Give Them Lala


Every day is a new beginning for Lala Kent. Get to know the TV personality, entrepreneur, & mom, as she dives deep into relationships, sex, betrayal, mental health, business, and personal life. Lala's top priority is to make her listeners feel heard, inspired, and most importantly make them laugh. She's here to give them honesty. Give them motivation. To Give Them Lala.

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Recent Reviews
  • 83meowj
    Amazing podcast. And to the douche below saying to lie down, be original moron
    I absolutely love this podcast. My friend got me into it. He said, you’ll get hear more of who Lala is without watching the show and it’s crazy edits. I may not always agree, but the podcast is really good. And pregnancy is hard! Thank you for being so open and honest about what you’re going through. You’re touching more people through your journey than you know. My husband and I are talking about having another one and listening to your pregnancy journey is helping me mentally prepare for our possible new journey. Five starts all across!
  • Seniors are Beautiful
    I’m enjoying your podcast so much. It really takes my mind off of what’s going on in the world today. Your parenting and support you receive is absolutely wonderful. My child is grown and married now but your stories bring me back to my cute little one. Ocean’s personality is so freaking cute and your dynamic with her is just special. 💕
  • rooosick
    You outgrew that giggle 25 years ago. Please act like a man and not Lala’s little toy.
  • kssd123
    Someone’s jealous of Jackie Schimmel
    Womp womp womp
  • Cristi B. Real Estate
    I need this everyday.
    Lala and I are a lot alike. My favorite line is “I ain’t a killa but don’t push me” by Tupac. We also went through our divorce/break ups at the same time struggling with sharing out child with a maniac. Having it all, to starting over. I too have many businesses. And Suffer from mom guilt. Lala resonates with me. I have her playing on the way to meet clients or running into the office every morning. I have 2 phones. And today I got in my car and it started playing on my speakers but I was already listening to it on my other phone. I had 2 Lala’s going. I’ve loved you from the beginning, since you walked on the screen even through your wild days. I’m proud of your sobriety. We would be best friends. And I get it, sometimes I think I could start looking for a man again and then they start talking and I’m like ugh.. I wanna go get on my couch in and watch housewives. Guys say “your so moody”. But I think I’m pretty enough to change my mind everyday. Don’t miss me on a good day or you’ll miss out. Love you La! Xoxo
  • aaaaawal
    twice a week
    please stop. if everyone is saying you’re dead it’s time to lay down
  • Fan of Ray
    One Star too Many
    Not a tolerable person in the bunch. What a loud, defensive hag Lala is. Runs her mouth but then gets defensive when someone responds. She thinks she schools people…without any education and not a lot of life experiences. She has no idea what facts are and changes her story to suit her narrative at the time. Just intolerable to listen to.
  • Frankie 1210
    Soooooo desperate!!
    This clown is rabid and vile. Might be the dumbest person ever. Literally not a single brain cell between her ears. Hideously ugly inside and out. You know you are vile when you need a sperm donor b/c no man wants any part of her ignorant rhetoric. Here’s an idea - stay home with your soon to be two kids and keep your flappy mouth shut. Nobody wants to hear from you!!
  • Kait 9473649393642828262525
    Jess ruins the show - unfollow
    Lala and Easton great, but her assistant is so much of a try hard that I had to unfollow. This podcast would be one of the best if they would sideline Jess. She does not fit in this mix, shes so cringe it’s unbearable. Let her produce the show or help with topics but PLEASE take her off mic so we can all re-subscribe. The hat bit, the same jokes over and over, talking about jujitsu (weird way she says it even like we should all be so impressed), alwayyyyyyysss taking things back to sex.. like grow up, playing naive about quite literally everything, wishing that she was Lalas bestfriend… its giving Jennifer’s body and i cannot stand it anymore. Lala rethink this structure, it’s effecting your coins.
  • Dre3022
    Self centered brat who only cares about money! Uses her child to defend and deflect her horrible behaviors. WE SEE YOU!
  • shenkelman20
    Enough said
  • Carrilloooo
    I’m so happy this podcast drops twice a week now! I love listening! Such a fun podcast La! Keep it up!
  • Izzy2v
    Stassi Wannabe
    She wants to wear her skin it’s so weird. Now she’s trying to rebrand into a family girl just like her and is constantly inviting her to stuff. She even said she changed her newborn kids name bc stassi didn’t like it. Just weird.
  • Hayley Rae
    Clown show
    The ultimate pick-me girl. Shameful that she uses her platform to spread her toxic narrative. Do something positive for the world and focus on your kids. Pathetic. De-platform her please.
  • aileapd
    Love this podcast
    I love the show! And I love LaLa! All three of them are so funny
  • this slot
    Easton is a CREEP
    Easton stop making creepy comments about women. You are such a creep. SHAME
  • SunnyMarieP
    You are the one that made Vpr dark
    You are the one that keeps talking about people in horrible ways. On and off the show. You did all of this to yourself and people will move on when you figure that out, take accountability, and grow. Please reflect on this.
  • Running Novice South Florida
    Used to be “honest”
    I used to love her and this podcast but she has become so toxic and self-serving that the allure is gone. Such a shame because I supported her and even bought her (seriously) crappy lipglosses.
  • vtghioec
    I really like Lala and I've been like her brother. I'm not a fan of the cohost. I feel like she's just there to fluff up.
  • Saljusch
    Not true Lala
    When you send a thank you note that’s where it ends. No one should have to thank you for a thank you note, learn your manners. Stop trying so hard, just be true to yourself. When you violate others it runs back in a monologue of deceit. It is not cool for you trying to bury Ariana. You’ve turned in a direction for you’re own dismay. Dig dip and have a heart that is bigger than this silly show. The fact that you call yourself in the third person “La” is so narcissistic, you are not that notable, take a breath, it’s your last season.
  • ErinJ1980
    Jealous of the Hawk Tuah girl
    Do you hear yourself Lala? You’re even jealous of the Hawk Tuah girl! Any woman that gets opportunities, you ooze jealousy. Just ooze it. You are not put on this earth to be jealous of females getting opportunities.
  • Lala suckssssss
    Hawk Tuah
    If she does start a podcast I bet her rating would be higher than you tone deaf try hards
  • shaymurr
    I know what you said about comments but
    It is a little sad you’re trying to instill fear into your daughter about the ocean. It’s never a good idea to push your fears onto someone else. Please don’t give her unnecessary anxiety (as someone who already struggles with enough). Just a loving tip.
  • _Weekly_Customer_
    Mean Girl
    Time for this mean girl’s karma to catch up to her. We are tired of her schemes. She has shown her true colors and her dirty mouth is no longer interesting. With a loss of respect for her for how she treated Ariana, Katie, and her “fans”, I no longer value ANYTHING she says. Then she doubled down instead of being humble. I have no sympathy. Unfollow.
  • Bexx.o
    Brightens my day
    Love listening every week. Vibe is always great with the three of you and you guys always cheers me up and make me laugh. I love the mixture of heartfelt topics and funny everyday stories. ❤️ Update: I had to stop listening. Lala. Please. Stop. You’re making yourself look so bad..I know you’re angry, but sit down, be humble.
  • katep1986
    Easton is Hilarious
    Easton is awesome and actually so funny! Sadly, Lala talks over him so much.
  • glendathegooodwitch
    Fun listen
    If you want to laugh while at work or in traffic, this is your go to podcast.
  • TheLadyChatterly
    Moments of humor and quirky wisdom are overshadowed by the most hideous cultural appropriation. Why has this been allowed to carry on for so long. Doesn’t make this crew look cool, of-the-moment or anything even reasonably acceptable. Just stop.
  • Destiny Daniella
    Horrible podcast….
    Awful. She contradicts herself alot. She’s caught in so many lies. Can’t believe anything that comes out of her mouth.
  • Bstreine
    Jess *eye roll*
    Does she even live here?! She never has a clue about any pop culture moments and never is prepared to talk about anything you bring up…also need some fact checks from someone, 1/2 the stuff you talk about is fake news i.e. hawk tuah girl (not a preschool teacher, was not fired, her dad is not a preacher, etc.)
  • doll/misfittoy
    Absolutely NO ONE needs Lala
    Skip this podcast, vapid and pointless.
  • MacKenzie Lawrence
    Jessica isn’t ever up to date on pop culture or housewives. Lala spends most of the time explaining the episode of what happened to Jessica, instead of discussing it. Their interests are too far apart.
  • BAO4Lifey
    Yes…Lala’s AMAZING!!
    I’m new to podcasts and loving me some Lala! Thanks for your amazing podcast! I truly enjoy everything you guys share on here. Keep up the good work.
  • Lars0223
    This podcast is literal proof that not every D list celebrity needs their own podcast
  • crimeo
    It’s my own fault, but I fell for Lala’s act. She talks out of both sides of her mouth and hasn’t changed a bit… still a self-serving person with a set of rules for others that she doesn’t apply to herself. Nothing she says on this podcast can be trusted to be true.Giving us Lala is no treat.she is the worst! Hope she doesn’t return to Bravo in any incarnation I have seen enough of her!
  • Camary1
    Love your podcast
    I love listening to your podcast on my way to work.!!!! I can’t stop laughing 😆
  • parkilm
    Used to be a fan, even though she’s done a lot of sketchy things. But I don’t know what happened in thus last year, but she is just an all around horrible human being. Very unfortunate.
  • Deezzzzzzz nuuuuuttttsss
    Love you LALA
    Don’t listen to the haters. Through all your ups and downs I have been here absolutely loving and adoring you!! I don’t have social media or else I would be getting back at the trolls for you!! Keep up the amazing work lala your beautiful inside and out.
  • serennnnmmmmn
    Best podcast ever!!
    Don’t listen to the haters Lala!!
  • UnrulyBran👸🏻
    "Hollywood" not a match
    Try moving back to Utah, may find a man that will give you your dream life again.
  • Lili12008
    Been Listening for a while, but I’m about to Stop
    The uncontrolled laughter at the most basic thought or story, especially by the high-pitched shrilly sounds from Jessica has got to STOP! There’s a lot about Lala’s success for which I’m very happy, and I want to support, but if Jessica cannot keep her uncontrolled laughter or high-pitched shrills in check, then I’m gonna have to stop listening. Easton could be a little more professional too. Lala is carrying 4 adults and a child (with another on the way) on her back. The least you can do is put in some effort on this pod to help her out.
  • Eteestoy
    She’s too much. Cannot listen!
    Not a fan. She ruined VPR with too much of her pettiness around production. Life is not fair and too bad that “reality” tv is not fair to you. Lala tried to rationalize her side, and she just then spins around arguments and sounds hypocritical.
  • Sarahlorraine86
    Who is the fakest one of all? Lala is!
    So let me get this straight, you go after Tom like a rabid dog in season 10’s reunion, get an Uber Eats deal out of it and make enough from your send it to Darrel shirts that you make a down payment on a house, and you still think Ariana owes you something??? Ma’am, you are quickly ruining this show with your fake reactions and constantly switching sides. The nerve of you to call Ariana or Katie fake when you lied about your scummy MARRIED boyfriend the first several seasons you were on and made people sign NDA’s is really so hypocritical it’s funny. The reason the audience didn’t support you like they did Ariana is cause YOU were the Raquel in your situation, and you were a jerk to everyone trying to talk to you about your “stand up man” cheating, how delusional do you have to be to not see that? They were and are completely different situations. Get a grip. You should take some accountability and apologize publicly to Ariana
  • Pasotex1
    OMG…. Your most imbarressing moment segments had me laughing so hard I started to cry. Especially the girl on the treadmill… I’m sorry for her loss, but the envision was so funny. I feel bad laughing at that, but I’m glad I was at home laughing and not in church where I would have bit my cheeks off! Keep up the great podcast you three!
  • martidandy
    Now I see why she's friends with Heather! Fake & phony "I'm so real" persona but really just doing the most to stay relevant! WE SEE YOU!!!
  • MN Fan!
    Highlight of my Monday and Wednesday!!! I am a real estate agent and on the road most days and I loveeeeeee this Podcast!!!! Thank you for making my driving more enjoyable. Boooo to all the haters out there!!!!
  • Kaiya Brook
    a hard listen. would not recommend.
  • Jaidith
    Bullying and False Information
    I was hoping this podcast would get better but it’s getting worse. The topics are boring and unrelateable and the laughing drives me crazy.
  • Smalltam
    facts are not opinions
    Lala needs to understand her opinion is not a fact. Get off your high horse and realize others have a right to feel and think differently than her.
  • BookNerd324
    She’s Human and Growing
    I enjoy the podcast and have for two years, she’s on a reality tv show and is a human being. We watch to be entertained and while this past season there were moments of confusion for me in her actions, this is the platform for her to be herself. I don’t hear the negative in the podcast, just a woman who was burned during a period in her life where it was clear she was processing loss and grief and just needed a partner. Then a traumatic situation and then reliving it over and over. There was a documentary, there are survivors of her ex. This was not a silly-haha situation she went through. Some of yall act like the expectation for people on tv is perfection, let people live and grow. It’s giving a hate parade with these reviews though🤷‍♀️
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