could engage in real time, but still really enjoying it. Hopefully Iā€™ll catch up before you finish series! Loving all the theories, really reminds me of my first time reading the books.
  • HarryPotterworld
    Outstanding podcast
    I found this podcast the other day and itā€™s incredible! To be able to listen to people who donā€™t know what happens next is so refreshing-to hear their theories and their thoughts as they read through the book or watch the movie. itā€™s so different from other Harry Potter podcast. I feel like Iā€™m reliving the amazing world of Harry Potter again through this podcast. Great work everyone and thank you for creating an epic Harry Potter podcast that I canā€™t stop listening too.
  • #Hotchocolatelover
    Love it definitely recommend
    I love this podcast its really fun listening to Danny and Jenā€™s theories about harry potter and some of the questions about the chapters are hilarious. Overall a wonderful podcast, great job to John for the editing and since i didnā€™t mention Kristin, good job!
  • Cal Mascetti
    Only podcast I listen to!
    Started listening to this podcast from the beginning a few weeks back and I absolutely love it! Everyone is so engaging and funny. Iā€™ve been reading Harry Potter every year (sometimes twice lol) since I was 17 (nearly 28 now!). I love hearing everyoneā€™s thoughts and theories and opinions. :) canā€™t wait to catch up!
  • OlSworpinMcghee
    Lots of fun!
    This is the first time Iā€™ve read the books in over a decade, and I stumbled across this podcast thankfully. Itā€™s so fun to hear people talking about their first time reading through and theorizing about what everything could mean. I wish I had a friend group like this when I read for the first time as well. Keep it up!
  • Pain2go
    Great listen for first timers and any timers! Thank you all for the substantive discussion and perspectives, love the show!
  • schragelbagel
    Iā€™m Loving This
    I just finished listening to the episodes for the first book and Iā€™m hooked!! Everyone is getting more confident and Jon is asking all the right questions. Also, thereā€™s been some really interesting (and not totally wrong) predictions. I love how Jon clearly connects to the story on a deep level and heā€™s conveying the reasons he is so passionate. Im getting so excited for them to keep reading and I canā€™t wait to catch up!!
  • briboun12
    Good analysis from a fun group
    Be sure to listen to these podcasters. The analysis is fun and sometimes the predictions (or throw away comments that they didnā€™t even present as predictions) are spot on. Their new reader enthusiasm is a joy for a multi-time reader like me.
  • llampe402
    Great podcast!
    Iā€™ve recently started listening and Iā€™ve been having so much fun hearing your theories about stuff, especially since Iā€™ve reached the third book, which is my favorite. Iā€™m also starting to get really excited about things that will happen in future books and everyoneā€™s reactions. I hope after the books you plan to have episodes on things like a very potter musical and other popular fan things.
  • NateDa_great
    THIS IS SO GOOD!!! I love listening to the podcast when I have free time! I think you all are great people, except maybe Jen (jk) but itā€™s crazy how good they are at the theory making most of them are really close (like the polyjuice Barry crouch one) and even the ones that arenā€™t very close (sorry Danny but Mcgonagall is not Harryā€™s grandmother) but Jon is so good at this questioning I mean pressing them to think of theoryā€™s is just šŸ‘Œthe chefs kiss. Itā€™s just an awesome podcast thank you so much. Keep up the good work Ps. Iā€™m a slytheren
  • #howyouknow
    Fantastic podcast
    I just started reading the Harry Potter books for the first time after watching the movies multiple times and I wanted to find a good spoiler free Harry Potter podcast to listen along with while I read the books. I came upon Harry Potter and the First Time Readers and it has been perfect. The hosts are very funny and they have really great theories but yet they donā€™t spoil the book as you read along with them. I would definitely listen whether youā€™re a first timer like me or if youā€™ve read them many times.
  • BlondeAtlantis
    LOVE this!
    Happy Gryffindor here! Iā€™m so excited I found this podcast. Like Jon, Iā€™ve read and reread and rereread these books so many times. Somewhere between 10-15 at least, I think, and every time I read them, I fall in love all over again. Currently Iā€™ve binged my way through part of their coverage of Chamber of Secrets. I love how much Jon loves the books, and I love how much the others are loving them. The questions are great, and really show how well he knows the books. One of my favorite things is how they talk about Harry. It seems like a lot of people only see the Harry from the movies, or only see the brave Gryffindor thing. But really, heā€™s hilarious, so compassionate, stands up for others, is an amazing friend, talented, does his best not to let his fame go to his head, and he always follows his heart, and I so appreciate that they recognize this. I like the length of the episodes, because they really get into it, and the takes are always so interesting. I wish I was friends with them all so I could go to book club too, lol. If yā€™all ever need one more, let me know!
  • ConJS555
    Gooood stuff
    I started from the beginning and Iā€™m only halfway through their episodes on the second book, but Iā€™m definitely liking it so far! Theyā€™ve all got fun personalities and commentaries and (at least so far) they donā€™t get into real world politics and problems, which is really nice. Mugglecast is always making comparisons about how the bad characters are just like conservative people like me, so itā€™s nice to listen to something where you arenā€™t being villainized. So many people turn to books like these as a means of escaping our real world problems, so itā€™s refreshing when we can all unite around some good ol HP, regardless of politics or other differences. Hopefully that doesnā€™t change as the podcast goes on, because Iā€™m really enjoying the levity that this group brings to their discussions! They arenā€™t trying to make listeners feel bad about their beliefs, they are just having fun and teasing each other but overall being really encouraging and supportive of each otherā€™s theories and ideas. They are a very positive and light-hearted group to listen to during my morning workouts or daily commute
  • laurenrenee92
    This podcast wins the House Cup
    As a HP fan from childhood this podcast has been perfect. I stopped at the 3rd book when I was younger and didnā€™t read the rest, but Iā€™ve seen all of the movies. This podcast has got me back into reading the books. I bought the first 2 in the illustrated copies and they are justā€¦magical. I plan to buy the others after I finish these 2. I love the different opinions as you guys read through the chapters. The newbies to HP have fascinating theories. At times, things I never even thought of. Every time I turn on this podcast itā€™s like sitting around with friends. I love it so much considering no one in my life is as interested in HP as me. Thank you guys for creating such a great podcast.
  • budgielover93
    This is the best podcast EVER
    Iā€™ve gone through a couple of different Harry Potter podcasts and so far this is my favorite. I love how you added some humor along with the facts about the couple of chapters you cover. (Iā€™m a Hufflepuff)
  • Luca Bliss
    I love this podcast
    I love this podcast because it brings me to so many new and interesting ideas and things that couldā€™ve happened if J. K. Rowling thought of them and written them PS I am in Gryffindor
  • The best sieries ever!!!!
    This is great
    This is my favorite but I would love if it could stay on topic P.S.Iā€™m a griffindor
  • armcherry995
    Nostalgia achieved
    I try just about every podcast with the premise of someone reading HP for the first time, but this one instantly stands out for me. With a group of four, I feel like Iā€™m listening in to a lively book club instead of someone performing for a listening audience. Jonā€™s love for the books is so evident and he is a great guide for the newbies. I love that the newbies are so curious and open to the series, not overly cynical/critical. I truly think this is providing the closest possible experience to reading Harry Potter for the first time! Iā€™m only 3 episodes in but I canā€™t wait to binge the rest!
  • Drew Braston
    Outstanding! Potterheads unite!
    Love this pod guys. Itā€™s amazing seeing people experience this incredible universe for the first time. I read these books in my childhood and fell in love with reading because of them. I recently reread the books and my views are completely different as an adult but I still love the books just as much! I love all of the theories everyone comes up with! Some of them are surprisingly right on point! Keep up the good work! Iā€™m currently trying to catch up to the current pod episodes!
  • lucky duck maddie
    ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh i love it listed to it like 500 time ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhnhhhhh
  • dogs fun
    LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!
    It is really funny and it is so interesting šŸ§šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
  • Julie.2023
    Reading the books with fresh eyes
    This is my second time reading the books, and itā€™s been so fun listening to this podcast with perspectives from first time readers as well as picking up so many details I missed the first time I read the books. Highly recommend.
  • Jacob_386
    A great show!
    I love listening to new people read these books. I wish I could wipe my memory and read them again for the first time. One thing I did want to mention, in the first book thereā€™s a part where Fred and George are throwing snowballs at professor quirrell. So technically they were blasting Voldy in the face with snowballsšŸ˜‚. Just a fun little thing that shows the difference between the books and movies. Love the show!
  • Cristiciordia
    Every Potter-nerdā€™s dream
    Even though Iā€™ve read the books, seen the movies and debated it all a hundred times through the years, Iā€™d never thought about how different that experience would be through the eyes of first time readers. I love how they ask questions or form theories that, even though I already know the answers, make me re-imagine this world Iā€™ve visited so many times and re-marvel at the way in which the whole puzzle of the saga comes together. Iā€™m obsessed, Iā€™ll be following through to the end, including the mecca trips, Iā€™ve never found anyone intense enough about this whole thing to go with me šŸ˜‚
  • Carly Jade
    Love it!
    Jon has such thoughtful questions. I also laughed so hard twice at some of the responses. Such a good podcast!
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