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Vincent RusoGreat showOne of the funniest, educational, and witty wrestling podcasts. The reviews are great and his knowledge of wrestling history is spot on. What do I know I’m just a bird lawyer.
RobrtTofukUGreat for wrestlingYou can’t beat his take on current wrestling but if you have common sense you have to skip Jim’s political views. He’s as dumb on politics as he’s smart on wrestling. I just skip it
Bobby C81🔥🔥🔥I mean it’s just as good as the Experience. If you enjoy wrestling and don’t listen then you are missing out. Jim Cornette is one of the most knowledgeable men in that business.
ciggeretteguyMan upTalk lesss politics more wreslting
fitesucksAEW Drive ThroughTakes 2 1/2 hours to review a 2 hour show nobody cares about. What happened to the original format? Maybe answer questions?
YUsucksobadThe Trump landslide was a referendum on Jim.Oh Jim….you sweet, simple man. You sell toy replicas of yourself for a living while lamenting the success of better men in a fake sport where you couldn’t hack it. You tried to sell(and immediately failed) what the Tony Khans of the world are still able to successfully market. The reoccurring theme in your life seems to be a constant inarticulate protest of the achievements of others. You were good at being an employee, playing yourself (a petty sniveling joke) as a wresting manager. Removed from that, what have YOU accomplished!? You’re the Kamala Harris of professional wrestling……You couldn’t even get beyond your own home state in the primary of life….spewing a melange of non-sequiturs that don’t add up to a coherent thought, then wondering why you couldn’t achieve what others have. It’s adorable.
Bobcast Goldthwait4 star reviewI can look past his irrational, garbage, Lincoln Project sourced political rants because the wrestling talk is worth it. Although, calling half of America (and his audience) stupid makes it more difficult to continue.
icycle086InsultingTypically, Jim is fairly funny, despite his wildly irritating voice and gives insight and perspective into wrestling that really give a glimpse behind the curtain that most of us will never get. The banter with Brian is always pretty good and in terms of wrestling, I find myself agreeing with them on a great deal of things. With all of that said, the hardcore political stances this man takes to the point of calling the republican section of his audience, “bad people” or acting as though we are stupid for simply casting a vote he disagrees with is ridiculous and just too insulting. Disagreements in politics are no big deal, but being insulted by an incredibly solipsistic man with a sense of self-importance so ridiculously high that it lends credence to him being delusional is just too much. I won’t be listening to this show or the experience anymore simply because I’m tired of virtue signaling people with trump derangement syndrome like Jim feeling they are superior to anyone right leaning. Jim, I’m glad your candidate lost. I’m even happier that you’re so upset about it and unfortunately for you the majority of America would tend to agree with me.
Garrett wListen for the wrestling. Tune out on PoliticsGreat wrestling mind! Spot on with his WWE & AEW opinions, but completely out of touch with politics. #Maga
larryl39JimWith the way ur wife looks I don’t think u should be talking bout somebody false advertising being sexy. Ur wife a cool 4
Mr Bear Life CoachWacky ol’ JimHow my wub the pods of wacky Jim My is only a bear an’ my has not wrassle. Bears mostly do of a cuddle. But the pasíon Jim display an’ the humor of a omnibus am inspiring to my. Thank oo indeed wacky Jim an’ co-host Brian
F the SmarksJames E. Never DisappointsI love Jim Cornette. I’ve loved him since I first saw mid south as a teen, I love the heels and he was the best. Now, Jim tells it like it is doesn’t hold anything back and gives us an unapologetic view on modern wrestling, the only drawback is you have to tolerate his cohost who is a jealous, wannabe who wishes he could’ve been in the wrestling business, but never was and hold grudges against people who treated him for what he was. But even with that drawback of having to put up with Brian constant and insufferable jealousy of people who were actually in the wrestling business. This is still the best wrestling podcast ever.
halloweenandhardwareIf You Get It…I love professional wrestling, but I despise sports entertainment. I have tried watching it again multiple times when I feel nostalgia and quickly remember that I despise what it has become. The perfect bridge between making what professional wrestling was never forgotten and making what it has become palatable is Jim Cornette and Brian Last. Thank you for all that you do.
JMancha01Cornette is right and always but sometimes wrongArguably the best podcast to laugh and listen to an experience booker that has done it all and AEW is more entertaining by having Brian and Jim in the background
Thebadguy127Proud cult member!I love Corny and Brian. Jim’s smart, funny, interesting and he has forgotten more about the wrestling business than anyone currently running a national promotion will ever know.
Egotist vaperReview from a non-existence NewspaperIt should be of no surprise, to anyone paying close attention, that Jim Cornette and The Great Brian Last continue to have the world’s greatest wrestling podcast. The ad spots are funnier than most people’s content. The reviews are better than most people’s interviews. The stories of personal circumstances are more vivid than most people’s written material and the improvisation is vastly more listable than most creator’s cultivated materials. The greatest strength of this program is that it’s actually hosted by two people - as opposed to relying entirely on one. Mr. Cornette may receive the much earned “top billing” spot, but at any given moment - Jim and Brian can default into the straight man routine. Between the two, there seems to be no discernible rule for who can man the comedic position and who can play the “concerned host.” This results in a fairly consistent program, because they both understand the role of “accompaniment” when the other is in the “zone.” Cornette is a talented linguist of almost unparalleled magnitude - but he’s also a gifted commentator who understands the art of co-manning a presentation. This has allowed for Brian Last to showcase his truly devastating dry humor, his ceaseless Rolodex of cultural references and his razor sharp critiques of modern media. Though the show began as a sister program to “The Jim Cornette Experience,” it’s since transformed into a variation of that program - much like a radio show being broadcast twice weekly. Some fans of the Drive Thru have expressed regret towards the show dropping its original identity of “fan questions and Cornette answers,” but to the truly initiated, the leaping off point has never been the heart of these programs, it’s the getting there that matters. Over the years, the Cornette offerings have developed routines and references that speak directly to the long term fan. This has provided invaluable insights and expanded our worldly knowledge. For example - We now know who won the pony. We can judge societal worthiness through the witnessing of turn signals. We know which substances run slickest on gold teeth … or sit stillest on plates for that matter. We can evaluate maliciousness by assessing the temperature of a banker’s internal organs versus our own. Plus, I can measure someone’s full mental acuity with one rainbow trout and a trip to the carwash. What I’m saying is: it’s mostly an educational program. Though Cornette and Last’s programs are among the most popular of any category, they remain loose, fiercely rebellious and refuse to conform to the easy-come troupes of their contemporaries. You won’t find their “video versions” of the show online. You won’t be encouraged to hear “most” of their content behind a paywall. And beg as you might - you won’t be seeing them perform the show live at some backwater comedy den. This tightrope walk between elusive and accessible is precisely what keeps the show current - even when it’s week’s behind. You might know about this week’s newsworthy events, but if you want to know what Jim and Brian think about this week’s newsworthy events, it will cost you patience and your attention. And the price will be an absolute bargain.
NigaChinkGoat podcastJim tells it like it is and thats refreshing esp when compared to podcasts like k100 where they claim they call it down the middle but give passes to all their friends jim is an unbiased source who wants to see wrestling be hreat and when sum goofy shows up he shots on it and explains how it could be better
Dirt_McGirt77Used to be greatI used to love the show, but all they do now is talk garbage modern wrestling. What happened to all the old school wrestling talk? I used to love hearing Jim talk about all of the classics
Saulito from Puerto RicoThese guys will literally make you laugh out loudTruly appreciate the amount of content Jim Cornette and Brian Last put out each week. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve spit out my soda laughing when they go at it or when they react to Dave Meltzer’s absurdity. I hated Jim as a kid growing up in the 90s watching him in the WWE, but have such an appreciation for his work and his gift of gab as an adult. Truly appreciate you guys! Best wrestling podcast, period!
Consumer04312In Nineteen Dickety-TwoMy two favorite old men who yell at clouds
MateogentinoOk ShowBrian loves mocking Hulk Hogan and Christianity.
1904 TitoThese guys are crazyI’ve been a wrestling fanatic for over 40 years and I’ve never liked JC at all, but ever since his interviews on dark side of the ring he’s kinda grown on me, now listening to his podcast I’m hooked!! Keep the drive thru open 24/7 my dude it’s probably my new favorite podcast
TheLDG5 starsJust for the Diddy Daddy banter
AngelXSantanaPhony’sBrian last is a Vince Russo fan with no pic of him because Vince Russo will expose him if he see a pic of him enough said
Everly RosaceaLong time fanI’ve been a long time fan of Cornette in wrestling and when he began a podcast I was hooked. Throughout the Radley days to MSL towards the end of MLW Radio’s partnership. Now with Brian Last who’s name tells me he’ll be here until this show eventually ends. Been happy with each show and they usually take me a couple days to get through which I appreciate.
Vin E.Brian’sOh no! Can we have Brian Solomon back!?
Bblaze24Best show out thereThis and The Experience are the only shows that I actually can’t wait to air every single week.
Sean SmackWhat a shameThis was at one time a really good podcast. I was a huge 80’s wrestling fan and loved the NWA. Jim is a great wrestling historian and if he stuck to that I would’ve continue to subscribe. I’m also a Democrat and Jim is doing his best to make me a Republican. All the show is anymore is Jim ranting about today’s wrestling and politics. I’m not sure what one he knows less about but his ignorance is impressive. The funny thing is he makes fun of women being out of shape. He’s literally married to an unkept shrub
Mantlerosechanging the formatI miss when Jim would answer random questions sent by anyone about wrestling of any time but especially its history. Right now it’s locked into Brian picking questing from the Cult of Cornette Facebook group & most of it is wasted on modern wrestling instead of Cornette’s mind of wrestling history. Still a good show but now it’s like a late night show to me where I fall asleep after the opening monologue.
wrestleingfan420The best!!Best podcast on the air!! Next to the experience!!
Joeby55EhhUsed to be good. If you like modern wrestling it’s good. They used to talk a lot about the old days that’s awesome but now just new stuff mostly then 5 minute adds for the multiple sponsors they have. And hours of complaining about getting beat out of money by a bad business deal. I could listen to Jim talk about the old days forever. Brian on the other hand is super annoying and ruined the show for me. Dude is straight up leaching off Jim unfortunately costing him at least me listening anymore
nonpoint44Love itMore watch alongside ..I enjoy Jim’s thoughts
Anthony NorCalCommercials are HilariousAll, This podcast is great and the commercials are absolutely hilarious!! Check this podcast out!! Thanks for the entertainment!! Anthony Nor Cal
uggggghhtimesabikkionBeen here since 2014The best wrestling podcast here.
vic mackey07Cornette is so good#2 greatest manager in wrestling history, Cornette agrees Heenan is #1. He gives his honest opinion every week. He is not sucking up looking for a job, that's why we love him.
androtaz69Kenny Olivier and the Cucamonga kidsThis show might even be better than the main one. I don’t know. Listen to them both twice
BKomminskI usually want to hear about wrestling……but listening to the Colin Thomson saga has been a guilty pleasure. I wish Jim and Brian didn’t have to deal with this. Selfishly though, for my personal entertainment, I love it. I hope you guys drill this dude into the dirt. Keep it up, Boys!
JayBobalouNow that’s sum good ole story tellin!!!!Grew up on Memphis Wrastlin, also for the great state of Kentucky. Gets me through the boring work day. Keep it up Corney!!!!!
Steve4:20CORNY IS THE BEST!Jim is a riot! His story about how wrestling should be, is not only correct, but is true.
Jpmoore$$JC is a wrestling connoisseur!!Professional Wrestling according to Jim Cornette is captivating, compelling and the most accurately describes the pros and cons of todays wrestling in such a witty, intelligent way that it’s hard not to binge listen to his diatribes!! I wish His liberal political views were kept to himself, his listeners are here to hear his views/opinions on Wrestling not Politics!! Thanks Brian and Jim but stick to what brought you to the Dance!!
Throckmorton79Awesome showEven starting to like the Last Brian I thought I’d ever like.
MisterHellJSeriously.45 minutes on Benny Hinn, seriously!? Cmon man, JFC, I’m taking away a star. This podcast is turning into the AEW of podcasts. Be better.
Corny’s CornerBest in the world!!If you don’t get hooked with one episode , then you are not a true Wrestling fan .
Na Alii HaloloGreat PodcastEvery week we get to relive memories of the great territory days with Jim and TGBL. Corny has an incredible mind and attention to detail, which makes for a very entertaining podcast. I am in sales and when I hit the road, I binge listen to Corny;s podcast. The only drawback is his uninformed rants about Trump and conservatives. His arguments are ignorant and uninformed. He sounds like a total mark of the liberal media. But that is why we have fast forward.
Tom smoothLegendary statusThe greatest wrestling podcast duo of all time
Monster's InkThe one podcast I listen to.I was never big into podcasts but after coming across Jim Cornette’s YouTube channel, I checked out the Experience and The Drive-Thru. I am LOVING it! Cornette is a walking library of wrestling knowledge and he’s hilarious. I’m here for all of it!
@Joe NegronReal lifeI have the best podcast ever , I and my ( partner) talk and talk about how awesome AEW is , for for all you guys wondering if I Joe Negron get lockjaw , the answer is no , ( obviously ) Please send me $$ I really need it Smart wrestling fan .com
Shoreline71Snorting Opiate GummiesIf BL isn’t somewhere sleeping during the show, he’s high on pills and pot or he’s talking about pills or pot or he’s angry talking about how bad everybody is, except for the ones of a certain religion or he’s screaming about a bad podcast that until like yesterday, had no episodes in a year. But I guess when you hitch your wagon to Corny’s success, why even try? And he loves to block people, so much he’ll accidentally block a sweet tweeter! Watch…
Dan from Davison,MiBrian LastCan you time stamp past all the political stuff like I tune in to hear WRESTLING conversations. The politics stuff is just a broken record no matter which side of the offense your on! Just keep it simple wrestling and funny stories about cars falling out of heaven out of Jim’s fence Great job as always
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