The Megyn Kelly Show


The Megyn Kelly Show is your home for open, honest and provocative conversations with the most interesting and important political, legal and cultural figures today. No BS. No agenda. And no fear.

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  • Txyankee72
    Best Podcast
    My top go to podcast. Love Megyn’s style. One smart lady.
  • Dale B Good
    Best Podcast Available
    Can’t get enough
  • Fatty2820
    Horse Face
    It’s hilarious how she self-labels herself a journalist. You’re nothing but a horse-faced, far-right podcaster who’s going to extremes to get more clicks. Click Bait anybody? You’re truly a loser Megyn.
  • Geogia Gina
    My favorite
    Megyn you are my favorite!
  • AndreSteakhouse
    Good Sometimes
    I got into the show for awhile but am taking a break because it seems unfocused lately. There’s plenty of news and politics every day but lately Megyn is more interested in cold case murders. An entire week was dedicated to an “Investigative Series” that was 100% true crime. There’s enough of that out there and not what I listen to the show for. Likewise some of the cultural issues about movies/TV take up entire episodes and are just dumb commentary about media that’s always viewed through a political lens. Not to say “stay in your lane” but increasingly these political podcasts can’t disconnect or unwind and watch anything without making it about 2025 politics; which even if rare sometimes they just aren’t. Good guests, bad guests. Red Scare = Good.
  • Charlie Tiny Toofs
    Almost as old as Ann Coulter
    Horse faced Megyn Kelly age shaming people younger than her is hilarious. The original pick me girl clearly struggles with the fact that she has more life behind her than in front of her. In fact, the only thing Megyn has in front of her is a mirror. In that mirror is a Budweiser Clydesdale staring back at her.
  • Ash Fletcher
    Snow White Rehab
    Megyn! Today’s show took a pot shot at old school princesses, there is in fact an expert on this topic. Please have on the incredible Faith Moore to talk about her book Saving Cinderella— you will love it, and she is the wonderful Andrew Klavan’s daughter!!
  • mattman.02
    Choking vs strangling
    Hi Megyn. Not to be too picky but the difference between choking and strangling really matters. I’ve handled many DV cases as a cop and when deputies write choking it really irritates me! Love your show a lot!
  • $&@;:/
    Get off the Hollywood LaLa !!!
    You fell for it bit, line and sinker, Megyn! I thought you were a smart and intelligent reporter and analyst??? Why?!?! Have you fallen for Hollywood propaganda?!?! Get out of it and do your absolutely awesome investigative reporting on critical news! Please!
  • JoboF IV
    Smart, but…
    You are a smart lady. Do you F-bomb and S-bomb to sound smarter? Very disappointing. I’ll be back when you become less crude.
  • Big Sincho
    Great show
    Great commentary.
  • mbapsu
    LOVE the new AM Update
  • Neyoka
    Megyn’s podcast feels more like an echo chamber than a balanced discussion. While Megyn is a skilled broadcaster, her interviews frequently lack critical pushback, allowing biased narratives to go unchallenged. The show leans heavily into grievance politics, often prioritizing outrage over substance. If you’re looking for thoughtful, well-rounded analysis, this podcast may leave you disappointed.
  • Beck2022
    IHeart award
    Congratulations!! Well deserved! Keep up the great work
  • Insidious19
    She’s the female Ben Shapiro in the sense of being f%# annoying. Also, just another RWNJ. The only good thing about her is she calls out Tate.
  • higrosser
    Megyn Review
    Megyn is the bomb!!!
  • Mijflow
    Bold Bombshell
    Love you Megyn. You help to fill the void that Rush left in my heart. Keep up the great journalism. Thank you.
  • mkilm
    Great conversations. Thank you for debating issues honestly and fairly. Always love Glenn Greenwald.
  • Mouths full of laughter
    AM Update and the Mehgan Markle episode
    Love the new a.m. update and hope that it's something you plan to continue. I have added it to my daily listening list. As far as the Meghan Markle episode "analyzing" (and I use that word loosely) her new Netflix show… I will preface this by stating that I am not a fan and think that she has acted horribly and in a self absorbed way, in many different instances; however, I am so tired of women, tearing down other women, particularly for entertainment, unnecessarily. This was such a mean girl session. It is ironic to me given how strongly you and your guests advocate for the protection of women in women's sports and in other areas. No problem, criticizing women in a healthy and sincere way, but in my opinion, this is and was unnecessary, and cruel. Again, it was like watching Mean Girls. Daughters are watching and in this instance, listening...or maybe that's OK with you.
  • michkatwl
    Lab leak
    It was so obvious from the get go. The US supporting ethically burdened research with a country who couldn’t be trusted to fess up they messed up early on is why we were lied to.
  • Pamela7644
    I have heard Glens views on several chats with hosts. Today is like hearing a completely different person. He’s gone woke I’m afraid. Knew he wasn’t conservative, however I did think of him as a thoughtful independent thinker. No more.
  • JJScott d
    Love the show
    Thank you Megyn, long time fan and I’ve been subscribed to the podcast since very early on and it’s become my favorite and most listen to podcast. Thank you for everything and as a dad of two daughters and now a grandpa to little baby granddaughters thank you for standing up for women’s issues. God bless you and your amazing staff.
  • 38829204
    Megyn Kelly is living in sin.
    What a sad, NASTY excuse for a human being. This is what passes for journalism now? Just mindlessly spewing vicious insults, childish mimicry, and petty name-calling? Pathetic and embarrassing. I can’t believe people listen to this drivel. Please get a life.
  • Maureen Grace
    Boring show
    Mostly propaganda, pandering, and not even entertaining. Snooze.
  • fulltilted
    Megyn is brilliant and super balanced in her reporting and insight. Every episode is well researched and impressive. Love when Red Scare hosts come on with their intelligent snark.
  • InluvinABQ
    Who are you tho?
    Didn’t you get fired from the Fox News I mean Comedy show?
  • lilsal42
    What happened to the daily show
    Where’s the long show that came out every day ? Does Megyn not do it anymore
  • Kwrockgirl
    Another Barbie doll
    You are a disappointment women.
  • Sanfran1974
    Standing for girls
    You’re doing a great job Megyn. Keep being a great voice for our girls.
  • iohnsvduknf1246
    A journalist with integrity!
    Megyn, thank you for your awesome show! I listen to every episode. You are amazing! You have integrity and honesty, and that’s what we want in a journalist. If I don’t know what’s true in anything that the media covers, I look to see what you say about it. Thank you thank you!
  • MagLoLex
    Baby Lisa
    Excellent coverage and getting Jersey to talk!!
  • Hornedfrog76
    Megyn Kelly a Fierce Communicator
    Megyn Kelly’s commentary is nothing short of exceptional—a masterclass in sharp, fearless, and thought-provoking analysis that cuts through the noise of today’s media landscape. With a rare blend of intelligence, wit, and unapologetic candor, she tackles the most pressing issues of our time with a clarity that’s both refreshing and riveting. Whether she’s dissecting political hypocrisy, cultural shifts, or the erosion of common sense, Kelly brings a seasoned perspective honed by years as a journalist and legal mind, making her insights not just compelling but deeply substantive. What sets her apart is her refusal to pander or pull punches. She’s a truth-seeker in an era of spin, delivering commentary that’s as incisive as it is entertaining. Her ability to connect the dots—whether it’s calling out media bias or exposing the absurdities of ideological overreach—resonates with anyone who values reason over rhetoric. Take her recent takes on gender ideology, for instance: she doesn’t just skim the surface but dives into the stakes with a passion that’s palpable, framing it as “the issue of our time” with a delivery that’s both urgent and eloquent. Kelly’s style is a breath of fresh air—direct, conversational, and often laced with a dry humor that keeps you hooked. She’s not afraid to challenge the establishment, question narratives, or bring on guests who spark real debate, making her platform a haven for those tired of sanitized talking points. Her commentary doesn’t just inform; it provokes thought, stirs discussion, and leaves you eager for more. In a world drowning in fluff, Megyn Kelly stands out as a brilliant, no-nonsense voice of reason—a true standout in modern media.
  • pjcfl
    Great journalism!
    These quick morning clips are great! Simple , factual, pertinent. All media should take follow your que and keep opinions to yourself and give us the facts. Thank you for doing this.
  • pjbrown917
    Intelligent Reporting
    In a media landscape oversaturated with opinion-driven narratives, Megyn Kelly stands out as a beacon of intelligent, thoughtful reporting. Led by a sharp and insightful female journalist, this podcast delivers well-researched, fact-based discussions that challenge the listener to think critically rather than simply react. What sets this podcast apart is its commitment to depth over soundbites. Each episode is meticulously crafted, blending expert interviews, compelling storytelling, and nuanced analysis. The host’s ability to break down complex topics without oversimplifying or injecting unnecessary bias is a rarity in today’s media world. It’s refreshing to hear a perspective that is both informed and independent—without the usual sensationalism that dominates the news cycle. For those seeking journalism that values clarity, intelligence, and integrity, The Megyn Kelly Show is a must-listen. It’s a reminder of what great reporting can be—insightful, balanced, and genuinely thought-provoking.
  • Catherinemomof4
    Love your show!!
    Can’t get enough of your show! I am a daily listener and love the thought provoking discussion! The series on baby Lisa has been a great true crime series. As a mother of four young kids, I truly appreciate the very relevant topics you and your guests explore each day. I always look forward to listening to your program. Keep up the wonderful work!
  • TexasGirl3452
    Daily Update
    I LOVE this! Starts my day off with concise news and updates! Brilliant!
  • Rocco 1975
    Move over Sinatra
    I’m glad you have your own platform, now we get to hear the real Meg! Frank Sinatra was always described as having a buttery smooth voice but I think you’ve got him beat. I love listening to you, thank you for all your hard work, I’m really enjoying it.
  • MattF1962
    Great insight, common sense
    Listening to Megyn is like having my mother, aunts, and grandmothers back around the kitchen table again, drinking wine after dinner and catching up on all the latest gossip with a healthy dose of skepticism and Irish wit. Sadly, they’ve all gone to that great “conversation in the sky”, and while I thought at the time of their passing, they don’t make em like they used to, Megyn provides daily evidence that, yes, they do!
  • 80'sVillager
    Bimbo Eruption
    .This is the show for you if you seek punditry from a bimbo pushing 60.
  • Too M'nyads
    Oh my
    This podcast was such a
  • BruinBySes
    Baby Lisa
    Megyn, great reporting.. entertaining delivery and loved it!!
  • Russell Blease
    Honest and informative. Thank You!
  • RacetoRetire
    Love Megyn
    I absolutely enjoy your segments with Maureen on Meghan Markle. The funniest insights. I listen twice. Thanks for the laughs!
  • RebbRom
    Woman tearing down women
  • Asciguy
  • sammileigh20
    The worst.
    Megyn is so mercifully free of the ravages of intelligence.
  • Sam G Lopez
    This podcast is full of hate. Horrible. I only listened because a friend told me to. Not friends anymore.
  • Nena_g
    Not for me
    My sister told me to listen to this show and I might punch her when I see her. It’s the worst. Lies and trashing other women. I feel bad for this lady. She must be so unhappy with her life. So sad.
  • Fgtyyuinv
    Thought we were done with her
    Who cares about this old hags opinion
  • Westlake305
    Hot Grifter, conservative virtue signaler
    Love her work on other people’s pods. This show is for her childish rants to shame Dems. She loves to host the simps. Conservative virtue signaling. Hot older lady tho. Topics are trends and highly derivative of more intelligent podcasters. She just delays her version to gather intel like most reporters. Hosts on the Pivot podcast with Swisher and Galloway. She can do better and speak to a more sophisticated audience. Leveraging Trump to gain popularity after he initially called out her podcast grift says it all.
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