The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast


Best-selling author Mark Manson brings his irreverent, hard-hitting style right to your ear holes with life advice that doesn't suck.

Featuring a mix of guest appearances, burning reader questions, and solo shows with just Mark and a microphone, The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast explores all the uncomfortable questions that, if you're brave enough to ask yourself, might just change your life.

Whether it's your relationship, career, health, wealth, or happiness, Mark tackles it all with refreshing honesty and a dash of foul-mouthed humor.

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Recent Reviews
  • mikky howard
    Cannot get enough
    Love this podcast! Each week a new podcast gets released, I feel like a kid in a candy shop; super excited and full of anticipation. Fun, practical, wise and very insightful. Keep doing you Mark!
    Subtle Art Pod Review
    After reading Mark’s book “The Subtle Art” and Will Smith’s autobiography, I was hooked on his style of writing. The best way I can describe it is that he writes non-fictional books with a fictional overtone. I also think I resonate with Mark in other ways such as we are both writers, he’s the same age and he thrives on sharing practicality. That’s exactly what you’ll get from this pod…practicality that you can apply and make your life better immediately after listening.
  • Weight Lifter Dani
    More Drew
    New listener here. The episodes with Drew are my favorites so far.
  • szoozh
    Intriguing but your privilege is showing.
    Listened to the blue dot episode. You lost me when you told people who are currently living on the poverty line they live better than Kings used to. Stinks of privilege. Might try your delivery with a dose of empathy. Won’t be listening to more or purchasing any books.
  • Traffic rush lover
    Good thought process
    I’m intrigued by his pragmatic approach do different concepts.
  • Heufenteut
    The millionaire is telling us all how good the economy is.
    Other millionaires aren’t listening to your show. Just poor people like me. You are too rich and out of touch to give advice to anyone but your millionaire friends. I used to love the books, but it looks like I have to move on.
  • Earthwander
    Kewl pod !
    I like this podcast. I want more recommendations for more
  • soccer1212
    Best podcast
    Talks about things that are important in an ever increasing world of superficiality. Perfect mix of philosophy with psychology and relating it to real life. So happy I’ve found this podcast, it’s done more for me than therapy tbh
  • Ted.ped
    Time Well Spent
    I consider this podcast to be among the best media I can consume. Each episode leaves me feeling inspired and wanting more… even when I don’t fully agree. I like that it makes me think about my core values and beliefs and helps me channel that into living a life I care about. I appreciate the blunt, humorous, and humble-by-not-being-humble approach to the topics. Highly recommended!
  • elkay48
    So authentic
    Every thing you say has merit
  • maa111777
    Highly recommend
    Always learn some new take aways. Love the blunt and practical application, especially for someone who gets too stuck in their head.
  • dgkkjyfhnkohkjjyfh
    Mark is the best
    Incredible show
  • sara-jj
    With do something principle now I can listen to podcasts
    I really enjoy this podcast
    I haven’t read subtle art yet, however, I like this podcast a lot, I’ve been following the youtube channel and I love the podcast format, keep making awesome content!
  • sino.thando
    I recently found this podcast and it’s so informative and a breath of fresh air. It’s so different and is very interesting. They have facts based on studies and research. Love it !! Also love their sense of humor
  • tySaj
    Great Podcast!
    I read the book a few years ago and then the YouTube algorithm recommended him to me a few days ago. Some really great ideas to help improve your life.
  • GrahamRhys
    Bad therapy
    I am giving this podcast 4 stars and will continue to listen. I only listened to the bad therapy episode and honestly mark I’d love for you to have an actual clinical psychologist or licensed mental health professional on your show, PLEASE! Abagail Shrier was talking nonsense. Some of the stuff she was saying would make sense- if that was what was happening! No school professional is sitting around telling their students to focus on their anxiety and talk about how traumatic their life is. As a school psychologist, I promise you- we’re trying to help them MOVE PAST IT. And I will tell you, ive worked with many many children who’s parents were in fact strict and dismissive with their child’s issues and those are ALWAYS the parents that get cut off or children who try to take their own life. This was kind of an appalling episode but I’m going to listen to more to get a feel of the show!
  • Auntie Isha
    I love this podcast!
    Mark really makes me think about things from other perspectives. I am a 20-something female (probably not the target audience) but I find something useful in every episode. I find myself “saving” episodes for when I would bee too preoccupied. I want to be able to really listen to what he has to say! I love that he’s not the most politically correct, sometimes I think people sugar coat things too much and we just need to be honest with each other.
  • smokeandashes
    Great book and podcast
    I had seen the book for a number of years and finally read his books and now his podcast. Entertaining and Educational.
  • Joe O.....
    Really appreciate mark’s approach.
  • Amesobrien
    Love your podcast so much I wish you did more than one a week!?! I always look forward to your podcast pop up.
  • nxbdbdb
    First Podcast I’ve made through every show
    I’m a SAHM and have listened to this podcast almost everyday this past month. As someone who was/is finding a hard time navigating this world, Mark Manson and his conversations with other intellects has greatly helped me to not feel so alone in my own thoughts and perceptions. Highly recommended everyone to listen!
  • STR1234
    Highly recommended
    Mark Manson’s books and podcast are highly recommended. They bring me contentment in an uncertain world.
  • Lance...$&&@@733893$@@"$&3
    Good insight and hopefully may get some awareness for myself.
  • Wonder_Women
    The truth
    Mark says the quiet part out loud! He speaks to what i think everyone knows in there head, and for whatever reason we have, we keep it to ourselves. Thanks mark i hope your platform only gets bigger!!
  • JJ Rising
    Socrates, Plato.…Morons!
    Knowledgeable and informative, fun and entertaining, M squared is worth your time.
  • Doctorg171
    Solid stoic episode
    As a stoic I appreciated the review and advice on living a stoic life, but also I won’t let it affect me too much since it’s out of my control.
  • Na’ima
    I love the realness!
  • Jennifer-Best Resume Coach
    Insightful content - spouses agree on
    Mark Manson is the one and only speaker/writer/content creator that my husband and I can agree on! I know he wouldn’t like the title personal development “guru” but Mark truly has insights and hot takes that are unique, thoughtful and based on lived experience. We enjoy watching the on YouTube because my partner hates audio podcasts. I enjoy listening to podcasts while cleaning/doing dishes but we have made watching/tuning in to the Mark Manson podcast a viewing event. Just like we used to get settled in for Game of Thrones every week at night now that’s what we do in the mornings with our coffee/tea. The rapport that Mark and Drew have and their back-and-forth is a really interesting dynamic. Practical “advice” that is meaningful, insightful, entertaining and (most importantly) what inspires us to actually take action! Thank you Mark!
  • rougebite
    My favorite podcast
    I love this podcast ! The language is direct and honest . A variety of topics to live better , learn something etc. I never thought I would listen to podcasts but I drive hours on end for work and decided to listen to something to best utilize this time . This podcast have given me some good insights on different perspectives to approach certain things in my life differently.
  • RaeBeau22
    Love this!
    Well articulated, light, funny and to the point. I’ve listen to several podcasts more than once on “bad” days to help regain or maintain perspective. Can’t wait to hear more! P.S. would love to hear your take on Epictetus. I’ve been reading him lately.
  • CrypticT0xin
    Fantastic and Real
    I love the content in this show. They’re down to earth, they find fantastic people to do the show with them, and I read both his books and that’s what led me here. If you want real people and their real unfiltered opinions on aspects of our life. I recommend them.
  • Gulf lover
    Love it!
    Love this podcast! Mark is amazing! He has a witty and charming style - there is always something to learn from him and have a laugh about, too! Thanks, Mark!
  • Gregzxzv5
    5 star minus the last anti-therapy episode
    She’s talking about something that is called concept creep, and on one hand I agree, but she’s dismissing therapy as if we are all using psychoanalysis these days. She’s dismissing the usefulness of CBT, DBT, MI, Solution focused, and other approaches that turn negatives into positives. She’s also forgetting a million other variables that contribute to mental health issues…I would want to know what therapist hurt her… and to say kids should act as if there issues don’t exist or do not matter is horrifying in light of all this “quiet on the set” stuff coming out. Look at Amanda Bynes, Feldman, etc…those were kids who were made to believe their problems were nothing. As a therapist I’m bothered, but not enough to give you less then 5 stars bc it is a great podcast otherwise.
  • Boyboyboybouboy
    Too much F word
    Was listening with my young children and the amount of f words dropped was mortifying
  • wmharle
    Best podcast I’ve ever heard
    I have a few podcasts I listen to across a variety of topics. Usually I connect pretty well with the hosts. But this podcast is a whole new level of connection I didn’t think was possible! Mark & Drew (along with all the outstanding guests) speak in a manner that completely taps into my mentality and my approach to life. I’m a man in my late 30s and like anyone I have flaws. Im seeing a therapist and working on these flaws and I completely resonate with so many of the topics that Mark discusses. This is the only podcast where I’ve enjoyed every single episode and gotten something out of each one. Keep it up guys! I look forward to it every day!
  • MaybNexYr Bear fan 77
    You will find something you like
    Great resource for suggestions of dealing with life’s craziness and simple messages no matter what your thing might be. Well done
  • Dr. Jordan8th
    Highlight of my week
    This podcast and Mark’s newsletter are truly the highlight of my week! I take so many notes on the podcast episodes and get so many book recommendations! I love how down to earth and real you are Mark and how relatable you are to me as a listener. I’m a daily goal setter always trying to be a better person, wife, mom, and friend and this content pushes me to be better week after week! Thank You!
  • CJSetterlund
    So Glad I Found This Show
    I watched my first video by Mark on YouTube as it came up in my recommended videos. His motivational, inspirational, and thought provoking subjects and talks are really what I needed at this point in my life. I can’t recommend enough giving this podcast and the YouTube channel some of your time. An excellent show.
  • Klax I Am
    Subtle Art
    Great advice distilled from years of experience. Highly recommended!
  • Jrod5686
    Fantastic conversation
    I wish I can this podcast more then 5 stars. I started nearing the very beginning of the podcast. And every episode are conversations that I wish I had. And the advice given in the podcast I wish given to me. Keep up with the great content
  • mocon2
    Great podcast!
    I read Mark Manson’s book a couple years back and noticed he had just started this podcast last year. As soon as I saw it, I jumped onto listening and it certainly has not disappointed!! This podcast gives me so much inspiration and motivation. I appreciate the true honesty and life advice given in every single episode. It has definitely helped with my perspective on different aspects in my life
  • Penultimate Conjecture
    Evolution of thought: sharper end
    I can already tell this is gonna be one of my top ten if not top 5 podcasts… just found it, vaguely familiar with Mark, but now realize he’s the real deal and brings the best, from himself and his guests too. Looking forward to learning from this dude and through this lens, clearly some awesome guests are in the pipeline based on who we’ve already heard so far… love it
  • JohnCornwellDesigns
    Great advice with a refreshing delivery
    Great life advice delivered in a unique, funny, lighthearted way. Not the usual sappy woo-woo self-help messages. More of a slap in the face to bring you back to reality that life is hard followed by a hug and pat on the back to give you confidence to keep going and solve your problems.
  • EMS Jax
    Game changer
    I was feeling down after losing my job when I came across this podcast. I had already started making changes to avoid myself from spiraling downward but this podcast really helped me stay in the upward path. The advice is practical and real. I’ve just really enjoyed listening to Mark and key guests who seem so similar to me. It makes you feel like you’re not alone and there are things you can do to improve your happiness in life. Thank you for this wonderful podcast!
  • Ngoldstein
    More ladies please
    Found this pod because I wanted to hear from Oliver Burkeman and kept finding myself going back for more. I walk away with at least one useful nugget after each ep. I’m a late 20s female and have gleaned a lot! I love Mark’s wholistic perspective on life, the interviews are super tight and well produced. I am sure someone with as well rounded of a perspective is aware of the homogenous guest list, so throwing it out there you have at least one listener who is interested in hearing from more women and women of diverse backgrounds. Thanks!
  • Jamie Mish
    Five star podcast
    Been a Mark fan for a long time so happy he is a podcaster now! . He tells it like it is -the down and dirty truths about humanism.
  • AyoRoci
    Good stuff…
    Marc and his guests have practically given me the handbook of how to navigate the human experience authentically!
  • haleyhenderson
    Fantastic advice
    Hey man just found your podcast a couple weeks ago. This is some of the best life advice I’ve heard. Keep it up, thank you so much for the content!
  • FoolishMortal33
    Fun podcast, I get to learn every week
    Love Mark’s books and his podcast - I appreciate his perspective and always learn something new when I listen
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