The Dan Bongino Show


He’s a former Secret Service Agent, former NYPD officer, and New York Times best-selling author. Join Dan Bongino each weekday as he tackles the hottest political issues, debunking both liberal and Republican establishment rhetoric.

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Recent Reviews
  • Jenni Eight6seven 5threeOnine
    My new fave.
    Love this guy…. Used to listen occasionally, but now listen every day.
  • cabellostuds099
    Freedom seeker
    Love that Dan brings the facts and doesn’t sugar coat his content!! Love the show!!
  • Dd2free
    Downhill though adding viewers
    Dan's denial of systemic racism was breathtaking to me when I heard his views on race in America. "His" experience in law enforcement is obviously from the "other side" of the equation. He'll never walk in my shoes, nor I, his. I'm a Trump supporter, though independent, conservative in my voting over all. But I am no longer a Dan Bongino follower on any platform. I'm not being harsh. I care for Dan, Paula, their two girls, Drew, & Joe. But sadly & with regret, I choose not to support and/or help promote the show's POV.
  • 120LRL
    Bongino Army
    God bless Dan for doing REAL reporting & bringing the receipts!! The best podcast out there.
  • TMKreiger
    The TRUTH starts here
    I've been following you Dan for years now and I have to thank you for always being real and truthful. With so much being spewn in the MSM, you're the only one I believe in the chaos. You're so passionate and a warrior. Please take care of yourself and get some time to yourself.
  • UF#1
    Best podcast out there!
    Love this podcast my favorite podcast only place I go for news because I know Dan tells the truth and has evidence to back it up!
  • devritch
    Dan Bongino is the best. True, authentic and honest to his viewers! Unfiltered and not afraid! #dontgetdead #teambongino
  • Yoohoooooo
    Hilarious that people complain about the language Dan uses . It’s pretty simple don’t listen, go listen to some just in it for clicks emotionless fake hack then
  • OU812........
    Blackrock is an investor in rumble too
  • JG2813
    Bozo’s podcast is trash for the uneducated
  • Small Time Dude
    Hypothetical Musings (Poem)
    Well, with our efforts, Biden bit the dust! Providing an outlet, for our power lust! A “fourth term dream”, it’s “Michelle”, or bust! A family puppet, I can trust! Some say, Biden should immediately step down, My team’s been in control, what’s different, you frown! It’s been nice, the Rep. Congress, no effective sound! So sit back and relax, while I maintain this unelected “Crown”! P.S. And ditch the “Clown”!😎🎶
  • Memere' A
    Dan Bongino show
    I love listening to you, as you are honest and brutal when necessary! Thanks for being the BEST FRIEND AND VOICE FOR MANY PEOPLE! God Bless you and your family of listeners!
  • Strydom1520
    Best political podcast, hands-down!
    The Dan Bongino Show is my favorite podcast. I can’t wait to hear what he has to say every day it’s not only insightful, but also funny.
  • groovy squirrel
    Kacap Central Committee, right here!!
    Best that can be said about this seditious drivel from an ogre.
  • Lavoe
    The one
    The best there is big Dan
  • JoeBawb
    Dan-Patriots heart, but 14yo punk foul tongue
    I love this guy, so appreciate his service and sacrifice for our country. I admire that he sticks his neck out to stand up and deliver TRUTH. If the truth made him look bad, he would still tell it. We live in a day where people only tell the truth when it makes them look good. Right is now wrong, and what is wrong is now right. This man fact checks! Sadly, though he is a patriot in heart, he has one of the most foul mouths I have ever heard!!!! There’s no need for such childish behavior. I expect to hear that language from a 14yo punk who thinks he cool for knowing how to cuss, but not from a patriot and certainly not from a man who makes claims of faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Himself said in Matthew 12:36 “But I say unto you, every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof on the day of judgment.” Sir, I do not want to rail on you at all, but I do simply ask that you would please watch your language and do you best to honor your Lord and Savior with every word you say. 1 Peter 1:15 “But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation (living, behavior).”
  • Chuck in New Mexico
    Apologist for fascists, plain and simple. Plus infantile conspiracy theories. The usual fare for this kind of thing I guess.
  • SheriGj
    Plz Clarify Project 2025 Concerns
    Hey Dan&Co. I have Dem friends fear-mongering GOP association with Project 2025. I understood Trump&Co. had disassociated themselves from the Heritage Foundation’s Wish List. You’d addressed think tank wish solicitation of candidates… would you consider addressing this specific situation… your strong voice could snuff these concerns. Thanx for your leadership. Regards.
  • Tupperware Torpedo!
    Hi, Dan
    Thank you for what you do !
  • Christine19
    Thank you Dan!
    I miss your old shows with no swearing. Good review of information and appreciate your take!
  • GlassSR
    Great source for misinformation
    Fortunately he provides sources for his content because it doesn’t take long to see how ridiculous his sources are and much he creates or changes the information to fit his narrative.
  • Ashleyoftheriver
    Just garbage
    Just lies and propaganda. It is the only way they do well because if they told the truth, everyone would see how wrong they are on everything.
  • Scortch
    Very sad.
    Dan continues to demonstrate that he is incapable of communicating without the use of foul, vulgar, and extremely profane language. His message and thoughts are spot on. So sad that he thinks his vulgar delivery is adding credibility to his commication.
  • Grannygoats
    Love you to pieces!!!!
    Fro Joey Bag of Donuts to todays Sunday recap you fill my cup with all your funniest… bonus that you have amazing info. Sniffing dying from you
  • rosanne68
    Yes we need more cuz the abuses are rotten
  • Wusa9
    Straight propaganda
  • Criminal 89
    Tucker and Don JR 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 1A 2A🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • raeast
    July 17 special with Tucker and Don Jr.
    The constant use of the “F” word is a major turn off. Use of that word shows a lack of intelligence!
  • Capt JRea
    Great podcast
    Love ya Dan keep up the good work!
  • Sage hunter
    Thank you
    Best podcast thanks
  • They call me, "Tim..."
    Unconscious on unconstitutionality
    If office of the special prosecutor is unconstitutional, and why hasn’t the lawyers in the House of Representatives totally defunded the department of injustice? Instead, they continue passing and approving budget that fund all of the lawlessness at the hands of the department of homeland security, the department of injustice and regime lawfare.
  • aihpcfl
    Why post so late some days?
    This is one of three podcasts I set to play next in my queue on Apple Podcasts. I listen every day, and prefer to listen on Apple Podcasts, even though it is on Rumble when live much earlier. So, why does it post on Apple Podcasts so late sometimes? Usually it posts around noon my time, but lately, and off an on in the past, there will be periods when it posts hours later than noon. Is it the fault of the podcast show personnel? Is it the Apple Podcast app? Is it Apple? Anyway, this is a must-listen show for me, and I’ll listen on Rumble when I have to. Wish it posted consistently on time on Apple Podcasts.
  • CAK115
    Dan, you are the heir apparent to Rush Limbaugh. No doubt that Rush would agree. I remember hearing you in 2017, for the first time when you subbed for Mark Levin. I was a fan from that day on. You tell it straight, like no one else, besides Rush. Thank you for your service, in so many different ways!
  • Gallaghers from Philadelphia
    “Line of sight “…?
    I believe that Dan said that there’s more than one counter-sniper team on site?Federal and local teams?If so are they all in the same position to have a “line of sight “ obstruction?Wouldn’t they be set at different locations to protect the site?..just asking. Thanks Gallagher in Philadelphia
  • MR-padre
    Left and Right
    It is the right that have repeatedly laughed at violent attacks on politicians. It is the right that have already come out publically with baseless accusations that this was Biden and that his rhetoric caused this. It is Trump and the right that have literally violently attacked the Capital. It is Trump and the right that have called for violence and have (just like the left) accused the other side for destroying the country and being a threat to the nation. So saying the Left is going to go crazy over this and will be making up wild politically charged story lines is to be completely ignorant to what messaging and occurrences have been taking place for the past 9 years. You seem otherwise to be a respectable, god fearing man and clearly of high intelligence but as is the case everywhere it seems you're highly corrupted by political one sidedness and absolutism.
  • musiclover2245
    Thank You Dan
    I want to thank Dan Bongino for doing what he does and speaking the truth. We need more like him.
  • Savannah777
    Well done
    Good podcast. Great to hear Bongino speak. I’ll be listening daily!
  • JFolkins
    Hello Dan thanks for your input I still can’t believe this guy got within 130 yards of the president. Please just be honest with your assessment of the secret service failures. There is way too much money spent on this agency for this kind of mistake to happen. Thanks for what you’re doing keep up the good work!!
  • Kelikini
    God Bless DJT! God Bless America! God Bless the family of the attendee who lost their loved one today! Heartbreaking…Praying for America!🫶🏼🇺🇸
  • cweugene
    Dan, is there ever an episode of your pod that doesn’t start with “I warned you this would happen”, “ I told you this would happen” or “mark this date.I told you so…”. Yikes, no other popular podcaster does this much patting themselves on the back like you do.
  • JJ Hurray
    Pres. Trump Assassin Attempt
    Dan, we need to hear from you right now
  • lamichigan
    Your Experience and Commentary Is So Important Right Now!
    Your Experience and Commentary Is So Important Right Now!
  • Janeswt
    Republican platform
    Hey Dano. haven’t heard the latest? Trump‘s platform is now made baby killing official. Way to go, Bongino what core beliefs are you going to surrender to your Lord and Savior Trump?
  • Wallace Hunt Camp
    The Evil
    The left will have Trump killed if they have to.
  • p0pprypr
    Patriot Front
    Dan nailed it. Most Tennesseans figure the Nashville episode was actually BLM/Fed operatives
  • I user have to be r
    E wedding
  • Phils shoes
    Another Angry Clown
    The right is led by emotional grifters that are terrified of saying anything other than that Trump is chosen by God bc they know MAGA would stop listening. Pathetic. MAGA and the sheep dogs (those who keep MAGA where they need to be) are a cancer to the conservative movement. Truth be damned, Sensationalism be exalted.
  • Free Patriot Tim
    Yes sir. I’m in love with one
  • Gunslinger2007
    Dan is the man!
    Bill O’Reilly is a sex offender. FBO!!
  • Bonezy 44
    Thankful to get the truth!
    You always come with receipts. I can always use your shared content to help spread what’s really going on.
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