The Tucker Carlson Show

The Tucker Carlson Show is your beacon of free speech and honest reporting in a media landscape dominated by misinformation. The only solution to ending the propaganda spiral is by telling the truth. That's our job. Every day. No matter what.

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Recent Reviews
  • Bryan Crazycool
    I came to this show for news
    And all I learned was how to smell my own farts
  • Caitlin CC.
    Off the deep end.
    Hes not what he used to be- apparently the allure of grievance politics and baseless conspiracy theories proved too much to resist for ol’ Tucker.
  • monkeyfoot2003
    Thank You!
    Absolutely love Tucker. He’s the one who is not afraid to speak the truth or cave to pressure to conform. He was the best thing to happen to Fox and now it’s the best thing to happen to Tucker. To be out from under the media mob and shake his message to fit their narrative. Thank you Tucker!! Craig in Naperville, IL
  • Mother moo
    Worst podcast.
    This podcast is awful.
  • sliccaxru
    Nice work
    The bukele episode is great. Glad to have you in the podcast rotation
  • TCG5Gifts
    I love Tucker. He tells it like it really is, even when it’s uncomfortable.
  • njiytr
    Keep this coming!
    This is amazing and so scary. Ask ChatGPT “Why was the Republican party created?” “What is Ripon Wisconsin famous for?” “What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854?”
  • Lvsima
    Truth teller
    The greatest human being of all times.
  • sbenedon
    Tuckers the best!!
    It’s very difficult to rave about anyone show or interview because they’ve all been absolutely outstanding! I agree with a previous comment about Vince Ellison’s interview. I was captivated by that one, also Neil Oliver, they’re all just so great I could go on and run out of characters :-). I highly recommend this network, getting fired from Fox News is the best thing that ever happened to you Tucker! We love you!
  • LynchM20
    nonsense sensationalism. don't waste your time
  • Angee I.
    Challenging robotic rhetoric
    This man is in search of the truth. I have learned so much and am GRATEFUL for his courage to challenge the robotic rhetoric.
  • Trecia Knapp
    The Truth is what the Tucker Carlson show is about!
    I look forward to every episode of the Tucker Carlson show. I find it refreshing, honest, even if it’s harsh. It gives me faith back in America. I have been for years incredibly disenchanted with our media and news and feel like as result America is starting to fall. It is shows like this that are bringing the truth to us and for us. The right to free speech is so important thank you Tucker for literally risking your life, to give us stories of news and truth for for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. For this generation and many to come.
  • Mokee Rocks Ur Socks
    It starts with one
    Imagine what the US would be like if we had open and honest discussions. Without the interference of government agencies, allowing each individual to form their own opinion. You don’t have to agree with everything, but more open discussion is what we need. Thank you Tucker for your courage, wisdom, and love for humanity in all that you do.
  • SiouxsieQ73
    Powerful conversations
    These conversations are vital to hear in full context. This format has taken soundbite stories and created brilliant long-form interviews with those who have the truth.
  • Ahwahahnee
    America’s Last Hope
    After watching the debate last night, I feel as if there’s no rational choice left for president. During Tucker’s recent speech in Australia, I noticed how well he responded to the questions from the “press.” He played both roles of defense and offense in a way that was exhilarating — he is a master of “performance art” because he aims to tell the truth. I have a dream, namely, that Tucker uses his September tour to speak as a presidential candidate himself. He is America’s last hope.
  • Mustang girl 66
    Truth, wisdom and integrity
    I was a avid fan of Tucker when he was on Fox, he was the reason I started watching Fox. I also signed up for Fox Nation exclusively because of Tucker, I especially loved his documentaries. I love his honesty, his wit, his passion and integrity! There is no one like him in the media… no one you can trust like him. I was devastated when I tuned in as always to see him on Fox Nation one morning just to find he was no longer at Fox. I canceled Fox Nation immediately, I sent them my thoughts, then waited to see where Tucker would emerge. I was delighted to learn Tucker had started with X at first and then the Tucker Carlson Network, which i quickly subscribed to without hesitation. I let Fox know I had done so and was happy to pay for it over Fox Nation. Tucker is a tremendous talent and way ahead of his time. He has been targeted but he is in good company as far as I’m concerned. He has conducted himself with dignity and integrity throughout and has risen above all of it and all of them. I feel blessed to be able to access his commentary.
  • Marko5677
    The honesty of Tucker Carlson is amazing. He is an outstanding interviewer, asking real questions and bringing out the honesty in others. His deep, sincere love of America, and wish to save it, is so refreshing- like a deep breath of fresh air. Mr. Carlson is incredibly articulate, and incredibly knowledgeable. I love his approach - sincere questioning of issues, and a fearlessness in expressing what’s really going on. He embodies the very best example of a person living out the freedoms America has to offer. He is simply amazing. He gives me genuine hope. His guests are amazing and he brings out the best in them.
  • dzaneh
    Tucker is great!
    Tucker has the best conversations out there period
  • AgroTravel68
    Tucker is a Great Interviewer
    I watch an interview or 2 almost daily on The Tucker Carlson Network. I seem to believe that Tucker truly befriends the interviewee over dinner shortly before the interview. Naturally some are already known to Tucker, but they all seem to open up and spill their life and beliefs to Tucker. Again, it seems to me that in a two hour interview, Tucker ask few questions and makes few comments, but he allows the interviewee to speak and speak and speak. I think anyone that is interested in domestic or global topics or just stuff, this is a great place to listen, learn, smile, and laugh.
  • ReadyForChange:)
    Amazing human being
    Tucker is refreshing. He comes across as genuinely concerned about ALL life and is a staunch supporter of human rights. I trust him and believe because he worries for his own children’s future in this world that equates to all our futures. Keep up the fine work stomping out the evil doers and exposing the lies and corruption. This world is a much better place with Tucker Carlson in it!
  • zovmir
    Great thinker
    I believe Carlson will be known as one of the great thinkers of our time.
  • AntiBorg
    American Treasure
    Shortly after Tucker’s ridiculous dismissal from Fox I joined his network. He is a truth talker and an American Treasure. History will judge him as courageous, stimulating, and provocative. I hear the other side (the unscripted) and feel enriched with every episode. A true journalist! Well done.
  • LittleJoeyCat
    In an empire of lies the truth is a revolutionary act.
  • Cancer4me
    In the beginning
    I started watching Fox when Trump announced he was running for office. Later Tucker joined Fox and I was all in. Couldn’t get enough. He is very good at communicating the facts and I love his laugh.
  • AMRsparky
    So many amazing interviews
    If you’re living under a rock, start listening to be awakened.
  • SukieSalem
    Political and thought diversity
    Rush Limbaugh was my go to source for opinions that differed from the state and mainstream media. I have often gone to the opposite thinking of Elites in general and Hollywood specifically. When he passed,the torch went to Tucker Carlson. Tucker is my new beacon of political and diverse thought and opinion. I’m a 1972 grad of Stanford University and stopped donating when the freshman requirement of Western Civ was dropped
  • Santa Fe DoTERRA
    A Masterclass in interviewing people of significance
    I love Tucker for all the reasons everyone else who loves him love him. On top of that, he is my role model in extemporaneous long-form interviews. I interview CEOs for a living and his interview style inspires me and informs my approach. Every time.
  • Bill1976
    Length of podcasts
    I’ve noticed that the podcasts seem to be getting longer. A recent one was 3 hours! One great thing about your broadcasts on Fox was that you needed to edit the content - meaning you had think through the more salient parts and leave the rest on the cutting room floor (figuratively). Although I’m retired, 3 hours, or even 2 hours is too long a chunk of time to delve into your topics. You are a great communicator and surely you can communicate the main points of your topic in an hour or less. Thanks for all you do. Bill Barry
  • bob retired pastor
    The best Podcast out there!
    Thanks Tucker for all that you do!
  • RoderickDS
    The truth is hard to tell in today’s world but Tucker does it
    Tucker is doing a great job of telling the truth.
  • Punknow
    The honest truth
    He’s a voice we all need to listen to. Because he listens.
  • ViktorGee
    Good Show
    Was wondering when You would start the podcast scene. Keep it Up. Have a Great 4th of July!!✨🇺🇸 Victor G Crockett (Retired US SFG(A))🇺🇸 (Retired USPS)🇺🇸
  • VlSl0N
    Thanks Tucker!
    Tucker is “Comfort Food” for the heart, mind and soul at a time of utter insanity!
  • Ronniered4
    I always watched Tucker when he was on FOX news and had great respect for him. I loved when he joined X, but was even more excited when he started his own company TCN. He is honest, forthright, a brilliant journalist and a man of high integrity! His shows, whether from his home studio or across the globe are always incredibly interesting, educational and always done with utmost respect for his guests. He never sidesteps asking hard questions. He listens and doesn’t talk over people. If he’s wrong or doesn’t know about something, he will freely admit it. With Tucker there is no doubt about his great love for God, family and our country! He goes where no man has ever gone before and I greatly respect him for that! If you want to hear the truth being spoken, TCN is where you’ll find it!
  • Mom in a Minivan
    Thank God!!!
    Looking for some real journalism? Tucker delivers! Interviews are interesting, relevant, and tackle the tough subject we face with relevant people. Thank you Tucker and crew! God speed…the world need more brave, intelligent, and truthful reporting! Rock on!
  • CGFlicka
    The truth needs to be shared. No other motivation or agenda. As a young child I learned about facts and fiction, opinions versus facts. These shows expose a wide range of truth. Everyone can benefit from listening to Tucker.
  • Mindy in Phoenix
    Long interviews
    I think that’s what I like the most… Long interviews with very little interruption. Interviews you’re never able to enjoy through regular mainstream media. Also Tucker says very little so you get to hear the guests talk freely without hostile interviewers interrupting. This is the way of the future!
  • Indygirl 1
    Tucker is simply THE BEST!
    I have been following Tucker for years. Anyone who cares about our country and wants to know the truth about what’s happening in our world will benefit greatly from his podcast!
  • 1 Cool Breeze
    Tucker is outstanding and honest.
  • ThomHu
    Their recollection of recent history was outstanding, informative and fit nicely with much of my memory and intuition about those happenings.
  • Bekah’s Podcast Reviews
    Best Podcast Out There
    By far the best podcast out there right now!
  • veryunhappytraveler
    Amazing interview and Taibbi is genuinely likeable. I have visions of a new major news network EBC, Excellence in Broadcasting being birthed, and bringing together these giants in journalism. Wouldn’t that be a dream!
  • Grecian Delight
    Vincent Everett Ellison
    One or the greatest conversations I have ever heard. An absolute must listen!
  • lyricbrenda
    Truth. Haven’t we all been waiting?
    It is incredibly refreshing to hear someone speak so openly, honestly and fearlessly. Maybe that’s why Tucker Carlson is so easy to love. He’s intelligent and humble—so much so, that even when I don’t see everything just as he sees it, I enjoy hearing his opinion on the many things I seldom get the chance to contemplate for any length of time. I am thrilled to know there’s another “Voice of Reason” who truly believes in America and that he seems to be willingly speaking the truth. Thank you for your courage, Tucker.
  • Gym Mommy
    Steve Sailer - so interesting
    I loved listening to the interview with Steve Sailer. Great listening.
  • OhhMissBeliever
    Tell me more
    I can’t get enough of Tucker’s interviews. The format and relaxed flavor is everything. My favorite so far is the one w/ Chris Cuomo and I didn’t like him before this interview. You guys are a match and the rapport was amazing. I could see you guys hanging out and being great friends. My new favorite is with Thomas Massie is a gem of a man . Protect him at cost. Massie for VP. Trump/Massie!!! I loved with the comedian Tim Dillon except for his weird comments on Disney adults. Tucker has found his place and I’m loving it
  • Texas girly on vacation
    Thank you, thank you, thank you! Incredible interviews and insight that you will not hear anywhere else! God Bless you Tucker!
  • james23784737
    Good long form interviews
    I don’t agree with or believe everything either Tucker Carlson or some of his guests say, but I still get food for thought from these long-form discussions. Shout out to Glenn Greenwald.
  • Derek Gates 11
    Proud Anti Communist
  • Bdog22332590
    Tucker Carlson is legendary
    After Fox News fired him, I stopped watching Fox News. I am so glad Tucker has made a podcast; I always thought he should have one, even when he was at Fox. While the podcast isn't quite as good as the television format, it is still an excellent show. Tucker has insights and takes on issues that you won't get anywhere else. Keep fighting the good fight Tucker!
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